Sunday, February 3, 2013

Killrock; 70 hours prior Day One to landing at Killrock 2.2

1.          The Security Office

Lieutenant Peterson looked at the order received by him from Federation. He threw the pad to the floor and walked away from the main window view from his office to the Production line in the Grinding Building. The machines are still grinding feverishly there while the workers are manning the control panels.

"Lieutenant, do we proceed?"Sergeant at Arms Rashid await his order from the tall man with the metal hook. He smiled to himself, that would the story character he read to his son fits the officer well with only one thing missing; the cutlass at his waist.

"Yes, we would proceed but beware that Chief Ricken does not see you set those things?" Chief Marcus Ricken runs those lines like his own babes. He was one miserable son of bitch who married five times but left all of them without a word; and now living in his own unit working or cursing at the skies.

The Sergeant took to his duty with those heavy set shoulders bearing on the wide waist line; hollering to the men to carry out the crates of explosives. Those voices would reach some ears which would repeat to the Chief and there goes the secretive nature of the works.

"Damn you, Rashid." Lieutenant Peterson cursed at his officer but made no effort to reprimand him. He knows the Chief well; both of them were here when the first foundation for the lines were laid and they made a pledge to keep it running for many more years. Now he is going to break that pledge to destroy the lines.

2.          The Production Lines

Chief Ricken threw the faulty gauge at the Technician who had just replaced it. The issue was not the gauge but the shoddy works done on the piping was causing the short life of the gauges. The Technician does not dare to tell that to the Chief as he knows the Chief loved the lines like his own.

"I am telling you these parts are not up to par. You guys are sabotaging my lines." Chief Ricken got up when he saw the Guards placing things in the controller panels. He walked over and confront the Sergeant at Arms who was giving the commands.

"Rashid, what are you doing at my consoles? And what are those things?" Ricken points to the boxes at the back of the consoles. Then he identified the design. "Are those C10's?"

"Ask the Lieutenant." Rashid was indifferent to the Chief's questions. That caused the Chief to grabbed the wrench from the flooring where the Technician was working. The Chief swung the wrench at the Guard placing the explosives but he stumbled on some loose nuts. He fell forward and topple over the railings onto the next level below at ten metres.

Chief Ricken was the lucky one to missed the coming battle.

3.          The Space Port

Controller Theresa directed the hundred tonnes freighter 'FC Odin' to Landing Two. Its a small ship with a very big name on its hull but she was a fast ship. It only need a five man crew to operate it. She completed the landing sequences and saved the data. She then looked at her five year old daughter Alice named after she read the fable tales during her pregnancy. Upon the birth of her daughter, Theresa signed on for this exploration and two years ago she got her letter of confirmation. She was to approached her daughter when she saw the incoming signal. It was from the remote warning satellite.

"Level Three Alert Warning." It could only mean one thing; they are under the threat of being invaded.

Theresa picked up the comms and called for Lieutenant Peterson.

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