Vlad leapt at the one holding the double barrel shotgun. The double shotgun is
a break-action shotgun with two parallel barrels, allowing two single shots
that can be fired simultaneously or sequentially in quick succession. It was
deadly short range, but the length of the shotgun was restrictive in the room.
He grabbed the barrel when the triggers were pulled. The blast, however, took
off the plaster at the ceiling. The gunman was stunned momentarily, and the
count forced the shotgun at the gunman’s chest. With his strength, the force of
the blow was to propel the gunman into his friends.
others rappelled in from the roof and smashed through the windows. It was Rosa
who went into action. She rushed at the one on the right with her improvised
‘chasse’ kick technique—the front kick at the opponent—but she did it with a
forward jump. The toes of her right feet impacted the intruder on the face and
sent him out of the window. She landed on the toes of her feet and swung out a
side kick, the fouetté swing kick at the other intruder in the back. The
intruder was drawing his revolver and ended up on his face.
to safety, Doctor.” The count called out and then rushed to the wall beside the
doorway. He did that to avoid the sunlight that could burn his skin. He heard
the drawn trigger and leapt aside. The gunmen had shot at the wall beside the
door. The count was wounded on the left forearm, but he was missed by the
multiple shots.
you are hurt!” Rosa called out. She had retrieved the fallen revolver of the
fallen intruder. It was a Webley revolver. She cracked the skull of the
intruder with a blow to the back of the head. She then held the revolver at the
door, and just then the count was wounded. She pulled the trigger and fired at
the open doorway. He heard the screams, but her concern was with the doctor. He
had rushed into the lab.
was safe.
Jekyll slammed the door of the lab shut. It was not able to be locked with part
of the hinges loosening. He rushed to the nearby table for cover. He was in a
state of panic.
must stay calm. I cannot be in rage.” Doctor Jekyll muttered to himself. He
knew that if he was in rage or lost his calmness, he would spill into his alter
identity of Hyde. It was Hyde who protected Darling, whose family opposed their
friendship. Unlike Romeo and Juliet, they did not commit suicide; they eloped
and lived happily. It was not known as the play was not staged.
must stay calm.” Doctor Jekyll was in a state of frantic, and he eyed the vial.
He picked it and looked hard at it. He knew that the serum would calm him, but
the last episode did not augur well. He felt his personality dragging at his
mind. He felt that he was a weaker man; he was a nerd to many. He wanted to be
more masculine and a fighter than just a lover. When he was approached to
develop the super warrior serum, he did the tests, and it was inconclusive.
When the death numbers piled, he became the test specimen. The previous serum
he injected that used to calm him was added the new properties. He had bouts of
aggression and designed the chair.
flowers...” Doctor Jekyll had the recall that the item was given to him. He had
kept the flower properties in the vial stored on the shelves. He was to try it,
but the count arrived. His work was focused on the count. He had merged the
chemicals of recent, but his lapse of memory eluded his recollection.
was one of his ailments beside his personality; he was affected by loss of
I cannot do it.” Doctor Jekyll cried out.
tossed the revolver when the bullets were spent. She rushed to the kitchen, and
it was then the surviving intruders rushed in. She jumped into the kitchen with
the bullets impacted on the living area. Rosa was not without her choice of
‘churi knives” was her choice. The Romani Churi is a recycled knife made from
an old knife, and those were, and still are, old table knives of the
"bone" handle variety. It was not any specially designed knife but
homemade from salvage blades and attached to the wooden or bone hilt. It will
be used for many purposes, from cutting the branches to slicing the meat. She
used hers for the latter purposes.
grabbed the belt that held her seven knives and slung it across her chest with
the seven knives displayed at the front. She reached for the first knife at the
belt with her right hand and held it with the hand grip. The masters also
taught her the knife fighting techniques when she was young.
ran to the doorway and stayed at the left side wall. She was listening for the
intruder’s approach. The one that stepped had his revolvers lined for the shot,
but the slash on the back of his right shin caused him to yell out in pain. The
second slash was at the right kidney, and he crouched in pain, which was then
the third slash slid his throat. It was called bringing the predator to the
ground. She then rolled over to the far side when the bullets from the other
intruder fired at the door frame. The gunman stepped in, looking at the spot
where Rosa was. That was the moment for Rosa to throw her knife at the gunman’s
right arm holding the revolver. She then rushed at him with a body slam into
the living area.
count was in action when he leapt at the third gunman from his hidden position
behind the shelf. He knew that exposure to the sunlight would hurt him, but
Rosa was his concern. His jump was high and he landed on the gunman with his
jaw opened. He bit into the gunman at the throat and severed the jugular vein
there. It was his first taste of blood for some days. He had refrained from
consuming blood to avoid his host’s interest, but the call was deemed needed
lived then.
fresh blood helped him to heal.
burned wounds on the skin began to heal.
had then sliced the third knife held in her right hand at the side of the
gunman. She rolled off the gunman when the shots were shot. The fallen gunman
was hit by his peers in the chest. Rosa tossed her third knife at the firing
gunman but missed when she was impacted by the bullet at her left shoulder. She
screamed out in pain; it was her first bullet wound.
last gunman then stepped up towards her, but he was then seen tossed by a huge
one hurts Daisy!” The huge frame called out. It was Mr. Hyde. He stood at
almost seven feet in height and held double the dimension of most men.
will kill you!” Mr. Hyde grabbed the gunman and tossed him against the wall. He
then proceeded to grab the injured gunman by the left leg and tossed him once
more across the room. He was approaching the broken gunman when Rosa called out
to him.
it be. He is near death.” Rosa spoke. Mr. Hyde stopped and turned to look at
her. She saw then the gleam in his eyes and the tears that were weeping out. He
approached her and crouched her.
are hurt by him, Darling. I will always protect you.”
know, Hyde. I know.” Rosa reached out with her left hand towards the monster
she had called Hyde. “I know.”
Hyde leaned forward to lay his head against the hand. He was content to be at
her side. He then fell on his side, unconscious.
Rosa reached out to him. She saw his body frame become back to normal, and it
was her love then who greeted her sight.
will be fine.” Rosa heard the count. She looked over and saw the count was
wiping his mouth of the fresh blood.
is alright, my dear. I did what my other self was used to. I am fine now.”
Count Vlad sat back on the flooring behind the divan. “We may have to leave
now. We are compromised here on our safety.”
about Henry?” Rosa saw the count was hurt, but he shook her off his wounds.
goes with us. I know of a safe house where we can get protection. My wounds
will heal there.”
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