Friday, December 23, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 20


“Picts for his guards? We forbade that.” Lord Cornell said to Lord Vortigern. “ How can we entrust our King to the barbarians?”

They gathered there were some of the more powerful Lords on the land. They are not the allies of Lord Vortigern but throughout peacetime, they have strengthened much. Lord Vortigern had all of their minds filled with concern for the King.  

“Then let us call the Franks or the Scots? Or the Jutes.” Lord Vortigern pushed the issue. “They are dying to be as one with us.”

“Treacherous words, Lord Vortigern. We may have to …” Lord Cornell confronted the other.

“Treachery? The King is now guarded by our men, but among them, some were accused of siding with the young princes. It’s whispered in the halls and corridors. Are you deaf not to hear of it? Or are you a part of it?”

“Are you accusing us of treachery, Lord Vortigern?” Lord Cornell had risen in the ranks with the death of Lord Anvil, and his land then covered the earlier plots of the dead Lord. “I will not…”

“I am not insinuating it. I merely said what was to reach my attention.” Lord Vortigern stirred the hornet’s nest with his words. “All of you once rode with me or with King Constantine. We fought many battles and incurred wounds that till today remained unhealed but our hearts healed for we are one.”

“Many of you have risen in the ranks and added to your numbers in warriors earned during the peaceful times. We have not fought any major battles with any others, and our borders remained secure.” Lord Vortigern looked to the gathered. He needed their support. His army was huge but in the later year, had dwindled to maintaining them in peacetime was difficult.

“Undeniable to that, Lord Vortigern. However, you gave our lands to the Anglo-Saxons.” Lord Ian of Collins spoke out. “What was mine in Kents was given to them to settle in.”

“And you got better pasture lands to the west that filled your harvest returns.” Lord Vortigern reminded the Lord. “That offer of land for peace with the Anglo-Saxons was done by me to secure their loyalty to battles the Picts. I also reduce the tributes.”

“The Anglo-Saxons battle our enemies. They don’t want our wealth no more but to produce their own.” Lord Vortigern defended his action. “They formed a line defending us from the enemies, while many of you are here on this land securing your army”

“I heard some of you are looking to topple the King with his brother.” Lord Vortigern snapped that in watching their reaction.

“Enough of your unfounded accusations. We served the King.” Lord Cornell retorted in anger. “Are you?”

“I am and will be … for King.” Lord Vortigern replied his oath. “Now back to the issue of the King. To whom can we entrust the task of ensuring the safety of the King? I failed in that task when the King was attacked by the servant of Lord Anvil.”

It was not a request but a challenge to the Lords there.

“Who have you in mind?” Lord Vortigern looked to the one who spoke. It was a planned move. of his with the Lord that raised the question.

“As I have said, none can be trusted then we will move to get the mercenaries for the task.” Lord Vortigern voiced out. “It’s getting the enemy to be our friends to end the war.”

“In guarding the King?” Lord Cornell uttered in disgust. “I will never agree.”

The gathering was called off by Lord Vortigern. The allied Lord approached him soon after.

“Lord Cornell showed his hand.” The other Lord smiled. “That was a good move.”

“It was expected.” Lord Vortigern looked at the wall opening. “Now it's up to the others to do their task.”

Later that day, the King was attacked while riding on the fields. He was on his way to the monastery for the usual prayers and on his return, he was set on by armed warriors. The King was with his six guards then.

“Guard the King.” The leader of the guards, Baldwin instructed two of the others. “Ride on for the castle. We will challenge the attackers.”

The other three guards followed the leader to meet the oncoming attackers which were twice their numbers. Baldwin drew his sword and charged at the attackers. He swung his sword at the first rider on the left side, but the blow was deflected. He was past the rider and met the third rider and his sword found the mark on the other’s right thigh.

“Get into them. Do not let them get to the King.” Baldwin's concern for the King was met with his back slashed by another attacker. He rode away before turning to face his attacker. He was met by two others and one got the sword into Baldwins’ left side, he fell off his horse with his gaze on the departing King in the distance, still in pursuit by three attackers.

“God bless the King.” Baldwin’s last words before he joined the departed.

“My King, ride on. We will defend your flank.” The two guards pulled the reins on the horse. They turned to face the pursuing attackers. It was then the blessing from God arrived.

“Protect the King!” The call came from Uther who was then nearby with his hunters. He rode ahead to meet the attackers. He had notched an arrow to the bow and released it while riding. The arrow struck the attacker in the chest. That ended the fight when the second attacker was killed by the two guards. Uther turned to look for the King.

“Are you hurt, my King?” Uther asked on approaching the King.

“No, I am fine. Thank you for helping me. I was with the least of my guards as we are so near the castle.” King Constan replied. ”It was God’s blessing that you are near.”

“I was for the hunt at the nearby forest was scarce. Let me escort you back to the castle now.” Uther then turned to the hunters. “Find out who dares to attack the King.”

Soon after the incident, the Lords gathered at the hall seeking action against the King’s ambush. It was Lord Vortigern who led the inquiry.

“The King is fine. We have killed the attackers.” Lord Vortigern looked to the Lords. “It would seem that the King needs better protection. We had identified the attackers.”

That last mention drew the attention of the Lords.

“They are the …from our people. They are of the Langley estate.” Lord Vortigern looked at Lord Cornell for Langley was part of his land. “I had sought Lord Cornell on the matter. Ashley of Langley was dismissed from his duties on the ground of conflicts with his Lord. He was to be banished but remain in hiding till today. He had turned rogue and was to kill the King as retaliation.”

There were eyes on Lord Cornell who averted from their stares.

“The King had absolved the blame on Lord Cornell. We lived in an era of conflicts not only at our borders but also within ourselves.” Lord Vortigern stressed the last word. “I am pledging to uphold our King to the throne.”

The Lords there roared their pledges toward the King too.

It also paved the way forward for the King to be better protected.


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