Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 42



The pass near Maisbeli was guarded by Lord Eidol on the instruction of King Aurelius. Archers were deployed on the high ground on both sides of the pass, while the main army remain in the narrow pass. King Aurelius soon arrived and met Lord Eidol. He was short in the numbers in his army compared to the Anglo-Saxons. The army he brought there to the pass after the attack at Vortigern was reduced although he had recruited Britons on the victory.

”Leave for Cunungeburg with the main army. Leave me a detachent of the calvary.” Aurelius told Lord Eidol. “We can’t march the army past here. It’s too narrow. We will defend it, while the main army will attack the flank of the Anglo-Saxon from there.”

It was a sound strategy for Hengist had massed up to two hundred warriors, and the terrain after the pass to Maisbeli was flat fields. Even if Aurelius had moved the army then past the narrow pass, his army was still below the strength of the Anglo-Saxons for a full battle.

“We need more warriors and that will take place if we win here or make a decisive battle. Once you cross over, I have the other Lords there awaiting you. That will give us the numbers.”

“My King, you will be left with a smaller army while we take the route past the mountain here.” Lord Eidol told the King. “Let me be the one here while you lead the main army.”

“I will be fine. My calvary will be with you so they can be more versatile. Spare me the archers to defend the pass. March the army as instructed.” Aurelius explained his strategy. “I need to be seen in battle. With that, more Britons will join you at the fields. Ride with my brother, Uther to victory.”:

“What if you are overrun by the Anglo-Saxons?’

“I will be fine. I will hold them to give you time to reach their flanks.  Once you reached their flanks, the Anglo-Saxons will retreat, They will probably move to …Cunungberg.” Aurelius looked at the map. “I would for there I can occupy the castle there to gather my army.”

“What if you are to be defeated?” Lord Eidol pressed on.

“I will be fine, as I have said. I will retreat the army to the rear. If the Anglo-Saxons followed on, they will face the same issues as us.” Aurelius assured Lord Eidol.

“What if they ignored you?” Lord Eidol had his concern.

“I am the bait that Hengist will not ignore.” Aurelius laughed. “If I am ignored, I will attack from the flank, No army will battle when their flanks are attacked. It will jeopardize their retreat and their supplies will be cut off.” Aurelius further explained his strategy. “The Anglo-Saxons are fierce warriors but we will battle on our strengths and stealth.”

The strategy was adopted and Aurelius took command of the army to which he was assigned. He told that his strength was ten thousand against the two hundred thousand marchings there.

“Warriors of Briton. We are to create an event that will be remembered for generations. We are to hold the advances of the Anglo-Saxons. It stops here in this battle.” Aurelius was nervous but he remain confident that the event will be in his favor.

“We ate outnumbered but we defended our land. Our people and our pride as Britons.” With that, his words resonated to the hearing of those there,

“For Briton!” The call went out.

For Hengist, it was a march of long columns of warriors bearing the Anglo-Saxon banners. The chiefs replied to Hengist and soon they marched as one.

“Never will we turn our back on the land we have settled here. We will fight to defend our rights here.” Hengist rallied the clans.”We taught the Britons once and will do once more.”

Hengist looked to the younger warriors there including his son, Octa standing beside Horsa. His blood relative Eosa stood there behind Horsa.

“Today, our young ones will join us in battle. Father and sons will be in the fight. Fight well for your family. Fight well for your mother awaits you at home,” Hengist called out. He was proud of the gathered for they numbered about two hundred thousand. He did look for more but some of the chiefs are far or looking to see Hengist will fare. Nevertheless, it was a huge army and from his scouts reports, the other side was less than a tenth of his army.

“The main army had marched off north, and we are trailing them.” Hengist heard the reports. He did wonder why the Britons split their forces. He was expecting a full army to match his. He heard reports of the death of Vortigern.

“Was Rowena there?” Hengist asked.

“Yes, she was there before the siege took place. She may have died in the fire with her lover.” Hengist sighed when he heard the news. He has many children and Rowena was one of his favorites, as her mother was to him.

“Rowena was a brave lady. She was also strong like her mother.” Horsa heard the news and consoled Hengist.

“It’s better that she died by her lover’s side than to be ravished by the wolves.” Hengist swallowed his emotions and then rallied the army to march.

“We will meet them in battle.” Hengist took to the lead, while Horsa manages the wagons and carts carrying the supplies. He assigned Eosa to guard the convoy trailing the main army.

“In a war, the supply of our army is crucial. Send out scouts to look for any enemies on the flank.” Horsa looked to the main column ahead. He was concerned about the hunger of two hundred thousand who will be on the trail for days. It was different when they were raiding the villages then. The numbers were few and the fights brief.



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