Monday, May 22, 2023

Hamlet; the Noir Adaption 2023 Act 5 Scene 2 Sub Scene 7

 Act Five

Act Five Scene Two

Sub Scene Seven

The land needs a new ruler; be it King or Emperor.

Osric entered followed by the arrival of more guests, but these came with guns and swords.

“Young Fortinbras, with conquest, come from Polack Street to the ambassadors of England. Give way please.” The two groups marched in and were stunned by the bloody scene there.

“We came to pay our respect to the Emperor but not of such respect,” Fortinbras called out. “What happened here?”

“My mate, Claudius. What had happened here?” Frank called out. He had come over to congratulate the other as successor to the throne. “Am I late or to hold revenge?”

“O, I die, Horatio!” Hamlet looked to Horatio. “The potent poison quite overcrowds my spirit.”

“I cannot live to hear the news from England.” Hamlet whispered to Horatio. “They will bring their wrath upon me, but I do prophesy th’ election lights on Fortinbras; he has my dying voice.”

“So tell him, with th’ occurrents, more and less, which have solicited—the rest is silence.” Hamlet then whispered his last breath. Horatio lowered his lord and then addressed the new arrivals.

“I bid you a welcome if you are friendly to us.” Horatio had the guards take to their position around the hall.

“What was a duel of fencing had taken to lives being taken. The Emperor was distraught when his love, the Madam was taken ill and died. Hamlet was wounded and so was Laertes. Both had succumbed to their wounds.”

“What of my mate, Claudius? Why is he with a wound to the heart?” Frank asked.

“He died …from the fatal thrust of the blade…. Requested by him on the death of his love. He could not bear to see her die alone and chose to follow her.” Horatio explaiend it all. “I am Horatio, and now the new King of Norway. I bear the insignia of the old King and with it his blessing to my ascension.”

“Anyone who is against it will be answered to me as the King of Norway.” Horatio looked toward the guests. “It was not a nice event today, but we will let the past be the past. Norway needs a King to continue its path.. Not an Emperor or a Prince but the real King.”

“All of you have heard of the ghost that was said to be the old King. He appears on the walls, and yes, I had spoken to him." Horatio saw the gasps among the guests and servants. “He beckons me to run Norway. He told me that Norway needs a strong King. I had declined but the ghost kept on telling me. It was with Hamlet on his return, I asked him to meet the old King. The King told Hamlet of the ascension and ….”

“It made the young lord, depressed and when he saw the Emperor took the throne, he went mad. He was with me and had found new things that Hamlet was to know later. For that, Hamlet had to do what he did.” Horatio looked to the guests and servant. “All of you had privy to that, and will not be revealed to the outsides. What happens in Norway, remains in Norway.”

“Aye!’ The guests and servants agreed.

“I thank your arrival, Fortinbras, and to you, England but the castle needs its privacy now.” Horatio looked at the new arrivals. “What is it you would see? It was seen. If aught of woe or wonder, cease your search. Norway takes care of its own.”

“The sight is dismal,” Frank said his part. “And our affairs from England come too late. The ears are senseless that should give us hearing to tell him his commandment is fulfilled, that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Where should we have our thanks?”

“Not from his mouth, Had it th’ ability of life to thank you.” Horatio pointed to Claudius. “But I thank thee though it was not my commandment then.”

“You from the Polack wars, are here arrived, and let me speak to the yet unknowing world how these things came about. It was all unforeseen and thus ended the conclusion here, accepted by all.” Horatio looked at the other.”I am sure you will value Norway’s assistance more than their internal issues.”

The young leader knew he was obliged to Norway, whichever was the King. He called for his men to assist in giving honors to the dead Prince.

Let four captains bear Hamlet like a soldier to the stage, for he was likely, had he been put on, to have proved most royal; and for his passage, the soldier’s music and the rite of war to speak loudly for him.” Four Captains of the Other Norway carried Hamlet on their shoulders.

“Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.” Horatio bid his farewell to the Prince.

“We leave now, boys. England is still a channel away.:” Frank led his men out. The guests took their bow before the new King and leave. The servants took the Madam, Laertes, and Claudius to be interned later in the graves.



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