Friday, August 26, 2011

Folk Tales 9; Emperor's New Look

Emperor’s New Look ....
It was a long fought war, and finally the deserving side won the war, and the old King was sent off to retirement in the far district so he cannot be seen for a long time. Its fair in any war which the loser gets lost for good. So the new guy was appointed as the Emperor, as he felt the name King will identified him with the previous King. So he was crowned as Emperor New.
So began my new story.
Now Emperor New came from the common people, as he was previously a farmer with about two acres of land, that he toiled for the last twenty years. He inherited the land from his father who did from his father, and so on. You could say they are the owner of the land by farming rights, but the land legally belong to the King and the King’s King before that. That was the trigger which made our farmer to become a rebel and now Emperor. From a roof leaking cottage, he now housed himself in a big castle with fifty rooms.But Emperor New is not used to everybody stopping to bow when he walked past by. As it was the nature before of the ex-farmer to do so when he met nobles, he also bow in respect to them. And it takes time for the habit to break, so everytime he bowed back, the nobles blowed lower to show more respect, and at times its quite cumbersome as they may end up bowing several times each time. So one day, Emperor New sat down and contemplate his current situation. He is tired of the bowing and having people to address him as ‘Your excellency.....’. He find himself lonely and he does not have the freedom he used to have. Once he went gardening, and the whole ensemble of nobles followed suit in the garden, causing issues as there was more nobles than the flowers to be tended.
Now the Emperor favourite adviser was the tailor who measured all his clothes. The tailor confer with the Emperor when he is sewing. Today, the tailor listened to the Emperor mumbling about his current predicament and would like to be accepted as one of them. When the Emperor mentioned; ‘....... I want to be seen like them’, the tailor stopped sewing and smiled. ‘I know what to do, Your Excellency. If you followed my advise, I would had the best clothes for you that will make the people see you in their own eyes as one of them.’ The Emperor was estatic that his problem will be over soon, so he asked the tailor what does he need; ‘new apartment, with built in jaz or a penthouse with a view of the harbour?’. But the tailor said what he needed was here, and now he needed was a pair of scissors. The tailor went to work immediately.
When the Emperor was ready, the people was called to view the Emperor new dressing as it will show he is no difference from the people. Emperor New paraded down the street in his new ‘clothes’ and he drew their attention form the people. They all whispered; ‘he looks like me’ or ‘he does not look any different from Albert’ and the reply’ how would you know, you are not his wife’. Or ‘I say...he does looked good looking’. Some ladies fell from the shock of seeing the simple looks of the Emperor but that was acceptable in any celebrity events.
One kid just walked out of the crowd and walked next to the Emperor. That was when his mum called him to come back. She also said; ‘if you want to walk outside, at least wear some clothes’. The Emperor replied back; ‘its okay. He is only telling all of you, regardless of any position, we are all the same underneath all the clothes and name. So there is nothing to hide as we are the same inside.’
From that day, nobody bowed to the Emperor, nor looked at him as different. And the Emperor New can now talk to freely with his people with no encumbrances. You can tell in the tavern he is dressed in his silky robes while they all wear worn out tunics. But they shared the same jug of wine and the coarse bread. Guess, a clothes can make an apperance, but his appetite would be the same when he is hungry. Food is still food no matter how its served, just as our body does not differ much from the other except in some instances we shall not dwell on it for today.
( The true person is underneath all the layers of clothes and ranks; be that person and others will see you in a correct light. )

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