Thursday, September 1, 2011

Untold Migrant Tales 04; Part 1

 The saga continues...

Untold tales of a Migrant iv
part 1
Morning Tea ..,

By Jimmy Loongi
The only thing to do when the late afternoon sun is on the near far horizon and the crowd is missing, my only interest is a cup of tea and some milk biscuits. All of the above, I can get in my shop; the finest brewed tea drink and the crunchy yet melted in the mouth biscuits. I did just that, made myself a cup of tea, with the right amount of milk and grabbed two pieces of the biscuits. As I sat down on the table facing the entrance of the my shop; incidentally is empty of customers at this hour, as they already had their filled an hour earlier. I put my cup of tea on the marble table top and poured out a sizeable portion of the tea to the saucer. This is to cool it down as the brew is made from boiling hot water. I took up of my biscuits and looked for signs of any ants, which loved to climbed into my cookie jar if its not closed properly. I took my first bite and then stooped down to take a sip of the milky tea in the saucer.
What a pleasure to feel the milky tea as it makes way down my throat in to my stomach. I tell you there is nothing more refreshing than a cup of tea on a hot afternoon.
A shadowed crossed my view, and I looked up to it.
That was the moment my tea went into the wrong channel and caused me to cough.
‘Ai-yah! What did I do today to have you on my doorstep? I thought you died in the last carriage overturn at Gemas. So many bad days I can see now, coming my way.’
‘Ah Long, I am sorry if I startle you. I just came in on the mail train from Singapore. Do you think I can have a cup of tea please.’ The man who addressed me is Chief Inspector Kevin, from the Straits Forces. He always bring bad luck to me,  and I am happy to served him tea with some rat poison, but then they will arrest me, and who is going to take care of my family.
‘Teh jug ( One tea in local dialect’ was my holler to my faithful assistant, Ah Heng. I can hear him putting the cup on the saucer, and removing the water boiler cover. ‘Oui, you do not break my things, or I will deduct your wages...’
I guess by now, you know Ah Heng is not receptive to this englishman from Singapore. Everytime he steps into my shop, some died and will die, but not him; he is the white devil who never die. Moreover his presence scared my customers, they think I am with the Strait Forces too, so they come no more to drink my tea, and eat my bread.
‘Kevin, you not die in the crash at Gemas ah? I thought they said in the news, one senior officer died in the crash. They said his name was Kevin too. I wasted some money burning those ‘hell money’ to you ( chinese tradition as a form of offering to the departed or ghosts. ). Can get some money back ah? Shop business not good these days. Too many shops opening here in the town, and they make stupid tea but they sell cheap.’ Business has been slow and the competitors are price cutting so we had to keep afloat with the best tea in town. But then the best tea in town cost one cent more.
‘No, Ah Long. I did not die in the crash. It was Inspector Kelvin Baker on his return from Penang. Poor chap was thrown off the train, when it crashed. But I am sure he will happy to know you offered him some ‘hell money; although he is in heaven now.’ Kevin was not one to hestitate to sit himself on my table, and helped himself to the tea offered. At least he pays in Straits money and not Hell money.
‘I am here to ....’ I hushed him up, and looked all around the shop. I can see Ah Heng has sneaked off to the back to chat with Ah Lan, his current lover.
‘Speak smaller, so others cannot hear you.’ I hate this moment as Kevin is about to take me on his investigation again. And my tea is getting cold by now. Kevin spoiled my afternoon drink and I am sure he won’t pay for it.

Chief Inspector
‘I say, old friend. How have you been doing?’ I looked at my good friend from the town which gives me some good memories and cases. It also helped me to promote to my current position, and I am much obliged to this chinese man, who looked rather haggard today.
‘Bongkang ( local expression for ‘stupid’ ) you, I am no older than you, and I was doing very good until you came in today. Why you come back? Singapore no ladies want you or you scared them with your murder stories’. I knew Ah Long was exasperated to see me, after all the last few cases he handled with me, he almost lost his life. But now he is a protectarate of the Strait Forces, and has been deputised by the Chief for excellent works. So technically, he is my subordinate, but I prefer him as my friend,. As in the later, he is one good guy to have on your side.
‘I  have a new case, and I need your help’, was my reply, which caused him to stand up and took his tea away. He sat on his cashier counter and smiled at me.
‘You now customer, and I am now boss. So drink and pay up. We no discuss anymore cases.’ Then he took up his newspaper and buried his nose in it.
Well, I knew him long enough, so I left the shop with my payment for the tea. I also misplaced my notebook which outlines the details of the case. I must had been careless these days. I am sure it will be taken care of.
The Tea Time murderer was we termed the case, as all the death occured during tea time. Todate, we have five murders in the elite society, and the last one was the Governor’s own brother which prompted me to act. And the case was in this small town, where he came to visit an old friend, Colonel ( Retired ) Sebastian. They go a long way back, and the poor man died having his cup of tea at the country club. But none of others died sharing the same tea party then.
Todate, the victims are one governess, three businessman and of course the retired pompous Governor’s brother; retired Colonel from the other continent. He was visiting as stated above his old friend, here in the Straits and loved the weather.
We checked all the staff and friends who was at the tea party and drew no conclusion. The cause of death was heart failure or heart complications. So we narrowed our searched to poison and we found it. It was cyanide and it was on the biscuit they took; only one particular piece to be exact and not on the balance in the plate or jar, but there were traces of it. The other similarities is that all these victims are in their elderly age, and share a love for afternoon tea and biscuits.
But in my research, I found more than five victms, I actually counted another three of influential members of the ethnic was also dead by the same mode in a stretch of three months. But because their dead are not reported to the Strait Forces, this information came to by the informers. And this town has now three of these victims, including our retired colonel.
So I am here to find out why, as the first two victim here were from here. They were a chinese towkay ( successful businssman ) and a rich indian money lender. For some reason, the murderer left this town after the two murders and now is back again. The bodies trail was from here to Singapore and back to here. This is why I am back in this small town to see an old friend who can lend me his help.
But I need to convinced him to do so, or he will just be a ‘passenger’ in my carriage. Yes, we swore him to the deputisation, but it was more to protect him for his work for us. But somehow he gets dragged in as the team and risked his life several times. I sympathise with him, but he is invaluable here in this town.

Country Club
‘I said old chap; heard the friend of yours hit the road. Pity he was a good poker player and he still owes me some opportunity to get them back. But I guessed the money he would give me are ‘hell money’ now.’ The man who spoke of this is the gentleman of the far east descent, educated at the best, and wore his bow tie like a signature of his ranking. He is none other than the affluent Michael Chan, patriach of the Chan;s empire. His other weakness to poker is his cup of tea and one was about to be served by the staff of the establishment.
‘Colonel Mathew was my counterpart in the war which we had in India, and he commands well. We were tagged the ‘terrible duo’ for our column courage and high records of won battles, but sadly he has to lose it here when he has retired. Do you know he died having his favourite cup of tea at this club?’
That prompted Michael Chan to sip his cup of tea held delicately by the china bone handle. He paused later and looked at his tea, and decided that he will not have his full cup of tea today. Anyway here with the Colonel but he shall do so at his own home, where he knows its safe.
‘Something wrong with your tea, Michael. I hoped I did not scared you.’ This was what the retired Colonel said and he took his sip of his cup of tea. He pasued to cleared his throat, and said’ bloody good one too. I always find the staff here makes excellent tea.’.
But Michael was not amused and decided to call this discussion over. He signalled for his coat and hat, and took his pace to the entrance. He hates these pompus idiots who sits all day in the club and talks of the ‘good old days’. Yes, they paid their price in their youth but do they need to gloat over it now. As for Michael, he came by his wealth not only by inheritance, but also manipulation of his family kins to see his way. And of course he had to buy some ‘assistance’ from his society’ peers, which they now feel he needs to entertained them for it.
‘Would the tab be on you, sir?’ asked the local descent who acts as butler here. Michael nodded his head and exit to the car waiting for him outside.
‘I say, Michael. You should not always be picking my tab. I can do it with myself, even if I may die from this cup of tea’, remarked the Colonel as he bid his friend a nice trip. Now Michael was not listening to the snide remarks of the colonel. His mind is on the lastest shipment from London, whom he has requested with utmost discretion. It was shipped by Braun’s Chemical in Bristol.

Mdm Wang
I do not know what I detest most; the Strait Forces or the criminals which I am now obliged to hand over to the Strait Forces. In the earlier days, I would had my clan dispensed any criminals to swift execution; a simple cut to end his life and his body would never be found again. But today, due to my alliance with Chief Inspector Kevin , I am restrained by those acts; more so when he is in my town. I knew this from Ah Long, and why he is here. I knew the Colonel Mathew and his friend well; they are my regulars and pays well for the discretion. But the recent murder of his friend drew me some attention from the local Forces, as they need to find the killer for their own reasons. And now made more urgent with the arrival of Chief Inspector Kevin.
‘Mdm Wang, you are as beautiful as the day I left this town.’ I smiled at the poor Chief Inspector selection of pleasantries. He is obviously not a man like my regulars and probably get ditched at every ball by the ladies. Maybe he showed his gun at his waist, would had attracted more ladies than his words.
‘Chief Inspector Kevin, how am I not surprised to see you here today? I have little to tell you that your counterpart was not advised beforehand. So you are here for another reason? Its a faraway town from Singapore.’
‘I read the reports and knew of your submission. I here for the hidden side of the Colonel. Did he annoyed anyone in his ‘discretions’?’
‘Everyone’s discretion here is welcome here, and that is what we offered; discretion. But no, since you asked, none of my girls complained of his ‘discretion’. He was very much an old man, with an ego but that was about all he had to offered, besides good money; although paid for by my own ethnic cousin.’
‘Pardon me. You are saying someone pays you for his visits.’
‘Perhaps this will assist you.’ I handed over a piece of paper with some writings. In my trade, we do not whisper their names, we just recorded it down on paper. And some of these papers get lost or stolen without our knowledge.

‘Ah Heng, you got the tea ready? They are grumbling for the late service.’ I disliked Ah Heng when he is one of his moods. And today was no exception. It all happened this morning when the customer insisted on seeing how he made the cup of tea. Now that is taboo to the shop, so he went crazy on that; almost pouring hot boiling water onto the customer if I had not stopped him.
‘I wanted to make sure the tea was okay to drink. Nowadays you cannot be too careless or you end up dead.’ Well,. That is one customer I lost today; courtesy of my range of profanities and upholding my staff integrity. But Ah Heng has not got over it, so he is working slow to showed his anger. And I got a couple of customers who is going to be late for work.
‘Aiyah! I do it myself. You go and collect the cups and clean the tables.’ I told Ah Heng who went off in an annoyed manner. Its his domain here, but I also know how to make a good cup of tea too.
There are a few factor to a good cup of tea; and the most basic is the boiled water must be hot as like newly boiled. The other factor is the tea leaves which when we do it on the shop, its all added into this cloth filter and dipped in the large pot of hot water. Two things happened here; one the tea leaves which was used to make the first pot would be constantly added in hot water to strain more tea drinks. That’s okay as the tea leaves are still very strong in their flavour, but after a few straining, it will get weak in its flavour. Most inexperienced persons handling it will add in more leaves to make the tea flavoured better. It works but you are adding onto new leaves to the old ones. Ideally, you should cleared the old leaves and used only new leaves.
And tea leaves dipped in the hot water too long will make the taste bitter. The tea leaves should be removed from the water when it has released it flavor.
And the next factor is the milk; it must be of good quality or the taste of the tea will be compromised. And the right amount must be added in not to make it too milky or less milky. The later will will be bitter to drink. This is the art which many has not learned yet. I used fresh milk as they come out nice and not too milky.
‘Mr Chan is here. He wants his special today.’ Ah Heng never liked those chinese who dressed like the englishman and worse of all, smoked those pungent cigars.
‘Mr Chan, good morning. Please have your drink and some biscuits to go with it. The biscuits are baked with almond and fresh from the oven.’ I would had called a man like him, as ‘Towkay’ ( Boss for local dialects ) but Chan here is different. He dressed and talks like an english man. Some of us said, he is more english than the english man himself.
‘Almond biscuits; I would like to have that.... ah, delicious and well done. Like the ones which my wife made fro me. Can you have some send to my house.... say two dozen of them, and make sure they are wrapped in those brown papers.’
As I wrapping the biscuits, Ah Heng came up to me and said; ’may he die eating it.’

Chief Inspector
I wondered how cyanide can be introduced into the household and why these few people. The two victims common indicator is that they are both businessman. But not the latest, a retired colonel whose only favourite past time was talking about his past glory in the country club. So where is the connection and why is it only at tea time they died.
I can’t help thinking about it, and watching Ah Long sweep the floor for the second time I am here. Perhaps he is telling me something that I do not know. But I can wait for him to tell me, but right now I am enjoying my cup of tea and biscuits.
The man I want to see is here now.

‘You asked me if I know the man; of course, I don’t know him. I know a little bit about him, besides that he borrowed a lot of money to the chinese businessman. He play big money here. His name is Barath, and he is not my race. He is Indian Muslim, from the nothern region. He takes big risk in the business, but he got good customer.....’ Rude of this man to stop me with his hand from talking, but I am okay to obliged as long as he is paying for the cup of tea.
‘Sorry, Siva, but I need to know if Barath knows Towkay Lim, who died some months back. Your group talks to each other to share information.’
‘Ai-yoh! I already said, Barath works with different customer, and his money is big amount. I lend to the poorer people, like the clerks and towkay here’ pointing to the coffeeshop owner. ‘But he never borrowed from me. I just say like his kind.’ I don’t want my cup of tea to have extra ingredients if I betrayed my customer’s names in public.
‘So you are telling me; Barath borrowed big. So who will need such money?’ asked the Chief Inspector.
‘For business of course. I know one towkay came to the association to asked us to joined together and lend him money. He want to buy this machine from London and needed the loan. But we declined, so he went to see Barath.’ I tell you the cup of tea is worth the information I give out. Second best in town, as the best is made by my wife at home.
‘What’s his name?’ asked the Chief.
‘Michael Chan, the chinaman.... Oui, Towkay, add some more biscuits. Very nice to eat.’

One thing I disliked about Siva the Chettiah; is that he talks too much when he is drinking. And the other, he drinks more when he is not paying the bill. But today, he tells me some news even I do not know. I knew Michael Chan went around looking for land to build his new factory, but he never said he wanted to borrow money. The Chan’s family is rich and they owned many business here and also land. But the death of Old Man Chan, caused a big problem. His two son, Michael and Tommy fight over the father’s wealth, but poor Tommy died in a car accident. He was drunk and drove into a ravine. The newspaper said it and we all know Tommy was always drunk by nightime. So no one was surprised of his accident. But the land purchase raised some queries. As said the Chan’s has lots of land around, but why would Michael wants to buy more, and needed to raise money?
I will check that later, but right now I need to look at my newspaper for the latest in the news.
‘Towkay, did you see my notebook? I must had left it here the other day.’ The Chief asking for his notebook, which I did find the other day. I run a honest business, so I kept it for him. I handed to him the notebook and he pocket it immediately. I did not return to him the pencil as its short and stubby when I saw it.
“Oui, Siva. The towkay Chong who died that time; you know him? He do what business I am not sure?’ I was trying to find out something from Siva. In his trade, the businessman comes to him for a short loan or fast loan, something which the bank do not do at times.
‘Chong...ah, he was Chan’s partner in some business, but later they separate. No more friends after that. I can tell more if I have one more tea please.’
Kinda tells you how much a cup of tea can make a person talks more. And Siva did more than he should. So much that the Chief Inspector standing behind the pillar at the shop next door was paying attention to the conversation.

Country Club
‘Cecilia, I am honoured to be meet you again.’ The colonel was in his best of manners to greet the wife of Michael Chan. ‘I take it upon that Michael is coming over to joined you, or are you her for the ladies tea time.’
‘Actually, neither of those. I am here to see you, Colonel Sebastian. I am here to personally thank you for helping my husband in his new venture.’
‘A good investment never eludes me, although some did in my life. And I am ever willing to help where I can for good friends.’
‘Thank you again. And please convey my regards to Aaron’s mother, if you do see her. I hope my past will not discrupt the future. I must be off now. Have a nice day and cup of tea.’
‘I say, old chap. That lady Cecilia is a charming lady. You know her well?’ asked another old retired major who chose to retire in this humid country.
‘Yes, I do. She was from Manchester and a fine lady for a gentleman, though she married out of her rank. I knew her father well; fine chap in the regiment. Cecilia used to dine at my house every weekends, until she went to London for her nursing studies. Met Michael and we never seen her since then. By jove, how about a game of cards? I am mighty twitchy to win back my money.’
So a game of chances was on.
A cup of tea was served for a man with some distant thoughts of his son.

Chief Inspector
That was a rush for me, having one too many cup of tea, and how was I know that the bathrooms are all occupied when I needed one. I could had joined some of the locals, but that would be ungentlemanly of me to do so. I read my notebook and the extra notes on it. I knew the owner will not failed me despite his rude appearance. All is forgiven in the course of duty. His notes tells me more about the who’s who in this town.
Chan came into his inheritance, but not without a long fight with the brother. And later he found there was not much to fight over anyway. Tommy had taken the chunk of the wealth with him in the form of debts for his drinks. The lands are there, but they are all encumbered to the banks for survival of the existing business. It was also rumoured that Michael Chan had found gold in some old mines up in the hill. Now gold is the commodity to hold onto in these times, so he is trying to extract it. But has limited resources to do it. Michael did once asked Ah Long who can he trust to test some samples he has got. So Ah Long told him of a good goldsmith who can do it, but he swore Ah Long to secrecy.
It was about then when Chong came into the scene. He wanted to liquidate his shares in the business with the Chan, and an ensuring legal fight was on. But the legal fight went dead when Chong died of a heart attack, and the next of kins were not keen to pursue anything during the mourning period of ninety days. But it tells nothing close to the murder of the two victims.
As for Barath and Lim, there was little to tell, as there was no connection except they all died of heart failure as a result of cyanide. It could be coincidental. I need to speak to the widows’

Why can’t the widows’ be english woman, so I don;t have to be dragged in as interpreter. For one, the chinese do not like to talk about the recent departed so I had a hostile time talking to the family. But luckily, I managed to convince them that we may have some connection here. And education counts a bit too. The Chong and Lim families has children who studied in english missionary schools, so their thinking is a bit more ‘open’ to such discussion. So in the conversation, there was one common factor, they all had tea and biscuits before they had the heart pains.
To be exact almond biscuits from my shop.
So was Barath that day when he collapsed in pain.
The moment I reached the shop, I told Ah Heng to removed all the almond biscuits and throw them away. But the stupid Chief said no, he wants to analysed the. I looked at the english man and said; ‘you think I do this people? You are one mad man too.’
But they took all my biscuits and all the flour with it.
I only served bread that week, and no more biscuits.

Chief Inspector
The chemist told me there was nothing on the biscuits or the ingredients. And we had a lot of almond biscuits for tea time. I went back to tell Ah Long, but he said they are now baking only bread.No more almond biscuits. Anyway, almond smells like croakcoach and they had enough of croakcoach to contend with. I do not know what turned me off the almond biscuit’after that day; the taste, or the rodent. Or the case.
But we have a common connection; almond biscuits and a cup of tea among the three victims. But why Towkay Lim?
I will need to see Michael Chan on this information.
‘Lim from Main Street? Yes, I know him. He and my dad go back a long way. I was at the funeral and I felt sad for the family. What do you want to know?’ I see the man named Michael Chan accomodating my discussion. He shown no signs of anxiety or remorse, but calmed as if this is just another afternoon talk in the country club.
‘Do you know him well? I mean like in business trade; did you worked together? Or planned to do so?’
‘Lim? No, we did not do anything of such. We discussed things like any other businessman would do, but we never got together. Is there anything wrong here? Please be frank on it.’ I looked at the man’s eyes and see no emotions to the matter. It was then we were interrupted by his wife.
‘Cecilia my wife, this is Chief Inspector Kevin from Singapore.’ I was surprised to see an english lady in the company of this man. I am not a race conscious, but I was not prepared for it. And she is a beautiful lady of the isle. We shook hands and she sat next to her husband.
‘You can called me, Kevin. I am here to check on some routine matters on the Lim’s and thought your husband can help me. Please accept my apologies if I am interrupting  your afternoon.’
‘None whatsoever. Michael never joined me for my tea ladies sittings, and I detest the gossips, so its a blessing to be dragged away. I do not know the Lim’s. Who are they, Michael?’
‘Some businessman who used to worked with daddy, and now he is dead from heart attack. I have never worked together with him.’ I can see Michael dismissed the issue as a trivial discusson,.
I excuse myself when I saw the Colonel walking in. The Chan’s was kind to vacate the seat for my guest, and he gave the young couple a bow to their departure. The Colonel was in his best riding dressing, and he looked tired. He signalled the butler for his tea to be served.
‘Chief Inspector Kevin. We finally meet, and I have heard of you. How is your dad? Pardon me, your step dad I meant.’ An arrogant bastard I would has termed him, just like the Colonel, but I held back my speech lest I scared the afternoon ladies from their tea. We exchanged some pleasantries like where I was staying and whom I met since then.
And finally we went down to my discussion.
‘Lim of Main Street? Crafty bastard that one. He conned me to buy a land of his for a hefty amount, and then ignored me on the street. He did the same to Michael but the deal went flat. Oh, sorry. It was the other way around. Michael wanted to sell one of his land, but pulled out at the last minute. That riled up the chap, and they argued here in this club. Shortly after that he died; poor sod but I couldn;t care less.’
And tea was served then. But no almond biscuits.

‘Ram, you not worked today’ Ram is one of the eight butlers’ working in the country club. He is dressed in his usual drab’ old shirt and shorts, plus sandals.
‘Today, I am off. So serve me my tea please. And bring some biscuits.’ So I did but no almond biscuits; only milk biscuits.
‘Ram, if I hired you to work for me, I am sure to die of over work. Where can I afford to let you off one day a week? Even Ah Heng asked for one hour, I also shoot him down.’
‘Thats’ why I am working at the club and not here. You chinaman all the same; work and work. No stop for rest; only work.’ Ram has taken his second sip of my finest tea so time for me to start on my topic.
‘What to do? Like Towkay Lim, work till die. One day, even Chan will also be the same.’
‘Those two; terrible to the club. I tell you, they come one day to the place, and shout at each other. Lim said Chan owed his money for the business, and now want cheat him of the land. I tell you so embarassing; the two argue like children. Luckily the Chan’s wife was there to drag the husband away or else sure fight. Then we would had the two ‘suspended’ from the club.’
‘So bad huh?’ I top up his cup of tea and add another biscuit.
‘All because of money. I tell you these rich man sometimes got no money, but they act like one. I also hear Lim liked to lend money with no paper; he is afraid of goverment checking on him. But he got write; I know. Its in his small notebook he carry with him. Once he left it at the table, and I returned to him. I got rewarded one dollar. Hahaha.....’
Thats’ a lot to pay for a notebook. I wonder if Kevin will do the same for me, after all I did safekeep his notebook twice.

Mdm Wang
‘Chief Inspector, you are asking me to check on my customers who has dealing with Michael Chan. I will tell you none and that is the only answer I can tell you.’ I looked at the english man who came in here today to show his authority over my territory. I may had been pledged to served ‘voluntary’ to the Forces, but this is not within my scope of ‘voluntary’.
‘I asked is a favor from you, Mdm Wang.Michael Chan could be my only link to finding out on the murder. And you lost two good customers, and can you afford more of them?’ Nothing annoyed me is when someone questions my business.
‘I could afford to lose more than you know, but can your people afford to lose me? I know more secrets of your kind that your station cannot even think of. So don’t think I am a woman here; in my house, I am the Empress. And be humble on your next visit. Now go.’
I am not happy today, and I signal my errand boy in.
‘Get me Michael Chan. And bring in the cup of tea for me. And hold back on the sugar.’
I know Michael Chan will see me on the drop of my pants, in a manner of speech, and so he did.
‘Michael, I am curious about your investment plans. The one which you mentioned to Old Man Lim. Care to share with me? I have a need for some retirement plans.’

Michael Chan
Nothing is more pleasurable than wealth, especially if it can be measured in value of dollars. I had no problem with it when I was in London, swinging with the crowd and dancing at the balls. It was only on my return, that I found that the wealth was in the name only. Father had used up the dollar value in silly investment and now laid in bed with an ailment of unknown causes. Tommy, my elder brother given the task to run the business was in bed most days and drinking most nights. We lost half of our wealth to my father’s associates. Even my news of my engagement to Cecilia was not welcomed by any, as they felt I married out of my kind.
So what is my kind?
The one who cheated my father when he is lying in pain, or the one who drinks to the fullest every night. I was blamed for the issue too with my lifestyle, but I defended it. I was with the right crowd to expand our business overseas. But now I am without the wealth of value to do it. I tried to control the remaining wealth, but they said its for Tommy as dictated by my father in accordance to tradition. I can only be the master when the rightful master is dead. So he did died, when I fixed the brakes on his car. He knew nothing about the western technology, like me.
I also confronted Lim on the deeds he took from my father. I exposed his wrong doing and manipulations, and he asked me to forgive him. I needed his help so I asked him to lend his wealth value to invest in my latest scheme. He did on the ground of secrecy, and he broke it in open at the club. Cecilia was there, and she was distraught at the embrassment. If it was in London, I would had slapped him with a challenge, but this is only her colony at the Far East. But Lim died before I could regain my honor.
Now this lady of the class wants to be my partner. I am blessed to be with this change of luck. Its like when I was at the tables in London, when the bets seemed to be against you, it can chanegd with the presence of a lady. And that lady was then Cecilia, and today its Mdm Wang. I took her wealth to invest in mine. And we will see the gleam of gold from it.
And it was all done over a cup of tea and some biscuits.

I don;t know what to say when Ah Heng told me he is going to leave me for another shop. It seems he was upset that I ‘invaded’ his position to make tea the other day. And he was also upset that I demoted him to serve on the tables. I had to pacify him over two hours for him to re-consider his position, and also allowed him to go off early to see his friend, Ah Lan.
Its deplorable the new workings of the new establishment following the english man’s rules, makes mine like a slave camp for workers like Ah Heng. I work as hard as him, and yet I do not complained. Even I don’t get to see my wife on the days I wanted to. And now I am everyman in the shop; doing everyman’s job, and they still called me ‘towkay’ for boss.
And I thought the day was bad, it just turned worse.
Kevin came in with his notebook.
He ordered his tea and bread as we ran out of biscuits. So he sat there and write his notebook with another stubby pencil. Must be the pay they are getting in the Forces. I am not paid todate anyway. Anyway, I got one pencil left once by a passer by, so I passed it to him. He was glad to have a pencil to write longer than his thumb.
When he left, he took his notebook with him this time, but he left a dollar on my table. I ran out to give his change but he was long gone down the street. So I kept the change to cover his next drink. But he left something behind; his whistle.
Thats bad as every Forces person never leaves their whistle. Its like not putting on your hat when you walked out the house. I fear for his safety then.

Chief Inspector
Its a hot day, and I did two things today which will marked the day. I left a dollar for the drinks at the shop as I had no change. I wondered if I should asked him for those when I go there again or just ignored it. Well, at my salary, I really can’t afford much dollars to give away. But the call of nature was too great to ignored.
And the other I seemed to have misplaced my whistle. I can’t find it on my person, and I don’t fancy looking at it at the Outhouse. So I will just put it in as ‘lost’ in my next report. But there is a taboo in the Forces for us to lose our whistle. Its like losing your rank, as the whistle is our best hope of alerting anyone in case of assistance needed. But I will put it aside, as it not like I lost my gun. That will be an earful of enquiries and hearings.
I was also surprised to see a box of biscuit in my room. According to the lady downstairs, it was delivered by a delivery boy addressed to me. I requested for a teapot of tea from the kitchen, and it was served shortly. I opened the box, and found fresh baked almond biscuits. I was about to reach for one, when the door was knocked. I got up to admit in my guest; Mdm Wang with her pet poodle, Nancy; I think.
We sat down to talk and I offered her a cup of tea. She obliged me, and I handed her the box of biscuits. She took one and offered it to her poodle.
‘Nathalie likes amond biscuits.’ So that was Nathalie, and not Nancy. So we laughed at the likes of the poodle. And that was we remembered of her last.
The biscuits was sent to the Chemist and confirmed on the contents; cyanide in it. I tried to track the delivery boy but came to no result as this community shuts itself on outsiders.
Mdm Wang was very upset as Nathalie was her closest companion, and died in her arms. She refused my assistance in taking care of Nathalie and we never discuss on the things we planned on.
So was the attempt on me?
And why me?
Who knows I am staying here?
The Station? Mdm Wang? Ah Long? Colonel Sebastian and probably others in the Club. And also my would be murderer of mine.
I ponder this over my cup of tea, with parts of it served in the saucer for the house cat. The cat survived so will I.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...