Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 19


Not all was about the King for young Uther was to meet Lord Vortigern who came to see him in training. The young prince saw the Lord approaching him when he was to notch the arrow to his bowstring. He turned to face the Lord.

‘Good day, young prince.” Lord Vortigern rode up and was accompanied by his guards. “I happened to pass by and saw you here. How do you fare with your archery?”

“I think I can hit any targets within fifty paces.” Uther raised the bow to his eye level with the arrow notched and leveled towards the Lord. The Lord’s horse reared on its front legs but the Lord held firm to the reins. His guards reacted by surrounding the young prince.

“Hold,” Lord Vortigern calmed the horse. “I am sure the young prince is adept with archery.”

“I am.” Uther turned his bow to the side and release the arrow at the intended target at fifty paces away. It hit the spot in the center,

“Bravo!” The Lord exclaimed. The Lord called on one of his guards to fetch the arrow. “My young prince, you are better than me.”

“May I know your intent here today, Lord Vortigern?” Uther was directed to ask the Lord. “I am in training.”

The Lord dismissed his guards and dismounted to face the young prince. “

“I came to advise you that my loyalty to your brother will not be questioned by anyone.” Lord Vortigern looked to Uther. “I am …”

“Who dares to question your loyalty, Lord Vortigern? You are all powerful and above all, you are close to the King.”

“I am his servant as I was to your father King Constantine” Lord Vortigern bowed to the young prince. “I am to whoever is King.”

“I will remember that well, Lord Vortigern.” Uther turned to notch another arrow. “My distance will soon reach eighty paces. I will do what is needed to reach the furthest distance where my enemy may hide.”

Lord Vortigern excused himself leaving the young prince to the training. Uther watched the other rode off and then called on one who was behind the tree.

“He has left.” The figure stepped out and smiled.

“God has his blessing for me. It was an opportune time to call to do my call on nature. I could add that it was a drop in burden to my body then.” Gildas adjusted his frock. “You were brave to confront him but was it wise?”

“Wiser or not, I had listened to many on the Lord that make me wonder how my father could tolerate his presence,” Uther replied. “Many of them still considered me as the errant prince; one to serve the King who is now Constan. If Constan dies, then it will be Aurelius but Uther the Babe will still be the one in wait.”

“I sensed pain in you, young Uther.” Gildas looked to the young prince. “Are you well?”

“I am fine, Monk. I have grown over the years in the shadow of my brothers but that gave me a line of sight to the real happenings of the kingdom.” Uther released the arrow he notched scoring another center shot on the target.

“Constan and Aurelius loved you as their bloodline.” Gildas looked to calm the young prince. “You father …”

“My father is dead. He held three sons in his name. Three of known to be rightfully his but as a Man, he could have others not claimed.” Uther turned to look for another arrow. “Like the arrows in the quiver, I could only notch one on the bow. I knew which one I wanted to use, but in the quiver, there are many more arrows not seen by me until I reached for it. I am one of those arrows; deadly when released but harmless if not selected.”

“You are wise for your years, but tempered your emotions, young prince. Words you may speak could be heard by others and when reached the …”

“As I have heard many of the Lords, but I held my counsel till the day I am to judge it.” Uther looked to the monk. “I will do what I may need then. If I am to desire it, I shall not lose it for anyone.”

Gildas kept his silence and watched the other. He was thinking about what he had just heard from the young prince whom everyone said of the prince; a person in waiting. Of the three siblings, Gildas had only seen to talk to the young prince of late, when Constan became King. He had hardly met with Aurelius and it was the event with Lord Vortigern that prompted him to talk with Uther.

It was then the doe roamed onto the clearing. It raised its ears to listen for any predators that may be lurking near. Gildas saw the movements in the nearby trees and was to caution the young prince.

“Hush, Monk. Those are not intruders but my hunters. They had led the doe to the clearing.” Uther leveled the bow at the doe.”We shall have that for our dinner.”

The arrow whizzed through the air toward the doe, but its mark was off. The arrow struck at the doe’s rear flanks and caused it to leap off back into the forest. The hunters at the treelines gave chase with the prince discarding his bow.

“Hunt it!” Uther called out. “No creatures desired by me shall evade me.”

Gildas was stunned by the young prince's determination.

“I am that person now, Monk. I will not let anything slip from my fingers if I so desired.” Uther reminded the monk. “Leave me be. I am to hunt my dinner.”

Gildas watched the young prince take to his horse and rode off. He stood there thinking of the events that unfolded that day. It was not God’s blessing that he was there, but God’s intention that he meets the young prince.






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