Friday, December 9, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Part 15


The death of Lord Anvil was held with great detail in the ceremony on the order of the King. The funeral pyre was there with a pile of wood and garlands of flowers. The other Lords were made to attend, with Lord Vortigern that offer the words of the Lord. The ceremony was held near the castle of the previous Lord. It was a grand send-off with the gathered an array of banners that were lined on the fields displaying the support of the King. There were the gathered servants of the Lord who stood on the edge of the field to offer their respect.

“Lord Anvil was a …I will stand corrected now. He is a great friend.” Lord Vortigern looked from the gathered toward the skies. “He rode with King Constantin and me, fighting the raiders…the invaders and any enemy that was to cross into our land. He fought alongside us; his arm holding the sword that protected our back.”

The gathered Lords held their heads low while some shook theirs. It was rumored that the Lord was sacrificed to the Anglo-Saxons as a form of peace appeasement. The mutterings were low but it could be seen as a sign of rebellion.

“I and many of you heard of rumors that he was …. Trapped by the King to be killed by the Anglo-Saxons.” The mention of the King hushed the mutterings.”I can attest to all of you, it’s untrue. I …”

“May I, Lord Vortigern?” King Constan stepped forth to speak to the gathered. The young King stepped forth with his young figure, covered with the dark cloak over the tunic and leggings.

“I will stand before all of you, as also before God, Lord Anvil was not sacrificed. He died as a loyal serving Lord to the kingdom. He died defending the land. He died for ….his people.” That last mention was responded to by the roar of the servants. “His death; truly remained as a sorrow in my heart, will be avenged.”

“Down with the Anglo-Saxons.” The gathered stirred by the King’s words roared. “Rally us to fight now.”.

“He shall.” Lord Vortigern cut in. He bowed to the King and then looked to the gathered. “Bring forth the killers.”

A group of Anglo-Saxons was herded in by the guards. The captured were covered with wounds but silence prevailed in them. They were made to stand before the King.

“The ones who killed the Lord. He was on his way back from the border and was ambushed by them. The Lord’s guards were few and tired from the battle that was then, fought hard but they were outnumbered. They defended their …”

“Kill them now!” The emotional cries of the gathered sounded out cutting Lord Vortigern in his words. He held up his hands toward them and halted them from killing the captured.

“Justice will be served. Vengeance will be satiated…” Lord Vortigern called out before he was cut in by the King.

“The killers will be given due punishment for their sins.” The King interjected.

“They are no followers of God. They worshipped Pagans.” One of the gathered cried out. “God does not see them at all.”

“Whoever they may worship, their lives are…” The King was then in return stopped by Lord Vortigern.

“My King, the call for vengeance outbid your prayer. The Lords here are …. Upset at the death of Lord Anvil. If we stopped the … rightful punishment, we will have a rebellion on our land. Please see to the reason for their anger.”

King Constan hesitated to the request. He was then advised by the one he took as his mentor.

“My King, the bloodletting will end if we …let the punished be done.” Gildas looked to the King. “It’s a harsh decision as when the angels threaded the world of Man to cleanse the sins of the Fallen. It’s God's will that it be done.”

“I… I have…” The King was hesitant still and Lord Vortigern gave the command.

“March the killers to the pyre. They will die before your Lord there.” The captured were taken there and were missed from sight by the gathered who wanted to see the final killing. The King took his leave of the field to return to the castle. Lord Vortigern had not moved from his position watching the King leave while his ears listened to the roar of the gathered on the killing blow of the guards on the captured.

“Lord Vortigern, I can see the lain in the King’s heart, and he will heal from it.” It was Gildas who spoke. “It must be a heavy act of yours to sacrifice your trusted ally. I applaud your fiend’s act to sacrifice his warriors. The removal of the tongue has been applied to many who are to be silent.”

“Monk, you do sometimes make your presence as a gnat.” Lord Vortigern looked to the monk.”I would have expected your departure after the death of King Constantine, but he lingered on here.”

“Lingering like a sore wound may not be the gesture I had been accused of. I am the guest of the Kingdom and my words are for the King. Be it the old or the current one. They need to be told what is the truth and with God’s guidance, they will be better Kings.” Gildas smiled. “Unlike some of the Lords here, they lingered to take the seat of the throne.”

“Treason words, Monk. You could be …sacrificed.” Lord Vortigern smiled at the monk.

“Sacrifice is not an act of fear for us but behold the ones who do to us will pay their penance in Hell.” Gildas redirected the subject to the Lord. “Alas, not all who claim to be with God in his heart held the same in his mind. The Devil sits there like their Kingly wishes.”

“Good day, my Lord,” Gildas uttered his departure. “Come, young Uther. It's time for us to reconvene our lessons with God… The real God that will give us true guidance.”

Lord Vortigern turned and saw the youngest prince standing there. Uther took to follow the monk back to the main castle. Uther avoided the stares of the Lord.

“Young one, you are … still naïve. I hope….”


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