Friday, December 14, 2012

Sneak Preview The Crusaders II Draft

Crusaders II: The Legion of the Damned.

First Draft Page 72

Miles dropped his bow and slumped himself onto the seat there in the living area of the safe house while the rest took their own seating except for Thor and Balder. The duo choose to stand by the window looking at the star light skies, wondering how far their homes are.

"Please have a drink as I update you all." Father Ricken laid the drinks for the weary Crusaders and their ally, The Asgardian. "Lucifer have suffered a number of setbacks. His American charter at the prison have been 'exorcised', while you dispersed his European charter with your timely attack.. We heard that The Middle East and Pacific charter are going back into hiding leaving one more charter; Asia would be the last one to be taken care of."

"We were also advised that you have taken care of the Norse Dimension issue and Odin have assigned you two formidable heroes to retrieve the trickster." Father Ricken continue on as he topped up the glasses. "But the main leaders still evade us including the Prince of Darkness, Lucifer."

"Father Ricken, there are some unanswered questions in my mind." Geraldine stood up and faced the priest. "We encountered gateways between dimensions in our quest. I was sent to their dimension, Clawler sent back to his forest, Miles and Kruger to another version of Hell. I am beginning to wonder if there are more to his than just a recruitment drive."

Father Ricken looked at the lady among the group of men. He nodded and placed down the bottle he was holding onto.

"Sometime back, we had uncovered a hidden scroll which was kept in the vault for nineteenth centuries; it was the sacred oath to hold it until a certain time and date. It was the final chapter of the Book of Revelation but this chapter was never revealed till now." Father Ricken took up an untouched glass and gulped down the wine. "The scroll speaks of the collapse of the dimensions when the gateways between it would open. It would be the free migration of good and evil between the gates, but there was a warning. If the gates are not closed, then the worlds in all the dimensions may be changed."

"But what it means by the changes, the author of the scroll did not reveal. Could it bad or good? We did not know." Father head slumped down in despair. "The committee of the House governing this scroll then had a new shock; an apparition of a scene from another dimension appeared. It was the House of Judgment in Asgard."

"Yes, I heard of such scroll." Balder spoke up. "I was summoned to the Hall by Odin who showed me his Scepter. The Scepter emits a picture of writings of the olden days, when our fore fathers rides the plains or sailed the high waves on the sea.. There was no Asgard then, but settlements. Among one of the settlement was the structure we knew as the Hall of Judgment. The words spoke of similar writings to yours, and Odin consulted Yggdrasil but the tree of life would not tell. That was when he told me to be vigilant of the realm and above all, Yggdrasil."

"Why didn't you tell me, Balder? I am your brother." Thor asked of the other. "Do you know of late, I dreamed of defending Yggdrasil from evils. They want to take Yggdrasil but I fought them all."

"Brave words, mighty warrior of Asgard." Father Ricken praised the warrior. Then he looked at the Crusaders. "All of you had dreams too. You called them nightmares but they are actually training you for your real war. The war to preserve the dimensions from converging. Lucifer may not know it but he is just the pawn in the war here."

"Don't make me wring out the information from you, Father? Who is the one behind this war?" Miles was getting agitated with the information withheld.

"God himself."

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