Monday, December 30, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Ten Scene One Sub Scene One


Act Ten

Scene One

Sub-Scene One

The picture is taking shape.


Mark sat by himself on the porch, overlooking the lawns at the mansion. He was reading the folder for the third time, or was it for the fifth time? The names mentioned ran through his mind: Cicero, Brutus, Pompey, and Moses. Two are dead, but the other two remain. One is a Consul member, and to remove him requires Caesar’s approval. The latter is silent in Egypt, and Mark heard of the new leader there, Queen Cleop.

Mark did have second thoughts on the request by Caesar to reinforce the boys there in Egypt, but he was in a fix then. If he did as requested, he would be outgunned by Pompey and Brutus. More so with Visigoths and Tongs seated on the fence. He also wondered about the Sicilians; they may not remain on the sidelines if the Romans are weakened. He took the risk of ignoring Caesar’s request but was not prepared for the change of leader. He did send a message to Demetrius and Philo.

“Caesar’s fine. He remained at the Queen’s side.”

Mark’s thoughts went to Elliot Ness. He sent the agent there on a wild goose chase and found the agent was either resourceful or bluntly idiotic in his action. He made no headway but got himself as a target there. Albert has requested a homecoming, which was overdue. He must make his call soon. 

“Boss, I have the boys ready.” Enobarbus approached Mark. “We will go in four vehicles and...”

“How many of the boys?” Mark asked.

"Thirteen, not including you and me.” Enobarbus said. “I could not pull too many away. They are guarding the shops or warehouses, or making sure the other gangs remain in their territories.” Mark heard the call made by the lieutenant.

“We are shorthanded, Boss.” Enobarbus admits the fact. “Pompey held some influence on the wharfs, and the boys there are his. I could get the others, but you told me to keep it discreet.”

Mark nodded, as that was his request. He did not want the other gangs or even the coppers to see the situation as another war that they could win.

“I can send you some of the boys.” Lady Fulvia arrived. “Mark, you cannot take the risk with your small numbers.”

Mark looked at the lady he married. She inherited Curio’s boys and business. It was not big but manageable to get her to look like the mistress. Her action on Cicero gave her the aura of the goddess again, and even the followers of Cicero have joined ranks with her.

“I can send you fourteen boys. Lucius will take charge.” The lady was pushing her brother to be the front leader. “Take them and take care of him.”

“Boss, it is good advice.” Enobarbus looked at Mark. The latter nodded and told the lady where and what time the boys were to meet. Lady Fulvia took her leave of the two to make her arrangements.

“Boss, I got to know that Brutus was...” Enobarbus was cut off in his words.

“Implicated in the plot? I am not surprised at that.” Mark looked at the enobarbus. “Brutus may be seeing the new light of Rome, or he was the instigator behind the works. He does not like Caesar, but he is a Consul member. That means I cannot touch him, except Caesar. Pompey is my target for today. I need to make amends for Caesar.”

“Noted, Boss.” Enobarbus was diplomatic on the move. “I will get the vehicle.”

Mark watched Enobarbus walk to the garage. He was having thoughts about that man. He hardly knew Enobarbus; they survived a shootout, but that does not make him a buddy in Mark’s term. He was resourceful to provide some information, but how were they gathered? Was he feeding Mark to get in the game or to cover someone’s flank?

“More coffee, sir?" Jeeves appeared, holding the pot.

“No thanks, Jeeves. I am to leave now.” Mark got up from the seat. “Jeeves, between Brutus and Caesar, who is more... likeable?”

“I would not know, sir. I am just...” Jeeves looked at Mark.

“Never mind, Jeeves. I am leaving now.” Mark took leave of the porch. He watched from the window at the library.

“He is leaving, Agrippa.” Menas told the other. They were gathered there with Lepidus. “Shall we...”

“No, Menas, this is an issue that Mark needs to resolve. Caesar expects the ending to it.” Agrippa cut in. “In that mess, Moses was killed. Not that I cared for Moses, but the task was to find out who and what happened to him. Mark may have solved it, and due credit shall go to him. As for us, we are still the Triumvirate until Caesar returns.”

“If he returns.” Menas smiled.

"True, but till then, we will rule the Romans. Let Mark clear the murky side of the Romans while we maintained cleanliness." Agrippa smiled. It was then that Menas excused himself to go to the restroom. He saw Jeeves and left him a message.

“Call Pompey.”

“I did, sir. He is ready.”

“Where is Brutus?”

“He is with the Consul members about the contents of the folder. It was edited by him, with some names removed, discreetly. And reporting on Egypt.”

“Fine.” Menas returned to the library.

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