Friday, February 3, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 35


 “Do you think madness rules inside us, Hengist? How had the battles we fought on your name turned victorious …that will ever last. We came, we conquer, and then we lost it all.” Hengist heard the stinging words to his soul.

“Foul is your mouth, old Gant. How many times had I saved your life?” It was Horsa who step to defend Hengist when they met the gathered clan chiefs.

It was a gathering of chiefs who were there for the Geola or Yule feast which was around the winter solstice. The great hall of the chief was the venue for the gathering with the array of food and drinks; chunks of meat were roasted over the open fire in the middle of the hall, and bread was served with it. The drinks served then was the mead drank from the horns as if it was a goblet.

During the gathering enjoyed horse racing, hunting, feasting, and music-making. They played dice and board games such as draughts and chess. Entertainment during feasts included listening to a harp being played and juggling balls and knives. Children played with balls, hoops, and whipping tops (spinning tops).

“Huddle down, Horsa. It.s Geolla today, and we shall not sour the celebration today.” Hengist pacified the other. “Let us drink and feast.”

“Nay, we want to hear your words, Hengist.” One of the older chiefs called out. “Soon it will be the dry months and I need to replenish my supplies.”

The others murmured their words but all of them knew that the time to gather supplies was near. Hengist timed his speech and gave them the gist of the events that were in Briton.

“Vortimer dead? I thought the last King was your friend, Vortigern. Did he not wed your daughter?” The comment was met by waves of laughter. “Did she die too?”

“Or was it him? I thought the lady was better off wedded to one of us.” Another round of ridiculing was set onto Hengist.

“My daughter Rowena is well and with the death of the King, Vortigern had returned to power as the …. King once more there, “ Hengist explained. “Rowena had been sending me messages. Vortigern may be the …King but he is weak just like the other Lords. There is distrust and the people are divided.”

“How does that augur for us?” Lord Gant asked.

“Briton is ripe for us to invade.” Hengist laid it out plainly.”We are many and above all, we are united. We can defeat them this time.”

Silence ruled the hall then. All the revelries stopped and the drunks were sober.

“You are truly mad, Hengist.” Lord Gant ended the silence.

“No, I am not. I am saying the truth, I swear before our God, Woden. I am telling the truth, and it’s an opportunity for all of us.” The swearing by the name of Woden their God took on the chiefs. “We can do it this time for good.”

“I have yet concerns. The Britons are relentless. Their leaders have fought us even some when we first clashed it was many seasons ago. They do not age with the passing of the seasons on their skill. I say nay to you.”

The nays were soon subdued by the roars of aye which were from the younger chiefs keen to avenge the previous routing by the Britons. The decision was soon reached.

“We will meet at Kent at our next celebration,” Hengist called out.

It was another celebration at the castle of the newly instated King for Vortigern as he wore the crown once more. He looked at the gathered there, smaller in numbers but still, they are the Lords of the kingdom.

“I …I would like to say, that it feels great to be King again, but the kingdom is in disarray now. Among you, sits discontentment and resentful perhaps of myself.” Vortigern hit the nail on the matter. “I did not kill Vortimer as I did not kill Constan. They were killed by others and if not by their own doing. I am here because none of you could garner the support to be King.”

A few Lords were seen shuffling their feet but none stepped out of their seats.

“I will add to what I will say is our fears. Britons are weak once again, and the barbarians will be at our borders soon.” Vortigern looked at the gathered. “Do we fight or give up? If the latter was true, then I will step down as King. If we are to fight, then how can we strengthen?”

It was a challenge to the Lords then.

“Lord…I meant, my King. I heard the barbarians are sailing at sea with a huge army. Three hundred thousand I was told. We …among us hold like half that number. How …” One of the Lords voiced out.

“Nay, I say we fight. It’s not death I fear,” Another Lord roared out.

“I will fight. My people will fight.” One more Lord roared in.

“We have defeated them many times. We won’t be defeated this time.” Lord Cornell looked to the King. “Do we fight, my King?”

“We fight them even if we are left with one of us.” Vortigern stirred the wrath of the Lords. It was a unifying call then to the Lords. He then laid out the next agenda.

“That is the call of our Lords. Now, I have here to tell you that was how I sounded to their leader. We have come to a mutual understanding. We will meet at a gathering. No accompanying warriors, no guards at the doorways. Only us and them in an open talk.”

“What will we do> Drink till the other gets drunk?” One of the Lords mocked Vortigern.

“We negotiate a truce. Let no blood be shed before we talk.” Vortigern assured them.

“Talk…talk… are we all just to talk?’ One of the Lords stood up. “I will talk if they are willing to talk.”

Vortigern sighed a relief. His task was done. All it needed was the lady’s touch.

“Rowena, what did your father do?” Vortigern looked at the lady. He was upset on hearing that the Anglo-Saxons were sailing soon with a huge army.

“Three hundred thousand.” Vortigern was enraged. “Is he mounting an invasion again?”

“No, he is not. The truth,” Normally spoken by a lady can be true (in jest here). “Hengist fear you. The last time he came here, he saw the guards hidden on the cliffs. What now if he comes again? Would there be an army to trap him? He is older and probably wise up to your tricks. He just wants protection.”

Vortigern stepped away with his back to Rowena. He was thinking about the words said by Rowena. It was true that Hengist was in his elderly years; both of them were, and he held not all the Lords to his favor. One or a few of them may revolt and attack Hengist if they find him without an army.

“Hengist requested a gathering of the Lords with chiefs, no army but all leaders, and to negotiate a truce. Thereafter you can speak to him on the ones you need as mercenaries in your name.”

It was a gesture of goodwill and strength to Vortigern. He gets to reinforce his army too.

That was his assumption then. 

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