Monday, November 4, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Four Scene Two Sub Scene One


Act Four

Scene Two

Sub-Scene One

The killing has never ended.


In the motel room, Elliot repacked his bags, which had never been unpacked since he arrived. He had worn the same suit fora few a few days. And another, and the previous one was in the laundry. The Treasury covers the accommodation and meals, but not the laundry.

Not even the bullets you fire. They supplied the gun and a standard clip, while the rest is yours to cover. If you lose the gun, you replace it with your own gun.

Elliot looked at the revolver he had worn on his shoulder holster. It was the S&W Model 1905; six bullets chambered were the issue at his graduation. He had fired the revolver many times in the range but never once in action. It was not necessary then.

In his assignment, he carried the Col, a, a M911; recoil-operated, semi-automatic pistol chamberethe.45the.45 ACP cartridge. It was given to him by his uncle, who was previously in the military.

“Elliot, in the line of work, you may need the firepower to kill the one shooting at you.” The uncle, who served in battles during the last Great War, passed him the gun. “It saved my life then and will do the same for you as we are the untouchables.”

Elliot picked up the gun and weighed it in his left hand. It was manageable with the seven bullets clip, and it gave him confidence in the swagger to meet the gangs. He had practiced lifting the jacket by the side of the holster towards the mirror. It was supposed to intimidate the other then.

The other item he holds on him was the knuckle bus, which is, fitted and designed to be worn around the knuckles of the human hand as is was made from brass. He kept that handy in the right-side jacket pocket for fast access. He practiced hitting the wooden doors, but stopped when his knuckles ached. It was another item handed to him by his uncle.

“It saved my life when in close combat with the Huns. I broke some jaws with it.”

The brass lends weight to the item and is and is designed to preserve and concentrate a punch's force by directing it toward a harder and smaller contact area, resulting in increased tissue disruption or fracturing the bones on impact.

“Once I broke the puma’s snort with it.” That was probably an exaggeration by the uncle, who never left the wheelchair at the home after the war.

Elliot heard the knock on the door. He was not expecting anyone, and with ‘Best’ dead, no one would visit him or know he was there. He grabbed the M1911 and walked to the door. He stopped a few feet away and took a sideway to the door. The bed was facing the doorway, and where he was standing was next to the wooden closet. He stomped his feet several times and then stopped.

The bullets that riddled the door fired from the Tommy gun. The.45 bullets made some holes in the door and impacted through to hit the bed frame. The shooter then kicked the door and rushed.

“Fuck!” It was the surprise expression on the shooter when he stepped in before Elliot shot him in the right side of the chest and groin. The shooter went down, groaning, but the trigger on the Tommy was still pressed, and the aim was towards the bed. The bed was soon creaking from the bullets impact.

“Dan!” The backup shooter peeked in and saw Elliot there with the smoking gun. “He killed Dan. I …...”

Elliot had rushed to the other far wall for cover when the second shooter pelted the room with the double-gauge shotgun in the closet. That was a wild two shots, and the shooter was without any ammo. When he was reloading, Elliot stepped forward and shot him in the chest with his third bullet. He fell backwards toward the corridor.


Elliot, on reflex, crouched down when the third shooter took to fire wildly into the room from the doorway. The shooter was aiming the shots from right to left and back. He then leaned on the outside wall and called the second shooter.

“Move it, Shelby. We are done.”

“Help me with Dan. We cannot leave him here.” The one named Shelby held onto his guts with his left hand, trying to pull Dan along. The third shooter leaned in and took another shot of bullets to deter Elliot. Then he assisted Shelby in dragging Dan out. Elliot remained crouched, listening to the sound of the assailants retreating. He then sat down on his haunches, and the shakes came to his hands.

Elliot Ness had just fired his gun in killing and survived a shootout.

“I …….” Elliot’s shakes reached his chest, where his heartbeats were fast. He dropped his gun and grabbed his knees towards his chest. He heard the sirens in the distance, but all that mattered then was to remain stupid.

“A word of stupidity when in a shootout. You do not think and fire; you fire and continue firing till it's over. Then you may think,” The instructor had reminded him. “The bullet is not your friend. It is to ensure you shoot it at the other. If you think, you are stupid.”

Stupidity also comes with fright.

It took the coppers an hour to arrive, and when they did, they reported back that Elliot was still alive.

“There goes my dollar on him being dead.” That was the comment from the desk sergeant. The report was later filed as a shoot-out at the motel, with no dead bodies seen or found. One Treasury agent survived miraculously. There were no witnesses, and the case was considered close.

However, two days later, another funeral was held for an officer who was shot dead on duty.

“Detective Daniel Dobbins was...” The captain read the eulogy then.

It was while Elliot was released from the infirmary. He stepped off the infirmary steps and stood on the sidewalk. A T-Ford stopped before him.

“Agent Ness, Mark Antony would like to see you.” Elliot was handed the hood to place over his head.

Romans do it their way. 






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