Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Killrock: 00:00hrs Day One on the planet 1.4

1.          The Scouts

There are no twelve members squad within the Draconian scout, they come in cluster of twenty five personnels with their leader; the Head Scout. The advancing scouts numbered over a hundred units with their Head Scouts'; traveling fast as they moved on those mini disc pods at their feet. The scouts moved in pairs with one in front and the other watching its flank like fighter pilots. They were three kilometres away when the carriers landed. They immediately mobilized within one click and hit the perimeter on the left side first.

Squad Leader Perkins made a sign of prayers and then laid out the ammo clips on the ground. He also placed the PH450 on the ground and raised his PH375 on the shoulder to fire. He looked to the darkness area on the horizon; saw the shades of darkness are moving but he still can't out the numbers. He test fired off in short bursts at the approaching scouts, and his squad followed suit. As the streaks of fire went off, some of it came into contact with the Draconian Scouts on their hovering disc. THe ones which got shot hollered out in pain and the sneak attack was no more a surprise .His volley of fires took down some Draconian Scouts but many more evaded his shots as they rode on their hovering disc.

"Concentrate on the middle!" Leader Perkins shouted as he lowered the PH375 to reload.

Another Ranger holding the XH17 flame thrower ran to crouch next to the Squad Leader. The flame thrower was a preferred weapon of the Scouts to weed out the enemies burrowed into the ground but again limited in use. Its a designed like a PH450 with a larger barrel and instead of a butt stock; a steel ceramic flexible hose attached to the back pack of mixed fuel which provides the deadly flames. The backpack can last a continuos flow of flames for half an hour before its needs to be refilled.

The Ranger named was Lois and his niece. Lois spurt off a long streak of flames from the right to the left bringing down more Draconian Scouts. The streak of flame was like a long ray that shoots out at over fifty over metres, with heat scorching effect on contact. The flame would burned at the armor or flesh which ever comes into contact. The combination of the chemical for this high temperature flame was designed to melt down even armors on tanks. She then dropped the flame thrower when its tank showed empty and unslung her rifle to fire. She fired off in a full burst from left to right watching some Draconian getting shot off their disc while Perkins was reloading. When he took to cover her, the Scouts are almost near them, 

"Damned! They don't stay down." The Draconian fought to the last breath of their life and are resilient to many injuries unless you hit the vital parts. With her gun running of ammo, Lois dropped that and pulled out her PH450. The scouts are at fifty metres and coming in fast so the hand blaster can also do damage at this close range. They could hear the battle cries of the Draconian Scouts before the smell of these unwashed bodies. The mass of the charging Draconian Scouts was intimidating as lighted by the burning flame lights when they came nearer.
Lois score with the flame thrower was ten scouts before they overran the position. They zipped over her and caused her to rolled onto the left while Leader Perkins went for his right. Both of them have grabbed fresh ammon for the PH450 and began blasting away on reloading. Lois got hit by a floating disc on her left shoulder causing her to dropped her gun. She held onto her shoulder and saw the Draconian scout hovering over her with the rifle aimed at her.

She did not get shot at as the scout toppled over when shot by her uncle who saw her predicament. She looked over to the Draconian Scouts that overran them and now engaging the rest. She saw her mates getting shot or run over by the scouts with the cleavers spurting flesh and blood. She got up to get up and saw the Squad Leader getting shot in the back.

"Damned you!" Lois grabbed back her PH375 that was on the ground and try to load in the new clip. As she was reloading, she saw the launching of the missiles from the staging area. She smiled at the Eagles missiles coming at her position but she was shot in the back by a Draconian Scout before the missiles landed.

It was Squad Leader Nur saw the approaching scouts and signaled the Eagles missiles to be released. The first batch of four missiles went off in a wide spread arc to the left side of the staging area.

'Fire in hell." Leader Nur shouted out on the comms for the forward Rangers to keep their heads down. She then grabbed the rotary guns and fired away above the heads of the Rangers in front. As the missiles descended, it would explode it fore panel to release the mini bombs that dropped on the advancing Draconian. While her missiles took their toll on the advancing Draconian scouts, Leader Nur had her guns removing of those who are still hovering but she still managed to slipped through.

Squad Leader Toole had set up the landing signals on the area and now had his fifteen Rangers crowded all around him with their back to each other. He saw the approaching Draconian scouts and gave out the command to shoot. They fired their assigned PH375 with a tight volley that brought down some of the scouts. The projectiles in close formation was like a horde of hornets flying with their stings but the speed of the hover disc and numbers soon overwhelm them.

When his PH375 ran out of ammo, he pulled out his PH450 to shoot but some of his Rangers had pulled out their serrated blades against the Draconian mallets and cleavers for the close combat. He blocked a swinging cleaver with his blade and then shot the lower torso of the Draconian with the PH450. When the other half crouched back in pain, Leader Toole swung his blade downwards onto the neck of the Draconian. He hit the Draconian on the left side of the neck and followed through with a crushing blow on the shoulder. He was pulling out his blade when another Draconian came from his right side and thrust the cleaver into his lower ribs at the exposed chest plates before dragging it upwards. He couldn't scream as the life from his life force was dragged out by the serrated blade with the blood and organs spilling out. But the Draconian Scouts were too many and soon they were killed to the last man standing. It was Leader Toole holding onto his blade with one other hand missing. He stood there as three Draconian Scout hovered around him. They are intimidating him like a herded creature but not delivering the last blow.

"Damned you!" Toole lunged at the nearest Draconian and was given the final crushing blow on the side of his head/. The blow crushed his Helm body into his left ears and fractured his scalp. He died smiling as that was an instant death compared to torture by them.

Squad One Leader Mano who was covering the right side came running with his squad to assist Leader Toole squad. The newly arrived squads lined up and threw in volley of shots into the hovering Draconian that was killing the other squad Rangers. The three Draconian got caught in the volley but the remaining Draconian scouts withdrew back leaving their wounded and dead. It was not the Squad which made them retreat but the arrival of the reinforcement from the Frigate.

The staging area was soon lighted as the first wave of Troop carriers including the Heavier Transporter ferrying the division with armor including four Chieftain Tank and one company of Rangers.

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