Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Eight Scene One Sub Scene Three


Act Eight

Scene One

Sub-Scene Three

The hit on Caesar


Caesar heard of the attacks while in Egypt. He was away, but his own close circles sent him the news. He tossed the bowl of fruits at the wall. He was with his boys in the assigned chamber.

“Philo, do we know who was involved?” Caesar asked. He saw the shake of the head. He then looked towards Demetrius, who also shook his head.

“Who is handling it?” Caesar asked.

“I think the assigned bosses are on it.” Philo reported. “I am told that Agrippa sent the emissaries to check.”

“On who? The Visigoths? The Muddles? They will all deny it. If they are together, there must be a leader besides them. Someone from our side, perhaps?” Caesar ran through some names he knew, but without evidence, he could not act.

“We shall go back.” Caesar looked at the setting sun. “We leave tomorrow.”

“Do let the Pharaoh know.” Caesar dismissed his boys. It was then that Madian stepped in and gave some starting news.

“Lady Cleop would like to seek your audience, Caesar.” It was not an unusual request.

“I will go over shortly.” Caesar said to Mardian.

“I apologize, Caesar. She is coming over.” It was the first time the lady had offered to come over. Caesar looked around the chamber; it was messy.

“Tell her I will come over.” Caesar pushed the invitation over.

“She will be here shortly.” Mardian took leave. Caesar was unsure of what to do then. He picked up the soiled toga, the discarded reports, and the broken bowl. It did not crack; gold was soft but durable in impacts. He kicked the discarded fruits under the divan.

“Lady Cleop.” Mardian called out. Caesar stood up and waited. The eunuch stepped in, carrying the huge, wrapped blanket. He was accompanied by three maids, who then cleared a space on the flooring. Mardian placed the bundle on the flooring. He then bowed with the maids and took them to leave.

“Mardian, where is the lady?” Caesar asked. The eunuch stopped and turned towards Caesar.

“She is here.” Madian motioned to the bundle.

“Oh my God! She may suffocate.” Caesar bent down to unwrap the blanket. When he fully unrolled the blanket, he was stunned by the sight of the lady on it. More to it, she was nude, had her legs crossed over seductively, and had an alluring smile.

“I ……” Caesar was lost for words. He was for the first time seeing the lady nude—not his first lady he had seen nude, but that was Cleop.

“The Far East Emperor’s had their concubines brought in this manner, unclothed to avoid any weapons hidden on them.” Lady Cleop smiled. “I did not expect the wrappings would be so restrictive.”

“I …...” Caesar was still stunned.

“I can see that you are happy to see me.” Lady Cleop smiled when she saw the fruit of the looms there between Caesar’s legs. The toga does not hide well.


“Would you like to join me on the blanket?” Lady Cleop moved her legs apart. “I am sure I can accommodate you.”

Across the chamber, the pharaoh peeked through the spy hole in the picture of the barge on the Nile. He smiled at his half-sister's seduction. He knew then that he had Rome in his grasp. He looked at Mardian, who accompanied him.

"You have done a good task, Mardian. I will reward you heftily." The pharaoh whispered to Mardian. He heard the gasp from the chamber and then walked off. It's Mardian’s turn to peek, then. He felt the envy in him; he loved the young lady but felt this inadequacy would not tempt her to his side. He had seen enough and took his leave. He passed by the two maids standing in the corridor. They did not smile at him but stood there, waiting.

“She will be long. Go back to your chamber. Prepare her a hot bath tomorrow.” Mardian proceeded into his chamber. He opened the door and walked in. It was furnished bare, except for the tools of his tasks: the guns, the daggers, and the swords. He also holds an assortment of ropes and cuffs. He picked up one set of cuffs and approached the bedding.

“I am here, Sir.” Iras blinked her eyelashes at Mardian; given that was not her best look, her body was alluring lying there. He held out the cuffs toward her. She smiled and turned over on her back, lying on her knees. He cuffed her hands at the back and then ripped his clothes.

It does not matter which was the preference, but the force of the act was brutal and exhaustive.

“You are better today.” The lady laid on her side and smiled at the eunuch. “Was it her? I can be...”

“You talk too much, Iras. I will have something for your mouth.”





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