Friday, February 28, 2025

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 38


38                More needed 


Mary Reid was not complaining of her accommodation; the bed was plush and the covers were of fine cotton. The bed even held the four bed posts; Mary had some fancy thoughts then, but she bit her lips then. If was not that she disliked the thoughts but her wild imagination gave her lucid images of the actions that may had taken there. It was too detailed in her mind.

“I am sure Loretta will cringe my thoughts.” Mary smiled on her face. She knew Loretta who was from Missouri and was a Rebel spy during the war. They had met the infamous Belle Boyd, but they worked on their own missions.

Loretta trained Mary in the arts of espionage and where to shoot at a man. Most times, Mary knew that; “they do not have many hangings parts I can think of.”

“They grabbed you from the front, and you take them off at the lower front too.:” Loretta told her then.

Mary had not seen Wayne since she arrived, but for her own safety, the Madame told her to remain hidden in the room.

“There are many clients of mine that will come in any time of the day or night; just ignore the noise while we will serve your meals in the room. The bucket will be cleared daily by the housekeeper. She will also scent your room with …. What was that you used, Sue? Lilac? Yes, she will do that.”

Mary had stayed there for two days, and nights, with her idle time perusing the cupboard there. It does hold an assortment of exotic items, from the whips to the paddles, and the tight corsets with the knee-high boots. There were also the face masks; some were in dark shades, and some were flashy designs. The most interesting items were the literature there. Mary had read “The Memoirs of Dolly Morton” in one long read, which left her embarrassed and at certain moments having wild fantasies. She thought she had known it all from the farm, and the travels but it was only at the fringe of her imagination. She had read on another book; The Phoenix of Sodom, written by Robert Holloway; admittedly she closed the book several times, but her curiosity got her going back.

“Darn, its dawn.” Mary had cursed at the sunlight that seeped through the drawn curtains. “Now I know why Tweedledamn was not in the book. It will be a riot then.”

On the evening of the second day, she was visited by her protector, Colonel Moran. “Missy, I know you are probably uncomfortable here, but it is a safe place. Most of the ladies are ours and some of them are trained in firearms and self-defences.”

The Colonel had arrived after supper. “I got men posted outside to give additional cover.”

“Any news on who attacked me? And where is my uncle?”

“We know that the ones who attacked you were from the Syndicate. They are a rival gang of ours. Why are they doing it is still being investigated?” The Colonel explained.

“As for the Doctor, he was advised and had not advise us of his return as yet.”

“I have no idea who is the Syndicate?” Mary shook her head. “I have since my visit here, some friends and …. there was Sherlock Holmes.”

“Holmes? When did you meet him?” “A few days ago, and we spoke of the murders……He thinks I am from the prints.”

“Unlikely, Sherlock Holmes will have checked your background. I need to check if he is in any involvement in the shootout. Please stay here for the time.”

“I am fine with that. I have been reading.” Mary looked away.

The Colonel left the lady there, and proceeded to the Adventurers’ Club. He met Jon Roxton there.

“We had to turn back due to the weather there. The rain brought the floods there and the expedition was called off.” Jon was there to take a drink and looked for other expeditions to take part. And, the whereabout of Mary Reid. Jon was told to find Colonel Moran if she was not around.

“I was at Mary’s unit and saw it sealed off. I was told there was a gunfight. Here in the city? I told them unlikely. The coppers here do not even carry guns.”

“Yes, there was a gunfight. She was not there. She is in a safe house.” Colonel Moran said. “She saw me and took her to a friend’s place for the stay.” “Can I see her please?” Jon was asking as if he was facing the recalcitrant potential brother by law.

Colonel Moran told him.

“By Golly, that’s a ……” Jon held his tongue. He knew it by reputation, but had not patronize there. He much prefers his ladies demurer, in a manner of speech. He left in a hurry to avoid any confrontation. His arrival at the brothel was met by inspiring ladies.

“Guapa, mira a mi manera.” (In English from Spanish; Handsome, look my way). One of the ladies called out.

“Ez du nirea bezalakoa.” ((In English from Spanish; She does not have like mine.). Another leaned forth to display her cleavage.

Jon was past the wants of others. He knocked on the room door.

“Come back later. Privy moment.” The reply came through. It was Mary Reid. “It is me, Jon. Jon Roxton.” The man replied and the door was opened in a hurry. He was dragged in to the room, and met with a deep kiss on the lips. His arms reached around her waist and held her.

“Gawd! I need you.” Mary pulled him to the beddings. Jon saw the lady was nude below the shirt, and she does sport an impressive bottom. She pushed the books and the other items she found in the cupboard off the bedding. She laid back on the bedding on her back.

“Interesting read….” Jon picked up the book and saw the cover.

“More interesting.” Jon held the wooden phallic design with his left hand. It was glistening.

“Jon Roxton, if you do not come in. I am impaling you with that.” The lady had her intentions made known. Jon did not hesitate then though he may need a seamstress to mend his pants later.

“I know that man.” Mycroft leaned forth when he saw the man entered the brothel. “I never thought of him patronizing here.”

“He may not be but visiting Mary Reid, I presume.” Holmes was seated next to Mycroft. Doctor Watson was opposite them; he reckoned the brothers need to be next other like twins. Of course, medically he may be wrong at times.

“How would he know? Jon is not a part of the Doctor’s circle.” Doctor Watson who knew Jon Roxton defended the man.

“Jon is not, but he knew Colonel Moran. And if Colonel Moran brought Mary here, I will presume he told Jon that.” Holmes made his assumption.

“And you presume Mary Reid knew Jon. No, it was told to me by the Irregulars. They had retraced Mary’s movements and had the butler told them of a gentleman who visited her. Jon Roxton was the person.” Holmes was proud of his selection of boys in the irregular.

“Shall we go in?” Mycroft was protective of the lady, presumably.

“I am sure he is in.” Doctor Watson added. “We can wait. Patience is a virtue.”

“The sluice gate is open.” Mycroft mumbled. Unaware by the trio, Colonel Moran was told by his men of the coach there.

“I think it is time I complete task.” Colonel Moran looked at the stationery coach. “Get Tommy here.”  


Busy busy like a BEE

 I am caught up with work (As most of us are) and was doing a new tale as a follow up to the one I was posting. It was interminent in the writes....between cursing at the vendors .... and feigning smiles at the clients.... going Daiblo with the staff.... and retiring to my armchair at home with a "WHAT IF" and in between those takes, I was punching the keyboard....

As my lap top will said it better; ists a miscerable life.

Then on Feb 25th I got a spike up my... we will civilized here.... I was reading an article on FRANKENSTEIN... and it went on... I did have a version of one of my clients as that persona, but we shall be... civilized. 

Then I came across another tale, CARMILLA by Frau .....pardon me, it was Sheridan Le Fanu (1872). In case you are to read the tale, its an erotic tale with a difference.

And then I slept. 

I dreamed. 

It was to do with the new blender I bought. 

And on the 25th Feb, I woke up.... no bites on my neck, nor was it anywhere else, and I started wrtiting with reference to Para One here, and in two days I reached 12,000 words, and FRANKIE is still in the womb. 

And will be soon. 

You may call it EROTISM HORROR or HORNY-FLYING EROTIC.... whatever, I have not decided just what but my bed was wet the last two nights. I knew I should had let the dog out before I got to bed.


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 37

 37           The wonders of deduction


Holmes leaned back on his seat and reached for his pipe after reading the telegram. He did not light the pipe but looked to his guests and companion with the gleam in his eyes.

“Gentlemen, our hunt may have sprung some new discoveries.” Holmes handed out the first telegraph he received.

The worldwide communication network was established some years ago when telegraph cables were laid across oceans. On land, cables could be run uninsulated, suspended from poles. Underwater, a good insulator that was both flexible and capable of resisting the ingress of seawater was required. A solution presented itself with gutta-percha, a natural rubber from the Palaquium gutta tree, after William Montgomerie sent samples to London from Singapore in 1843. The new material was tested by Michael Faraday, and in 1845, it was used on the cable planned between Dover and Calais by John Watkins Brett. The idea was proved viable when the South Eastern Railway company successfully tested a three-kilometer (two-mile) gutta-percha insulated cable with telegraph messages to a ship off the coast of Folkestone. The cable to France was laid in 1850 but was almost immediately severed by a French fishing vessel. It was re-laid the next year, and connections to Ireland and the Low Countries soon followed.

“It was a reply from Belgium's finest on the whereabouts of Professor Freud. He is not here nor traveling but in his home in Belgium. He is recovering from a bout of flu and was resting there.”

“Boorish!” Mycroft exclaimed. “It cannot be we were duped. He had the credentials and... He was the one who told me of Mary Pleaste's whereabouts... more so after her death.”

“He was giving you bait, and you chewed on it. His credentials here are... Papers can be faked.” Holmes looked to his brother. “If not for the speedy messaging, we will be duped further.”

“Then who did I meet?” Doctor Watson asked.

“An ingenious personality that rivalled Professor Moriarty.” Holmes said. “His name is unknown but known as the Doctor and of late the Professor. There were tales that he adopted his name from a dead friend; a brother in arms to be exact but unproven. Proven fact is that he is from the Syndicate. No one knew of his face, for he wore disguises and imitated others.”

“Disguises and... Why, that is you, Holmes.” Mycroft burst out. “You could have fooled us most times.”

“All the time, Mycroft.” Doctor Watson added. “Disguises gives us access most times.”

“No one knows who leads the Syndicate.” Mycroft added. “They are a shadow organization.”

“Professor Moriarty is not linked to any criminal groups, but we know of its existence, and the leader is the Doctor.” Doctor Watson said. “I am sure the doctor and the organization may be linked. Could this Professor be the leader?”

“Inconclusive, Watson. I have been monitoring the Syndicate’s works, and they are rivals, but the Syndicate's works were more on smuggling and maybe killings.” Holmes gave his view. “They are more focused on that than Professor Moriarty, who is on building his crime network here.”

“Would Professor Moriarty and the Professor be the same person?” Mycroft asked.

“I checked with Glasgow. Professor Moriarty is there and leaving for the Baltics.” Holmes replied. “And more to it, the Doctor does not use disguises.”

"Could it be a first time?” Doctor Watson cut in.

“It may not be so. His aide, Colonel Moran, is well suited to manage for him. As reported to me.” Holmes handed the second message. “Colonel Moran was the one at Mary’s unit. He coordinated her escape and had the shootout with the intruders there. He may have been in a rush and left a spent casing. It carried his marking. The Colonel has his bullets from the armorer I befriended.”

“The criminal in cahoots with you?” Mycroft asked.

“No, he knew me as the duck hunter from Sussex. One of my many identities.” Holmes smiled.

“Holmes, I did not know you shoot ducks." Doctor Watson asked.

“I do not, but I can be convincing as a shooter.” Holmes explained. “Now back to the Syndicate. We do not know why they target Mary Reid. Was it because of her association with the doctor? And how killed Mary Pleaste and friends? Are they related to Mary Reid’s attempt? The more crucial query is, why were not the victims removed of their organs? Was it the timing of the kill? And why the rooftop?”

“Perhaps you want a drink to move those thoughts?” Mrs. Hudson had returned from the kitchen with the pot of tea and scones.

“Tha e na fhactar neo-àbhaisteach.” (Translated from Gaelic Scottish) It is the uncommon factor.) Holmes called out.

The gathered were stunned by his outburst.

“Mary Pleaste murders were by the monsters, but the organs were not touched. Her death and the others may be an execution to warn others. Their bodies were displayed on the rooftop to signify public display. You cannot hide from me. Like the Count Vlad did to the ones he impaled for all to see. He also did the infamous Dark Attack which terrorise the Turks.”

“Mary Reid’s attack was however not by the monster. She was a vampire hunter. So, where is the common factor?” Holmes looked at Mycroft.

“You mentioned to me that Doctor Jekyll has a guest...” Holmes tried to recall the name.

“Count Vlad Tepes.” Mycroft said. “He sought treatment there.” “The Count is well known as...”

Holmes looked towards the doctor.

“Count Dracula.” Doctor Watson mentioned the name.

“Do you know why I was asking on Doctor Jekyll? He remains a subject of mine, for I knew him then in the chemistry fraternity. We did not attend the same classes, but his works were uncommon.”

“The Am bàillidh neo-àbhaisteach; it meant in Gaelic Scottish for the uncommon factor. One of my tutors, who speaks Gaelic Scottish when he gets excited and teaches Henry Jekyll, told me of the other tests. He said Henry was fixated on the properties of the blood. He was also close to one named Daisy, who was the daughter of Lord Dennis.”

“Hmm…” Mycroft frowned at his expression. “Daisy was not known to me, but I was told that she was frail. She would not have been allowed to attend classes for her condition, but her father held great influence over the faculty. She did not complete her studies while Henry went on to get the honours. It was later when the news came to me of Daisy’s death. I looked up Henry out of concern and heard that he was on his own. I had wanted to consult Henry on matters regarding blood, but my letters were never replied.”

“It was much later than I was to know that Henry was involved in the secret tasks of the government." Holmes looked at Mycroft.

“You knew? I never told you anything.”

“No, you need not. I have my means to know.” Holmes then moved on the matter.

“Now that you mentioned Count Vlad, then there may be a link to Mary Reid. She was protected by Professor Moriarty and is a vampire hunter. She did enquire about the murders. She in her words to us then was it linked to vampires.”

“Yes, she did mention that.” “Doctor Watson affirmed that.

“The question is when and how this can be connected." Holmes pondered in his mind.

“Mycroft, how did you know of Mary Reid?”

“From my section. It was James Cambier who gave me the dossier.”

“And Professor Freud was the same?” Holmes asked. The other nodded.

“Mary had a little lamb; its fleece was white as snow; and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.” Mrs. Hudson hummed to herself.  

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 36


36. Mary Pleaste


“Before that, let me brief on the matter regarding Mary Pleaste.” The professor looked at the other two. They were associated with the lady, for she frequents their homes and, most times, worked with them on the syndicate works. She was also introduced to their circle of friends, of which the other victims were.

“Mary Pleaste had her own agenda here. She was building a cartel of funders and influencing members to start her own group. She began with the ones she knew would benefit from her work and be installing them as founder members; they were secured of the leadership. She organized the unit where they were killed—not one but a few addresses to hold their meetings.”

“Mary was good at it, being in the syndicate for very long, and before that she was a great organizer. She made one mistake. She told you.” The professor looked at the admiral.

The admiral leaned back on the seat. He was approached by Mary Pleaste but did not make any decision then. He then confided in someone who leaked the news to the professor. It prompted the professor to visit the city.

“I thank you, Admiral. It was admirable of you to tell me.” The professor looked towards Lord Dennis. “Now, I did come unannounced and was in my other disguise, as the Professor. I needed the cover to avoid Mary’s detection.”

“The murders were a distraction, and my so-called lectures—hurried and unplanned—kept me busy. I switched my notes towards the topic of criminals and was surprised that the intelligence section took a bite off my time. I was introduced to Doctor John Watson, whom I was kind enough to accommodate, then the immaculate Mycroft Holmes. I am honoured to meet them, although my real identity had eluded their scrutiny.”

“Professor, why was Mary Pleaste not dissected like the other murders?” Lord Dennis asked. “The warriors are capable of it.”

“I had to leave the bodies intact, for I do not want to link the murders together.” The professor explained. “And more to it, Mary Pleaste and associates had contributed to our cause and deserved a decent burial. Their execution was a warning to the others. Or you preferred them impaled.”

“I understand now.” Lord Dennis nodded.

“Now that is cleared, I must commend on the works of Lord Dennis and yourself, Admiral. Both your efforts and your resoluteness to work on the Super-Warrior project yielded great results. They did a great task on the murders and obeyed orders.”

“It is a grim task, Professor, but the soldiers are efficient in the kill and retrieval.” The admiral smiled. “We have almost perfected the Super Warrior design.”

“A noble task if not the breakout of loyalty by Mary Pleaste and her friends.” The professor added. “Some of us worked with the ego that they were superior to others. They are perceived to be bold, but boldness also comes with a cost. Their lives paid for it.”

“How did you get them to work?” The professor looked at Lord Dennis.

“It was the genius works of Doctor Manfred, who had made the discovery, but there are some setbacks. The warriors are short-lived, for the serum could kill them in days, breaking down the working of the organs. They are termed those who are to die. The doctor is working feverishly to prevent that and thus may assist my own daughter.” Lord Dennis explained.

“How long and many of these warriors do we have?” The professor asked.

“A dozen active ones, and another dozen on the waiting list. We have lost over fifty men since we began." The Admiral gave the numbers.

“Collateral damages.” The professor said.

“Professor, may I say something?” Lord Dennis looked at the other. “Doctor Jekyll is a guest of my castle. He was brought there by the count, who had courted the doctor on my recommendation. They came to my castle upon the attack by the admiral’s men.”

“It was to remove the doctor whom I felt was unneeded with the advances made by Doctor Manfred.” The Admiral cut in.

“An action of your ego.” The professor snapped at the admiral. “You have acted hastily once too often. Your attack on the doctor may be premature.”

“Doctor Jekyll's work still holds some unknowns to Doctor Manfred.” Lord Dennis sighed. “When he arrived at the castle, he was surprised that I knew the Count, but he forgot it was my referral. He has these lapses of memory. Anyway, I told him of Doctor Manfred and the works; he was furious. He wanted to report me, and I had to imprison him. He became deranged, and then the shock of seeing him in the new monster look.”

“Monster?” The professor was stunned.

“Yes, he transformed into the huge monster, and if not for the Super Warriors, we would not have restrained him. He was chained and imprisoned. Soon, I checked on his condition. He was back to his normal self. Doctor Manfred wanted to do some tests on him.” Lord Dennis told them.

“Interesting development. I must see to him. How is the Count?”

“The Count is recovering from his wounds. I had asked him to convince the doctor to work with us, but he refused. I had him tortured in the room with the sunlight on him. He suffers from the unknown ailment that exposure to the sunlight will burn his skin. He is last I saw, cowering at the corner in pain.”

“So, Count Vlad needs his elixir of life.” The professor smiled. “It is a secret of the valley. He needs blood to restore his immunity.”

“He would not get it if he did not cooperate.” Lord Dennis said.

“It would seem that events have some developments that we can work on.” The professor smiled. “I must see Doctor Jekyll.”

“And Admiral, why did you want to kill Mary Reid?’

“She was with Holmes and asking a lot of questions on the murders. And …… her dossier was presented to Mycroft. She may be a threat to us.”

“And you acted in accordance to that.” The Professor looked at the Admiral. “For a man of military experiences, you seem to lack the finer qualities.”

“She knew of Doctor Jekyll or rather his guest.” The Admiral added. “My informant is absolute.”

“The chap you have working for Mycroft?”

“Yes, Professor. James Cambier.”

“Have him removed. He is a loose connection to us and soon. Mycroft will know of it. Or rather his brother will do so.” The Professor told the Admiral. “Your hastiness to act on the lady may have created a conflict between us and Moriarty.”

“Lord Dennis, see to the task. Convince Colonel Moran that we are …… to be left alone. I do not want to fight another warfront.” The Professor then added.

“Set our men to trail the Holmes including Mycroft. They may lead us to some news.”



Saturday, February 22, 2025

The WINDOW (adult themed)

 I submitted the title for a contest I was hosting at another blog. I was also drawn to the title, the idea for it which is listed below as part of the contest requirements. 

So here goes, my take on it. 

Room with a View; the novel by E.M. Forster, was a tale about a young woman, engaged then, met another man when she was on holiday. She was unsure of her journey of love thereafter.

Rear Window an Alfred Hitchcock classic movie based on the short story It Had to Be Murder by Cornell Woolrich. It was remake by Christopher Reeve. He was the Quadriplegic who then uses a wheelchair, relieves the boredom of his daily existence by engaging in voyeurism.

Two different stories, and the only common link is the view of it. The former a love affair. The latter a criminal tale. The challenge is to make it more interesting but blend the two tales into one. Any length, any content and have fun.

Add in new directions/hints/ideas.

P.S. I may add my own version of it in the comments section when I am more available to write this weekend. Writing is an expression of our thoughts that could be inspired by what we saw, hear, or read. The story will form in our mind may be in fragments, but it will us who will construct the whole story. To me, writing is a form of therapy for my stress.



I see you, Jimmy. You are there at the window. Are you watching me? Do not lie, Jimmy. You always do that ever since I was thirteen. Yes, you were a bad boy even there. Ten years old you were, and you liked to watched. You peeked with the lights off but you pulled the curtains apart. I could not see you but the shadows told me you are there. If you ever knew the shadows followed you wherever you are. The streetlight does not reach mine, but it does on yours. You told me when we were younger that the demons came to your room from the window. They creep in at night with the long creeping arms, and then stood there watching you. You told me to watch so that I can tell the others about it. I did for I was your friend, and I saw the shadows. I thought it was the demons but the demon was you. Yes, yourself lying on the bedding, and your hands were busy. You were disgusting then and always will be. I hate you.

I knew it well, Jimmy. You made me watched while you watched me. I did wonder what did you see then. It was not silly of me to know later. Your sister betrayed you. She sneaked out the magazines from under your bedding. You were watching me like them. You were bad but I grew too. The pictures were of me too. I saw myself in them. I begin to like it. I could not do it to anyone but you. Why? I guess you wanted to see me grow.

Oh, Jimmy. It was fun. It was making me feel like them. I want to be like them too. I could had been but I wanted myself to be only for you. Peter; you knew him too. He once told me if I showed him mine, he would do the same. I said agreeable but he was to do it first. He did and I saw, and then I ran. He chased me but I could run faster than anyone of the boys. I ran home, locked the door, and laughed. Peter stood outside my window, and called me out. You knew as you were at the window. You threw the shoes at Peter for disturbing me. He threw it back at your window. That was funny.

The fun was always there. It was soon I became you first. I guess it was to be. I was too then. We were more than friends. I could not describe your expression then but it was funny. You kept on asking me to take it off, but it was our first time. I told you no, and you ran out. You went back to your window. You stood there, and removed your clothes. I did the same, and we stared at each other. We love each other.

I am sorry, it never lasted.


Bitch, you lied to me. I loved you. I adored you. I would have given you more …… Well, I did. It was my promise to you to make you happy. I did not foresee the incident that left me like this. We had arguments but it was never bad. We made up and moved on. I was not be blamed. It was Rita; she was at the window. I looked then. She was just there. I knew it was your room, but Rita stood there like you did many times. It was only once but you kicked me out of your room. I will be honest, I could not feel anything here at my heart, and yes, it was all there at Rita. She was like the ones I had kept below the bedding. They were in my head; my window to my other self. They are not real. I could not be seen with them but only you. I knew of that ever since I saw you but that was not good enough for you. You had Peter moved into you. He took my sloppy seconds. He took you where I had been; your final frontier. You knew I will be watching. You had to do it by the window. You had to leave the curtain open for me. You must show me your expression. You never cared for me. You just moved on. I was just ……the one who peeked. Why Peter? He was a misfit. He never loved you but the way he gabbed at you, the squeeze, the force. He was violating you, and you let him do it.

Where is the fuck in it? I was your best. You said to me. I am the best. I am into you. Joanie, you must forgive me. I tossed out Rita, Jolene and who else but you. Please come back to me. I will keep the window open for you. I am always yours. We love each other.

I am sorry, it never lasted.


Do not be hard, Jimmy. I do apologies here. Please remain hard. It was never meant to last. You never did for long and it will be our little secret. I would not tell to anyone.

Jimmy, you were my window to move on. I needed to know the full feeling, and you were there. Somehow, it was not the same without you. Kinky, yes. It was fun to watch you there watching. I knew you watched at Rita, Jolene, and the who else was there but they were not real. I was the real window you needed. And you were the window I needed. I saw my own there. It was not Peter but you. You made me complete. You were always the one I needed to watch for. We needed the window to see ourselves. Be ourselves. You, me and the window.

Do not close the curtains, Jimmy. The window is our tunnel of love. It will always be ours.




Friday, February 21, 2025

A new awakening in me....

Warning: It can be distressing to read anything before bedtime, or you may not wake up sane. 

Here is the brief on it.

Room with a View, the novel by E.M. Forster, was a tale about a young woman, engaged then, who met another man when she was on holiday. She was unsure of her journey of love thereafter.

Rear Window is an Alfred Hitchcock classic movie based on the short story It Had to Be Murder by Cornell Woolrich. It was remade by Christopher Reeve. He was the quadriplegic who, then using a wheelchair, relieved the boredom of his daily existence by engaging in voyeurism.

Two different stories, and the only common link is the view of it. The former is a love affair. The latter is a criminal tale. The challenge is to make it more interesting but blend the two tales into one. Any length, any content, but its to have fun.

I may add my own version of it in the comments section when I am more available to write this weekend. Writing is an expression of our thoughts that could be inspired by what we saw, heard, or read. The story that may form in our minds may be in fragments, but it will be us who will construct the whole story. 

To me, writing is a form of therapy for my stress, or was it to avoid madness creeping in? (Hahahaha. I could picture the JOKER impression here. I should stop watching serial killer series and stick to HARVEY PORTER; who? Trust me, you do not want to meet him just yet. He will place you in the pottery with the others.)

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 35


35           The new revelation


“Mankind held dear to their ego.” The man seated at the simple cottage on the outskirt of the city spoke. He was met by distinguished guests, and in his humble abode, the host had served tea to the guests.  It was simple furnishings there, with many books on the shelves and floor. The host spends his idle time reading them; the knowledge was his best tool. One of the notable books there were Book of the Marvels of the World (Italian: Il Milione, lit. 'The Million', possibly derived from Polo's nickname "Emilione"), a 13th-century travelogue written down by Rustichello da Pisa from stories told by Italian explorer Marco Polo. It describes Polo's travels through Asia between 1271 and 1295, and his experiences at the court of Kublai Khan.

“My forefather, Marco Polo was more than a trader but an adventurer. He travels far to the Far East, and was marvelled by the greatness of the Mongols there.” The host always tells the exploits of his ancestor. “The empire then and previous one, the Roman Empire; they all expired over time as would the current Queen’s empire.”

“It was not the vastness but the control of the leaders assigned to manage the outer lands.” The host smiled.

“The tea you are drinking did not come from the Far East but grown in India. The origin of tea was from the Far East, but the seeds of it was brought to India and even to Africa, and planted. It resulted in more tea variations. Alike to the empires, they did not collapse as said by many historians, but evolved into many cliches of it. All of it were driven by mankind’s ego to do their own. Some failed to restore it but an empire of sort was formed; we called them countries today.”

“I am working with some of them, and one day, I will have it all consolidated into one huge empire.” The host laughed and pointed to the world ma over the fireplace. It held many pins with the strings attached to it from the Far East to the continents on both sides and below. It all meet at a small country named Belgium.

“Belgium is a small country, with a smaller nation of people but we held the best minds in the world. We can be marked to be Kings, and it will be.” The host smiled. The room was dimly lit and the curtains drawn shut.

“Professor, you are extraordinary in your thoughts.” The Admiral smiled. “A super …...”

“A person with the ability to use the Super-Ego inside of me? I am flattered.” The host laughed. “Professor Freud advocated the implant in his research and I have derived it qualities here.”

“You do bear an uncanny …….” The Lord of Exchequer was to comment.

“An uncanny resemblance to the man, but perhaps a more designed mindset than him.” The host smiled. “I have been mistakenly taken to be him, and I do take his role with me. I also have a deep understanding in his works. I also studied Carl Jung’s works, and well versed with many others. Psychology is a matter of utmost interest.”

“This year, at the other continent, William James published The Principles of Psychology. Probably the first publication in medical science on the subject matter. In his words, Psychology is the Science of Mental Life, both of its phenomena and of their conditions but the treatment within asylums were barbaric and often caused physical harm to the patient with little to no relief of their symptoms.”

“You are very passionate on the subject matter, Professor.” Lord Dennis remarked.

“As much as my other disguise, Professor Freud, but he held an affinity to the matter of sexual feelings.” The self-declared medical expert smiled. “I do not. Disguise is a way for us to look like another to replace that persona.”

“Portia disguised as a male to attend the magistrate court to defend her lover from her own father, in the Merchant of Venice. Disguise is not new but an art that has been carried through the ages.” The host laughed. “The man called Sherlock Holmes, uses it in his some of his acts.”

“Being in disguise was a great part of entertainment for the Elizabethan aristocracy. To take part in Masquerade in the Elizabethan court was a great opportunity how to become someone or something else without being recognized.” (Extract from

“If I were set on the glasses and set my beard, I am the esteemed Professor of Psychology.”  The host smiled. “Deception is a way of how our ego will work.”

“Puikus ten darbas!” (In English from Lithuanian; Splendid work there.)

“Thank you, Admiral.” The host claimed to be from the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Respublika is a country in the Baltic region of Europe. It is one of three Baltic states and lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. 

“How do you avoid meeting the real Professor in public?” Lord Dennis was ever curious. “I am of the usual plush Lord’s appearance.”

Lord Dennis was previously described as the gentleman was with a thick Walrus moustache—a thick and bushy bold one sized up his rounded face with the thick sideburns to complement—reclining headline with the hair trimmed short. Like his face, his body frame was rounded, more to the obese dimensions, but his manners were royal.

“I have my men shadowing his movements. At this moment, he is still in Belgium with his lectures. If he leaves Belgium, I will be advised then I will slip into my other disguises. Perhaps Wild Bill Hickok.”

The gathered there laughed, although the Admiral was unsure who that was. He spent most of his time at sea or in the House of Commons to argue matters.

“Now to the matter on hand.” The host brought the issue out.

“Tell me on the matter of Doctor Jekyll.”

“Professor, Doctor Jekyll’s work has been checked and re-tested at the lab I made. His works are remarkable, and with them, we may have made a breakthrough but not refined. Our own researcher, Doctor Schmidt Manfred, had made some discoveries." Lord Dennis added. “Undisclosed to Doctor Jekyll.”

“Doctor Manfred is a good friend of mine. He had pioneered the works on the blood at his own laboratory, but of course, he was unrefined than that of Doctor Henry Jekyll.” The professor explained. “I have always admired both men in their works.”

“I know of your intention to secure Doctor Jekyll for your own experiments, which I hoped were developing.”

“We are working on that. Daisy’s condition has remained... fragile. Even with the organ’s replacement, her vitals are still weak.” Lord Dennis has secured the expertise of Doctor Manfred to assist in his daughter’s cure. To the outside world, his daughter is dead, buried in the family plot at the estate, but the deceit of the father has secretly kept the daughter in the castle. He had requested Doctor Henry Jekyll to save his daughter, but he was not able to. He could not find the cure for her, and Lord Dennis faked her death but not his request to Henry.

“You will work on the cure, not for Daisy but for others.” Lord Dennis told the doctor. “I will give you the needed funding.”

It was the effort of Doctor Manfred who suggested replacing the organs on Daisy that kept her alive, although in the state of comatose. Unfortunately, not all the organs worked at times, with complications seen in days, so the need to replace the correct ones was the urgency. Hence, the murder cases with the organs removed.

However, due to government pressure, Doctor Jekyll was asked to do other works on the Super Warrior properties.

“Professor, Doctor Jekyll’s work has been checked and re-tested at the lab I made. His works are remarkable, and with them, we may have made a breakthrough. Doctor Schmidt Manfred had made some discovery.” Lord Dennis added. “Undisclosed to Doctor Jekyll.”

“Doctor Manfred is a good friend of mine. He had pioneered the works on the blood at his own laboratory, but of course, he was unrefined than that of Doctor Henry Jekyll.” The professor explained. “I have always admired both men in their works.”

“Doctor Manfred is a good friend of mine. He had pioneered the works on the blood at his own laboratory, but of course, he was unrefined than that of Doctor Henry Jekyll.” The professor explained. “I have always admired both men in their works.”

“Professor,” the admiral set the tone. “We intervened on Doctor Jekyll. Unfortunately, he escaped. How? We are unsure.”

“Drive the ego, and you get the works.” It worked, and Doctor Jekyll was on the program. He felt an obligation towards Lord Dennis for his failure to save the daughter.



Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 34


34           The curtain raised


The mood at the room of the Famous Five meeting was attended by all, and the mood was as if they discovered that Hell was in their backyard. That meeting was fully attended by all, though they sat on opposing sides in two groups, with the No.1 in the rift to act as moderator.

“It was Hell to be exact.” The aide to the Queen who was also No. 4. “I heard the incidents of mass killing and there were the gunfights.”

“Involving Naval Intelligence to be precise.” No.5 who was Chief of Intelligence voiced out. His authority does not out reach the Naval section.

“It was the action of a renegade Commander who is now in the brig awaiting court martial. Regretfully, he acted on his own.” The Admiral who is No.2 defended his section. “I took immediate action there.”

“And why was the Commander on the works, No.2” No.4 was insistent to get the truth. “Her Majesty had stressed on the need to curb the news. We do not need such publicity.”

“No.4. I did what was the needed. I do not know the thoughts and affiliation of every personnel but assuredly they will serve the Queen without any question.”

“No.2, are you aware that the Queen gets letters with gifts from her cousins and relations that were marked with mockery towards her. One even sent over a wolf cub.” No.4 pressed on with the grace behind his rank.

“I am not aware. Perhaps No.4 would like to have a mini zoo at the palace.” No.3 finally voiced out. “I could allocate the funds.”

“Settle your difference in the House but not here. We are to discuss the latest incidents including the gunfight on the street. No.5, who were they?” No.1 cut in with the stern voice.

“From our investigation, they are mercenaries and may belong to the Syndicate. They are mostly involved in smuggling including human and arms. We are still trying to find the links there.” No.5 replied.

“Mercenaries? From where, or funded by whom?” No.4 asked.

“Germans, and by whom we are unsure but the initial report says the Syndicate.” No.5 replied.

“Mercenaries? Most unlikely. My Intelligence would have detected that.” No. 2 cut in.

“And acted on their own.” No.4 added. “I am sure the Queen will be more interested on the development there.”

“Gentlemen, I will adjourn the meeting now.” No.1 stood up. “I am to meet Belgium Emissary soon.”

All the attendees took their leave, and soon No.2 and No.3 shared the same coach to their destination.

“Admiral, it is a sham by your team at the residence of Doctor Jekyll but a successful task was done.” Lord Dennis said to the Admiral. The gentleman with a thick Walrus moustache—a thick and bushy bold one sized up his rounded face with the thick sideburns to complement—reclining headline with the hair trimmed short. Like his face, his body frame was rounded, more to the obese dimensions, but his manners were royal.

“Lieutenant Commander Blyth did his task as commanded. He lost his team unfortunately. I am to send him to the West Indies and will retire there.” The Admiral said. “We did not foresee the resistance of the Doctor. Did he perfect the Super warrior serum? The damages there were extensive.”

“I was not advised. His works had been documented by my own team and replicated. But of late, he was with the Count, and had not reported any developments.” Lord Dennis told the Admiral. “But we made some progress on our own. Doctor Schauman had some successes. It was not complete but the designs were there.”

“At your secret lab at the castle? I am surprised.” The Admiral smiled. “Doctor Jekyll could have hidden back his works from us.”

“Yes, the Professor is excited. He wants to see us now.” Lord Dennis told the other. “At the hideaway.”

Meantime, the aide to the Queen cornered the Chief of Intelligence.

“Matthew, do you have any new developments?” It was the rare moments when the Chief was addressed by his given name.

“No, Abdul. I do not have any. My section was sealed off form the residence of Doctor Jekyll by the Naval Intelligence. We did seize some of the equipment including some vials. We are testing them to see what was done, or rather were doing. The Naval Intelligence were late there.”

“And on the gunfight?”

“It was the work of the Syndicate as my reports but we are trying to link them. The mercenaries as we termed them are professionals and will not disclose their paymaster.” The Chief said.

“Thugees, they are alike.” Abdul reflected on his native home of the murderous gang. “We could never end their menace.”

The Thuggee reportedly operated as gangs of highwaymen who tricked and murdered their victims by strangling. To take advantage of their victims, the thugs would join travellers and gain their confidence, which would allow them to surprise and strangle the travellers with a handkerchief or noose. The killing would strangle them swiftly from behind. After the murder, they sometimes mutilated the corpses to hide evidence, and buried the remains.

After initial investigations confirmed what Feringhea had said, Sleeman began an extensive campaign using profiling and intelligence. Sleeman was made superintendent of the Thuggee and Dacoity Department in 1835, an organ of the Indian government first established by the East India Company in 1830. Sleeman developed elaborate intelligence techniques that pre-dated similar methods in Europe and the US by decades. During the 1830s, the thugs were targeted for eradication by the Governor-General of India, Lord William Bentinck, and his chief captain, William Henry Sleeman.

The campaign relied heavily on captured thugs who became informants. These informants were offered protection on the condition that they told everything that they knew. The suspects were subject to bench trials before British judges. Though the trials were lacking by later standards (e.g., suspects were not allowed legal representation), they were conducted with care to protocols of the time. While most suspects were convicted, Dash notes that the courts genuinely seemed interested in finding the truth and rejected a minority of allegations due to mistaken identity or insufficient evidence.  In 1870s the practice of thuggee was thought to have ceased. However, the history of Thuggee led to the Criminal Tribes Act (CTA) of 1871. 

“They do share the same murder mutilations mode.” No.4 sighed. “Such similarity to the ones we have now.”

“It could be a coincidence. I doubt the Thuggee are here.” No.5 commented. “If they are, the victims selected are inconclusive.”





Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 33




“What did they do on my city? A gun fight in broad daylight?” Inspector Lestrade was upset when he arrived at the scene. “How many dead, Sergeant?”

“Six …... it was seven. They are not our folks. I saw their marks on the wrist.” The Sergeant reported. “Exiles, or migrants and rather of German or French origin. We have encountered them before.”

“The Syndicate, you meant?” Inspector Lestrade sighed. He had enough of the gangs with one assumed to be led by a distinguished Professor. He heard of the Syndicate that was to make an appearance some years back with their operations at the docks. They were mostly involved with smuggling; humans and goods which was under the purview of the Naval. Their personnels were mostly foreigners and the occasional locals, but no one knew who the leaders are.

“Anyone we know?”

“Pierre “Pox Face’ Marcel. We recognise his face.” The Sergeant said. “He was on the stairways.”

“Hm.....” Inspector Lestrade nodded. “I have to report to the Yard on this.”

“Inspector, witnesses said that just before the gunfight, there was a coach wating and a lady boarded it. We recognised the coach by its number on the side. It belonged to Johnny Wayne.”

“Wayne? Sounds familiar.” Inspector Lestrade pondered on the name.

“He works for Colonel Sebastian Moran.” 

“And from there with the elusive Professor character.” Inspector Lestrade added. “It is sad that we do not have a name to the Professor yet. Holmes is not disclosing the name if he ever knows.”

“Professor, Sir?” The Sergeant was baffled. He did recall the mastermind was a doctor and not a professor. It will be Hell to pay if any professor was accused of it; there are fewer of them compared to the doctors, and even more than the lineup of Ministers which are equally horrendous; Church Ministers he was referring.

“Yes, Sergeant. Please issue the caution to the coppers. We got some serious incident in the city today. I want the rounds made to stop any recurrence of the act.” Inspector Lestrade took on the stern expression.

“Should we call in Holmes, Sir?”

“Bloody well, no. I am sure we can solve this by our own.” Inspector Lestrade snapped out. He then saw the reporters were at the scene. “Shoo them off for now. I have no statement to make yet.”

The news had reached Baker Street courtesy of the Irregular or the Boys Brigade.

“It seems that we have another case to ponder on.” Holmes read the message handed to him. His guest was still there, adoringly treated by Mrs Hudson, while the doctor had adjourned twice to the privy.

“Thank you, Mrs Hudson for the sweet-smelling condiments. The room was getting rather stuffy.” Mycroft smiled at the lady.

“It was no issue at all. I merely immersed the roses you gave me; added in the fragrance and alcohol. I learned that in the continent. It was sweaty there and awful the smell, that I had to dabble these on.” Mrs. Hudson smiled. “Toilet scent it was called.”

“Toilet? I …... I must admit my ignorance of it.” Mycroft smiled.

“The word toilet is French in origin and is derived from the word 'toilette', which translates as 'dressing room'.” Mrs Hudson educated Mycroft.

“There has been a gunfight in the street at where Mary Reid was residing. A group of gunmen tried to storm the house but were repelled by another group.” Holmes read the message given to him. “If I am not mistaken that particular address is one of the Doctor’s homes.”

“Mine?” Doctor Watson appeared then looking pale. “I have only this address here.”

“Not yours, Watson. I was referring to Professor Moriarty. He does house his guest there.”

“Moriarty? It was a matter of time before we will hear of his involvement.” Watson have a personal dislike of the other doctor by namesake now then the Professor..

“Moriarty had arranged a protection group there, but the bodies found there were not his. They were outsiders.” Holmes leaned back on the seat. “We will know more when the messages come in.”

“Who was staying there, Holmes?” Watson asked. “I was preoccupied earlier.”

“Mary Reid, I presume.” Holmes replied.

“By George, we must go there. She could be hurt. She may need a doctor ……” Watson was frantically looking for his medical case.

“Calm down, Watson. None of the dead or wounded were a lady. I could have made an error in saying Mary was there. She may be elsewhere and this shooting was not related to her. Moriarty have many opposing forces.”

“Bloody well. He should not have endangered Mary here.” Watson found his medical case. “Are we …...”

“Bloody well.” Watson placed the medical case on the table.

The shrill of the bell denotes another visitor. Mrs Hudson attended to it and handed over the message to Holmes. Mycroft saw the pained expression on his brother.

“Mary Reid was pursued by others and …... may be okay. She escaped them on the coach driven by John Wayne. Watson, you knew him too?”

“Yes, John Wayne. He works for the Doctor. He is a mean fellow and once came to see me for some medications. He suffered from some blood disorder and needed bloodletting but I refer him to another physician. He had scars on his back from signs of whipping that he said was his cure for the ailment.”

“A good man and loyal to the doctor. He was from the continent from what I was to know.” Holmes looked to the window. “Kansas does not look to be far anymore.”

“Where did he place Mary?” Watson asked.

“Bordel de Sado.”

“Bloody…. Hell.” Watson was upset.

“The main concern here is the recent events/ the hideous murders with the organs removed, the attack on Doctor Jekyll, and then on Mary Reid; presumably her.” Holmes looked at his friends and brother. “Are they all inter-related?”

“Count Vlad was a guest of Doctor Jekyll.” Mycroft added.

It was then Holmes was told of some telegrams that he was to received.

“Rebus, indeed.”





Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...