Monday, February 13, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 39



“Here I stand and here I rest. And this town shall be called Totnes.” Aurelius spoke out the famous quote of Brutus of Troy when he landed on the isle a long time ago.

“Aye, my young Prince.” The Lord who received him there was Lord Eidol who escaped the killings by the Anglo-Saxons. The Lord was wounded in the attack but escaped with his life near death, but the people aided him when he was found. They nurtured and hid him from the Anglo-Saxons till he was able to return to his castle. He had then rested to recover while his guards fought off the Anglo-Saxons. Upon his recovery, Lord Eidol had sent words to young princes on the betrayal.

“We were set upon by Hengist while Vortigern sat on the throne.” Those words were soon to spread throughout the land, and Britons have once united to one cause; the defeat of the Anglo-Saxons.

“It’s time to go home, Uther.” Aurelius had told the other just before they boarded the ship to lead the armada to reclaim their land.

“Aye, Captain of the armada. We sail to Totnes.”

Totnes was in the south of the kingdom but it was a well-known landing of heroes like Brutus of Troy. According to the legend, Brutus had killed his father by mistake.

“I have committed the foul act of killing my father.” Brutus had pleaded to the Council of Elders. “I was hunting and thought I saw a fox. I released my arrow and soon knew it was my father that was shot by my arrow. I plead innocence.”

The Council decided otherwise and Brutus was banished from Troy. It was not told to him, that his fate was to take on greater events, prophesied by a soothsayer at his birth. Brutus was banished from Troy and set off on a journey with his followers. He reached Greece and was told of a group of Trojans enslaved there.

“Trojans are still my people. I will see to their freedom.” Brutus called on his followers to assist him in freeing the enslaved Trojans. After a series of battles, Brutus defeated the Greek King Pandrasus. It was an attack in the dark that Brutus and his followers captured the King.  

“Free my people or face death.” Brutus had cautioned the King.

“They will be freed.” King Pandrasus took the option of avoiding death. He then invited Brutus to his palace, and on learning of the ancestry of the conqueror, the King offered his daughter Ignoge in marriage.

“I am to be your ally. As a gift, wedding my daughter and pursue greater success among the islands.” Brutus accepted the gift and was given more ships and provisions for the voyage. He then sets sail with the Trojans he freed.

Brutus was with a bigger fleet of ships, soon landed at an island to replenish their supplies including meat, and he discovered a temple dedicated to the Goddess Diana,

“Aye, the Goddess of the Hunt is here. I shall do the needed to get her guidance on our hunt here.” An elaborate ritual was performed before the hunters proceed on their hunt. It was a good hunt with much accumulation of meat. Brutus tired from his hunt fell asleep in front of the goddess's statue. In his dream, he was given a vision of the land where he was destined to settle.

 “Beware the land is inhabited by giants.” Brutus heard the Goddess. “Slay them as Hercules will lend you his strength.”

Brutus eventually landed at the place soon to be named Totnes and met not the giants but the leaders of the land. He fought them as he did with the Greeks. He was the victor and asked for the name of the land.


“Under my name, it will be called Briton.” Hence, Brutus was said to be the first King of Briton.

The armada from Amorica was tracked by the Anglo-Saxon scouts while it sailed the coasts to Totnes, and then when it landed, the scouts reported to Hengist.

“Who dares to challenge us?” Hengist was furious. “Where is Vortigern?”

“I know not where,” Rowena replied to her father. “He left wandering with his guards. He desired me no more.”

“Does he desire then death?” Hengist cursed at the name of Vortigern. “He can father other bastards like Vortimer but none will ever be my challenger.”

“Lord Hengist, the ships total over three hundred. We are looking at an invasion. It's led by  one named Aurelius.” The scout reported.

“The cub had grown and was now poised to retake their kingdom.” Hengist turned to the scouts. “Call the other chiefs in for a gathering. We have a war ahead of us.”

The two princes were given a grand welcome when they landed at Totnes. The news of the fleet had driven many of the Britons to view their new King.

“He is the son of King Constantine. He will overthrow the tyrant Vortigern and be King.” Those were the words that were spoken by the people.

“Hail to our King! King Aurelius.” The chants of the King were soo heard on the land. It brought many leaders who were in hiding after the killing by the Anglo-Saxons, and among them was one named Lord Eidol of Gloucester.

“It’s time for us to bring our banner with the new army of King Aurelius.” Lord Eidooil recovered from his wounds had called on his brothers to join in.

“We shall not march with arms of ours, but the sanction of the House. I will call on the clergy to bless and give us God’s guidance in our battles.” Lord Eidol then approached the Bishop and the other leaders of the faith.

“Guide us, Father, for we are the lost sheep of the flock. We have found a shepherd but we still favor your guidance.”

Soon, Aurelius was crowned the King of Briton by the senior cleric there, the Bishop with the other members of the clergy in a simple ceremony. The newly crowned King was then met by the surviving Lords, and leaders. Their call was to reclaim their titles and lands.

“Lead us to victory, my King.”




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