Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fall Winter ...Do they know it?

I was reading about the changeover of the season and then about the next celebrated events of Thanksgiving. It was also then there was a contest on Fall Winter and how we relate to it. I thought to myself, some of us don't even remember when its Fall or Winter as we lived on the Equator. Here we only know sun and rain with the calendar flipping to a New Year. Most of have never seen snow (maybe we had seen fake snow ) . Then it occured to me, I should not 'grumble' on the seasons. I could on my freewill move to where the seasons matter.

But there are some of us who would not have that freewill. They would also not worry about the dates except the day when they can live life like many of us. Most times, they lived in hunger, fear and also in desperation. We should extend our hands out to them on this day or everyday in the year so they would know we hear and feel their pain.

This is my tale to those who are living on the verge of starvation or in fear due to stupid acts that others do onto their own in the name of power. Be it today, yesterday or tomorrow, no one deserve this in their journey of life. 

I leaned over the corner wall and peeked round it. I can see nobody on the street and looked okay at the windows on the opposite side too. I pulled back and looked across the street where Aris was standing. He's done the same as myself; peeking at the windows and the street. I gave him the thumbs up and he responded back. I looked to Lati who was standing there holding the basket. I signaled to her to stay there and await my return. She is only five and is shivering from hunger than fright. I turned back to looked for Aris but he is not there. I peeked over the corner wall and saw him running between covers. He was not at the bombed out car and getting ready to move. I turned my body to move when I saw the glint in the descending sun of the last day of the month. It was November and by tomorrow we would be in December of the current year.

"Aris," I hissed out loud but the other did not hear me as he sprint for the open distance between the car and the bakery. He managed two strides before the shot came. The bullet did not had to aimed at head as he was only ten years old. Any bullet reaching him at that high velocity was sufficient to kill him. The bullet pierced his chest and exit at the rear.

Lati did not wait for my command but she was already running back to the shelter. She was crying aloud as she ran; forgetting all about her hunger. I turned once more to looked at my younger brother who was now writhing in pain as he lies there on the cobbled street. The shooter came out of his hiding; a man dressed in casual jeans and shirt with a scarf around his neck. He was no local as I can tell from his complexion but he wears the same look as the others who had come into my country months ago. They are claiming to fight a war for the nation when they lined their pockets with our money; looted or paid as mercenaries. The shooter was joined by three others; all armed and laughing at the dying boy.

I looked down at the half brick on the ground and was tempted to picked it up. I would had done it if not for the amputation that took off my right one. I was foolish to reached for the last brick which a soldier shot at my wrist to stopped my act. Was it his aim or my sudden move but does it matter anymore as that part of my hand laid now in the dust on the streets of my city. I would had died if not my mother who treated me with natural herbs and made up medicine.

Suddenly I heard the firing and then more firing were exchanged. I was afraid so I crouched down and cover my ears. It was a brief fight and soon the the place was quiet again. I was still there when a hand reached out for me. I jerked in my body but it was a man in uniform. The badge tells me he's from the peacekeeping forces. He crouched down next to me and motioned me to stay still. Others dressed like him came after him and ran out to the street. I wanted to warn him but he was not paying attention to me.

"All cleared." I heard the words; I know my language. I studied them in school too. The uniformed man then pulled me up to go with him. I would had resisted but he's holding a gun. He took me across the street and I saw the dead men; the three mercenaries all dead on the street like Aris. We stopped at the other side while the uniformed man speaks to his friends. There are seven of them and they are standing there chatting like there was no war here. One of them took out a pouch and passed it to me.

"Here, kid. Its December tomorrow. If we are at home, we would be celebrating Thanksgiving." I accepted the pouch and placed it in my shirt. "Go home, kid. We need to move on. And stay off the streets."

"Hey Sarge, here's a bakery. Do you think we can get some flour?" The soldier laughed and opened the door. The soldier was not laughing anymore when the trip wire pulled the grenade pin. I did not stay to see the aftermath as I ran back to the shelter. It was not far but its safe. My family' there with four others but we do not share our food. I passed the pouch to my mother who would distribute it among ourselves. I walked over to my bedding and pulled out the book. I remembered the word 'thanksgiving'. Its said there; a day of celebration for thanks at the end of November. Then I read the extra paragraphs; its also to mark the end of Fall and to welcome the new Winter season.

I looked at the setting sun, and wondered what's it like to see real snow. Here we have twelve months of sun and some rains but never snow. Guess, I would never know.. Mother is calling me to take my small share of the delicacy in the pouch. I took it from her hands and said to her; 'Thanks'.

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