Monday, December 31, 2012

COTN House of Judas Part 10

10. The Recruit

Jedi looked at the recruits which has been in training since he went looking for Malech. The new team is shaping up well under Dern. There is one other recruit Jedi is looking at; an elf he been watching for days since he returned. Jedi learned the name is Anaki from the House of Judas. He seen this recruit before at the House but he can't placed the identity. One things which he is very keen at is that this person is always in the company of one other; a burly tall wide frame warrior. Jedi was told that the other is also from the House of Judas named Benta, but he is mute as his vocal muscles are damaged. What brought the attention of Jedi is that the two seems inseparable and the later is watching over the former. They are in training now with some wooden swords. Jedi walked over and interrupt the training.

"I would like to see how well prepared this team. Take your position in a circle so we can create an arena for the coming test. You," Jedi points to Anaki. "And you too." He points to Benta. "Fight as if you are enemies."

The two warriors came out and faced each other with their weapons. They began encircling each other and feign thrusts at each others but they did not do any direct confrontation as yet. The rest of the others starts to holler and jeer at them but they still avoid any direct fights. Jedi could not see to that anymore as he rushed in and attacked Benta. Jedi grabbed one of the warriors training swords and went in swinging at Benta. The warrior defended himself like a true warrior and stepped back to hold his sword in the manner which he was trained.

Benta stepped back to prepare himself but he was distressed on seeing Jedi going for Anaki. Benta reacted in the way any body guard would do; restraint the attacker. Benta jumped Jedi by grabbing him with a bear hug.

"Hit the sword on his head." Benta shout to Anaki when the later was looking confused at the new event. "Hit him hard. I can't hold him on forever."

Benta did not expect Jedi to back butt him with the head into the nose bridge. That blow staggered the warrior and he let go off his arms. Jedi turned around and thrust his right palm into the warrior's lower jaw. Jedi then turned back to faced Anaki. This time the young warrior have two more warriors backing him.

"Does that mean I cannot touch him? Who is he?" Jedi shouted out loud but no one would answered him.

"Face me, Judas Warrior."

Jedi faced back the warrior whom he had smashed the nose. Benta is now armed with the double blade sword; a favorite of the Karen. He swing the sword back and forth as he walked towards the leader of the team.

"Hold it." Anaki speak out loud. "He need to know."

Benta stared at the warrior who had embarrassed him He lowered his sword and the angrily threw the sword towards the ground in front of Jedi.

Jedi turned to face the young warrior again.

"I know your face from somewhere. Its not in the House of Judas." Jedi looked from the young warrior to the two who stands as guards. "Karen'?"

The young warrior walked up to Jedi.

"My name is Lenti, Councilor of the House of Karen. The...."

"The youngest. I heard of you. Why did you hide your identity? There is nothing to hide in this place. We are to be the Next Nation. Do you remember that?" Jedi shout at the co called young councilor. "What do you want?"

"I want your team. You are not a leader suitable for the task. I am as I am also a Councilor and more to it, I have more leadership qualities." The young warrior stepped up to face the older warrior. "I also have my team here."

Five more men stepped up to stand with the young Councilor.

"I got eight men here, with another ten more in the forest. They been there since I came to join you. Tell me who has a more chance to continue for the task."

Jedi turned his back onto the young Councilor. He kept on walking away from the young challenger. The councilor holler for him to come back but the warrior ignored the calls. The councilor signaled one of the men next to him to attack Jedi. The warrior rushed up yelling from the rear of Jedi armed with the wooden sword. The attacker raised his sword for a overhead down cut on Jedi, but he ran into a back kick into his throat.  

"Aargh!" The attacker went down clutching his throat. Jedi walked towards the fallen warrior and he kicked the elf in the groin. The attacker now reached for his groin while Jedi picked up the wooden sword discarded by the fallen warrior. Jedi bring the sword down hard on the fallen warrior' right elbow.

"That is what a leader can do. Are you one, Councilor?" Jedi point the wooden sword towards the councilor. "Tell me or walked out of here with your men. I can do without them."

It was unexpected.

Jedi had to jump aside to avoid the swinging down thrust of the sword. He looked back to see Benta rushing to him with the sword. Jedi used his wooden sword to deflect the next blow and then he swing in with his wooden sword hitting the warrior in the midriff. Jedi kicked out with his right leg catching the half crouched warrior at the side of the head. The kick spin the warrior off his feet and was laid down flat on the ground.

Jedi turned to the young councilor.

"Fight me like a warrior." Jedi walked towards the young councilor. The young councilor pushed his other guard to protect him, but Jedi just keep on coming. The guard stepped aside to let Jedi walk by towards the young councilor who is backing away as Jedi step towards him.

"Stop! I surrender. I would leave now." The young councilor fall to his knee to beg for mercy. "Please let me go."

The words came out to easy for this councilor. If not for years of experience, Jedi would not had seen the dagger hidden in the tunic. The young councilor pull it out but Jedi had it seen coming. Jedi swing his wooden sword at councilor's hand to dislodged the dagger before he jab it into the councilor's face.

"That was a bad call." The next thrust was at the councilor's leg; breaking the right knee.

Jedi saw the young councilor being carted off on a wagon led by a oxen. The councilor is leaving alone as none of his men wants to follow. Dern was standing next to Jedi and he keep on looking at the departing cart.

"Jedi, I have a bad feeling on his. He may return sooner than we think. They do not become councilor by birth; they are good to get there with many qualities that we sometimes envy." Dern is either getting good or he just more talkative than before.

"Dern is right. I know him to never get up that easily." Benta limped over with his neck bandaged.

"I hope he does." Jedi turned to walk back. Dern followed suit leaving only Benta standing there. Benta still remains there and then he sighed. He did not see Jedi whispering to Dern.

It came that night, when fifty elves warrior rode up to the camp, with a carriage in tow. The group of warriors were stopped as they rode in, with over a dozen hidden archers lined up on both sides. Benta step out of the dark cover and addressed his Councilor and men.

"Warriors of Karen, all of you know me. I am the Councilor's personal guard....." Benta find his words interjected.

"Benta! You are my servant which is something you tend to forget. Stay out or die with them." The Councilor stepped out of the carriage as he speaks. He limped out and then point to the ex-guard of his. He did not see the volley of arrows that came at him. The councilor fell down with half a dozen in his body.

The accompanying warriors reacted with pulling out their weapons and was getting ready to ride for battle. The earlier man who addressed them spoke earlier.

"Warriors of Karen, did you hear me earlier? I come to tell you that the Councilor is weak. He is not the leader we want. I am offering you an alternative. One who would respect the code of warriors and also the warriors who followed. These warriors are not treated as servants but equal warriors in ranking. Do you know what I am talking about?"

The riders who are now watching with keen eyes looked around. Some of them are still restless as they pranced their mounts around.

"Settle down your mount and dismount slowly." Benta speak with his hands reached out wide.

That night, the strength of the camp were doubled in numbers.

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