Friday, February 28, 2025

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 38


38                More needed 


Mary Reid was not complaining of her accommodation; the bed was plush and the covers were of fine cotton. The bed even held the four bed posts; Mary had some fancy thoughts then, but she bit her lips then. If was not that she disliked the thoughts but her wild imagination gave her lucid images of the actions that may had taken there. It was too detailed in her mind.

“I am sure Loretta will cringe my thoughts.” Mary smiled on her face. She knew Loretta who was from Missouri and was a Rebel spy during the war. They had met the infamous Belle Boyd, but they worked on their own missions.

Loretta trained Mary in the arts of espionage and where to shoot at a man. Most times, Mary knew that; “they do not have many hangings parts I can think of.”

“They grabbed you from the front, and you take them off at the lower front too.:” Loretta told her then.

Mary had not seen Wayne since she arrived, but for her own safety, the Madame told her to remain hidden in the room.

“There are many clients of mine that will come in any time of the day or night; just ignore the noise while we will serve your meals in the room. The bucket will be cleared daily by the housekeeper. She will also scent your room with …. What was that you used, Sue? Lilac? Yes, she will do that.”

Mary had stayed there for two days, and nights, with her idle time perusing the cupboard there. It does hold an assortment of exotic items, from the whips to the paddles, and the tight corsets with the knee-high boots. There were also the face masks; some were in dark shades, and some were flashy designs. The most interesting items were the literature there. Mary had read “The Memoirs of Dolly Morton” in one long read, which left her embarrassed and at certain moments having wild fantasies. She thought she had known it all from the farm, and the travels but it was only at the fringe of her imagination. She had read on another book; The Phoenix of Sodom, written by Robert Holloway; admittedly she closed the book several times, but her curiosity got her going back.

“Darn, its dawn.” Mary had cursed at the sunlight that seeped through the drawn curtains. “Now I know why Tweedledamn was not in the book. It will be a riot then.”

On the evening of the second day, she was visited by her protector, Colonel Moran. “Missy, I know you are probably uncomfortable here, but it is a safe place. Most of the ladies are ours and some of them are trained in firearms and self-defences.”

The Colonel had arrived after supper. “I got men posted outside to give additional cover.”

“Any news on who attacked me? And where is my uncle?”

“We know that the ones who attacked you were from the Syndicate. They are a rival gang of ours. Why are they doing it is still being investigated?” The Colonel explained.

“As for the Doctor, he was advised and had not advise us of his return as yet.”

“I have no idea who is the Syndicate?” Mary shook her head. “I have since my visit here, some friends and …. there was Sherlock Holmes.”

“Holmes? When did you meet him?” “A few days ago, and we spoke of the murders……He thinks I am from the prints.”

“Unlikely, Sherlock Holmes will have checked your background. I need to check if he is in any involvement in the shootout. Please stay here for the time.”

“I am fine with that. I have been reading.” Mary looked away.

The Colonel left the lady there, and proceeded to the Adventurers’ Club. He met Jon Roxton there.

“We had to turn back due to the weather there. The rain brought the floods there and the expedition was called off.” Jon was there to take a drink and looked for other expeditions to take part. And, the whereabout of Mary Reid. Jon was told to find Colonel Moran if she was not around.

“I was at Mary’s unit and saw it sealed off. I was told there was a gunfight. Here in the city? I told them unlikely. The coppers here do not even carry guns.”

“Yes, there was a gunfight. She was not there. She is in a safe house.” Colonel Moran said. “She saw me and took her to a friend’s place for the stay.” “Can I see her please?” Jon was asking as if he was facing the recalcitrant potential brother by law.

Colonel Moran told him.

“By Golly, that’s a ……” Jon held his tongue. He knew it by reputation, but had not patronize there. He much prefers his ladies demurer, in a manner of speech. He left in a hurry to avoid any confrontation. His arrival at the brothel was met by inspiring ladies.

“Guapa, mira a mi manera.” (In English from Spanish; Handsome, look my way). One of the ladies called out.

“Ez du nirea bezalakoa.” ((In English from Spanish; She does not have like mine.). Another leaned forth to display her cleavage.

Jon was past the wants of others. He knocked on the room door.

“Come back later. Privy moment.” The reply came through. It was Mary Reid. “It is me, Jon. Jon Roxton.” The man replied and the door was opened in a hurry. He was dragged in to the room, and met with a deep kiss on the lips. His arms reached around her waist and held her.

“Gawd! I need you.” Mary pulled him to the beddings. Jon saw the lady was nude below the shirt, and she does sport an impressive bottom. She pushed the books and the other items she found in the cupboard off the bedding. She laid back on the bedding on her back.

“Interesting read….” Jon picked up the book and saw the cover.

“More interesting.” Jon held the wooden phallic design with his left hand. It was glistening.

“Jon Roxton, if you do not come in. I am impaling you with that.” The lady had her intentions made known. Jon did not hesitate then though he may need a seamstress to mend his pants later.

“I know that man.” Mycroft leaned forth when he saw the man entered the brothel. “I never thought of him patronizing here.”

“He may not be but visiting Mary Reid, I presume.” Holmes was seated next to Mycroft. Doctor Watson was opposite them; he reckoned the brothers need to be next other like twins. Of course, medically he may be wrong at times.

“How would he know? Jon is not a part of the Doctor’s circle.” Doctor Watson who knew Jon Roxton defended the man.

“Jon is not, but he knew Colonel Moran. And if Colonel Moran brought Mary here, I will presume he told Jon that.” Holmes made his assumption.

“And you presume Mary Reid knew Jon. No, it was told to me by the Irregulars. They had retraced Mary’s movements and had the butler told them of a gentleman who visited her. Jon Roxton was the person.” Holmes was proud of his selection of boys in the irregular.

“Shall we go in?” Mycroft was protective of the lady, presumably.

“I am sure he is in.” Doctor Watson added. “We can wait. Patience is a virtue.”

“The sluice gate is open.” Mycroft mumbled. Unaware by the trio, Colonel Moran was told by his men of the coach there.

“I think it is time I complete task.” Colonel Moran looked at the stationery coach. “Get Tommy here.”  


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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...