Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Male Tales 1.086 Do ye trust in...

Issue 1.086: do ye trust in  ....
One day, there was a middle age couple who visited a doctor for their medical checkup. So they sacrificed some drops of blood for their test, and went home after that to continue with their life as usual. But this time, the norm was not the norm, as the result came back with some disturbing results. The couple was asked to come back to see the doctor, and was told the news.
They are needed at the hospital for further checks.
So they went.
They sat there and reflected on their life, as they await the doctor. The man professed his love and care for his wife, while she speaks of her servitude and the moments they cherished together. But their thoughts was interrupted by the nurse who said the doctor is ready to see them. On initial examination, the doctor said he cannot complete his diagnosis unless he does some more tests.
That frighten the wife so she asked if the test was needed and why was it necessary. The kind doctor was nice to explain the details which he needed to do in order to give a proper diagnosis. So the couple agreed to it.
And they went back to their normal life again, while waiting for the test. Again they sat down on their dining table and reflected their happy and sad days; the ones which they went through together and without any doubts on the other to hold and pull when needed. But their thoughts was disrupted by the call from the doctor. They are to come back for the result of the last test.
That frighten the husband, as dire thoughts of gloomy visions clouds his mind;. Again the kind dcotor explained his assessment of the test and the findings. It was no good feeling then, as the result showed some abnormality. This time the doctor suggested they do some procedures to test the abnormality. Reluctantly the couple agreed and all was arranged.
It was done, and the couple was relieved that they could still hold each other in the arms. Tears flowed and hope was raised that the worst may be over. The couple went back to the normal life again, and this time they spoke of the future years that they can see the kids grow. There were some lingering doubts in their mind, but they pushed it to the corner of their own mind so that neither can see the doubts. But the years of living with each other, there was little to hide from one another. The day the call came for the couple to see the doctor on the procedure result, was one very slow day.
Now the couple knows this is the ultimate truth; do I die or live or suffer in sickness. The result showed dire conditions, and more was needed to be done. So the couple went back to their home, and this time they sat alone in their corner. They seek not the solace or the warmth of each other but that of their strength. They prayed hard that the new tests will show good news. But the years of being a couple, could not part them long and soon they were in each other’s arm for comfort.
And the new results came out. And this time the doctor came to see the couple at their home. He brought them news which delighted their heart and calmed their nerves. The doctor knows what was to be done, and it will take time to cure, but it will be completed in due course. The couple were happy and thanked the doctor.
‘Don;t thank me. The person you should thank is both of you, for both of you kept faith in my ability. You never forego your hope on me, and I never did on your strength in my ability. You did question as its your right but you never stop believing in me. And for that, the thanks is in both of you believing in yourself to believe in me. Now live on happily for the years to come, you will see more of me. And never would each of you walk alone. ‘
Then they convene for a late supper in the couple’s home.
( The above was inspired by this line;
Are there times in our walk of faith when we should stop and question, "How true is my commitment to the Lord?" Do I profess to love and follow Christ, yet deny him with my actions? )

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