Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Folk Tales No.19; Goldy Goose

Goldy Goose  ..
Once in this land there lived a very entreprising young lad, who was never short of money making schemes to make his personal gain, even to the expense of others. And he did one day was to read about how to bargain/exchange of products.
So our story begans.
Arnold is his name, money is his option and being richer was his desire. He read of how people will bargain or exchange an item for another, and eventually that value iof gthe exchange goes up and you end up with the value of a hundred times more. So he scrummaged his home and his relatives home for items of some value. To do this, he would visit them and offered them lavish treats or even a vacation so he can search their house of anything of value he can bargain or exchange on. And most times, he finds nothing or something which when traded was not of the value he was expecting.
So did he stopped?
No, he went further in this search for the the ‘elixir of the best product’.
And he found it one day.
It was in his grandfather’s home, which he has not visited for over three quarter of his life years, but he could still find the place when he searched for it.
How was this so?
Grandpop has a ‘golden goose’ as claimed by many people who swore the egg it produced is like gold. So Arnold framed in his mind, the image of gold bullions lined up by the stacks in the vault under his bed. He did find this grandpop and within a spate of three days, he managed to convince the old man to let go of the only ‘valuable asset’ he had. 
Arnold got his gift, and he left the old man with three bars of chocolates to eat. Its rather sweet of him to do so, but sweeter if it was not from the same larder of the old man. Now Arnold got his ‘golden goose’ so he started off his transaction. He is exchanging one ‘golden’ egg for a certain valued item in return. The first successful bidder was a man who offered Arnold his car, a 1966 Pink convertible, fully re-done with synthetic leather ( we are animal activist ). Before Arnold could transact the deal, another person offered a Silver Rolls for the Pinkie. Wow! Arnold was estatic to the development of his exchange.
But the deals just keep on coming in, and by the end of the day, he had bargain/exchanged from one ‘golden egg’ to a large 48 rooms mansion in the upper class end of the upper city. Plus three butlers’ one for each wing and oen fourth wing for the butlers’.
Arnold looked at the golden goose and said’ ‘lay me your egg, as I need to courier it out fresh. The delivery man is due soon.’
The ‘golden goose’ looked at Arnold and said;’ I have a problem. I kept it to myself from your grandfather.’
‘You are not the ‘golden goose’?’ Arnold was worried about his obligations now.
‘No, its just that I am the ‘golden goose’ but the ones who laid the eggs are my wives, and the last one died last week. So there are no more golden eggs to be laid. Moreover, I am past my prime, so I cannot do it anymore. I was packing to go to the butcher when you came. I owed you my life, but I did not owe you any explanation on the laying of eggs as you never asked if I can lay eggs.’
Arnold was last seen on the street selling chicken eggs. He never got over his ‘oh gosh eggs’.
( If we greed gain, we may lose more than greed. )

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