Monday, December 10, 2012

COTN House of Judas Part 2

2. Old Friends

The words has gone out to the cities and also forests, that the Borders Army golds were taken by the Elite Guards Outlaws. There was also a reward given for the recovery of the golds and capture of the outlaws. The later applies to anyone who was an Elite Guards before. Its well known that every member of the Elite Guards has a tattoo on their upper right forearm with the insignia of the Guards.

"Jedi, we have received messages of our previous Guards are seen in his area." Nikite points to Jedi the old mines near the Killi Hills. There is a small city there named Killi. "The message I got was they are looking for us, but we left no trail for them. I hear they are from Company 3." 

So they have old mates who are now looking for them. It funny that they did not attempt earlier to look them up as after the fall of the Elves Nation, they had left signs known to the guards at the designated areas. Its a communication code of theirs to regroup in such event, and that was also how they originally came together in the numbers of this current team. Since they got the gold, they are surfacing and that tells us they are here for a different reason.

Nikite and Jedi stalked the place from the nearby forest. edge Its an small tavern located at a fork road just outside the Killi city. Travelers who may want to continue their journey without having to stopped at the city would housed here for their rest. They been watching this tavern since yesterday and even scout the surround area for Man' troops but none has appeared yet. It was just before the noon, when they saw the three riders coming in.

"Its them. I recognise the shield." Nikite is getting excited on seeing some of old friends. Our shield are not square or circular but its in a octagon shape with sharp edge blade. "It looked like Briyen. I can recognise his forearm band. He wears it everyday."

Jedi know the one she spoke about; Briyen Tor is a Senior like myself. He is short broad shoulder build but he is also reckless hence his trouble. If Jedi is not mistaken the other two next to him are his kins; they are twins and related by the same father but different mother to Briyen. Other than the reckless behaviors they are good warriors to have on your side. They are experts in our swords; the long handed blade but the difference with the Elite Guards, is that each handle had a metal ring at the end of it, in which we can attached the long chain from our belt. At the end of the chain is a sickle which is what we used for the attack. Its an art taught to them by the masters.

"They have the sickle on the chain. I can see it." Nikite is getting up to meet her long lost friends but Jedi held her down. Jedi can see the trio taking their long handed sword and walking into the tavern.

"Stay here and guard the road. I would ride in alone and meet them. If you hear any fighting or Man guards, come in and get me." Jedi did not wait for the reply as he crawled back from the edge there to mount the horse.

Jedi rode down to the right along the forest edge before he leaves for the road. Jedi galloped in leisurely as he keep sight on the surrounding area. Jedi had on a frock over his armor inside along with the bow and quiver of arrows. The long handle sword is on his saddle and he would had it removed it later. Jedi reached the tavern and dismounted on the other side of the tavern far from the horses rode by Briyen. He pulled out his sword and carried it with him.

The tavern is like any other you would find in any place; low lighting and foul smells of traders and their wares with the most tables occupied by the travelers having their thirst quenched. The tavern counter is to the right and behind it is the probably the owner as he is preparing the goblet of wines to be passed to the young lass who served them out.

There are six square tables with one long one in the far end. Its seats eight but only three seats are taken. One of them is a Man lady dressed in leather armor and her sword is on the table.The other two are either traders or guards in disguise; they are always some around in places like these to check on suspicious characters.

The other six tables are all occupied with the other fifteen guests I remembered coming in during the day including our trio of old friends. Briyen and his half twins are on the side table on the left. Briyen seen me coming but he is not calling out for my name. The have left their swords leaning by the wall. Jedi took myself to their table and sat myself down.

Jedi placed his sword on the flooring as there was no place on the table.

"Can I share your table, friends?" Jedi asked politely as he looked into Briyen' eyes. He nodded and then took to pull the serving lass for some drinks and food. He went for his meal when the tavern door was opened wide and in came a squad of ten guards that took their position around the tavern.

Their leader came in last and he announced himself. He is a big man with larger girth around the waist which hangs his belt and sword.

"My name is Taren. I am here to hunt for the members of the Elite Guards. Raise your right arm and pulled up your sleeves."He shouted out to the guests of the tavern.

All the guests in the tavern stood up and pull out their weapons. They are armed with a sickle on the chain each and those wearing flocks have dropped them off.

"Who are you all? Oh.... I think I am going to regret." The guard named Taren looked around as he find himself and his men facing members of the the Elite Squad.

Within seconds, the guards including Taren are on the flooring holding to their slit throats. The eighteen members then grouped up and stood in front of Jedi. Briyen step forth to speak on behalf of the men there.

"We are all part of different company," Jedi can recognise some faces now that they have all removed their hoods or face cover. There are those who looked older and maybe even some are out of the required fitness but they can all still fight.

"I know you, Senior Jedi. I heard of your works as a mercenary. Tell us why are we here."

"I thought gold was your call, Briyen but I guess you could still be sway by other initiative. I am ...." Jedi was interrupted by Briyen.

"We know of your hijack. We are here for that only. Not any resurrection of the Nation as we here of some Elf telling the people of that. We are not keen on that. To us, the Nation is dead. We are surviving for our own. So tell us what is the value of gold for our services." Jedi looked at Briyen. He always was a bastard.

"There is none for all of you. I would find the real Elite Guards, and not some greedy bandits." The sickle on the chain missed Jedi ever slightly as he was to walk away. The sickle landed on the table he was sitting on.

Jedi ignore it and walked on. No one tried to stop him this time.

Jedi met Nikite back at the forest edge. He told her on their request and she was disappointed.

"I should had joined them but they do not have the golds. Not yet anyway." Jedi ignored her remarks.

Jedi was sitting on the pavement watching the guards as they go about their routine works. Its a guards barrack in the city but now it holds twenty Elite Guards members including the Briyen and his twin brothers. They were rounded up in the last few days by the guards within the city. Briyen himself is injured and he is limping on his left leg.

Today they are about to be transferred to Main Detention further inside the city. The three wagons are already parked there and there is a twelve mounted Guards following the wagon. The prisoners came out in chains and their heads were hooded. They were all loaded into the wagon. The wagon left with the prisoners. Jedi got up and walked to the nearby alley.

In the alley, were six of his team on horses. Jedi mount his horse and rode to the barracks entrance where its guarded by two sentries. All seven of them are dressed in Red Guards Uniform and Jedi was holding an officer rank.

"Guard, bring me to the officer in charge." Jedi told the guard at the entrance.

The guard salute back and proceeded to enter the building. Jedi got off the mount and his men did the same. They cornered the other guard and in a split second he was bundled into the building dead. The guard who went to look for the officer came to them with an irate officer from his rest. They were taken care of and three of the my team went to the holding cells to get the prisoners. The others followed Jedi to the armory and we broke in.

"Get all the weapons especially the Elite' ones." Jedi went to the main doorway and saw the second team have brought the wagons. He stepped aside to have the rescued prisoners mounted up onto the wagons.

Jedi saw Briyen mount the wagon and sit by the end. Briyen is not smiling but he is relieved to be rescued. The others threw in the weapons and the prisoners are already arming themselves.

"Proceed as planned." Nikite was in charge of the second team. She led the wagons off with first team covering their rear.

"Thank you for the rescue, Senior Jedi. We would pay you back. We would leave now......" Jedi threw his sickle into Briyen heart. Briyen is a liability with his injury as he would not walk again. His twin brothers tried to fight back but Nikite had them pinned with arrows from four archers.

"Members of the once proud Elite Guards, I am here to offer you two choices; walk out of here and be hunted by the Red Guards or joined me in forming the new Elite Guards. Our missions are going to get you killed too. But you die with pride." Jedi looked at the seventeen rescued warriors; some are standing while some are sitting there. Five moved to the door and stepped out, while the rest stayed as they were.

"Thank you. The healers would be here and you would be taken care of. After that you were all going to undergo basic training." They all left for their resting places, but Jedi stopped Nikite.

"I need you to do a mission. You are going to work for Lord Netsu' sorceress."

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