Monday, November 4, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Five Scene One Sub Scene One


Act Five

Scene One

Sub-Scene One

The first meeting.


Elliot was to have the hood removed when the vehicle stopped. He adjusted his vision to accommodate the bright lights. He looked to his left and saw the other person who sat there at the rear. There was one driver and another at the front.

“Mr. Ness, please step down. Our boss is waiting for you.” Elliot heard the request. He was frisked in the vehicle before the hood was placed over his head. He stepped off and looked at the surroundings. He was in a sort of huge building, probably a warehouse. There were the racks with the crates on them on both sides and to the far rear of the building. He saw then table with it seated was two figures.

“Welcome, Mr. Ness. This is our warehouse. My name is...”

“I am Elliot Ness, a Treasury Agent. You may be charged with...” Elliot cut in.

“Kidnap? We are not doing that. We just invited you over.” The figure on the left spoke. “If we were not there to take you off the street, you may be dead by now. Not by the coppers, but the Muddles would do a better job. You did kill their leader, Liam Neeson.”

“I did not kill anyone... Not until that day. I was... ambushed.”

“Hit upon or line up for one. It does not matter. The job was to kill you, and they failed.” The other figure seated there spoke. “You are safe here now. This place is secured, and if you are friendly to us, we will keep you in that form.”

“Who are you? Romans? Visigoths?” Elliot asked. “I am Elliot Ness, Treasury.”

“Mr. Ness, we are fully aware of your identity. Our friends at the Treasury sent over your profile. You are new to the task and do not have much to report on.” The figure on the left pushed the paper folder on the desk forward.

“You are not the top recruit, and your shooting results were above average. Those were cardboards compared to the last shoot-out. However, you have a remarkable record in analytics. Something Lucas Perry lacked. He was more of a brawn than a brain." The figure on the right spoke. “Please take the seat before us. We will have a decent conversation.”

“My name is Mark Antony, and this is Enobarbus. Pardon his dressing. His wife died recently, and so did the cat.” Mark introduced himself.

“Romans? I was expecting that you guys would have me shot earlier.” Elliot smiled. He then took the seat there and faced the two figures. He had not read all the profiles of the Romans but had heard of Enobarbus. The latter was a copper and then turned enforcer for the Romans. He held a reputation as a hard-case killer. He has a file with Treasury for his moonshine business. He was the Romans contact with the Middle States for the booze. It was a thin file, and the records were bare.

“The Romans are civilized in our killings. We do not shoot at random.” Enobarbus said to Elliot:.

“Yes, I read, unlike the coppers, who may get overzealous to do that at times.” Elliot looked at the other. Enobarbus was once suspended for shooting an innocent bystander. He was spared the punishment but handed in his badge soon after.

“For the record, I did not kill Liam of the Muddles... I heard of it, but I was not onto them in any case. I spoke to Liam Nesson earlier on the” Elliot was trying to clear up his involvement.

“We are not here to investigate that. I am sure the Muddles have their enemies, and Liam got killed as a result. However, the Muddles are hot-headed and pointed the finger towards you. We figured they killed ‘Best’ as it was him who brought you to see Liam.” Enobarbus laid out the facts.

“We thought that even the score, but the coppers took it onto you. That baffles us.” Mark added. “Unless the coppers think you killed ‘Best’.”

“Or the coppers were on Muddles payroll.” Enobarbus smiled. “Money ruled in Rome.”

“Rome is ruled by the Romans.” Elliot said. “And the coppers too.”

“Most of it, but why did you visit the Muddles?” Mark asked.

“I was there...”

“The captain told us your assignment.” Enobarbus spoke out. “Mr. Ness, we are here to keep you alive. Please be truthful.”

“I was asking about Lucas Perry.” Elliot looked hard at Enobarbus. “He was a Treasury Agent and may... I have reports that the Muddles are into the booze business.”

“So, you did. That was good of you to be truthful.” Mark said.

“I am truthful. I have nothing to hide.” Elliot was upset. In his status, he need not talk to any Romans.

“Was it to check on Moses that you met Liam?” Enobarbus was past the nice formalities and went for the kill.

“Yes, I was told to check on Moses death. I heard the rumours that he was killed by the Muddles too.” Elliot tossed the bait. Enobarbus leaned over to whisper to Mark.

“Moses was... may not be killed by the Muddles.” Mark tossed back a bait. “We …….”

“Work with me. I can use my office to get more information." Elliot jumped in. “I just want to move on the case.”

“Find out why Lucas was in Egypt.” Mark tossed the next bait. “Share with us the update. We will keep your life breathing.”

“You toy with us, and we will dangle you like a puppet for the Muddles.” Enobarbus threatened the other.

“It will be mutual. I will like to leave now.” Elliot stood up to leave.

“The three boys there will shadow you from now on. That is Albert. Speak to him about where you want to go. Your things are taken out of the motel to our safe house, where you stay.” Enobarbus looked at the Treasury Agent. “Be nice. Chapin, there will not be poison in your meals when he cooks them. “




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