Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Folk Tales 7; Dark Swan

Dark Swan ....
In a far far land of some far distance ( considering the earth is round, then that distance will be much nearer as we would had almost circumvent the earth radius but we only looked at from one view, so its okay. ), there lived a flock of swans. Among those lovely juicy meaty creatures of the ‘ducky’ family was the Von Host. A fine breed of the finest breeds with selected matching of the specimens, well, two of them carried on the tradition; they breed.
So our story begans.
The offspring of the new generation called the ‘would be squadron’ ( Dad was particular to refer them as the next pilots ) of lovely swans; elegant and yet swift in the movements. Some one remarked that the ‘Host’ are like ballet dancers; they can swirl and twirl you off your seat without you realising it. Now this new ‘squadron’ actually consist of six young ‘uns who followed their mother in her patrols. But Mama have a tough time with the ‘number six’ as she is always out of formation. You see the issue with ‘number six’ is she is totally different from her siblings. For one, she is a lady in the making, while those are young bucaneers. ‘Number six’ also insisted to be referred to by her name, which is Elise, but everyone called her names like Dark Swan. They dislike her as she is different from them. Elise read while they played, Elise contemplate her action while they let action speaks for themselves. And Elise has an IQ of 300 while her brothers hovered at 70 and below. But poor Elise tried to fit in with the family, and but her intelligence overrides her intention. Once she was following the pack on their routine patrol., she refused to proceed beyond a certain spot. Mama asked her ‘why do you not proceed, number six?’
‘I am not number six; I am Elise your daughter. And if I am not mistaken, the water current in that section has changed due to the errosion of the banks from last night downpour. And given the amount of rain that fell, we are looking at the erosion factor of 10 centimetres off the soil, and this could had resulted in the current flow to increased by an increased rate of 3 factor, with possible undercurrents that has not yet been measured. So its advisable we let the river settle its flow rate before we ventured into that area.’
Well, she was send back to the reefs and the squadron had their first notch on the reef. Number Two did a nose dive and did not surfaced. That was only one of the situation which alarmed her parents, as they find more issues of her to contend with. But poor Elise also find herself being ostracised by the rest and she was left to swim by herself. Like any creature, she craves for company. She see them swans fly in formation and they looked so beautiful. She looked herself in the water and see only her reflection. She looks the same but why does she feel left out. She consulted an old swan swimming by the pond. ‘How do I fit into the main stream of swans?’
‘Well, you could joined me if you feel lonely.’ That puzzled Elise, so she asked the old swan,’ why are you alone here?’
‘Well, no one wanted to be with me. Like you, I am also being ostracised but they see themselves by their own feathers. They reject us for being unique. So I find my own company in the pond with the fishes and others. Would like you like to join me or ostracised me too? 
So Elise joined her new friend but she never learned to ostracised anyone who wants to be with her, swan’s or not.
( Beneath our skin, we are all the same except some of us think better than the rest. So there is no reason to live them out of our life. We should learn to think with them. )

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