Friday, February 21, 2025

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 35


35           The new revelation


“Mankind held dear to their ego.” The man seated at the simple cottage on the outskirt of the city spoke. He was met by distinguished guests, and in his humble abode, the host had served tea to the guests.  It was simple furnishings there, with many books on the shelves and floor. The host spends his idle time reading them; the knowledge was his best tool. One of the notable books there were Book of the Marvels of the World (Italian: Il Milione, lit. 'The Million', possibly derived from Polo's nickname "Emilione"), a 13th-century travelogue written down by Rustichello da Pisa from stories told by Italian explorer Marco Polo. It describes Polo's travels through Asia between 1271 and 1295, and his experiences at the court of Kublai Khan.

“My forefather, Marco Polo was more than a trader but an adventurer. He travels far to the Far East, and was marvelled by the greatness of the Mongols there.” The host always tells the exploits of his ancestor. “The empire then and previous one, the Roman Empire; they all expired over time as would the current Queen’s empire.”

“It was not the vastness but the control of the leaders assigned to manage the outer lands.” The host smiled.

“The tea you are drinking did not come from the Far East but grown in India. The origin of tea was from the Far East, but the seeds of it was brought to India and even to Africa, and planted. It resulted in more tea variations. Alike to the empires, they did not collapse as said by many historians, but evolved into many cliches of it. All of it were driven by mankind’s ego to do their own. Some failed to restore it but an empire of sort was formed; we called them countries today.”

“I am working with some of them, and one day, I will have it all consolidated into one huge empire.” The host laughed and pointed to the world ma over the fireplace. It held many pins with the strings attached to it from the Far East to the continents on both sides and below. It all meet at a small country named Belgium.

“Belgium is a small country, with a smaller nation of people but we held the best minds in the world. We can be marked to be Kings, and it will be.” The host smiled. The room was dimly lit and the curtains drawn shut.

“Professor, you are extraordinary in your thoughts.” The Admiral smiled. “A super …...”

“A person with the ability to use the Super-Ego inside of me? I am flattered.” The host laughed. “Professor Freud advocated the implant in his research and I have derived it qualities here.”

“You do bear an uncanny …….” The Lord of Exchequer was to comment.

“An uncanny resemblance to the man, but perhaps a more designed mindset than him.” The host smiled. “I have been mistakenly taken to be him, and I do take his role with me. I also have a deep understanding in his works. I also studied Carl Jung’s works, and well versed with many others. Psychology is a matter of utmost interest.”

“This year, at the other continent, William James published The Principles of Psychology. Probably the first publication in medical science on the subject matter. In his words, Psychology is the Science of Mental Life, both of its phenomena and of their conditions but the treatment within asylums were barbaric and often caused physical harm to the patient with little to no relief of their symptoms.”

“You are very passionate on the subject matter, Professor.” Lord Dennis remarked.

“As much as my other disguise, Professor Freud, but he held an affinity to the matter of sexual feelings.” The self-declared medical expert smiled. “I do not. Disguise is a way for us to look like another to replace that persona.”

“Portia disguised as a male to attend the magistrate court to defend her lover from her own father, in the Merchant of Venice. Disguise is not new but an art that has been carried through the ages.” The host laughed. “The man called Sherlock Holmes, uses it in his some of his acts.”

“Being in disguise was a great part of entertainment for the Elizabethan aristocracy. To take part in Masquerade in the Elizabethan court was a great opportunity how to become someone or something else without being recognized.” (Extract from

“If I were set on the glasses and set my beard, I am the esteemed Professor of Psychology.”  The host smiled. “Deception is a way of how our ego will work.”

“Puikus ten darbas!” (In English from Lithuanian; Splendid work there.)

“Thank you, Admiral.” The host claimed to be from the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Respublika is a country in the Baltic region of Europe. It is one of three Baltic states and lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. 

“How do you avoid meeting the real Professor in public?” Lord Dennis was ever curious. “I am of the usual plush Lord’s appearance.”

Lord Dennis was previously described as the gentleman was with a thick Walrus moustache—a thick and bushy bold one sized up his rounded face with the thick sideburns to complement—reclining headline with the hair trimmed short. Like his face, his body frame was rounded, more to the obese dimensions, but his manners were royal.

“I have my men shadowing his movements. At this moment, he is still in Belgium with his lectures. If he leaves Belgium, I will be advised then I will slip into my other disguises. Perhaps Wild Bill Hickok.”

The gathered there laughed, although the Admiral was unsure who that was. He spent most of his time at sea or in the House of Commons to argue matters.

“Now to the matter on hand.” The host brought the issue out.

“Tell me on the matter of Doctor Jekyll.”

“Professor, Doctor Jekyll’s work has been checked and re-tested at the lab I made. His works are remarkable, and with them, we may have made a breakthrough but not refined. Our own researcher, Doctor Schmidt Manfred, had made some discoveries." Lord Dennis added. “Undisclosed to Doctor Jekyll.”

“Doctor Manfred is a good friend of mine. He had pioneered the works on the blood at his own laboratory, but of course, he was unrefined than that of Doctor Henry Jekyll.” The professor explained. “I have always admired both men in their works.”

“I know of your intention to secure Doctor Jekyll for your own experiments, which I hoped were developing.”

“We are working on that. Daisy’s condition has remained... fragile. Even with the organ’s replacement, her vitals are still weak.” Lord Dennis has secured the expertise of Doctor Manfred to assist in his daughter’s cure. To the outside world, his daughter is dead, buried in the family plot at the estate, but the deceit of the father has secretly kept the daughter in the castle. He had requested Doctor Henry Jekyll to save his daughter, but he was not able to. He could not find the cure for her, and Lord Dennis faked her death but not his request to Henry.

“You will work on the cure, not for Daisy but for others.” Lord Dennis told the doctor. “I will give you the needed funding.”

It was the effort of Doctor Manfred who suggested replacing the organs on Daisy that kept her alive, although in the state of comatose. Unfortunately, not all the organs worked at times, with complications seen in days, so the need to replace the correct ones was the urgency. Hence, the murder cases with the organs removed.

However, due to government pressure, Doctor Jekyll was asked to do other works on the Super Warrior properties.

“Professor, Doctor Jekyll’s work has been checked and re-tested at the lab I made. His works are remarkable, and with them, we may have made a breakthrough. Doctor Schmidt Manfred had made some discovery.” Lord Dennis added. “Undisclosed to Doctor Jekyll.”

“Doctor Manfred is a good friend of mine. He had pioneered the works on the blood at his own laboratory, but of course, he was unrefined than that of Doctor Henry Jekyll.” The professor explained. “I have always admired both men in their works.”

“Doctor Manfred is a good friend of mine. He had pioneered the works on the blood at his own laboratory, but of course, he was unrefined than that of Doctor Henry Jekyll.” The professor explained. “I have always admired both men in their works.”

“Professor,” the admiral set the tone. “We intervened on Doctor Jekyll. Unfortunately, he escaped. How? We are unsure.”

“Drive the ego, and you get the works.” It worked, and Doctor Jekyll was on the program. He felt an obligation towards Lord Dennis for his failure to save the daughter.



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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...