Sunday, February 17, 2013

COTN House of Karen Part 4

2. Family or Foe's 

Orina was a young girl, when her father told her that she is to meet a young man who may want to court her for his wife. Now Orina was at that time, was still thinking about kicking boys more than to love one. She squirmed at the thought but she has no mother to asked on those questions in her head. Soon the young man arrived and he announced himself to the young lady then in the family Hall.

"My name is Ricken of Vanir. Its a land far from here and yet we are traders so no land is far for our trade. I did asked your father for your hand, but I would also be fair to both of us. We would be given a season to know each other before we decide again." Ricken left that day but he did returned the week later bearing gifts for the lady. He stayed for a day before moving on and often come back. She however take him on her walks and spend time discussing with him on many things.

She did not pay much attention to him when he used to play with the serpents that seemed to come to him. She also did not pay attention to the assorted serpents that seems to be around when Ricken is around. She then saw the bracelet on his wrist. Its no ordinary bracelet but one which resemble a serpent coiled around the wrist. She asked him for it, and he gave it to her. The bracelet uncoiled and slither across the hand and onto Orina'. It moved on and then reversed the head to settle on the other' hand.

"It would protect you from harm." It did on several occasion when she was in danger, but she did not know that the bracelet was also seeping into her body and soul. It influenced her view on Ricken and soon she was married to him. She bored him a daughter named Kiring but Ricken never come back to see the mother or daughter. She did not know that her lover was involved then in preparing a war, but was soon to die before he hand over to a new successor.

Now that new Set is claiming on her daughter as it befitting to marry one that is destined to be his bride. Or brides as they are a few that he had laid claim to.

The first born would be a child hat would be the next bride of the new Set. That was the tradition and it would remain so until eternity ends.

"Now you know the truth of your legacy. You and me, and our daughter would continue to breed for Set. I did not plan your union with Set, but you did it nevertheless. You see, Kiring, we are the Serpent God'." Orina; mother of Kiring looked at her child. "You are hurt, and yet you run to seek the help of the enemy. Why did you not looked up Set or Seti? He would had cured you. Those bites are his guards and you ran."

"Seti created this." Kiring point to her missing limb, and scarred face. "He blamed me for failing to captured Malech. He sent his serpents against me. Some of my children who stood for me fought hard but they are no match for him. They bought me time and I ran for safety. Do your lover do that to you?"

"I did not know. I do not know the new Set. I only get instruction from him. Since the Great War and when I went missing." Orina shrug her shoulders. "Jarek has been monitoring the situation for me while I hide here. Its been years and its worth it when I saw the House go down."

"So Jarek is replacement for father? Do you not love him?" Kiring shouted back.

"Jarek is my true love. He may not father any child with me, but he love me deeper than any lover. Jarek also saved me from the execution. He hide me since then." Orina reached out her hand to touch Jarek on his shoulder. "I trust him with my life."

The double blade sword bearing Jarek' name pierced his heart. Its held by Orina as she twist the sword and pushed in deeper until it cut through to the back. Jarek stared at his lover and it registered confusion on the face.

"I am sorry, Jarek. I have my family back now. You are now not needed but thank you for the years of comfort." Jarek finally slide down to his death.

"As for you, Kiring. I would do what I can to protect you. You are my daughter. Always mine. Never Set or Ricken. They hurt you means that they hurt me too. That I cannot permit. I would fight the new Set who have harmed my daughter." Orina walked to her daughter but Kiring stepped back to avoid her. "Why are pulling away? I am your mother and I love you."

"No, mother. There is one thing I have learned from the Serpent; we developed an unique instinct. Its called knowing your predator before they strike at you. You do not have my mother' scent."

"Then its time for me to remove my disguise." Orina reached for her face and pulled away at the cheek with a magical spell. It revealed a face familiar to Kiring. 

"Pipa!" The previous frail lady now stand up with younger body and smiled at her once good friend.

"Yes, I came here when you went missing. I saw your mother and she was dying. She also asked for you so many times, until I silenced her. So that is one more reason for you to kill me. Set wants you to taken out, but I told him to let me try." Pipa walked to the dead Jarek, and she drew out the double blade sword.

"I am not going to kill you today. I wanted to captured you. Seti and Netsu are in conflict. This means that I need to take some gamble. One of them is you." Pipa threw the sword at Kiring but Kiring had anticipated the move. She jumped to the doorway and ran from there.

"Kiring, come back", but Kiring is already outside. She ran to the right and jumped into water there. She submerged and swam to the hidden culvert under the tower which leads to a tunnel that she can climb into back to the tower at another section behind the Hall. Its a escape path for the Head of Council if there is an attack. Orina told Kiring that hidden room as this was how she always come in to listen in on the discussion. Its a game for her then, now its her plan to get vengeance.

She exit at the hidden room and she took to the hidden doorway panel. She opened the panel and she saw no one in Hall. Pipa has gone looking for her or left the island. Kiring walked to the doorway which she rushed out earlier but she cannot find Pipa outside there too. She leaned out and saw Pipa on a boat being drawn by some serpent but she saw her children. The twins are attacked by a number of dark scorpion and the twins are losing the battle. Kiring wanted to cry out but she held back her scream for fear of alerting Pipa. She closed the door and lean against with her tears flowing freely

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