Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Seven Scene Three Sub Scene Three

Act Seven

Scene Three

Sub-Scene Two

It looked and felt similar.


Enobarbus sat in the other vehicle of his own fleet, the Dodge Motor 30; a two-seat roadster with a 35-horsepower engine and a welded all-steel body, including the leather seats, electric lighting (with a twelve-volt system), a self-starter, and demountable rims. It could do fifty miles an hour, faster than the T-Ford at forty-five miles. That extra speed matters on the straights, but the bullet travels faster.

It was not that he wanted to avoid the many T-Fords on the streets, but at his age, he felt it was hip to be different.

“Take over here, Dan. I am going there.” Enobarbus pointed to the barber shop and stepped off the driver seat. “Wait here with the engine running.”

“Going for a trim, boss?" Dan was a good driver but not a smart guy to know when to ask. Enobarbus ignored the others. He walked across the street with his overcoat on and his hands inside the pockets. He opened the door and walked in.

“Care for a trim?” The barber was without any customers then. He was a short, stocky man with a thick moustache and receding hairline, giving him the appearance of a monk rather than a barber. It was his white, starched uniform that displayed his trade.

“Lucius? Where is he?” Enobarbus asked with the Browning gun in his right hand.

“Who? I do not...” The barber had a speedy recollection of his customers then. “Back room with Jacques.”

“Step outside for a coffee. Do not come in until I leave.” Enobarbus waved the gun towards the barber. The barber did not hesitate to leave, but he grabbed the early edition along. Enobarbus locked the front door and went to the rear of the barbershop. He did not need to know where the back room was, for the sounds of its working were heard from the doorway. He walked over and opened the door to step in.

It was not the desired sight.

“Yes…… Yes……” That pleasured moan of Lucius was obvious when Jacques was enacting the colonoscopy insertion then. The room also smelled of narcotic-filled smoke. Enobarbus walked up to the naked barber and pressed the gun at his bottom rear. Jacques paused in his moves.

"Continue, or I will make it harder for you.” Enobarbus whispered toward Jacques.

“Do not stop, my love.” Lucius Facedown was expecting more. Jacques complied with the request, though his lust was not going to last; Coitus exhaustum.

“Ah......Yes.” Lucius screamed out. He then fell back with his face toward the pillow.

Enobarbus motioned to Jacques to withdraw and move to the side. He then placed the gun at the back of Lucius’ head.

“Do not turn around, or I will give you a new hole.” Enobarbus toned down his voice to speak. “Tell me ......”

“Do you know who I am? I will...” Lucius was to push himself up, but Enobarbus pushed the gun harder at the head.

“Do not move or turn to look. I am not concerned with who birthed you. All I want are some answers.” Enobarbus pulled out the second gun from his pocket and placed it on Lucius’ spine.

“Answer me correctly, and you may get to walk. Or remain face down, whichever.”

“Now, tell me. What did you and Moses have in common with Lucas Perry?”

“You are a Roman...”

“Hush on the name-calling. Answer me.” Enobarbus pressed the gun hard at the head. He then looked at Jacques, who was seated there on the floor on his haunches with his legs spread and his knees drawn up.

“Oh, for god’s sakes. Do yourself. You look like a miserable kid there. Wank it!” Enobarbus told Jacques. He then looked back at Lucius. “Tell me now.”

Enobarbus pushed the gun at the spine.

“I do not...” Lucius said, and Jacques got shot in the groin. That ended the need for the barber, but he did try, given the extreme condition.

“Okay.... okay. I will tell.” Lucius moaned out.

“I knew Lucas through Moses. We met and discussed the rollback of proceeds. I did not agree, and it was stalled then.”

“Do tell me more.” Enobarbus pressed on.

“I was told that Egypt was involved. They have their wares shipped through your ports. They were in collaboration with Pompey, and Lucas wants a cut there.”

“What did they do?” Enobarbus asked.

“I would not know. They went to Egypt after they met someone from there.” Lucius sighed. “I knew about that much.”

“Who did they meet?” Enobarbus asked.

“I... “Lucius felt the gun press hard into his spine. “It was arranged by Pompey to meet Mr. Mardian. Honest, that is all I know.”

“Remain face down.” Enobarbus said to Lucius: “Do not peek, or it will be you next to your lover.” Enobarbus picked up the pants on the floor with the gun in his left hand and covered Lucius’ head. He then left. He walked to his vehicle and told Dan to move over. “I will drive.” 









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