Saturday, November 2, 2024

Preys and Predators 1 of Part 1

 Part 1


1              The theorist


“The dualistic model explains the development of personality as occurring through several clashes of the two different instincts, that towards sexual activity and that towards death. The resultant behaviours from these conflicts would produce distinct personalities in everyone.”


The professor in the science of neurology made his statement across the attendees of the hall: unpaid peers and curious attendees who want to spend their evenings there, and of course the opponents to the professor on any of his theories.

“These differential personality traits come from the superego, ego, and the id. The ego, a critical component of psychoanalytic theory as well, serves as the mediator between the id and the superego. It seeks to satisfy the desires of the id in a way that is both realistic and socially acceptable. Essentially, the ego strives to balance the primal desires of the id with the moral and ethical standards imposed by the superego.”

(extract from

“Another of your sexual’ fantasy, Doctor?” The distinguished attendee interrupted the professor on his presentation. “Or your superego? I take your presumptions; if I may say that to describe your... theories are unfounded on factual evidence. I …...”

“From my own works and those collaborated by others, the personality of the person is a sequence of mental patterns; collective unconscious that are ingrained in them through memories and learnings. It is integrating to be a part of their self-realization.”

“I stand...” The professor intervened there.

“Clearly, you do hold a stand on your ego, but mine is based on research and factual evidence.” The doctor paused to clear his throat with the whopping, loud cough. He then blew his nose to the annoyance of some others. “Medically unproven. Like how a doctor will diagnose with...”

“I am also a doctor...” The professor had to intervene rudely there.

“A doctor? Perhaps of fallacy and dreams but unproven...” The doctor rudely intruded in the statement.

“Psychology is a new science of learning the thought process...” The professor interjected.

“The new frontier of medical findings, but yours are purely... fictional based on the realm of sexual fantasy. It is frowning on by...”

“Doctor, sexual fantasy, as you stated, is not new to mankind, but the depth and width of it were never explored till now.” The professor was then irate by the other.

“On my land, we are more discreet in our works on topic of sex …...” The doctor there had defended the subject of sex.

“Yet, the current era on your land was characterized by paradox of rigid morality and anti-sensualism, but also by an obsession with sex. Sex was a main social topic, with progressive and enlightened thought pushing for sexual restriction and repression.” The Professor stated the obvious to the doctor.

“On our land, the concern of society had given thoughts on the cause of famine, disease, and war. Conflicts that led to war had often been due to the conflict of sexual desire.”

“Stay on the subject, Doctor.” An audience called out which the doctor ignored.

“To curb the threats of overpopulation, especially of the poor and to solve other social issues that were arising at the time, sex was socially regulated and controlled.”

“God save the Queen!” Another audience called out.

“New sexual categories emerged as a response, defining normal and abnormal sex.  Heterosexual sex between married couples became the only form of sex socially and morally permissible. Sexual pleasure and desire beyond heterosexual marriage was labelled as deviant, considered to be sinful and sinister. Such deviant forms included masturbation, homosexuality, prostitution, and pornography.” The Professor interjected. “It was the work of the mind to overcome the barriers.”

(extract from

“Hail thee, thy greatness. Pornography rules hard in us.” One of the audiences praised the Professor.

“Watching pornography is scopophilia – “the obtaining of sexual pleasure by looking at nude bodies, erotic photographs.” They different types of this scopophilia, namely an active (masculine) and a passive (feminine) variety.” The Professor added.

(Extract from,a%20passive%20(feminine)%20variety.)

“I will not be drawn into this argument today.” The Doctor was upset at the depth of the topic. It was not his true expertise.

“Clearly, my peer here is an example of the superego, but of late I doubt he held the tool to express himself except to huff and puff at my findings.” The professor retorted back to the other rebuke on his works. “Perhaps in his fantasy, he will be seen effective.”

“I am not impotent, Professor...” The doctor defended his ego, but the professor was insistent on stressing his view on the issue.

“Perhaps, Doctor John here may, in his... fantasy, be blowing down pigs’ abodes once too often.” The professor smiled at the doctor. The doctor held the expression of a howling wolf with the garish long side burns and hooked his nose with the affinity to puff at the tobacco pipe held with his right hand.

“I …… I will not listen to you anymore, Freud. You are an embarrassment to the fraternity of the medical profession.” The doctor stood up and glared at the others who were there to hear the talk.

“I will suggest that all of you do the same as I am and leave this deranged man to his dreams…...Yes, to me, they are all dreams and not intellectual works of brilliance.” The doctor then turned to leave before he was stopped by the professor.

“John, I would suggest that you retrieve your cane and hat you left behind at the chair.” The professor smiled at the medical doctor. “And your trouser is not in its proper order.”

“What do you...” The doctor looked down and saw the front of his trousers was not buttoned. He was at the privy prior to attending the talk. His expression was alternating between embarrassment and anger then. He stormed off from the hall, followed by his aide, who retrieved his cane and hat. The other attendees roared out in laughter before the professor raised his arms to stop the laughter.

“As I was to express my...” The professor was then interrupted by another who walked in.

“There’s been another murder.” The statement was heard by all, and the attendees all in turn walked out. “It is on York Street.”

York Street was nearby the hall.

“I do apologize for the interruptions, Professor." The city rep who had extended the invitation to the professor apologized.

“Narry your fault, young man. Pardon me if I were to borrow an expression of yours. I will be here for the next few weeks, barring any calls from my home. I can return to do the continuance.”

“Thank you, Professor, but I have other matters to attend.” The young city rep was off on his way to check on the latest murder.

“I guess the murder took precedent to the works of my theory.” The professor sighed while he watched the hall empty then. “Duplicity knowledge ignored or whichever offers more excitement. I guarantee I will see my pet sooner than expected.”

“Yofi may be lonely by now.” Yofi is the pet dog of the professor whom he left at his hotel room. The Professor put on the gloves over his hands, and adjusted the sleeve of his shirt.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...