Monday, December 30, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Ten Scene Two Sub Scene Two

 Act Ten

Scene Two

Sub-Scene Two

The battle


The captain was having his late lunch when the rookie stepped in.

“Captain, there were several reports of some shooting at the wharf. Shall we send in the officers?”

The captain, whoofing his Chinese dumplings delivered by the nearby Chinese restaurant courtesy of Mr. Charlie, looked up. The contents of the dumpling sauce were dripping onto his chin. He picked up the napkin to dabble in the juicy sauce. He then looked at the rookie.

“First, do not ever disturb me at lunch. Second, I do not like to be disturbed.” The captain made his way towards the rookie. “Now tell the officers there was some commotion on Marie’s Square. Go there now.”

“Sir, that is across the city and not...” The rookie was new to Rome.

“Do as I say, or be ready to do more desk duties.”

“Yes, Sir.” The rookie closed the door. He turned to walk back to his desk when he heard one of the seniors speak of him.

“Give me the dollar. The Scorpion got the can from the captain. It does not pay to go against the captain.” The senior laughed. “It does not matter what your horoscope says about the good day you are to have. You do not have the sting that matters.”

It was not good at the wharf, though. The work went on with the trucks moving the crates and taking detours to avoid the warehouse where Pompey has his office. His guards of thirty boys were down to fifteen when five got wounded or died, and the others decided to change sides.

“Boss, Pompey is still in there.” Enobarbus was behind the T-Ford, holding the machine gun. “He had about a dozen boys in there.”

It was supposed to be a meeting, but when Mark arrived, they were met by a hail of bullets. He has arrived in a fleet of vehicles with about thirty boys, courtesy of Lady Fulvia. The section of the wharf was sealed off, and the other gangs, including the Visigoths, Muddles, and Tongs, were told to meet with the word not to get involved.

Well, it was to be a meet, but the Pompey boys fired their first shot at the arriving vehicles. The lead vehicle got hit, and the driver was the first casualty. Mark and his boys alighted and took cover to return fire. Since then, it has become a bloodbath. Mark held the casualties’ numbers at six, with four fatalities on his side.

“Boss, we can toss the grenades there.” Enobarbus suggested it to Mark.

“Send word in. We are to talk, not fight.” Mark told Enobarbus to send the emissaries.

“I doubt they want to talk, Boss. We may have to fight this one out.” Enobarbus was plain on it. “I could tell Pompey’s boys will not stand down.”

“Do it.” Mark looked at the warehouse doorway. It was covered with bullet holes. “Tell them we want to talk to Pompey or anyone who can listen and decide.”

Enobarbus then took the cue to call for a truce. He knew one of the lieutenants there on Pompey’s side.

“Nell, are you there? It is me, Ernie. I am coming in. Just to talk.” Enobarbus raised his arms. “No guns.”

Enobarbus knew Nell Clifford from his days as a copper. They were partners then, and after he left, Nell was ostracized by the others, saying he was an informer. It was a known fact that half the force were informers or under the payroll, but Nell was singled out. He was upset, and he soon left to join Pompey. He went up the ranks to be lieutenant, and that day he was to meet his ex-partner again.

"Ernie, it's been a long time since we met. I missed you at the weekend BBQ.” Nell stepped out without his guns. He flapped open his jacket to show the empty holster when he saw Enobarbus walking to the doorway.

“Nell, no reason to fight on. We got you outnumbered, outgunned, and surrounded.” Enobarbus told the other. “Give up and...”

“Called me a rat again. Was the last time not degrading enough?” Nell looked at Enobarbus. “The old guys at the precinct were singing themselves holier than holy, and I was the banished one. What did you do, Ernie? Sing me out. I told them Nell was on the take. Heck! My take-home was menial compared to theirs.”

“I did not, Nell. I left for my own reasons. I did not know you would be...”

“Banished? Well, I was, and soon I banished myself from the oath we took at the academy. Do you remember that? I do solemnly swear that my fundamental duty is to serve the community. So, I became the bad guy. And it was fucking rewarding. I got a new wife and family with a house and even a car. Now, you are standing there to take it all away once more?”

“No, Nell. I am asking you to... see the real light in the tunnel. This is not our battle, but the”

“Ernie, when have you lost your balls? I will not give up on Pompey. He is my...” Nell was then shot from the rear by his own men. Three shots in the back, and it killed him. Enobarbus dove down with his arms held high.

“Do not shoot!” Enobarbus called out. One of the shooters stepped out.

“Mr. Enobarbus, we surrender. Tell your side to back down. And get some doctors in. We got some wounded ones inside.”

Enobarbus signalled for his boys to back down, and the shouts for medical were heard. It was over the battle, but the personal feud of Pompey has yet to end.



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