Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Folk Tales No. 23 Billy 'ruff kids

Billy ‘ruff kids ..
Ever felt we are at the mercy of the others when we needed their assistance most. They will make our life miserable by their words and actions, so much that we felt like the imbecile in this whole world. Ever wished you can get back at them but without hurting them. Just to make them feel what’s it like to be in the other shoe.
So our story began.
There was three brothers who once lived on when their parents passed on. The parents left them the land they ploughed their life way, paying to the bank and redeeming it later when the times was good. But the toll of their work was their reply to a neat hole in the ground before they can see their grandchildren. But they taught the kids well.
So our story began.
Billy was their name; they are no other name given, so we will called them Billy One, Billy Two and Billy Three. You see Billy One is the eldest, Billy Two takes precedent and Billy Three completes the lineage. So were their sizes in their build, Billy One was one huge block of flesh and bones, and Billy Two was one bulk of fresh and hidden bones. As for Billy Three, he was one of bones and little flesh to add to the bones.
Now Mom and Pop was kinda concerned on how to split the land to the sons, before they all go grabbing what they can after the old folks gone. They were more worried about Billy Three being the youngest and most vulnerable to any bullying. So they did the division by the numbers too; Mom and Pop was being fair, they split the land into three portion according to seniority; the largest goes to Billy One, and the medium one when to Billy Two and Billy Three got the small portion. Now that settled all that matters, so they departed to see the maker.
Now the banker was still around, and he is one mean troll in the disguise as man. His name is Troll, and duly named so by his ogre dad, the Ogre. Now Troll took over the business from his dad, Ogre, and the last words his dad said was;’ squeeze them dry, but never out’. So he did what his daddy tells him, he dangles his funds for the farmers and squeeze their hard earned funds out of them like melted butter but leave enough for them to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
Today, Billy One needed a loan to tend to his goats. He asked the Troll for an advance, and Troll said, pay me this rate of interest, and I would let you through. As Billy One was in dire needs, he said ‘okay, Troll. I will pay but you will pay me back one day.’ Troll laughed and kicked the farmer out along with his loan.
Billy Two came over and said’ I needed some money to plant the extra grass for my brother, Billy One; or his goats will not have enough to feed.’ Now Troll said, ‘ give me rate of interest and I will give you your loan.’ So Billy Two reluctantly agreed and signed the deed.
Both brothers went back and discussed together on the loan’s interest. They knew its too high and they can’t repay the loan with that high interest, but they needed the loan. It was then Billy Three came in and joined the discussion.
His reply was ‘ I will get you the money to repay the loan.’
BIlly Three went to see Troll, and asked for a short loan at interest to be paid back to him. Troll laughed and said, ‘Billy Three, you are bonkers to tell me I will take a loan from you and I will also pay you interest on that loan. You sure them hot sun did not fry your brain’.
‘Nope, you will do just that so you will end up bankrupt like my brothers.’ Billy Three took the cigar from the case and smelled it. Cuban was his favourite.
‘Grubby Billies you guys are. I ain’t giving you taking a loan and paying interest to you. You better leave my office before I throw you out’, yelled Troll looking like his dad the Ogre.
‘If you said so, but before I leave, let me tell you something first. Your loan to my brothers has diminished your reserves and if they choose not to pay you will be bankrupt.’
‘I could garnished your brother’s land, and sell them to recover my money..... you buffon for a billy’ laughed Troll at the threat.
‘True, but the two piece of land is useless without mine, as I controlled the access and also the nearest water sources is on my land. So if I shut them off, you have is a desert with no value. So if you were to apply your banker skills as taught by your dad, you take my loan and pay the interest.’
Troll sat down and thought hard, and then he cried out in sorrow; ‘You have money to lent me? ‘
‘Do like my brothers, sign the deed for the loan, and transact as ‘IOU’ but make sure you pay me my interest.’
So Troll did just that, the interest on the loan he ‘took’ from the other two brothers was enough to pay to Billy Three. In return the Billy Three gave the money to the other two elder brother to pay back Troll’s interest.
Of course Mom and Pop taught them well; ‘pay what you took’ and so they did with the basic loan. And when they did on their principal loan, Billy Three cancelled the ‘IOU’ and Troll was happy to get his ‘loaned’ money back. But he never loaned to the Billy’s again. The Billys’ went to another bank in town.
So all is fair in the banking transactions.
( All’s fair if you played fair. But sometimes, a little persuasion helps to made it better than fair. )

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