Saturday, December 10, 2022

Dante VII Canto XXVII Scene I

 Canto XXVII

Eight Terrace; Paradise awaits

Scene I

“The constructs are inactivated.” Fabricius looked to Dante. He had ignored Dante’s question. “We have to leave. The harpies will be here soon.”

 “But where to ---- Where?” Dante was looking at the wall. “I have the specs to that wall. I gave the details to you. And Beatrice.”

“The wall --- You have designed it and also the shutdown codes. I could not find it.” Fabricius called out. “Please get us out.”

“You were trapped here by the wall. That was why you have others to assist you. You are good as a hacker but lack the skills to overcome what was mine.”

“No, Virgil. I was not as good as you. Beatrice knew that and why I was sent here. I am a prisoner too. I knew too much.”

“What’s beyond the wall?” Dante asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I did not design this terrace but Beatrice did. She was with another--- Arnold ----Daniel Arnold ----” Fabricius was looking at the sky. “He was the one who brought in the harpies --- he was ---“

“I knew Daniel Arnold. He was a radical developer--- he was our academic master; Guido’s peer. Guido taught us the basics of advanced robotics including mental psychology. He advocated poetry into the programs. It was unheard of then; the assimilation of ancient literature into programming. The new approach contributed to an evolution of the approach of construct programming on the construct development given the construct a life; the humane term. It was his idea of developing virtual realm.”  

Fabricius looked to the sky and was concerned about the harpies. He urged Dante to rush it.

“Fire was always feared like the deep sea but the fire was easy to access. Ever since the primitive inhabitants discovered fire, it served the purpose in so many ways, and fear was one of it. As a hacker, that was the defensive tool of the developer to stop any hacking. It was named Firewall for that reason.”

“Yes, I have a fear of fire.” Fabricius looked to the sky. “And also, of death. I fear death for it will end my life. As it took my mother’s life then.”

“Life is a journey and death will be the start of another but we won’t know till we reached it.” Dante looked at Fabricius. “There is no fear of taking the next journey. If you have understood the writings then of the ancient, you will appreciate it more as I do.”

“Can we agree later? We need to go.” Fabricius said to Dante. The harpies were seen in the sky then. “They are here.”

“Run! Run at the wall!” Dante called out and took his run. Fabricius was hesitant. He saw the other reach the wall and stop. “Join me, Fabricius.”

Fabricius was reluctant and turned to see the harpies were near to him. He had hardly a choice then. He took to his heels towards Dante.

“Wait for me!” Fabricius called out to Dante. “I am coming through.”

Fabricius reached Dante and they both rushed into the fire. It was everywhere and on them but they ran. Fabricius felt the heat but there were no burns. He ran on next to Dante and shouted out but no voice was heard. Instead, he felt was the burning feeling inside him. He closed his eyes and ran on.

It was then Fabricius felt blacked out.



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