Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Killrock; 70 hours prior Day One to landing at Killrock 2.3

1.          The Invasion wave

The Draconian came in one Troop Transport ship with an escorting Destroyer. It was the Destroyer who stood in patrol nearby while the Transport ship came into orbit. The Transport launched the advanced troops; six hundred of them them onto the surface. The Transport Ship holds the rest of the Division of four thousand over troops still on board.

Their first target was the Production Lines. Then the Space Port and finally the Settlement Structures. The Mothership took its main guns and shot at the Space Port. The Port was flatten with the barrage from the Mothership but there was no freighter on the landing pad. It had took off on the instruction of the Controller and was now loading in non-combatants at the blind side of Flat Top. The officer on board the Mothership did not scan the whole place except the structures.

The Militia and Guards mobilized took to the offensive with the pods launched from the Troop carrier. But the lack of practice with the weapons took its toll on the accuracy. They were no match for the crack scouts of the Draconian invaders. The invaders were on their hovering discs which made them very fleeting and deadly. The Draconian scouts shown have mounted up their rotary guns which was blasting holes in the colony defenses.

Lieutenant Peterson was the one holding the defence at the Production Lines but when he saw the first wave of Draconian scouts approaching. It looked a s shifting sand storm and then the appearances became more apparent with the image getting clearer. The huge Draconian frame at a distance was still intimidating but on their hover disc; they looked like hornets on the field.

It was a nightmare brought to life for these inexperienced Guards.

The perimeter were overrun by a blink of an eyesight, and the Draconian Scouts were already in the Production Lines facility. Peterson screamed for the countdown to began but the Sergeant at Arms was still nervous in reaching for the main switch. He looked at the Lieutenant for affirmative again.

"Do it, Rashid. You got five clicks to get out." Peterson had pulled puy his PH450 and point to Rashid.

Rashid nodded and pressed the remote switch to start the countdown. He then threw the switch into the corner before running for the doorway. Lieutenant Peterson did not bother to stopped him as he knows the Draconian have surrounded the outside. He looked at the young militia next to him.

"You get bullied in Hell, tell them my name. I would take their hide off." Peterson assured the young man. He then pressed the primary switch which was the final switch that would blow the place up but nothing happened.

Rashid did not mount the switch properly or someone sabotaged it. That was the first thought on his mind. 

"Damned!" Peterson went over to the secondary main production controller and pushed all the levels to maximum. That was his second choice to overload the machines. He was to push the last main level when he changed his mind. He helped to build to this place and now he was destroying. He looked at the Militia and was surprised to find the man pointing the rifle at him. The young militia had shot him dead then before he took to the doorway. He did it as he was afraid to die there with the machines. The young man rushed out of the office to looked for his family but he was waylaid by some Draconian Scouts. They came up to him and removed his head with one sweeping move with the blade.

The Draconian officer on the Destroyer managed to detect the freighter leaving the planet. It alerted the Commander of Destroyer who had the ship guns leveled on the freighter which was climbing into orbit.

Captain Manning have flown army crafts and this was one time he wished had guns or missiles. The Destroyer guns first took off his main engines and then the left wing side of the freighter but Manning held on tight to the controller. He had a load of five hundred refugees here but inside him, he knows they are going to die. Then he did the next stupid thing; he's going to make sure all their lives are delivered to Hell with a prize; the Destroyer.

The hundred tonnes freighter went to full power as the Captain swung the freighter to avoid the guns. He evaded some of the shots but those he did not missed, hit the freighter on some areas on the surface causing some damages. Manning leveled back the controller on the Freighter and brought it to bear towards the Destroyer. The collision of both ships created a bigger explosion that decimated both ships.

Back on the planet surface, the Militia and Guards with the Settlers all looked up at the explosion. They fought for those to escape but then there were all destroyed.

"Lets kill them." The Militia and Settlers shaken off their hope and fear now charged at the Draconian. They staged a desperate defense line at the Settlement but the Draconian were just overwhelming. The wave of the Draconian were just delayed for a slight time before they declared victory over the enemies.

The Draconian were successful in invading the colony in less than two hours. Their losses were minimal but the lost of the Destroyer was a major setback. The Troop Carrier unloaded all its contingent of over three thousand troops and weapons onto the colony before taking off on getting reinforcement. There are now a division of Draconian on the surface complete with armored support and weapons. The Guards and Militia are all neutralized and put to death.

That was the Intelligence assessment and as usual it was a blunder based on assumptions. Not all of them were annihilated.

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