Monday, December 31, 2012

COTN House of Judas Part 11

11. Nikite

"Jedi, Nikite just rode in." Dern alerted the Judas warrior that early morning. "She is injured. They are treating her now."

Jedi rushed over to see his previous squad mate who is now lying on the bedding at the Infirmary. She is breathing shallow and the healer is trying to soothe her wounds. The healer chased all of them out so she can be treated without any more harassment by them.

An hour later, the healer meet them outside the Infirmary.

"She is dying and there are nothing much I can do. Her wounds are deep and nasty. She wants to speak to you." The Healer is looking at Jedi. "Only you."

'Jedi...I am dying. The serpent beasts took down my men. They trapped us in the mountain. All of them died in the fight except me. I had to run to warn the others." She is whispering in low tones to me. "I will start from the beginning."

Nikite' tale starts from the day she left the camp with the others.

They rode some days to avoid the Red Guards and also to get as far from the rest, especially Jedi. Nikite fears him and he may bring these men back to his camp. She rode at the front but she was not sure where they would go. She heard of the attack at Red Dawn Temple from traders who hear more from their own sources. The rumors that the temple was sealed off because of that attack. There was also rumors from drunk guards that they killed a large serpent man. There was one interesting news that the sorceress is there.

"We would ride to Red Dawn Temple." She told the men but one protested on the decision.

"Red Dawn Temple is full of guards. Why do we go there?" Nikite looked at the one who questioned her command.

"If you don't like it, then ride away. I don't like my orders questioned." Nikite rode out without looking at the others. All of them followed her including the one who questioned her. The ride took two days when they reached the next hill that overlooked the temple. Nikite left instructions to the men and she rode off for the temple.

"I am here to see the Sorceress. Tell her that I am Nikite."

"Hello, Nikite. I trust you are here to see me on something important. I am surprised that you still believed me. My father betrayed you. You probably know now; we pre-arranged that to throw the belief that my father is fighting Lord Netsu on my so called death. Its all a ploy to pulled the elves who are still a threat to us. Yet you came here to see me."

"The Serpent clans killed my people. I heard they were here and I intend to find them, if they are back."

"You disappoint me. Your feed yourself with rumors. If there were any serpent clans here, do you think we would sanction it. We also hate the Serpents like your kind. If there is any Serpent beasts here, we would kill them first .........."

"Unless you are working with them, Pipa. Like me." Nikite pulled a medallion from her tunic. Its one which showed the double head serpent and Man. "I know you have one. I seen it before when I was guarding you. Lie not to me, Pipa. We are on the same side."

The Sorceress pulled the warrior by the medallion chain towards her.

"Don't taunt me with your medallion. My back of my medallion is has a logo of Seti. Do you think know what that means?"

"I am sorry, Priestess. I beg for your forgiveness." Nikite pulled away and fall back to her knees.

"There is no forgiveness as that is a sign of weakness. As you are my friend, I would give you a short respite to get clear. The serpents are here and they can sense your presence. I can feel it asking for your life."

"It? You mean Seti is here........." Nikite feels her spine taut with suspense. She did not wait for reply as she ran to her mount. The horse is nervous and was pulling at its reins but Nikite jumped onto the saddle to comfort the horse. She galloped out of the temple area. She rode hard to the men she left on the hill hoping she made it there on time.

She was halfway up the second hill when she heard the screams. She heard those screams many times in her warrior fights; they are not of bravery but of a merciful kill. Its usually that of a maimed victim. She rode hard while she shield her mind from the screams and pain. Then she saw made her fear; the serpents are in the forest moving parallel to her. She stopped her horse in mid gallop and a serpent flew out from the tree top. Nikite reaction was faster with her long handle sword when she cut the head of the reptile.

"I hate serpents.......Aargh!" Another one has bitten her in the thigh. She can feel the poison flowing, so she pull out the dagger and cut the serpent' head from its body. She then thrust the dagger into her bite wound. She had to let the blood flowed out or she would die. The serpents are not deadly for their bites, but their relentless pursue of the objective. The current objective is Nikite. Nikite struck down three more but the fourth bit into her right ribs as it find itself in between the lapels of the armor. 

Nikite did not scream out now, as she seem to had anticipated the pain and its all numb to her now. She reached with her left hand onto the serpent at her ribs and pulled it out. She bite into the serpent below the head. She moved her horse into a different directions and she rode hard. She had to escape from the trap.

It did not take long for her mount to dropped dead and she fell over. This time she screamed out loud. She sprained her right wrist and its been years she had tears on her cheeks.

She got up and ran while holding her wrist. She need to find Jedi. He need to know.

"I know." Jedi answered her. "I saw with my own eyes at the Twilight Tower. The Serpent' are back and this time they may win and we lose."

Nikite coughed and the blood that came out of her mouth does said much of her condition.

"I know of something which the Sorceress told me when we were sharing after the attempted assassination. Its to do with the sunken city of Aleria. She casually said that the next power base is not at Trivium with Man, but at Aleria. I thought that she meant Ealeria, the other name for House of Genoe." The two were sister cities before the wars between the two. Aleria was then also a city to rival Trivium as it was the later predecessor in glamour.

That was before the serpent took over Aleria. It was a combined effort of Man and Elves magic to sink the city to trap the serpents. They place a magical barrier on the walls to prevent the serpents from leaving.

"The Sorceress also mentioned that there is another one like her there, Kiring. They were both Malech the Spellbinder apprentice. It seems that Kiring is working with the Serpents to free them. Pipa fear her."

"You just said to me that Pipa is working for the Serpents." Jedi confront Nikite for more clearer statement. "You also told me before that Pipa' assassination attempt may be from Kiring. If they are on the same side, why are they fighting?"

"It a tussle for power. Pipa tricked Kiring to get the task to stay back at Aleria." Nikite is dying now. "If we find Kiring, we can find Seti. And also Malech."

"Why Malech?" Jedi grabbed the dying warrior.

"Malech is the Master. He may be working for the Serpents." The dying warrior is seeping away as her breathing became shallow. "Find one and you may get all three. Kill them and you may destroy one more weapon that the serpents can do without."

Nikite drew her last breath.

Jedi walked out of the Infirmary and bumped into Cedi.

"When did you arrive? You heard everything." Cedi ignored the warrior and looked into the Infirmary.

"Give her a funeral warrior. She is a Elite Guards of Judas. We would talk after the funeral.

The funeral for a warrior involved a burning pyre for the warrior with full dressed up regalia including weapons. The body would be carried on a six person carrier pallenquin to be marched into the makeshift temple for worshiping. The whole new Guards lined up in two columns and they would salute when the pallenquin passed them. The pallenquin would then be placed on top of a funeral pyre made of woods and fire potion. The funeral would then be addressed by the leader.

"I am not here to give you a speech. All I asked of you to do had already been done. Your salute to her is worthy of her status as a warrior. Now we send her on her way." Jedi leaned down to set the pyre on fire.

"Goodbye, Nikite. Send my love to our kid. He would like to have you at his side now." Jedi whispered to his lover whose soul is now joining their son. Their son, Midate died a year ago when he was bitten by a serpent. Since then, Nikite have not spoken to Jedi.

It was after the funeral that Jedi confront Cedi.

"You left Malech with Medi at Aleria? Can you trust Malech?"

COTN Cover

Here was the cover I did for the COTE Book 1. I hoped you liked it. 

COTN House of Judas Part 10

10. The Recruit

Jedi looked at the recruits which has been in training since he went looking for Malech. The new team is shaping up well under Dern. There is one other recruit Jedi is looking at; an elf he been watching for days since he returned. Jedi learned the name is Anaki from the House of Judas. He seen this recruit before at the House but he can't placed the identity. One things which he is very keen at is that this person is always in the company of one other; a burly tall wide frame warrior. Jedi was told that the other is also from the House of Judas named Benta, but he is mute as his vocal muscles are damaged. What brought the attention of Jedi is that the two seems inseparable and the later is watching over the former. They are in training now with some wooden swords. Jedi walked over and interrupt the training.

"I would like to see how well prepared this team. Take your position in a circle so we can create an arena for the coming test. You," Jedi points to Anaki. "And you too." He points to Benta. "Fight as if you are enemies."

The two warriors came out and faced each other with their weapons. They began encircling each other and feign thrusts at each others but they did not do any direct confrontation as yet. The rest of the others starts to holler and jeer at them but they still avoid any direct fights. Jedi could not see to that anymore as he rushed in and attacked Benta. Jedi grabbed one of the warriors training swords and went in swinging at Benta. The warrior defended himself like a true warrior and stepped back to hold his sword in the manner which he was trained.

Benta stepped back to prepare himself but he was distressed on seeing Jedi going for Anaki. Benta reacted in the way any body guard would do; restraint the attacker. Benta jumped Jedi by grabbing him with a bear hug.

"Hit the sword on his head." Benta shout to Anaki when the later was looking confused at the new event. "Hit him hard. I can't hold him on forever."

Benta did not expect Jedi to back butt him with the head into the nose bridge. That blow staggered the warrior and he let go off his arms. Jedi turned around and thrust his right palm into the warrior's lower jaw. Jedi then turned back to faced Anaki. This time the young warrior have two more warriors backing him.

"Does that mean I cannot touch him? Who is he?" Jedi shouted out loud but no one would answered him.

"Face me, Judas Warrior."

Jedi faced back the warrior whom he had smashed the nose. Benta is now armed with the double blade sword; a favorite of the Karen. He swing the sword back and forth as he walked towards the leader of the team.

"Hold it." Anaki speak out loud. "He need to know."

Benta stared at the warrior who had embarrassed him He lowered his sword and the angrily threw the sword towards the ground in front of Jedi.

Jedi turned to face the young warrior again.

"I know your face from somewhere. Its not in the House of Judas." Jedi looked from the young warrior to the two who stands as guards. "Karen'?"

The young warrior walked up to Jedi.

"My name is Lenti, Councilor of the House of Karen. The...."

"The youngest. I heard of you. Why did you hide your identity? There is nothing to hide in this place. We are to be the Next Nation. Do you remember that?" Jedi shout at the co called young councilor. "What do you want?"

"I want your team. You are not a leader suitable for the task. I am as I am also a Councilor and more to it, I have more leadership qualities." The young warrior stepped up to face the older warrior. "I also have my team here."

Five more men stepped up to stand with the young Councilor.

"I got eight men here, with another ten more in the forest. They been there since I came to join you. Tell me who has a more chance to continue for the task."

Jedi turned his back onto the young Councilor. He kept on walking away from the young challenger. The councilor holler for him to come back but the warrior ignored the calls. The councilor signaled one of the men next to him to attack Jedi. The warrior rushed up yelling from the rear of Jedi armed with the wooden sword. The attacker raised his sword for a overhead down cut on Jedi, but he ran into a back kick into his throat.  

"Aargh!" The attacker went down clutching his throat. Jedi walked towards the fallen warrior and he kicked the elf in the groin. The attacker now reached for his groin while Jedi picked up the wooden sword discarded by the fallen warrior. Jedi bring the sword down hard on the fallen warrior' right elbow.

"That is what a leader can do. Are you one, Councilor?" Jedi point the wooden sword towards the councilor. "Tell me or walked out of here with your men. I can do without them."

It was unexpected.

Jedi had to jump aside to avoid the swinging down thrust of the sword. He looked back to see Benta rushing to him with the sword. Jedi used his wooden sword to deflect the next blow and then he swing in with his wooden sword hitting the warrior in the midriff. Jedi kicked out with his right leg catching the half crouched warrior at the side of the head. The kick spin the warrior off his feet and was laid down flat on the ground.

Jedi turned to the young councilor.

"Fight me like a warrior." Jedi walked towards the young councilor. The young councilor pushed his other guard to protect him, but Jedi just keep on coming. The guard stepped aside to let Jedi walk by towards the young councilor who is backing away as Jedi step towards him.

"Stop! I surrender. I would leave now." The young councilor fall to his knee to beg for mercy. "Please let me go."

The words came out to easy for this councilor. If not for years of experience, Jedi would not had seen the dagger hidden in the tunic. The young councilor pull it out but Jedi had it seen coming. Jedi swing his wooden sword at councilor's hand to dislodged the dagger before he jab it into the councilor's face.

"That was a bad call." The next thrust was at the councilor's leg; breaking the right knee.

Jedi saw the young councilor being carted off on a wagon led by a oxen. The councilor is leaving alone as none of his men wants to follow. Dern was standing next to Jedi and he keep on looking at the departing cart.

"Jedi, I have a bad feeling on his. He may return sooner than we think. They do not become councilor by birth; they are good to get there with many qualities that we sometimes envy." Dern is either getting good or he just more talkative than before.

"Dern is right. I know him to never get up that easily." Benta limped over with his neck bandaged.

"I hope he does." Jedi turned to walk back. Dern followed suit leaving only Benta standing there. Benta still remains there and then he sighed. He did not see Jedi whispering to Dern.

It came that night, when fifty elves warrior rode up to the camp, with a carriage in tow. The group of warriors were stopped as they rode in, with over a dozen hidden archers lined up on both sides. Benta step out of the dark cover and addressed his Councilor and men.

"Warriors of Karen, all of you know me. I am the Councilor's personal guard....." Benta find his words interjected.

"Benta! You are my servant which is something you tend to forget. Stay out or die with them." The Councilor stepped out of the carriage as he speaks. He limped out and then point to the ex-guard of his. He did not see the volley of arrows that came at him. The councilor fell down with half a dozen in his body.

The accompanying warriors reacted with pulling out their weapons and was getting ready to ride for battle. The earlier man who addressed them spoke earlier.

"Warriors of Karen, did you hear me earlier? I come to tell you that the Councilor is weak. He is not the leader we want. I am offering you an alternative. One who would respect the code of warriors and also the warriors who followed. These warriors are not treated as servants but equal warriors in ranking. Do you know what I am talking about?"

The riders who are now watching with keen eyes looked around. Some of them are still restless as they pranced their mounts around.

"Settle down your mount and dismount slowly." Benta speak with his hands reached out wide.

That night, the strength of the camp were doubled in numbers.

Friday, December 28, 2012

COTN House of Judas Part 9

9. Redemption

"Councilor, we have to leave." Zeca pleaded with the councilor but she refused to budge from her high seat. She motioned to them to move the survivors to the designated places. "Councilor, the enemies are at our cavern entrances now. We got to move."

The councilor looked at the warrior.

"Saved yourself. I am no used to any of you now. Let me buy you time. Keep the survivals together. Build the new House. Go now!" She shouted out and the warrior saw the need to leave was now. Zeca left her sitting there by the seat. Its all the Judas warrior's fault. He brought the Man to here. He showed them our sanctuary. Zeca took to flight to followed the survivals.

When he came back from releasing Jedi, he was confronted by the panic scene among the elves. He rushed to the cavern which housed the warriors including the Canaan archers. He saw it was empty of any warriors but there was things strewn all over the place. He saw one Karen warrior grabbing his sword to joined the battle. He remembered the warrior as he was suffering from a poisoning of some herbs he taken.

"Denom, where are you going?" He looked at Zeca and shrug his shoulder.

"They need all the help they can get. The warriors are holding the Man in the forest. The Councilor has asked the rest to leave by the hidden tunnels. I have to help too. It more better for me to die in battle than to be killed in my bedding." The Karen warrior then ran towards the forest to join whoever are still there. Zeca ran to the cavern where the councilor sits.

Now he is running towards the hidden tunnels. He met four warriors there who guards the passage.

"How many has cleared?" He asked of them.They told him many but they did not count. They were to leave soon to be the flanking guards. Zeca told them to so and he would followed them.

In the forest, a warrior with a long handle sword hides himself behind a boulder to look at the Man's detachment of warriors. They numbered eight of them and he seen two of them before with General Noah. The leader is not here but he should be near. Jedi seen three of these detachments but this one holds his attention more. There is a prisoner with the detachment.

"Why are we to escort this old lady to the clearing? Why can't we just kill her now?" The one who spoke was holding the leash on the old lady. She is still dressed in her fine silk dress minus her accessories and cloak.

"You do as commanded, John. The General wants her to be taken by the wagons to the city for public display. She dare to defy Lord Netsu and he is not pleased." Their leader whom Zeca recognised as Micheal pulled the elf up. "Get up, Councilor. Your day to die is not today."

Jedi has seen enough of this. He stepped out and faced the eight Man' warrior. He twirl his sword in his hands to taunt the warriors. The Man warriors are clad in leather armor with sidearms of broadswords or long handle war hammer which they learned to used from the dwarfs. Two of them came at him; both armed with the broadswords. They charged at him like a clumsy bull with no finesse in tactics. Jedi crouched down and did a arc swing at the two warriors midriff. The two warriors dropped their arms to hold back their innards from spilling out.

Jedi stood up and then swing his sword backwards once to the left and then to the right. Both swing add injury to the dying men. Jedi then glared at the remaining Man' warrior. Three more came and one of them had raised his war hammer above the head. Jedi ran towards them and then turned his body to the side to lay a flying kick at the hammer raised warrior while he trust his sword at the one on the right. His kick pushed the hammer warrior back and Jedi dropped to the ground. His attack did not cease as he swing his sickle at the third warrior in the right knee severing the joint. Then Jedi rolled forward back to his original position to wait for the others. He is now facing four warriors including the one he knew as John.

"Frag the lady." John pulled the leash to tighten the noose to the neck of the Councilor. The old lady reached for her neck to try to loosen the noose but John is a strong man. He pulled hard and broke her neck.

"You fool, John." It was that moment Jedi lost his composure as he charged at them now with the sword in one hand and the sickle in the next.

John released the leash and reached for his sword but he did not see the sickle flying at his face. It sink into his left eye and wound reached the inner skull. John fell on his knees still holding the hilt of his sword. By then Jedi had reached the warriors and his sword was blocked by the Man known to him. Jedi kicked out with his leg at the nearest warrior but it was a bad wound as he felt the war hammer barely missed his thigh. Jedi rolled back again to recover but this time the warriors came forth to thrust their swords at him. He had to jumped further back to avoid the swords. He stopped to see the warrior he knew about to thrust the sword into his neck.

"Aarrgh!" The Man warrior reached for his left ribs below the forearm. An arrow is protruding from there and the warrior went down. Jedi stood up and see the other three are all struck by arrows too.

"You are a sight to behold." I smiled at the Canaan Guardian. Then he remembered the Councilor that was lying nearby. Jedi ran to the Councilor and held her in his arms. She was already dead from her tormentors.

"We have to leave. There are many of them around. The sanctuary is lost." Jedi nodded to the Guardian and they took off for the forest.

Jedi was back in Trivium and he is standing outside the 'Raging Unicorn'. Cedi left him here on his request. He needed answers to the questions in his head. He hold tight to the long handle sword as the anger rages through his body. If he charge in there, he would be dead before the hour is out. He need a strategy to fight this enemy; he needed more strength to his side to even the odds. He need to plan this next move. He saw the opportunity; the squad of Red Guards he saw patrolling the street. They are about twelve of them in the squad. The only difference is they are watching the Raging Unicorn like him. He is hidden from their view by the dark alley.

The second opportunity came up unexpectedly; General Noah just arrived with a squad of four men. They stopped at the entrance of the tavern with the General Noah looking around the area. The General may had sensed something is wrong.

Or that is right.

A hooded man arrived alone walking towards the tavern. He stopped in front of the General. Jedi can hear them speak as they were loud in their words.

"The Councilor was supposed to be a hostage. Not dead as per our deal." Zeca shout at the General. "I tailed them to the new sanctuary, and they are all dead. That was my part of the deal. You renegade yours."

"Damned it, Zeca. I did not kill her. She died as a result of some fight. She was a collateral damage. I would pay you double for the double action on the others." The General motioned to his men to bring for the small chest of gold. "Alternatively, you would like to deal with the Red Guards. They like to deal with you."

The Red Guards came forth to approach the elf.

"General, you are a dead man." Zeca pulled out this sword and swing at the General but the Man has stepped away. The guards are standing between the General and the elf. Zeca saw the approaching Red Guards. "Maybe not today but I would be back."

Zeca ran for safety but he is headed to towards the same alley that Jedi was standing. Jedi shucked himself into a darker corner and saw the elf running by him followed by the Red Guards. Jedi followed at the flank and dodging if any guards look behind. They ran into several alleys and streets before the Zeca went missing from his pursuers.

Jedi walked out of the dark corner to confront Zeca when he jumped down from the roof. Zeca turned to see the Judas Warrior standing with the long handle sword. They looked at each other with no words sounded out then they went at each other with swords. Their swords clashed and with each move, they counteract each other's move with equal moves.

"We are even, Jedi. Let us call it off." Zeca give his snide smile as he pant with exhaustion form our long drawn out battle. Jedi standing a short distance away held onto his sword to hold his body up. He is also exhausted from the fight but the rage that feed his strength is still raging.

"You killed the people you swore to protect. I cannot allowed that to go without you dead."

Zeca wanted to reply but he could not find words to speak as he reached for the arrow that protrude in his chest at the heart. The elf fell dead without any more sounds. Jedi looked behind him to see the Canaan Guardian standing there. The Guardian lowered his bow and fade into the dark.

Jedi fall to his knees and cried. He felt so tired from all the events the last few days. He find his own objectives being questioned and he seems to be falling into more self questioning of where he is now. He keep on thinking of the gold; they were to compensate them but now they are losing a lot of their loved ones. They won't be anyone helping them to spend the gold.

It may not be worth it all sometimes. Jedi feels he may need to re-consider his options.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

COTN House of Judas Part 8

8. Raid

For the last two days, Jedi kept to the forest edge looking for signs of the column. He also had to avoid the Judas guards but that was not easy as they are good. This could mean that this are real Elite Guards or trained well by one. He knows he was seen by one of them but they are not hunting him yet. He found out why soon as the column of mercenaries emerged from the forest. They are on the march and without their siege machines although they have now some Orcs in chains in tow. The Orcs numbered five but they are still a formidable foe. They have approached the clearing and they are massing their numbers.

Jedi counted two hundred and fifty of them, meaning the previous incident eroded the number or the trip across the reptile infested forest stretched. Jedi saw something unique in the column; they are splitting into three columns; archers, pikemen and the calvary. The last is about thirty of them on their mounts; and they surprised Jedi as they were not dressed in such manner before in the march, probably kept them in the wagons then. Now they are with heavy armors cladded on their body and horse. They are also armed with long spears and broadswords with their head covered in a metal cover and half visor on their eyes. It crossed Jedi mind that these are the Black Calvary; an elite group like the Red Guards but these soldiers are selected for their large frame and deadly attitude. They are the army's bad boys and used in such campaign that needed cleansing of a race.

If the victim is not prepared for them, they would be taken in by the fierce looks of these warriors but the Calvary is known for brash attack without strategy. Jedi was about to see another example of the quality of the Black Calvary; the rider reached into the saddle bag and extracted a long slithering that decided to settle in there. The rider pulled out the reptile out by its head just below its jaw with the right hand. It placed the reptile neck to the his own jaw and bite down hard. The gross act drew applause from the others as the Man hold the reptile tail high up as the blood dripped down into his mouth.

The rider raised both his arms up in response when the arrow pierced his open jaw. The war cry of the Judas warriors were heard from the forest trees as they released more arrows at the Calvary. Most of the arrows are deflected by the thick armor on the Calvary but a few did get into the flesh at the gaps in between the armor. There was a few casualties but those which are not fatal just ignored their wounds and fought on.

"Calvary, charged in!" Its typical of the Calvary to react in this manner as they charged the forest where the Judas archers shot those arrows.

Jedi heard the second cry and its not a war cry. Its a cry for retreat for the Judas warriors. Jedi rushed to where the archers were, and he saw the traps set for the Calvary. Its a standard traps used by many of the Houses, and right now the Calvary are riding to it. The elves have the vines strung across the tree trunks were coated with a deadly potion; it burns into metal and flesh like rice paper.

The Calvary which came charging in drove themselves to the traps causing them to fall over as the vines cut into the horse's armor and into the flesh. The horses on being stung by the potion either fall down or became uncontrollable to the riders.

"Its a trap! Retreat!" One of the Calvary units shouted out, but more of their numbers are already in to have a taste of the fight. As the alert went out, clay containers was thrown onto the riders from the tree tops. The container broke on contact and its contents spilled out onto the riders. The arrows that came was with flaming arrowheads and it lit up the spilled contents.

"My armor on fire!" Shouts reverts out among the riders as the fire starts to spread. More of the riders tried to discard their heavy armor but the volleys of arrows came in waves. Some tried to turn their mounts to escape but they clashed into the other riders of the Calvary also trying to escape. More of them are shouting out the warning to the others but their numbers have dwindled to half.

The rest turned their mounts around to escape the traps set. The elves were ready for that as they released their arrows attached to a thin vine coated with the same potion. The arrows aimed at the mounts legs ensnared them and caused them to throw their riders.

The riders got off their mounts and attempt to put up a stand as more arrows came at them.

"Fight us like Man!" One rider shouted out as he threw off his head gear. The arrow did not missed the mark as it hit through his left eye into his brain. On seeing that rider down, the rest forgot their enemies here and tried to escape. They ran for the clearing but more of them succumb to the next volley of arrows. The survivors eventually limped out to warn the rest. It was all over and the elves won.

Jedi decided to move from his hiding place when he felt the arrowhead at the back of his neck.

"Don't move, Guard. I am not part of your Elite Guards. I may not need a reason to release the arrow." Jedi reached his sickle but he then heard the call to release him by the archer. The arrow head was moved away and Jedi could look up. Its no Judas Warrior, but a Canaan Archer, with their emblem on the sleeve of the tunic. They are as good as the Guardians. The two groups are the best among the Canaan Warriors.

"Tell me, Zeca why can't I just end his life? Our sanctuary is protected and the Councilor said so that he cannot come in." The archer stepped back but the arrow is nocked in the bow. Jedi turned to looked closer to the archer. He is about Jedi's height but slimmer in looks and sports longer limbs. The only two difference is his hair is long to his waist and its not braided. More to it he is missing his left eye; a scar lined there now. He is also carrying a Karen double blade sword instead of the long Elven sword.

"The Councilor just told me to bring him back to the settlement. Our enemies are still out there. Look to them. I would take him to the Councilor."

"Jedi of the Guards. I warned you to stay away but you still want to come in. Do you seek death from us or you are here for another purpose?" The Councilor looked to the warrior standing before her in the makeshift hall in the cavern.

"I am here to find my House. The House of Judas." Jedi looked at the person sitting in the seat there like any Councilor, but this is no grand hall of a Council, but a lighted cavern in the caves. Its a rather small cavern that can probably housed a few families with comfort, but its now filled with an array of seatings and small tables. An ironic piece of the Judas House hang before the Councilor; the once proud pennant of colors of the House, now in tatters but still hung like a garland above the Councilor.

Councilor Belli; he met her briefly at the clearing and before that years ago when he was assigned to her for a short guarding task. He remembers her well as she slapped him when he let an assassin escaped from her chambers after an unsuccessful attempt.Her words still sound in his ears; "You are a fool to worry about me, when you should be pursuing the assassin. I am equally capable to taking care of myself without you. Now we would never know who sent that killer." The councilor did fight off the assassin before she raised the alert.

Now she looked so old and frail looking compared to the gutsy lady he met that night. She is dressed in her regalia as Councilor, with long draping cloak and a fine silk dress with accessories that would put a lot of ladies to envy. The only difference is that she wears a short dagger at her waist belt.

"Jedi of the Guards. There is no more House of Judas, but the New House of Elves." The Councilor points to the pennant flowing above her. " A symbol of our House but now a symbol of our revival. We welcome all the elves, dark , white or otherwise to join us. There are no more Karens, Canaan, Genoe or Micha; only one House. They come and we offered them sanctuary but only those whom we can trust to live peacefully within these caverns. In this far deep forest, we have build our sanctuary where the dwarfs used to mine. Now these caverns are our shelter and the forest our perimeter and fencing from Man. The new House would grow and be mighty again under one House. If you had to come to tell me of the New Nation, I am not keen to hear. Cedi of Canaan; the so called leader evicted them from his sanctuary. They wandered and I took them here to my place; Micha, Karen, Genoe and even Canaan."

The Councilor looked at Jedi.

"You are not accepted as you work for Man. You took gold from them. You are no more an Elf, but a traitor to us. That is our law now. You may go now." She raised her hand to dismissed him.

"Hear me out, Councilor. I admit I worked for Man, but it was to learn on how they fight and also to get gold to raise a new army. As I speak now, I am rebuilding back the Elite Guards to regain our honor. But who would fight without the means to feed their own. I have to give them the assurance, for they put their life for it. An assurance that their life effort is not without any rewards..." Jedi mumbled his last words as he finds justification to the sacrifice may not be acceptable to the Councilor.

"Begone, Jedi of the Guards. You and your people have shown your true self. You deserved no more from us. Zeca, send him to the exit." She looked back at Jedi. "Beware, Jedi. Return at your own risk."

"Jedi, your route from here is cleared of the reptiles. You would know the trail as any trained Guard would. Be gone..... my friend." Zeca motioned to Jedi to leave the forest surrounding Tiruk. Jedi looked at the other warrior, and he smiled.

"It nice to know that I am still remembered by fellow guards. I pledged my men to your cause and also the people here. Call on us and we would come."

That call was much too soon. An alert came in the form of a wailing arrow that reached to the sky.

"The Sanctuary is under attack. I must go back." Zeca turned his mount as Jedi stopped him.

"Let me come. One more warrior is better than none."

Zeca looked at him and nodded. They rode back to the caves with speed. The reached the first defence line to see the warriors retreating with the wounded. Zeca dismounted and check with one of them.

"It is Man but not the same column. Its another column and they sneak in when we were fighting the earlier column. Its led by the Man who came earlier......." The wounded elf saw Jedi. "His companion leads them. He is also a traitor."

Jedi finds weapons surround him as the words got out.

It was General Noah that leads them to here.

The Man betrayed his companion.

"Man cannot be trusted..." Jedi muttered to himself. He kicked out at the nearest elf and galloped with the horse in a different direction. He can hear the shouts of warning and then the arrow that graze his left shoulder near the forearm. He crouched down on his mount and they disappeared into the forest.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Xmas Greetings

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12 

Merry Christmas Everyone.... and Happy New Year 2013.

COTN House of Judas Part 7

7. Tiruk

Tiruk is three days ride from Trivium into heavily forest area that similar to Dark Valley' an ideal place for any Elves. Tiruk is also popular for its many caves within the forest that leads down to the old abandoned mines. This land used to belong to the Dwarfs before Man push their borders back. The dwarfs fought back with great casualties on both side for sometime before they accepted the defeat. Man build an outpost there during the infiltrations but once they ceased, the outpost was deserted.

"Jedi, how can you take an order from a Dark Elf? I thought the Judas has something with Canaan. Did they not forcibly your people out on the order of the Council to close Judas Horse." General Noah is riding Jedi while his men are doing the needed on the assignment given by Cedi. Cedi have already send Malech and Medi to Aleria.

"That was a long time ago. Like you, I have been paid too. I am here for the golds. So is Tiruk. I need warriors to charge more. So its a fair deal." The General laughed at the reply given by Jedi. Then he stopped and held up his hand.

"There are others on the same trail." The General dismounted and looked into the ground. "Wagons. Probably four or five with many more warriors on foot. I guess they are heading for Tiruk, but are they friendly or enemy."

"There are siege machines. I seen them when I worked as a mercenary for Lord Netsu. See those deep tracks; they are deeper than those made by supplies wagon. More to it, the tracks are wider. They are also Orcs pulling the machines."

"Its must be my age. I could had seen them when I was younger." That made Jedi laughed on the remarks made by the General. It did not take them long to find them. The two of them looked from the nearby hill area to see the column marching there; a column of Man warriors with most of them on foot and heavily armed. There are the two siege machines with four supplies wagon. One thing about Man is that they cannot do without food and drinks unlike us elves, we can survive for days without it.

The Man column stopped at the forest edge to rest for the evening and soon the feasting was to began. They are not as disciplined as the ones I met before; maybe they are more like mercenaries looking to get a quick victory over some elves hold up in the forest. Well, I would give them a sample of the elves fighting methods. The Man warriors are camped in a square formation with the four sides guarded by sentries, but they left the machines and wagons at one side of the camp. The machines are guarded by twenty guards but only two are standing as sentries. The twelve Orcs are chained next to the machines. These are the large breed Orcs and more to it they are as strong as any Oxen. If they had used oxen, they would need ten oxen each machines.

Orcs unlike oxen are temperamental, and when irritated, they get unmanageable. Its like ruffling a hornet of bees; they go berserk. That was what happen at the Border Outpost.

Jedi told the General what he has in plan, and they went to their separate destinations.

Jedi sneak up to the siege machines and he looked at the sentry guarding the Orcs. The sentry is standing at a distance not because he fear the Orcs catching him but the stench from the Orcs is foul to any Man's smell. The Orcs are chained with iron shackles at the legs and there is a long chain that looped past it to the machines like a harness to the oxen. The Orcs are sleeping next to the machines they dragged with their bodies.

Jedi took out his sickle and creep up to the sentry. He placed the sickle on the sentry throat and ended the life. Jedi then made his way to the second sentry a distance across the machines. He passed the other guards who are sleeping nearby, and soon he did the same to the last sentry. Jedi then went over to the machines, and looked at the harness that holds the chain to the machine. Its look simple enough to remove if you have the strength of two. That was not his target but the machines itself. 

He took out from his pouch some potion that they used to start the fire during camping. It burns fast and long lasting on any surface. He poured in a volume of it onto the machine and then lit the fire. He was running to the next machine when the flame on the first machine starts to spread and soon the Orcs are awaken by it. He did the same for the second machine before running for cover. It did not long for the Orcs to panicked on seeing the burning machines still attached to their chains, and they went into a frenzy trying to escape it. They got up and ran in different directions but the chains held them back. This got them to pulled at the chain in which they also ended up pulling the machines. The Orcs took to pulling the machines in search of a way to snuff the fire or break free.

Meanwhile the General has reached his destination which is the horse temporary corral guarded by three sentry. The General did not removed any sentries but he shot his three arrows tied with burning trailing vine into the horses corral. The horses reacted to the burning vines and start to kick at the corral fencing. There was about sixty horses including those pulling the wagons, and they gallop out in fear of the fire. It was a total chaos at the camping site that night and no one noticed the two warriors retreating back to the forest.

The duo soon greeted by the thick forest of Tiruk,; a competitive forest where the trunks of the trees are tall and high to get at the shine with its thick canopies of tree leaves and intertwining branches spread out to mark their dominance on the height. Due to the thick canopy above, the ground level growths are sparse but they are spread in roots and vines that climb the heights with the aid of the trunks to get their own fair share of sunshine. It with this that the cover under the forest is both damp and dark like that of the Dark Valley.

As each habitat have their preys, the predators here are also varied by size and ferocity in their attacks. The noted silence of the forest tells a different type of predator exist which is scarce in Dark Valley if there is a comparison. There are hardly any bird sounds as most of these breeds has been made extinct by the slithering predators that move both on ground and on the trees.

"Jedi, look there. I fear we may have trodden into some undiscovered forest, or they have grown here without much of ours killing it." The General points to the reptiles which are hanging on the branches and there are some in the bushes. "I thought we made them almost extinct during the Serpent Clan War."

"Near extinction and total are two different values. If you recalled, we fought the ones at the clearing, they were Serpent Man Creatures. I think our mutual enemy is back in force or becoming a new force." Jedi held onto his horse as it starts to feel the fear of these reptiles. "General, I think we need to walk. Our mounts may be not compliant to go further."

"I sorely agreed." The General laughed at his selection of words, as he dismounted from his horse. He took off the shield and sword that he need for the coming fight. Jedi did the same with his long handle sword and shield. Jedi held back his mount as he unsaddle the sleeping blanket. He cut it into strips and wrapped them round his legs and arms.

"Do the same, General. It may stop the bites from piercing your flesh. Then he took up some to wrapped on the blade of the sword. He proceeded to pour some of the earlier potion onto the cloth there and lit it up. "It will light up our path and also deter the reptiles."

"I would do that my good blade." The General picked up a long thick branch with some dried leaves. He placed that against the burning blade of Jedi. It flamed up into a large torch and gave out more light. "That would be do for now."

Both of them walked in and the flames kept the reptiles away. Their walk was long not for the distance but on avoiding any hidden reptiles in the bushes or overheads. They soon find themselves at a stretch of clearing that runs for some distance across in front of them.

"I thought it would never end." The General threw the branch he was holding, as it almost reached the end of its length. Jedi's blade still burns and he thrust the sword into the ground to smoothe the fire. He walked forth to looked at the clearing and bend down to picked at the soil. "Who would clear a path this wide in a forest and it looks to run for some distance."

"Judas people, General. There is a powdered potion on the ground. Its an old potion used by the warriors to repel reptiles. I think we found the settlement." An arrow hit the ground just before Jedi.

"I think they found us, Jedi. Look." There are ten warriors armed with the same long handle sword as Jedi. They are wearing the same armors as the Elite Guards.

"No, we could not accept you. You are an enemy of our House now when you come with him.Take your swords and your life to leave now. We would not hesitate if you are still here." Jedi looked at the ten warriors and back to the General. That was what he feared. The General has eroded the trust of these warriors.

"You leave me no choice. I now demand the challenge from your best. I am calling you to a personal Warrior Duel with me; Jedi of Judas. Fight me for your honor." Jedi knows his way of the Elves. A Warrior Duel challenge cannot be set aside or you are branded a coward and removed from the bands of warrior. The ten warriors whispered among themselves.

"Our leader accepts your challenge." One of the warriors step forth to face Jedi. "I am Zeca of Judas. I accept your challenge".

"As the one been challenged, I can call on the weapon. I call on the use of the long sword. Our weapon of choice as Elite Guards. Long live the Elite Guards."

"Jedi, I am used to that. You may not recognised me, Jedi but I do of you. I am from the Company 1. So this is not of a personal duel but one between old Company honor. They are all from Company 1. We led the people to sanctuary when yours ran to hide. I even hear you all served for gold." The other warrior swing his sword with wide arc swing from the left to the right and then he swipe it upwards.

Jedi held onto his sword in front of him with both his hands and looked at his men. He almost missed the attack coming at him by Zeca. The warrior sneak in and thrusted the sword in from the upswing to come down hard. Jedi had to raised his sword handle up to block the coming blow.

"Good reflex, Jedi. Never knew you still had it." Zeca came in again with another swing from the left and this time Jedi saw it coming. He stepped back and block it and then swing his sword with an upwards swing towards Zeca' head.  The sword missed the General as side stepped to avoid the swing. Both warriors withdrew back and re-assess their strategy. Zeca came forth again with a forward thrust but there was a shout from behind the Judas warriors.

"Cease the challenge. I command you all." The figure stepped forth to the clearing. It a lady and she is not any lady, but Councilor Belli; a senior lady who commands the influence in the Judas House. "Have we not killed enough of our own to add in more to the list? I remember you; Jedi of the Elite Guards."

Jedi falls to his knees and bow to the Councilor.

"So its true that you have allied to Man. I find there is not need to speak to me anymore. Be gone." The Councilor turned her back to the warrior. "Come, my loyal guards we go back now."

"Please, Councilor Belli. I beg of you to hear me out." Jedi plead to the Councilor. "I have not betrayed the House. I am am above it. I am trying to restore the House." But the Councilor is past hearing his plea, as she has walked back into the forest. Jedi looked down to the ground and for a long time, he actually felt the loss in him. Its not about gold but of honor.

"Jedi, we can leave if you want?" The General hand tapped the warrior's shoulder but Jedi shook his head.

"No, General Noah. You go on back. I have to protect my House. The column of mercenaries are probably still coming for them. My House needs me." Jedi stood up and grabbed his sword before running after the Councilor. Jedi disappeared into the forest leaving the General standing alone in the clearing.

"Shucks, he did not leave me his fire potion." The General then proceed to puffed at the embers on the branch he discarded earlier.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...