Saturday, February 23, 2013

Darling, am I obese.....

“Take off your clothes, sit upright and look down at your penis, if you can’t see it, you are obese.”

That was the subject of my conversation with my lover that cold morning as we were having breakfast in bed; under the warm covers of the electrical blanket, with the comfort of the satin sheets caressing our skin beneath us. I know its near to 90 degree outside but who cares; my aircond running cold and the mood was to eat breakfast in the buff here. That was the general idea until the idiotic box of the  second generation TV called the Laptop popped up between us. Honestly, I much preferred my 'laptop' to gyrate and do the belly thrust than having me thrusted me with that article. 

"Henry, I wondered if you can see yours?" My lover patted me on the flatten mesa there. ( Facts of the anatomy; the belly flattens down when you lying down. Other parts may remain upright depending on the brain waves messaging system coupled with the blood circulation hyraulic mechanism. )

"I do." I was honest about it. I do see it reflected in the mirror. ( Facts of adolescent; the days of working up over the length and girth of my anatomy was over. ) I know its there  and when I needed it; its there. For the last decade or so, my lover had been very diligent in observing as well as tending to me there.

"Seriously, darling. Do you see it from up here?" My lover point at my eyes.

"I hardly looked there, as I am more focused on yours." I replied. Likewise I been diligent on my lover in the same longtitude and lantitute. "Won't you consider it a fair exchange?"

"Darling, I am trying to specific. I could be overweight." ( Fact of the what not to speak on during foreplay; never comment on one's body parts. ) I looked at my lover and wondered what was the cause of it. He had always been wider at the gidth and we never do missionary anyway.

"Well, climb on and let me assured you; its not the sight that counts, but the feel of it."

Facts of sex life; lovers need to appreciate more than the physical body parts, they need to know how to endorsed the less appealing parts too.

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