This a bite off those Reality shows on Survival skills.......... Consider it as major shark attack.....chomp chomp....
"Shucks, this time yesterday, I was having fish and chips on the boat and now I am stranded on an island" He looked at me with his sleazy eyes. "With a bimbo wearing a swim suit."
"Well, we were on a boat and I was about to sunbathe." I had to admit I wanted to get some tanned into my skin before we docked at the port. Its a boat and there were three of us on it; its not like the beach where I can feel a set of eyes on me every time someone passed by me. I meant to they blocked the sunlight and I would not get my tan even out. It like putting on a mascara with a lash undone.
"The sun was bright so I changed. You did too." I pointed to him in his low cut hip lined trunks. He does looked adorable but I need to keep focus. We are stranded on an island after your boat overturned on that freak wave accompanied by that more freakish storm. All I could recalled then was holding onto the lifebuoy with him and floating through the night. When I woke up, I was on the beach and there he was laying there like a latino basking in the beach. If we were not on an island, I would be leaping onto him, but here; Geez, they may not have even internet here.
"Look, Dorothy. I did not planned this. All I wanted was a trip out to sea and back by night. I explained everything to your mum and God bless her soul if she is dead." He made a prayer sign on his chest.
"Well, my Mamma ain't here now. And its only you and me. If I am not any smarter, I would said you planned it all." I only knew him for over a week since we came vacationing to the beach. Mamma always said, 'girl, you keep your chastity till the vows are exchanged. Ain't no sales return on that one.' I always listened to my Mamma.
"I am sorry, Dorothy." He is coming towards me. This can't be. Who would hear me scream.
"You step no further, Jonathan Blake.....or I would scream." I spied a driftwood on the beach and grabbed it. It weighs a ton in my hands but it would do. "Step one more foot and I make sure you lose more than that."
It worked. He stopped. He is cursing in his mutterings. That is also not allowed. Mamma said no cussing or the devil would take you to hell.
"Jonathan Blake, you cussed no more. Or I won't talk to you anymore." I am sure he would feel lonely here on this island. "I meant I can speak to you but I won't reply to you."
That did it. He is walking away. Thank you, Mamma.
Oh, darned it. I needed to pee. I got to find a bathroom Even on the boat, we had a cubicle to peed. Its stored for emptying when we reached shore.
"Jon, I needed to pee. Where can I do it?" He looked at me with an exasperated look.
"If only you and me here now. You can do it anywhere. No one would bother you." He replied to me while checking out the beach on his side. Darned, I got to let go and I can't do it here. The fishes might die from the contamination. No, its not that I eat and digest the wrong stuff, but it must be properly maintained the environment. I spied a bigger driftwood over yonder. That would cover me while I peed. I would keep my eyes on him in case he peeks. I ran there and was shocked. There are dead fishes there.
"Oh my God, someone done it here and contaminated the fishes. This is unforgivable. I ran further up and reached the fringe of the treeline. I can see the waves does not reach here. This would be ideal. Then I said to myself; be dignified my dear. Do it properly. I saw a half open coconut and I squat over it. Darned, I need to remove the bottoms. The strings on it are difficult to pulled apart when you needed it. Maryanne once told me that Dave can removed her bra faster than she can clasped it on. She said men are good at that. Well, no man going to removed mine; its clasped in the front. I told Sully and Sally, never till the vows would you be suckled on.
That was a relief, and now I would carry this coconut half to under the sun. It would dry up the moisture and leave the minerals for the vegetation. My Science teacher told that once in class, during chemistry. Inside us are a lot of minerals. Sure pays to stay attentive in class, except biology. How can they expect to examine a toad's reproduction system. Its disgusting with all the probing. If Mamma knew she would tell the Principal off. Just like the time, she told him that I ain't running in those shorts. Its improper for a lady to seen running in her drawers. That was five years ago and now I am eighteen; able to make my own decision on my dressing. This skimpy outfit was my fust better buys; sure raised up the tidal waves.
"Dorothy, there you are. I was looking everywhere for you." I looked at him and gave him my hard stare.
"Jon Blake, don't you tell me you were peeking?" I barked at him.
"Geez, I just came running from the other side when I could not find you on the beach. What are you doing? Is that coconut drink?" He reached for it and caused me to spill it.
"Now looked at what you made me do? The environment would be affected. Do you know how many contaminants there could be in the urine?"
I guessed he knew the answer as he was pale looking and walked back to his part of the beach.
With him gone, I can worked on the next important thing; some clothes. I can't be parading in this skimpy suit. He could get ideas although he did not react as yet. Not that I would mind considering we are alone here, but if only he stayed above the waist. I can showed him my mole at the butt end. Its the one part I can hardly see most times unless there is a bigger mirror. No, heaven forgive me but I am not shoving my butt to any doctor to remove it. Not after the diet of beans I was on for a while.
Well, back to my task, I stepped over the debris; yes, I can assured you we are on an island lost from the nearest town or city. There are no ice cream parlor here; no hamburger stand or any beach umbrellas. But they have coconut trees and more trees which does not get described on National Geographic. I have to make do'; when in Las Vegas do as the locals. I am here so I am going local.
"Jon, do you know how to peg up a tent?"
"Mama-Mia, how on Earth did you get that?" That's an admiration. I got this outfit idea from a movie I saw on TV of a local girl running with a blue alien. I improvised on my top; a set of coconut husk laced together with some fine vines from a nearby tree. I don't think it would itch; I left it on Sully for a while. No reaction so in my words; aye. My bottom was a bit of an adventure.Hula are supposedly made from coconut leaves; I would kick Maryanne and her contribution to my knowledge levels. So I found the biggest leave I could find and its does cover adequately. I really felt like Eve then. Now I am looking at Jon aka Adam who is still wearing his trunks; mis-shapen now and I know what that is. I have seen my share of Adrian; my doggy back home when he sees Alice; Maryanne' bitch.
"Jon, I said a tent not 'tenting'." Men can be an irate at times; if they are in the mood, they does not care of where and who may be nearby; Maryanne Lessons into Sex.
But Jon showed me a better shelter. He actually built a shelter out of driftwoods that sloop to the back, prep on top are coconut leaves serving me as a roofing. He even placed small pieces around the sides like a wall. Its big enough for two of us.
"No bed? Where am I going to sleep? I would need a bed if I am to sleep." I looked at him. "You could build a couch for yourself."
I hardly seen a man cry but I am sure he did just then. But he came back later and tried to start a fire. I felt bad then so I sat opposite him. He was on his knee and leaning down to rub two sticks. I seen articles on it, and it may work.
"Get on it, Jon, You could make it one day." He looked up from his task and then he went down sighing. "Come on, Jon. Its not forever. It may happened. Trust me."
Then it dawned on me. Geez, the leaves does not actually bend to body contour; they are quite rigid. I knew I should had use the sea weeds and plaster it around those areas. I mean they used it for cosmetics. So it should be okay. And to my last words; it sounded like the last rites; trust those commercials. I might as well lie back spread eagled and closed my eyes.
So I stood up and walked away with my dignity intact.
By evening, he did not get the fire going but we took shelter in the makeshift "Pegasus" as Jon named it. I took the right and he took the left side. I had some leaves laid out as bedding and I would had worn back my suit but I can't find it. I am left with whatever I had on earlier. Okay, I lied; I added in more of the sea weeds.
I don't about other islands. We are in the Bermuda area; and here the weather can be warm at night. So we were okay for the first half night. Then the insects came, and I tell you, they bite. I knew I should had applied the sea weeds on Sully and Sally too.
But we survived the night. Our first night and we remain intact. I meant as friends. This ain't Maryanne tale, so let us keep the sex out.
Anyway, our stay on 'isolated island' was cut short.
"Mamma, you are alive." I saw my Mamma walking towards us still dressed in her sunflower frock. She looked bad as there were insects bites all over her arms and legs.
"I leave you for one night, and you could not even do something wrong. Or right."
I was confused. It seems only thing true was the tidal wave. We actually landed on an isolated part of the long beach. Mamma is a strong swimmer and she was on the beach before us. She been keeping an eye on us. She saw how 'righteous' we were, so during the night with her GPS locator she crawled out to the main road. She got a ride to the nearest town and had a very early breakfast. She then got some ointment for herself before coming back here on a rented car. She passed me a set of clothes to change. I looked at Jon and told him to turn his back.
"Does it matter? He won't get any wozzy after what he had already seen." Mamma replied with a pat on Jon' buttocks. Jon jumped up higher than Peter Pan in the movie.
That was six months ago; I am sun basking again with Mamma next to me. If you placed a 80's Ms Universe next to you in a skimpy suit, they would still marvel at how she maintained her curves after so two decades and one ceasarian birth. I am already feel safer now. As for Jon, he is fixing the baby room. She is due in four more months. He has got the decor done to resemble Blue Lagoon.
I knew I should not had invited Maryanne to my wedding,. She is just too infectious.
Creative writing is more of a compulsion to engage with yourself in a world of words, ideas, imagery. There are moments of hot exultation or prickly exasperated yet victorious expostulation when at last comes the right word, the rhyme that works or can yield surprise and pleasure. Thank you for sharing my engagement into those words. .
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