Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Folk Tales 10; Golilocks

Golilocks homestay with Three Bears  ....
Now life in the city can be quite exasperating and stressful, especially if you have four walls, one door, plus two windows..... oh, they called it an apartment in downtown. Now this is a typical scene of a normal family with both parents working and one kid to be minded. So the parents one day looked at the child and said; ‘she need to know life outside of the city’.
So fine they packed her off to a outdoor camp with three hundred kids of her age, and ten coaches of which five are elderly folks. And its located in the wildness and far from any convenience shop. The first thing the kids are told of, in the cities you get muggers and serial killers; here you get bears and cougars which does about the same except they mauled you first before they devoured you partially, leaving the rest for the balance of the community to scavenger on. And they replay this documentary on wild animals carnage instead of cartoons. By then, you probably had terrified 90.9% of the kids, and the balance probably not; as they are deaf by the walkman they used to hear on.
But there is always one in every group; the maverick. And in this group her name is Golilocks.
Golilocks is a tough kid, holder of the martial arts darker belts, and reads horror novels when kids was reading fairy tales.
So guess what? Golilocks on her first outing to the forest trail, decided to divert off on her own. She sneaked off from the back and hid behind the tree while the pack moved on, skipped over some bushes, crawled on her front through the poison ivy shrubs, and swam the rapids. It helped as she studied the terrain before she enrolled. But no GPS tells her of hunger pangs and tired limbs, which is what she is having now. But luck has its way to her. Golilocks came across a cottage in the middle of the forest. It a unique house, as its got three doors, one placed over the other like the ones where your pet can crawl through at night. These one must be small, medium and large frames. So was the window sizes lined a row.
As curiousity called on her architect interest, Golilocks ventured in. To her dismay, she had never seen such poor design of interior decorations; all items comes in SML. This is absurd as its a waste of space and duplication spells monotony. But she spied some food left in the fridge. There were three fridges with different food contents, but she tried them all leaving half eaten portions. When she had her fill, she took on the task of redecorating the place with her acquired taste. Its not too bad, as she managed to split the unit into SML cache. She reckon the inhabitants will prefer their own private spaces in that manner. As she was tired, she slept on the small couch which fitted her frame.
Now the owners of the cottages came back from their honey excursion trip; and its the Bear family of Pop, Mom and Son. They went in in turn with Son, Mom and Pop so the door won’t slammed on the other. To their dismay, they found their home raided by some creature who has arranged the furniture in the wrong order, and also eaten their food. They called it dis-harmonic intrusion into one’s life. And then later they heard the Son screeching that there is a lady in his bed.
‘Now, Son. We are distressed by this, so don’t add on your fantasy notion in the mess. Pop, you need to talk to your Son more’, said Mom but the kid was frantic.
So the parents went to their son’s bed and saw Golilocks sleeping there. ‘I knew it was a blonde who did this. Wake her up, and asked her to leave our house. We can’t have her here as it will spoil our reputation.’ So Pop reached for Golilocks and tried to wake her up. She did and screamed at the top of her voice, causing the three bears to run out of the house. Unknown to them, the authorities was there and on seeing the rampaging trio and screams, they shot down the bears.
And so Golilocks was rescued and sent back to the camp. And the Counsellors reminded the kids of the danger of the forest again.
( If one is at someone’s home, don’t take it for yours as you could create mayhem. Just sit still and smile. Or better act dumb. )

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