Saturday, August 27, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.076; a short tale

Issue 1.076: A shot tale.....
Once upon a time, there was a mouse named Adam who came to visit some other mice from a neighbouring field. As he was young, they paired him to another mouse, named Eve. So Adam and Eve decided to get hitched as in plan their own litter of young mices.
So it was they took off  to a new field, and we will skip the details of their foray.
Much later, Adam and Eve were rather contented and behold, they have some mice to run around them. And one day, came mama of Eve, she is one big mouse with very concerns for her offspring. So she came onto this new field and she examined every nook and hook of the field.
So Adam went up to her and asked; ‘Excuse me, ‘mum’. What ya looking for?’
‘I m making sure the field is clean and safe from any predators to harm my Eve.’ Her roving eyes was onto every crack and notches, even the broken off stalk of the wheatgrass stem was reduced to pulp before Adam’s eyes. With the twitches of his whiskers, Adam ran back to the comfortable little hole he build for Eve. There he sought Eve’s advice on the mother’s over caring attitude.
‘Oh, she is like that. She is ever worried I get snared by a cat or a snake, or fall into the trenches. But since I met you, I have been more free to do what I want.’
‘Yup, I know, and you came back with some scars and bruises too..... but together we fixed them all back to good.’ As such was the level of care and love Adam gives to Eve.
And kaboom....the mother of Eve pops into the hole and asked; ‘bruises, and can this be? Do you not care for her? You miserable mouse for a mouse.’
Now Adam was taken aback and as he is the man of the hole, he defended his actions. Well, two heads on collision course can only lead to more headache. And it did.
Now the mother stands guard over Eve, while Adam has to contend with the straw bed he just made. And eventually, the mother decided that she has more than one mouse to concern over, she left, but not without a telling off; ‘I will be back..’
And so Adam and Eve continue their life ever looking out across the field for the next apperance of the mother.
So what did we learn here?
For the newly weds; it pays to stay far away when you are married and if need be make sure the plane does not reached there before you removed the bandages.
For the ones who will be mother in law; avoid visiting them, let them come to you. That way you need not worried about the bandages.
For me, I need is a good night sleep now, after the plane has taken off to the skies. Good nite, mum.

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