Monday, May 22, 2023

Hamlet; the Noir Adaption 2023 Act 5 Scene 2 Sub Scene 3

 Act Five

Act Five Scene Two

Sub Scene Three

England’s hospitality

Rosencrantz was awed by the sight of the London Tower by the river Thames. He had handed the letters to the England Terriers, as requested by the Emperor. Guildenstern then recounts the incident where Hamlet was in an accident, and the others shot him.

“He’s dead? Did you toffs checked the body?” The leader of the England Terriers named Frank Asked his two men. They nodded at his question.

“Without a doubt there?” Frank asked his men. He knew them to be loyal but efficiency was never in their works.

“I saw the blood.” That was Gordon who drove. “Avery fired the shots to make sure. He’s dead.”

“So you did when I told you to take down Larry. He came back to see me at the pub but I had him done properly then. Messy tasks, men? I don’t like to take seconds, and above all, how could we even win the Premier if we are so shoddy in the works.”

“Sorry, Frank. We will go back and get it checked.” Gordon looked at Frank.

“Do it now. But wait let me read the letters here.” Frank held them back. He took to read the letters and then looked at Gordon. “The King’s insignia? I am impressed. Claudius climbed the rank there.”

“You better go there now. Check and retrieve the body.” Frank told Gorden. He then turned to his guests.

“I will arrange accommodations for you, and then a tour of London sights.”

It was the next hour that they took the drive with two others. They went by the river and even a colorful drive through the gaslit streets. They soon stopped at the warehouse by the docks.

“The next sight inside.” Rosencrantz was told. The duo took them in and was greeted by half a dozen who were certainly dock workers. The place was not a huge warehouse but it held oddities.

“This is a store for the antiquities of the past, especially England’s seafaring days.” The driver that took them there pointed to the boxes there and there was also a huge hanging structure.

“That’s the hanging gallows of the Bow Street Runners. They will hang you for any foul deeds claimed.” The men all roared into laughter. “My paddy’s paddy brother was hung there. I was told he stole bread.”

“Roddy, you meant the whole bakery and the baker’s maid.” Another gathered called out.

“Well, gentlemen. We have guests here. As we normally do, we entertain the=m. Shall we?” Roddy looked at the others. “We are going to show them how we do things here.”

Just before Rosencranzt could understand the message, he was held against his will and hog-tied then; the dock workers are as good as the sailor in the rope knots. The two guests have then carried up the platform of the gallows.

“You must be mistaken. We are not the ones to be hung.” Guildenstern cried out.

“My paddy’s paddy always said the guilty cry innocent before they are done then.” Roddy smiled. “They may escape the gallows if they hold a ‘silver piece of eight’? Do you?”

“Silver? I have and also gold. Please release us.” Rosencrantz pleaded. “We can pay the eight pieces of silver.”

“Silver piece of eight is Spanish dollar. I doubt you have that on you.” Roddy then pulled the Spanish coin from his necklace. “We all have one around our neck.”

“I will get one. How much?” Guildenstern asked.

“It’s not a sale. It’s a token of the brotherhood here.” Roddy had the two guests over the closed trap door. The noose was placed over their neck.

“If I were you, a prayer may be said but hold your tongue on any profanities. We have families.” Roddy told them. “You may start now.”

“Prayer? I have …I …” Rosencrantz wanted to say his final lines.

“Oh, shut up! Get it over.” Guildenstern was more direct.

“As you wish, guvnor.” Roddy pulled the trap door switch and the rest recited poetry lines.

From the moment that Anne was brought into this world, she was embroiled in a scandal
Her father was married and her mother was his maid but their passion was too much to handle

“That’s all boys. They are gone. Bloody necks are too fragile to the noose.” Roddy cut off the singing. “I say we deserve the drink now.”


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