Monday, February 6, 2023

Buzz Buzzer 6/2/22.... Dante's Paradise in the works Canto I-IV

 I re-read and went back several more times on Dante's Paradise...and how will it be adapted into my version. It was like 2 years since I wrote Dante's Purgatory, and be honest, I am still seated at the lounge in Hell when Dante ascent to Paradise. 

For the last three weeks, I have re-written Cantoi I to IV several times, after reviewing, and further reading into more commentary on Dante's work. I had to visualize the Nine Spheres, with GOD at the peak, and it was no stroll in the park there, or shall I say the garden. And study Astrology to know where are the spheres and above all, why Dante selected the spheres then. 

Dante; the poet did caution the readers of his poem that the journey ahead was arduous and unprepared to desist. Well, I am taking it with a barrel of salt. and my bacons, and coffee, without the sugar, and my laptop. Do they have electrical points on the journey? I forgot to ask. I will bring batteries then. 

With my divergent into Scifi, I am trying very hard to adhere to the Cantos there...with the content as close as possible and the direction it was taking. As I mentioned before, I have no pre-fixed plot, but one that I will make along while I write. Yes, I do intend to complete the journey and when I or we reached the end, I hope it was worth the journey. 

At my age, creeps on me with the work at the business, I will honestly say I enjoyed the leisure time here, and at times, I get 'forgetful'; part of work stress, and the writing here helps me to relax. One day soon, I may sit down to read my tales, and smile.

I have in mine to do another Shakespeare but I have to push it off. I told the Bard, I am to see God first. 

Cheers and take care. 

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