Monday, February 10, 2025

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 26


26           The issue with ranking


Mycroft left the scene with his aide on the assigned coach. He was still fretting on the meeting he had that early morning.

“Would you like to stop for tea, Sir?” James Cambier, the aide asked of him.

“No,” And then Mycroft had a change of mind. “Yes, drop me at the club. I can meet someone there.”

The meeting was not arranged but Mycroft have his way to do it abruptly.

“Prime Minister, I am appalled that my actions will be questioned by Lord Dennis.” Mycroft did not mince his words. “The success of Doctor Jekyll’s works are now on my shoulder.”

“Yes, I was told. Lord Dennis is the one with the access to the purse and we must; on his accord showed the results. The Queen is every anxious there.” The Minister was there for a luncheon meeting and was looking at his watch for the time. “I am due to meet my associates soon. Can we do it another time?”

Mycroft nodded and the minister left in a hurry. Soon after the minister’s exit, another was to visit Mycroft.

“I can hear you rambling from outside.” The newly arrived approached Mycroft.

“My Lordship, we meet again.” The Lordship that handed him the dossier and was there then.

“Not my usual repertoire, my Lordship. I am at crossroads here. My role was to ……”

“Protect the interest of the nation and of course, the current Government. We are constantly under pressure from the people and of course, the opposing sides.”

“Naturally, my Lordship.” Mycroft lowered his egoistic expectations. One tends to grow into the role and forgot the ones who employed them.

“Please address me as Admiral. My Lordship makes me a dull pompous idiot” The Admiral cleared the presumption of roles. “Lord Dennis was ……. How may I place it? Under duress to show results too, but the few projects of his were at best dismal in the offerings. The conflict at the continent; the war between the Union and the Confederates did dent the treasury with differing sides holding their views. Our basic requirement of cotton was held at ransom by the Confederates causing us to look at other sources hence the costs of the item.”

“I understand, my Lordship but to haul me as the person to act on the Doctor was …. heavy handed. He is still a subject of the Queen.” That was the order handed to him earlier and had not complied with it.”

“My Lordship, I meant Admiral…... I am fully aware of that but my role was ……”

“Were you aware that Doctor Jekyll is a family friend of Lord Dennis. His daughter, Daisy was a friend of the doctor.” His Lordship advised the other. “Daisy had died some years ago from a rare disorder. Lord Dennis have been trying to find a cure for it for other cases.”

“No, I am not aware. It may be …... removed from the dossier.” Mycroft was surprised. His section was the archive of anything on the persons of interest.

“Yes, it may had been. Lord Dennis had argued remarkably for the funds towards Doctor Jekyll. It hampered other works that may had been more resulting.” His Lordship looked at Mycroft. “I have a task for you.”

“Please advise, my Lordship.” Mycroft reverted to his normalcy. He was not to refuse his Lordship who was Prime Minister in waiting, and then held the admiralty rank.

“I want Doctor Jekyll removed. I meant terminated with extreme prejudice.” The task was simple.

“It is not my calling, my Lordship. I will need the ……”

“The approval is here. It is signed by the Prime Minister. Once you have read this, you will return this to me for …… keep sake.” The written note was handed to Mycroft. He read it and looked to the other.

“Most unusual…...”

“Mycroft Holmes, I will take the task is made known and you will do it.” The Admiral looked at Mycroft. The latter sighed; he was to accept the task regardless of his personal views. He had done some other tasks of similar nature. It was the cost of holding a rank.

Not so among so named friends.

“We are to meet him.” The Admiral opened the door for Mycroft to exit.

At the residence of Holmes, a question of disbelief was on the table.

“You cannot be serious, Holmes. Mary Reid …. It must be a coincidence.” Doctor Watson was disbelieving then. He was seated in the living room with the other after they returned from the crime scene.

“The dossier does not lie.” Holmes motioned to the dossier. “Mycroft section have an unfailing duty to have access to such information.”

“Mary with Moriarty? Absolutely, ridiculous. She is from Kansas, and I doubt Moriarty have even stepped to the continent.” Doctor Watson was upset at the accusation.

“Professor Moriarty is not in the city. It was told to me he left for Glasgow. He may be touring his kingdom, but he had made trips to the continents of both sides. It will not surprise me if he had links to Kansas. I hardly know of his ancestry.”

“It is far-fetched in my view.” Doctor Watson was still looking out for the qualities of the lady.

“Also, for you to know, Mary Reid is a bounty hunter of the supernatural. She held a reputation as a …... hunter of the undead. More is the vampire.”

“Absurd! The dossier is misleading.” Doctor Watson tossed the dossier towards Holmes.

“She is not with the Pinkerton; one of the largest agencies in the world or the Secret Service. Her affiliation is more loosely connected. They operated mostly in the continent, but were known to reach other places. She was involved in some unwanted episodes and took a holiday here of recent.”

“I read that. She conflicted with her peers when they broke up the unions. She was an advocate of the unrepresented.” Doctor Watson was selective in his memory then. He had denied the other remarks on Mary. “It may be a coincidence that she is related to Moriarty, and her …… curiosity on the murders may be …... coincidental.”

“Elementary, my dear Watson. You are infatuated with her. I was …... for a while, but I had become detached…”

“Holmes, you can be colder than the chink of mutton from the last dinner …... most times.” Doctor Watson snapped out.

“I am, most times.” Holmes did not take offence then. “With that cleared, I can assure you my fascination with the lady is purely platonic. I am keener on the murders to be solved. Do you have any new clues?”

Doctor Watson was embarrassed by the other. He was married twice and should had not seen to be the giddy raging hormones driven character.

“I did some checking on the victims. They are not related in ancestry, but in their social life, they were. Inspector Lestrade had shared with me their names and rankings.”


“Yes, their social rankings. Like mine, but theirs were of heritance or connections.” Doctor Watson said.

“They are non-professionals then?” Holmes asked.

“Precisely, among the five men. They are Danny Claibourne; shipping magnate, Jimmy Burns; trader in the commodities, Ian McCallum; owner of several factories including the one making match sticks, Tommy Fallon; railway owner, and Curry Nolan; entrepreneur with business in the Far East. The ladies are Elizabeth Dorian; daughter of the cattle baron from Arizona and Maria Pleaste from the Belgian rich side,”

“Notable names, and frequent on the social news.” Holmes nodded. “That explained the lavish unit, but why there and not in the more prestigious streets? Park Lane or someplace plusher?”

“We need to find out. It may not be the ranks of the social climbers but the hidden agenda of theirs.” Doctor Watson said.




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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...