Saturday, October 8, 2011

Male Tales 1.085

Issue 1.085: Help? Or did we really....
Ever tried to matchmake a couple and they ended up separated; and you get the blame for being the idiot to bring them together.
Ever stopped to assist an injured person and in return the person sued you for body injuries resulted as you tried to moved the injured. I learn this in First Aid, when someone is lying prone, search for signs of spinal injury first. By moving an injured person with spinal injury without proper equipment could actually caused paralysis.
Ever played in a game and when someone got hurt, you are the one to be blamed for lack of protection equipment.
Ever seen a girl you liked and she turned out to be a man.
Of the above, except for the second para, I seen them all. Yup, including the last one. That was in my own town.
Called it ‘flash grenade’ effect.
There are times, which we are too generous to offer help, but by doing so, without intention, we create an issue in the person.
And kaboom!
Its us who are the in the docks, with a lot of ‘did you....’ or ‘why did.....’
But we honestly felt right then. Its just that we did not evaluate the consequences of our action could caused discomfort or embarassment, or worse, a ground for retaliation. So the better of the above, is to asked if our help is required. By declaring our intentions, we acknowledged the receipient wishes.
Yes, they are moments which the other may not voiced out their true needs, so we need to consider our judgement on it. We may failed to make the right judgement, but act of asking actually declared our sincere intentions. And as said, not all sincere intentions are received. But some do with reluctance or apprehension, but the fact we declared our intentions before we act, speaks more of us.
So is it bad or good, I dunno to be sure.
You decide when to help or when to stay at the sidelines.
Or do it anonymous, so no one knows you did.
Or sunglasses are cool even at nighttime.

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