Monday, October 24, 2011

Elite Part 4

0115 hrs
I threw the courier box on the couch along with my jacket. Its been a long day and I am tired to my bones. I walked to the fridge in the kitchen and grabbed a can of beer. I drank it as I walked to my bedroom, spilling some drops here and there in the walk.
The stop at the church did me good as it let me drain out my anger and frustrations to the priest. Father Henry is a good friend and confidante, and he waits for me at any hour to hear my day out. He is more than my priest; he is my missing father that I lost since age of nine. After every session, Father Henry will speak these fine words to me; ‘He is the shepherd that does not forego his flocks of sheeps. Sleep well tonight and tomorow we can talk again.’
By the time I completed my shower and crawl into bed, it was almost 0129 hrs.  I don’t care what time tomorrow starts but I am l sleeping to my heart contend.

0145 hrs
The Army Barrracks was a former goverment run school which the students outgrew its class sizes. So the Governor relocate them all to a modern new structure five miles away. Initially it caused some problems because parents did not like the distance to travel to school but they gave in when the Governor promised them new school buses to drive the children at strategic locations including the old school entrance.
Today the L shaped two rows of double storey units of he length of five hundred yards, became the official barracks of the Army unit here with their command centre and billet for the men plus a double bunk sleeping accomodation complete with aircond for the humid nights. The L shaped units faced each other making it a square in the middle is the basketball court, now becomes the marching ground. The buildings are fenced up by a eight foot high wired fence with one large entrance on the northern side of the square. Its also faced the 10th Street that runs parallel to the north fencing.
A simple guard house was erected at the gate entrance with two GPMG 7.62mm sandbags nest on either side of the gate. The five guards ( three in the guard house and the two manning the GPMG 7.62mm ) was on duty that night under Corporal Samji; a NCO of over ten years, and now still waiting for the call to be CO. He saw the truck coming in and alerted his men. There has been some news of attacks on the army but none has happened as yet.
The truck stopped before the Guard House and an officer alighted from the truck. On seeing the rank of the officer, Corporal Samji and his other two men walked up to the officer. They saluted the officer who returned their salute followed by a couple of well placed silenced shots by the men from the trucks behind the canopy. The two soldiers on seeing their Corporal saluting the officer, also stood up to do the same. That was their last salute as they were also taken care of silently. Four men came down from behind the truck, and two of them went into the Guard House to dismantle the phones and then proceeded to open the gates..
The other two took position of the GPMG 7.62mmn and had it pointed at the barracks.
Platoon A was in the perimeter now of the Army Barracks led by Lieutenant Hansen, former paratrooper and special forces
The truck picked up the Lieutenant and drove in through the gates. Its men start jumping off the back of the truck as it rounds the building. Two more sentries on patrol at the south fence was dispensed off like the gate guards. They were surprised to see men running and before they can react they were shot.

0155 hrs
Platoon A men moved into the buildings wearing gas masks and armed with spaz gas grenades with nuero toxins. They dropped in the grenades and counted to ten before walking in pairs to terminate the motionless soldiers. The officer units was also handed in the same manner. It was done by 0203 hrs and the Lieutenant was upset at the progress.
‘We are three minutes behind schedule.’ He rushed his men through the killing and got them to assemble at the square. There they loaded in the weapons from the armory onto the truck they found at the barracks. While this was going on, a squad of ten man was running through the barracks for signs of any witnesses and setting up the time bombs.
At precisely 0225 hrs the two trucks with Platoon A left the barracks for their next destination.

0230 hrs.
Platoon B under Lieutenant Ziva; ex- desert commando had taken out the radio transmitting station, and the adjacent Broadcasting Unit Tower. They also destroyed the facilities so that no communication can go out except by GPS connectivity. As of that moment there was no televisyen broadcast and all communication with the outside world has ceased to function.
At precisely the assigned time the trucks carrying Platoon B also left their assigned target for their next destination.
It was about then that Colonel Mathew bid his host a good morning and left for his next destination. The host was the retired General Mahua.
Upon seeing the departure of the Colonel, General Mahua walked back to his dining hall where five of the gang’s leader are seated here on his long dining table of twelve seats. Their names are not important as they are all dead with a bullet in each head. The other two gang leaders can be found soon enough and that leaves only me the sole survival of the leaders’. As for the accompanying members of the leaders, they have now holster back their guns and helped to removed the bodies to the crocodile pond.
Its truly a money game here, and the one who pays more win all.
‘James, please tell the household to have this clean by morning breakfast.’ I liked my butler of over ten years. He was my aide de camp, and then left with me on my retirement. He refused to use his military rank in public and likes to be addressed as ‘James’.

0300 hrs.
The Sargeant at the reception counter of the Central Police Station did not had the chance to take down any report as he was gunned down by Lieutenant Ziva with his Glock 17 attached with a suppresor. First squad of five ex-paratroopers led by Corporal Ziden ran up the stairs for the second floor, to clear the upstairs of any hostiles.
Second squad of five men went to the rooms behind the reception counters and took care of the late shift staff. A total of seventeen police officers was gunned down and moved to the holding cells at the rear of the Station. There four drunkards and three vagabonds joined them stacked on each other against the cell walls.
Third squad of five men led by Corporal Fisher; ex-commando demoliition expert went to the basement and seized the evidence room and armory. Then they plan the remote bombs and checked the signals.
Squad Three, Four and Five came in and took their position to fortify the Station. Squad Three is the sniper team and they went for the armory to get their rifles. The local police force used Remington 700 with a four rounds load, couple with the Zeiss Telescopic sights. There are more than a dozen here in the Armory. The snipers grabbed five of them and the 7.62mm ammo. The five snipers carried their loads to the roof levels and took their required position on ll four sides. They discarded the sighst for the infrared ones. They also left their AK47’s on their side for the close calls.
The roof was designed as a flat flooring for the purpose of any evacuation or landing of a small helicopter like a MD500 Light Helicopter. One sits there now on the roof carrying the Police Logo.
Corporal Fisher unlocked the long crate brought up by two of his men. Inside it was the Barrett "Light Fifty" M82A1 with some spare ammo clips. The range of this baby is above 1,500 metres and she rip into light metal. He took it out of the box like a new born and set it up on the south wall facing the intersection of 5th Street and Governor Road which is the road towards the Governor Office.
Squad Four came up and setup their only M30 107 mm (4.2 inch Mortar) and their crates of HE M329A1 ammo ( max range 5,650 m ).
Squad Five took their position on the level below, with one M240 at the front of the Station and the other unit at the south wall. The rest of the men rested their butts on the available windows opening for the coming break of dawn.
Squad Two and One, led by Corporal Ziden has the ground level covered with his nine man. He looked at his watch and it said 0330 hrs.
The remaining twenty five men under Lieutenant Ziva had left the Station on the killing of the Sargeant at the desk and was headed to the Governor’s Office on Governor Road off the intersection of 15th Street which is the longest street in the island of over ten miles. The building is a long six hundred feet length by a hundred feet width old colonial mansion of three levels with a long balcony on each upper levels. Its front entrance is a protruding balcony of over twenty feet with three pillars to support it. The garage of the Governor’s cars are on the right side of the building and behind is the staff quarters and other smaller structures for the staff. Its roof is a standard thirty degree gradient sloping with some windows on it. The kitchen is located at the back of the building on the left end of the building. The pool/sauna is next to the garage on the right.
The truck pulled up outside the Side Gate of the Governor’s Office where two guards stand as sentries. They were silenced by Lieutenant Ziva’s men, and soon the out of the shadow was the kitchen staff of the Governor’s. The kitchen staff produced his set of keys to unlocked the gate and the truck drove in. It reversed into the unloading bay of the kitchen, which by then was opened by the same staff.
Twenty four men jumped off the truck to do their roles. Squad Six consist of five men ran alongside the office building sides to removed the five more sentries plus the three sentries at the Main Gate. Squad Seven and Eight of ten men took the offices by each level on all three levels, removing the residents by silenced gunshots. 
Tenth Squad carted in two crates and opened it to reveal high tech communications equipment. The five men communications experts starts to setup their equipment and ran wireless routers boxes at strategic areas. The Special Ninth Squad proceeded to the Library, and went in. They walked up to the shelf with the rows of books on it on the right of the Governor’s desk. They pulled up the carpet to reveal a metal trap door with a electronic lock on it. Lance Corporal Charlie Chen punched in the relevant codes to release the locking mechanism. He raised the trapdoor and descend into it via the metal ladder with his men. They traversed the tight corridor for over ten minutes to come to a small room.
There was another a set of stairs to the trap door. He unlocked the door and stepped out into the sauna room of the adjacent building which fronts the pool. His men took over from there to open the sauna door and exit into the pool area. They started taking off little nasty rectangular boxes to placed at strategic walkways around  the pool area. Those boxes are called Claymores. Two of them stayed there outside the Sauna Room while the rest crawl back down the tunnel. Remote bombs was set at the staircase and along the tunnels with one man watching the area. Lance Corporal Charlie and the remaining man, went back to the Library.
By then the whole office building was secured. Unlike the Station, the roof of the building was a standard triangular tiles design with a 30 degree gradient.So the Sniper team or Squad Seven took their position on the attic with some tiles removed for easy sight. Squad Eight or the ‘Heavies’ took their position on the ground floor of the front of the Office with their anti-amored guns; three M240 and four M47 Dragon Anti tank Missiles. Squad Six left two men as main Gate sentries while the other three joined Squad Eight as backup on the ground floor.
Squad Seven was in the rear side of the building.
Lieutenant Ziva looked at his watch. Its said 0403 hrs late by three minutes.

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