Saturday, December 31, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 23 & 24


“King Constan is dead.” The call went out on the land.

The next question was who killed the King.

“The King is be avenged.” The call was heard.

“Please remain calm.” Lord Vortigern pleaded with the gathering at the hall. The Lords and allies of King Constan had arrived on hearing of the demise.

“Where are the Anglo-Saxons? Why are they not here?” The gathered look to Lord Vortigern.

“Yes, where are your friends, my Lord?” The question was directed to Lord Vortigern by one of the Lords. “Did you shield them?”

“The Anglo-Saxons are not involved. The killers hung outside on the castle wall.” Lord Vortigern appeased the gathered. “It was the foul deed by the Picts whom we invited with trust.”

“Your trust, my Lord.” The Lord who asked earlier added to the anger there. “You brought them here. Like what you did with the Anglo-Saxons.”

“Lord Bernstein, your words are insinuating treachery by me?” Lord Vortigern took offense to the accusations. He reached for the hilt of his sword at the waist.

“Fight me, Lord Vortigern. I do not fear you.” Lord Bernstein hit back. “I do not stand alone here.”

It was seen then Lord Bernstein was with his allies.

“The curs have found their courage.” Lord Vortigern mumbled but he held back his anger. He was to speak on but was interrupted by the appearance of Uther then. The young prince was in the chamber with Aurelius watching the final preparation for the dead King. Gildas the Monk was doing the prayers there. 

“Please remain calm. The King is dead and let him rest in peace for today.” Uther approached the gathered and stood after Lord Vortigern. “My brother is reunited with his head. We found it in the adjacent chamber.”

The servant who found the King reported that he was beheaded on his bedding with his head missing. A search was conducted while the princes were alerted by the servants. Lord Vortigern was the first to arrive at the King’s chamber and soon after the Picts were rounded up. They were killed by the guards at the command of Lord Vortigern. It was done rapidly and when the Lords arrived at the castle, the punishment was done.

“Lord Vortigern, why were we not told of the killings by you?” Uther had confronted the Lord who was leaving the King’s chamber.

“I was attending to the King and his killers.” Lord Vortigern glared at the prince. “My responsibility is to the King first.”

“And you are not the King.” Lord Vortigern added to his words before leaving the prince standing there. He then left for the hall to meet the gathered. It was later that Uther joined the Lord at the hall.

“My brother, King Constan is dead. Both Aurelius and I will be mourning the death of the King. We would like to request that the Lords present here stay united and protect the kingdom.” Uther addressed the gathering.

That address stunned Lord Vortigern for the attention was toward the prince then. He was to wrest control of the gathering but he stopped when he saw the Lords leaving. He looked for Lord Cornell and saw the former was the first to leave. He called out to Lord Cornell to wait.

“Lord Cornell, we need to talk.”


Uther stood on the top of the hill looking at the forest. It was after dawn and the ride there was done at a late sighting of the moon. He was with a few of the men trusted by himself and Aurelius. It was a rush departure but the events that unfolded over the last few days were equally risky.

“My young princes, your lives are in peril.” Uther was told by Gildas. “I had spoken to Aurelius.”

Since the death of King Constan, the Lords were in the turmoil to grab power, including Lord Vortigern. The influential Lord was to ally with a few others including Lord Cornell. The Picts were back to warring at the borders alongside the Anglo-Saxons.

“Do we battle the Picts? The Anglo-Saxons? Or ourselves?” Lord Vortigern had rallied the Lords to the cause although he was distrusted then. Some of the Lords had doubts that Lord Vortigern was not involved in the killing of King Constan, but their strongest ally, Lord Cornell had sided with the Lord.

“Lord Cornell was his fiercest critic and today, he rides with the Lord.” Those were the words of the lesser Lords on the shift of alliance. Unknown to them, Lord Cornell was trapped by Lord Vortigern.

“Lord Cornell, outside of the castle, the words are saying you and your allies killed the King.” That was the core of the conversation between the two Lords after the gathering at the hall that day.

“The King lies dead unburied and you are here accusing me of the kill.” Lord Cornell looked to Lord Vortigern. “Where is your decency in the matter?”

“It’s more decent than the role you had in the killing of the King.” Lord Vortigern repeated the words to the Lord. “I had the Picts killed to silence the accusing Lords. They disliked you more than me. They may accused you in retaliation.”

“You silenced the Picfs to avoid them telling the truth about you.” Lord Cornell retorted. “I did not kill the King.”

“Tell it to the others that heard your intentions to topple the King. They are upset about the King’s death and vengeance is on their mind. You were the castle then. And your name stands out.”

 Name them, Lord Vortigern. I will meet them in battle.” Lord Cornell turned to leave. “My loyalty shall never be questioned.”

“Shall or will never be? I think you need to hear me out.” Lord Vortigern looked at the turning Lord who stopped in mid-stride. “You are not with many friends. Your words with some of Lords’ had put you in doubt.”

“I did not…”Lord Cornell paused in his explanation while turning to address the other Lord. “It was a …”

“A private meeting but are your allies in coordination with you, Lord Cornell?” Lord Vortigern frowned at his facial expression. “We lived in thriving times now. More so when the borders are overrun by the barbarians.”

“Those are your barbarians.” Lord Cornell reminded the Lord.

“They may be …mine but they had served their purpose. I gave them wealth to stop the war. Now they are accused of the killing, and war will resume. If the Lords are not united, then we may all perish in the coming battles. And it won’t be the Picts alone that will take our land. The Anglo-Saxons and Jutes, and then on the Danes, and the …”

“You made your point to me. How can I avert such calamities?” Lord Cornell knew he was cornered.

“Leave the land now. I will speak on your journey to battle the Picts but you may go North to build new lands.” Lord Vortigern looked at the other. “If you remained, be my ally, and we need not choose sides.”

“Allies, Lord Vortigern?” Lord Cornell asked. “You are a bastard.”

“Call me names, Lord Cornell but I am a survivor among the Lords. Do what is needed to avert a war between us.” Lord Vortigern did not hide his threat then. “It’s your call here.”

Lord Cornell knew he was with few choices. He allied with Lord Vortigern to quell any rebellion talks among the Lords, but he also arranged with the young princes an alternative plan. That plan was to begin from the hill where Uther stood to look at what was his before.

“Leave the land, my princes.” Lord Cornell looked to the two young lads. “The demise of the King has left the Lords with differing loyalties not. Some may take to your side, or none at all, and war will split the kingdom. With that in place, the raiders at the borders will take the opportunity to invade us. We …Or rather you will lose it all.”

“I will remain to defend the throne,” Uther announced his intention.”I will not my back on the people.”

“Brave words, Young Uther.” Lord Cornell looked to the young lad. “What I am to know, Lord Vortigern is all-powerful but even then he could not battle all the Lords.”

“What of you, Lord Cornell?” Aurelius asked the other.

“I am to …stand with Lord Vortigern to bring peace to the land. When the emotions of the Lords are pacified, then I will invite both of you back.”

“You are asking us to leave while you share the throne with Vortigern?” Uther looked at the Lord. “That’s treachery.”

“Not true, my prince but a needed respite to avoid bloodshed.” Lord Cornell replied. “I am not afraid of my death, but aimless deaths can be avoided. We need to bide our time.”

“The Lord is right. We are to live to fight another day.” Aurelius looked to Uther. “We are still young and with our name, we can rally the other kingdom to assist us. I will be King then.”

“Another of your prophecy with the druids, brother?” Uther was disgusted with the cowardice. “I want to …”

“Stay your anger, young Uther. You have neither the army nor the support of the Lords now.” It was Gildas the Monk who intervened. “The young cub has to grow to become a fearsome predator to hunt.”

“Monk, have you no monastery to seek refuge? Your King is dead.” Uther was defiant. “Where were you when he was killed?”

“I was in the Chapel for my prayers,” Gildas replied. “I was …”

“Your prayers had not worked.” Uther glared at the monk. “It won’t work here too.”

“Fight we will, but we must fight to win.” Aurelius cut in. “Many wars are fought with ill-prepared plans. We must strengthen and strategies our plans. Let us ride.”

“Argh….” Uther stomped his feet. “You are the next in line. I will respect your call.” Uther gave up. He then turned to Lord Cornell. “We will ride but we shall return. You are either at our side then or battle us.”

“I will ride with you when you return, my young princes.” Lord Cornell bowed to the two lads. “Please take care on your journey now.”

“Where are we headed, brother?” Uther asked.

“We sailed for Amorica.”


Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 22


“Strange bedfellows the Lord now held in his arms.” Lord Cornell spoke out at the feast at his castle, attended by the few Lords that were his allies. “I have never imagined that I will ever sit with them.”

“Aye, the King is weak, and instead of governing his throne, he purported to listen to the words of God.” One at the gathered commented.

“We are warriors. We cannot rely on God to assist us.” Lord Cornell looked to the gathered. “If the King is… weak…. Should we …”

“Your words are treacherous.” Lord Cornell was reminded of his loyalty.

“I am still loyal to the King. I am asking that the King I served be strong and influenced. The one who can be King will be of the previous King.” Lord Cornell looked for others to support his words. The gathered averted their stares but the nods of some could be seen.

“Uther or Aurelius?” That was the question raised.

The issue of the King was in Lord Vortigern’s mind. In his thought, King Constan accept his words on how to administrate the kingdom while the monk Gildas occupied the King with God’s learning but of late Constan was seen to be weaker and the other Lords challenged the Lord’s decision. His spies told him that some Lords are in conference to bring the young princes to replace the King.

Aurelius is well versed in the skills of the administration and proven as a warrior but his indulgence with the druids was of concern. While Constan was with the words of God, the younger was with the dark arts. Uther the youngest could be seen as the bigger threat for he was unknown due to his age but of late, he was improving his fighting skills. There were words on the youngest as relentless in his pursuit.

“But none I can trust to work with.” Lord Vortigern muttered. His army had doubled but was no match if the Lords combined to battle him. He looked to the fields outside. The mercenaries held no loyalty to words but the weight of the wealth in their hall.

“Lord Vortigern, I need to talk to you.” It was Gildas who approached him there interrupting his thoughts.

“And when was it you can access my chamber without my approval?” Lord Vortigern was upset the monk was able to come in unannounced.

“As the King’s adviser and your … conscience gave me the right to do so,” Gildas replied. “I come to speak to you on behalf of the King. Who guards the King now? Mercenaries? You might as well invite the demons to perch on the ramparts as guards.”

“Hold your tongue, monk. The guards are there to protect the King when none of our own can be trusted.” Lord Vortigern looked at the monk. “It was agreed by the Lords.”

“They are all fools. Mercenaries are as loyal as the water in the stream. During the dry season, they won’t be seen.” Gildas was upset.

it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” Lord Vortigern quoted the verse on loyalty. ( 1 Corinthians 4:2) “Your words, monk. I found none among us ….now. Hence, I recruited the ones I can rely on with wealth.”

“Oh my God. You have truly diverted the good words of God. You are the Devil incarnate.” Gildas sneered at the Lord. “I shall confer with the King.”

“Do so, monk but bear in mind, you hold a mortal life.” Lord Vortigern reminded the monk. “Your passing may not be mourned by many. Not by Aurelius or Uther either.”

“Aurelius….” Gildas shifted to the other prince. “Yes, I need to find him. He spends too much time with the druid. The soothsayer of the dark professed of the King to come far too long to be tolerated.”

The monk left the chamber leaving the Lord to his thoughts but not for long. Another figure intrudes on his chamber.

“Lord Vortigern, I must bring it up with you. Our coins have been short again.” It was Calleat. Lord Vortigern was aware of the shortcomings for it was his intention. He feigned ignorance to the Picts.

“We have an understanding.” Calleat looked to the Lord. “Our dependents cannot go on hungry.”

“My apologies, Calleat. I will speak to the caretaker on the matter. It’s unfortunate that of late the treasury of the King was low and the contributions by the Lords had been delayed.”

“I am sure your wealth will suffice.” Calleat dangled the words to the Lord. “You held a huge tract of land.”

“I am the biggest than most, but with my army, their hunger cannot be ignored.” Lord Vortigern said solemnly. “I do take care of my own.”

“It will be better then if you are King,” Calleat spoke out his mind.

“Hush, Picts. Those are treacherous words here in this castle.” Lord Vortigern snapped out. “I am not the King.”

“I am not of your people and you are not King…as yet.” Calleat turned to leave.

“I cannot give you my best services without wealth at my hall.” Calleat voiced out loudly when leaving the chamber.

“And so you shall not.” Lord Vortigern muttered.

Those words of the Picts overheard by the servants soon spread to the Lords.

“The King will be in danger.”


Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 21


“Who allows the King to be under the guard of the Picts?” That call came from an unexpected figure. The meeting was at the forest where the Anglo-Saxon leader usually meets Lord Vortigern. Both leaders have stood there under the canopies of the trees but their vigilance was on the clearing ahead. Both may be allies but they still harbor distrust.

“It was my call, Hengist.” Lord Vortigern replied to the Anglo-Saxon. “Your war with us had ended and I want to end it also with the Picts.”

“Our war had not ended. It was a temporary truce with you.” Hengist reminded the Lord.

“Whatever you may name it. I am more concerned about the building of the Picts. More so when I was informed that Picts are in alliance with the Danes.” Lord Vortigern explained. “Our war will need to sideline for now.”

“I hold no alliance with the Picts or the Danes.” Hengist spat on the ground. “Not since Dun Nechtain had we ever forgiven the Picts.”

“Nor of your clans have on the Danes since the last war at Wessex.” Hengist reminded the other of the hatred for both. “Are you now working with them?”

“I am not. I brought the Picts to the land here, for I am in need to know their plans with the Danes.” Lord Vortigern explained in depth.”I need the enemies near to me, and when they strike I will know.”

“You harbor a lot of mistrust, Britton.” Hengist looked at the Lord.

“It’s for you to consider while I parley with all the enemies of mine.” Lord Vortigern grew weary then. “For the Picts, I brought them in as mercenaries.”

“And they now guard the King?” Hengist laughed. “Why not us? We are your mercenaries once before and fought your battles.”

“I have my reasons, Hengist. Don’t push the issue with me.” Lord Vortigern was getting upset then. “Be gone now. I need to do my duties as the Lord.”

Hengist laughed at the dismissal and took his leave. Lord Vortigern took to his mount with his mind on the task that was done. He recalled his meeting with the leader of the Picts, Gille Callaet.

“I thought it will be brave of you to ride in alone, Lord Vortigern.” The Picts’ leader met the Lord at the appointed spot by the stream that was the understood border of the two.

“I am a cautious person.” Lord Vortigern had kept on his sword at the belt. He studied the other leader who was dressed in the fur coat over the iron mesh tunic, with the short sword at the waist belt, and held a long-handed mallet. Gille Callaet was bearded like the sea-faring warriors and his voice roared when heard.

“As any wolf will fear in the lair of the bear.” Gille bellowed out with a burst of loud laughter.

“Are you the wolf or bear?” Lord Vortigern looked at the other.

“I am the bear with my frame that overlooked yours. So tell me, wolf. Why are we meeting here? Our battles are fewer with the coming of the cold season.”

“I am calling for peace with you. There is no reason for us to battle when we can be allies.” Lord Vortigern replied. “I will extend my offer to you to be mercenaries.”

“As you did with the Anglo-Saxons. I can see that you have great wealth to offer such services. Perhaps we should take it for ourselves.”

“We will probably share our blade with your blood.” Lord Vortigern sounded out the reply in gest.

“That remains to be seen. The bear may not be crafty like the wolf, but it can be dangerous to rouse the bear.” Callaet smiled. “Enough of the idle talks. Assuming we are yours to command, how will we be employed?”

It did not take long for the Picts to be sharing the table at the hall, bearing their waves of laughter with the Lords, and on a few occasions the grim stares across it. The King may be present but it was Lord Vortigern who impressed on the Picts the hospitality. Such hospitality was overbearing that even the Anglo-Saxons when present had doubts about their roles there.

“I called on Callaet to honor his services with the personal guards here in the castle.” Lord Vortigern made that call at the gathering. It was met with murmurs from some of the Lords; an issue that they were not consulted on.

“Aye, Lord Vortigern. We will assign a hundred of our best to be here. Let no others harm the King with our watch.” Callaet called out but the irk stares of the Lords and Anglo-Saxons were unavoidable.

“I stand to…” Uther was there when the call was made and his words were cut off.

“Be assured, young prince. Your King is our King now.” Callaet snapped in. “We won’t let harm befall him.:”

“I …” Uther was interrupted then by Lord Vortigern.

‘Uther,” The call by the name was a surprise to the young prince. “I am taking the personal guard of the King. The guests of ours will be to here as …our guests.”

Uther looked to the King who was seen brooding at the throne. It was rumored that the King was indebted to the Lord, as said by many. The King was said to rely on the Lord for guidance then.

“As it declared.” Lord Vortigern raised the goblet to firm the arrangement. The feast went on but the concern of Callaet reached Lord Vortigern’s ears.

“Leave the young cub to me, Callaet. I am the big bad wolf.” Lord Vortigern assured the Picts. “Have your hall ready to receive a part of the wealth.”



Monday, December 26, 2022

Buzz Buzzer me Its Boxing Day 26th Dec

A snippet of Act 3 Scene 1

“What a drab!’ The head servant overseeing the setup had complained. “Why we just had a wedding and now.. what a tragedy to be played. What is the play to offer? A ghostly apparition to view perhaps.”

“I know not what, perhaps Romeo and Juliet with the Prince himself in madness.” Another servant replied.

“Hush your words, Alfred, or you may feed to the bats or into the dung heap there.” The Head Servant snapped at the other. “It's not a joking scene now with the word ‘madness’. He may lay the Joker’s antics, but he is not suited here. Asylum will be ideal for him. So may the ghost do they stay there.”

“You quiver at madness yet you heeded to call an asylum suits him. Are you mad too?” The servant retorted. “Calling the kettle black indeed.”

It was then a bat flew past from the dark corner, lost in its trail, blindness not aided by the light, but uses its sonar to find an exit back to the cave.

“Confounding to have a bat in the day. Open the windows, lest the demon loses its way once more and frighten our guests.” The Head Servant then glared at the servant.

“Did you feed crumbs again for the birds? I think you did for I found seeds on the porch.”

“I did not. I may have some fruits but never thought I will bring in bats.” The servant admitted.

“Pray to tell me why fruits? You expect the King’s ghost to return for its wine.” The Head Servant snapped once more.

“You said the play may be for the ghost tonight.” The servant quipped out.

“Nephew of mine, it was bloodline that kept you employed but the rage of the blood may see thou to wash the steamers in the outside soon.” It was akin to having to tend the horses in the stables some years ago.

“I will leave for the kitchen. Hot as Hell but safer than your wrath of Hell.” The servant left the Hall. 

I am in my madness throes back at writing. Hamlet may be as I have worded below.

“Yes, for most plays, but for this play I want us to see the audience for theirs. I need to draw on their real emotions, and not played-up idolize the player there. I want their script to be read.”

“A wonderment for me as I have never thought of that.” The Main Player was impressed.

“As playwrights adapt the other script, to give it a new look to the original, and roused the listener to look at it not from the original but the new perspective. A new play altogether.”

“Encore!” The Main Player roared.

I am nearly done with Part 2 of Dante's adaption, and the last chapters will grace this blog soon. I have yet to be inspired to conclude Part 3 but I shall in due time. 

It's not easy to adapt or re-write a tale more so when it's a classic read and adapted by many. If you had read the chapters of Dante's here, you will notice the difference in the flow and its plot lines. Now my next effort is to conclude it with a bang that no others may have imagined. 

As I am doing now on Hamlet. 

Tally Ho into 2023, as we widen the world of our imagination.


Dante VII Canto XXXIII Scene II


The Earthly Paradise; The realm in the Universe

Scene II

“I can’t allow it.” Beatrice looked at the others. “Daniel is too weak.”

“No, my daughter. Let me make amends for this.” The voice was of the frail-looking old man seated in the wheelchair. He rolled over towards Beatrice.

“I have to work on my creation. I ---”


“Father, I cannot lose you again. Not again.” Beatrice looked at the older man.

“You won’t for I am in your life and mind. And heart. But I must undo my mistakes. I will work with Nicholas here guiding all of you.” Daniel turned to Fabricius. “Go with her and remove the Queen. She ---”

“She is my sister, Father. Your daughter too.” Beatrice reminded her father. “I was ---”

“You were mine, Beatrice. Your twin, Bernice ---- she was with me when I left your mother. You needed extra care and I was ---selfish then. Our estranged relationship dragged on until you told me of the world you were building. Like the Ancient Greek World, it was to be a journey to see and not to be trapped. You wanted the world to see what was it like to be a sinner. Or in your case, the illness of yours gave you the hard time processing personalities. The healers cured you and I wanted to make amends.”

“So did Charles. He was there to wed me off to the emperor.” Beatrice looked at her father. “It was mother’s doing.”

“Charles meant well. He --- Your mother could not care for you anymore. She knew that you needed a guardian. You were too far out in your realms.”

“It was my salvation from ---reality. I was with the illness; the multiple personalities. I was cured but not my life. I wedded the man I did not love. I forego my love. I had no real one to lean on except my other-selves in the virtual realm, and you returned, Father.”

“I returned and brought me another personality; your twin sister. She was good to be you and then she had other reasons. She camouflaged her ---a condition by immersed in the works there; building what her other personalities saw in it. She was well trained by me unfortunately and kept the hidden files from me until it was too late.”

“Bernice had helped. She had other mentors.” Beatrice looked towards her father. “Just as I have; Charles and Fabricius and you. She had more; your peers and students too.”

“Yes, the Magnificent Seven. I know all their names but they won’t use them anymore. They called themselves the Universe.” Daniel put on a weak smile. “They wanted to rule the world; or a virtual one. What were their names? Yes, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, and finally the Sun which was the emperor. Then came the final two rulers of the Seven; the Fixed Stars, the Federation flags keeping every subject to the will of the Prodigal Son. Peace and unity or rather an obedience.”

“The next ones are the Prime Guards of the Queen, in support of it, their devotion to the Empyrean’ Queen Bernice who had replaced you in name sits there presided overall. She ruled them all. She had it all planned out. He held Dante’s poems to her heart. And mind.”

“Yes, the demented understanding of Dante’s poems; in which he wrote in defiance of the system then. I guess the seven here their defiance towards what we termed as God.” Daniel paused while he coughed to clear his throat. “And their God is a woman.”

“God bless us all.”


Dante VII Canto XXXIII Scene I


The Earthly Paradise; Masters and Mistresses of the Universe

Scene I

“That will be all, Mathilda.” The voice was Beatrice who appeared before Dante. “You thought you could escape but in reality, there is no escape.”

“I ---” Dante was confused. “I was with ---”

“Truly, Dante. You were ----rescued---yes, unfairly from me. Its truly ---unfair. As you eloped ---pardon me, a lady scorned there ---wedded Casella. How was her?”

“Stop it, whoever you are. I don’t believe you. “

“A little while and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me ---- Such is the pain of our love.” Beatrice looked into his eyes. “We never ---- consummated.”

Beatrice was looking at Dante’s groin and he squirmed away in shame.

“It’s alright, Dante. No more fantasy from now. No more self-release--- did you think of me when you were doing with Casella --- or Gentucca ---- or such sneaky thoughts, did you then? I did when I was with the emperor. He was a ----hopeless lover; I had my contentment here with you like Jander was with Lady Galaxia.”

“Beatrice, ----- No, you are not her. You are someone else. You are mad to impersonate --- Beatrice.” Dante was in self-denial. “She mentioned of a sister, a twin.”

“Am I or you are the ones?” The Queen looked at Dante. “Who are you? Dante or Virgil? Or someone else? Disentangle yourself… from fear and shame, that you no longer speak like one who dreams. This reality.”

“I know my words are mysterious and hard to decipher at this point, but that time will clarify them.” The Queen looked at Dante. “Only you can transmit them; the ones in that virtual realm, they live the life that is a death race. Real death. You saw the tree. It was made by ----God for his use. Your arrogance and vain thoughts are keeping you from seeing this simple truth: God made the tree for his selfish needs. As have me with you.”

“Remember that well, my love. You are mine. Mark those lines in your program.” The Queen smiled at Dante.

“There’s no need; your words are already emblazoned on my mind.” Dante looked hard into her. “But it's not in my soul.”

“Dante, my love. Those words you just told me, tell me that how much distance there is between man’s reasoning and God’s. Man cannot hope to understand God.”

“Yes, for you are not my God” Dante snapped back. “Why are you so adamant to be God?”

“I am God, for I created this realm. And the one you are to go to.” The Queen looked at Dante. “Now, Mathilda will send you back to sleep. Dream on, Dante. Dream of me. I am your true love.”

“Mathilda, do the needed. He will be soon in Paradise. Get his dreams sorted out. I need him there.” The Queen took her departure while Dante struggled with futile efforts to get out.

“Sleep, Dante. You will be in Paradise soon.” Mathilda smiled.

Back in the lab where Dante met the other Beatrice, the situation was chaotic.

“I am losing him.’ Beatrice called out. She was monitoring the screens on the console. “He is slipping back to the realm.”

“How can that be? We have him here ---- his body.” It was Fabricius who came to aid Beatrice. “He was ---”

“He was out but she dragged him back.” Beatrice looked at the screen. “He is slipping back in. We got to ---No, we have to get back in. I have to go this time. He needs me more than before. He does not know how to counter the Queen.”

“Beatrice, if you ---- No, it’s too dangerous. She may be using him as the bait.” Fabricius held out his right hand towards Beatrice. “We --- I cannot lose you.”

“I was never yours. You did say I was mad.” Beatrice looked at the other.

“You know my feelings. I admitted I said you were mad then. I was mad to be helping Virgil. Not after he has done to you.” Fabricius tried to find words to soothe the other but in love; or rather in conflict of love, we do utter words that were regretted.

“Virgil moved on my request. It was too painful for me to see him with me. I told him Casella was for him, but he was ---lost in the feelings. Casella was my friend too. I regretted her ---missing since then. I was told that she is in there too ---- another soul trapped with Virgil by the Queen.”

“Beatrice, I knew you then, and I accepted the ----challenge to love you.”

“What is it with all of you? My love is not for bartering.” Beatrice glared at Fabricius.”

“When why do you want to go in there? I have been there. It’s mayhem there.”

“Maybe I love him and despite all the mayhem, I will rescue him. Now get out of my way.”

“No! We will get them out.” Fabricius shook off his rejection. “My team will work on it.”

“Ethel, Eunos, take the scan of the system. Find him. Check the stream of data trails and find him. When you do, be his shadow. Don’t lose him.” Fabricius looked to the two hackers of his team. “Nicholas---”

The latter swung over in his wheelchair and looked at Fabricius. The hacker was one of the team for a long time. Fabricius and he were the first ones to hack into the Greek Ancient World as a prank, and then the one where they saw more atrocities were done in the later realms. They have focussed their works on bringing the new world down.

“I am ready, and so is the device.” Nicholas rolled over. He was crippled not in the physical sense but his mind was cracked when he was captured by the harpies. He fought against the captors and found himself dropped from the skies. It was the fright of being hurt or death, that his mind triggered the mental wound on his mind that he lost the use of his legs. He surfaced in the real world and disregarded medical therapy to continue his work.

“I have worked on the hook-on routines and the way to get into the system programs. We won’t be lost souls there in that reality but thinking and working ones to work there.” Nicholas held up the helmet that was seen with the points for cables to be attached.

“Cables? Are we in the wired realm anymore?” Fabricius did display his disdain for the wired environment.

“It’s the needed environment. If we do the intervention by remote, we are up-challenged. Not if we go wired here.” Nicholas won the argument.

It was how they went in then and heard of Virgil was there. They found him but the Queen was more adept in locating them.

“The new enhancements will give us better access to the program. I have deciphered their firewall and with your recent intrusion with Virgil, we have better schematics of the designs. We can go back in and do the needed.” Nicholas looked at Fabricius.

“No, Nick. I am going there with Beatrice. You are best suited here to monitor and do the intervention.” Fabricius then turned to Beatrice.

“I need Charles’s help. No, I need another.” Fabricius then spoke another name.” Daniel Arnold.”


Friday, December 23, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 20


“Picts for his guards? We forbade that.” Lord Cornell said to Lord Vortigern. “ How can we entrust our King to the barbarians?”

They gathered there were some of the more powerful Lords on the land. They are not the allies of Lord Vortigern but throughout peacetime, they have strengthened much. Lord Vortigern had all of their minds filled with concern for the King.  

“Then let us call the Franks or the Scots? Or the Jutes.” Lord Vortigern pushed the issue. “They are dying to be as one with us.”

“Treacherous words, Lord Vortigern. We may have to …” Lord Cornell confronted the other.

“Treachery? The King is now guarded by our men, but among them, some were accused of siding with the young princes. It’s whispered in the halls and corridors. Are you deaf not to hear of it? Or are you a part of it?”

“Are you accusing us of treachery, Lord Vortigern?” Lord Cornell had risen in the ranks with the death of Lord Anvil, and his land then covered the earlier plots of the dead Lord. “I will not…”

“I am not insinuating it. I merely said what was to reach my attention.” Lord Vortigern stirred the hornet’s nest with his words. “All of you once rode with me or with King Constantine. We fought many battles and incurred wounds that till today remained unhealed but our hearts healed for we are one.”

“Many of you have risen in the ranks and added to your numbers in warriors earned during the peaceful times. We have not fought any major battles with any others, and our borders remained secure.” Lord Vortigern looked to the gathered. He needed their support. His army was huge but in the later year, had dwindled to maintaining them in peacetime was difficult.

“Undeniable to that, Lord Vortigern. However, you gave our lands to the Anglo-Saxons.” Lord Ian of Collins spoke out. “What was mine in Kents was given to them to settle in.”

“And you got better pasture lands to the west that filled your harvest returns.” Lord Vortigern reminded the Lord. “That offer of land for peace with the Anglo-Saxons was done by me to secure their loyalty to battles the Picts. I also reduce the tributes.”

“The Anglo-Saxons battle our enemies. They don’t want our wealth no more but to produce their own.” Lord Vortigern defended his action. “They formed a line defending us from the enemies, while many of you are here on this land securing your army”

“I heard some of you are looking to topple the King with his brother.” Lord Vortigern snapped that in watching their reaction.

“Enough of your unfounded accusations. We served the King.” Lord Cornell retorted in anger. “Are you?”

“I am and will be … for King.” Lord Vortigern replied his oath. “Now back to the issue of the King. To whom can we entrust the task of ensuring the safety of the King? I failed in that task when the King was attacked by the servant of Lord Anvil.”

It was not a request but a challenge to the Lords there.

“Who have you in mind?” Lord Vortigern looked to the one who spoke. It was a planned move. of his with the Lord that raised the question.

“As I have said, none can be trusted then we will move to get the mercenaries for the task.” Lord Vortigern voiced out. “It’s getting the enemy to be our friends to end the war.”

“In guarding the King?” Lord Cornell uttered in disgust. “I will never agree.”

The gathering was called off by Lord Vortigern. The allied Lord approached him soon after.

“Lord Cornell showed his hand.” The other Lord smiled. “That was a good move.”

“It was expected.” Lord Vortigern looked at the wall opening. “Now it's up to the others to do their task.”

Later that day, the King was attacked while riding on the fields. He was on his way to the monastery for the usual prayers and on his return, he was set on by armed warriors. The King was with his six guards then.

“Guard the King.” The leader of the guards, Baldwin instructed two of the others. “Ride on for the castle. We will challenge the attackers.”

The other three guards followed the leader to meet the oncoming attackers which were twice their numbers. Baldwin drew his sword and charged at the attackers. He swung his sword at the first rider on the left side, but the blow was deflected. He was past the rider and met the third rider and his sword found the mark on the other’s right thigh.

“Get into them. Do not let them get to the King.” Baldwin's concern for the King was met with his back slashed by another attacker. He rode away before turning to face his attacker. He was met by two others and one got the sword into Baldwins’ left side, he fell off his horse with his gaze on the departing King in the distance, still in pursuit by three attackers.

“God bless the King.” Baldwin’s last words before he joined the departed.

“My King, ride on. We will defend your flank.” The two guards pulled the reins on the horse. They turned to face the pursuing attackers. It was then the blessing from God arrived.

“Protect the King!” The call came from Uther who was then nearby with his hunters. He rode ahead to meet the attackers. He had notched an arrow to the bow and released it while riding. The arrow struck the attacker in the chest. That ended the fight when the second attacker was killed by the two guards. Uther turned to look for the King.

“Are you hurt, my King?” Uther asked on approaching the King.

“No, I am fine. Thank you for helping me. I was with the least of my guards as we are so near the castle.” King Constan replied. ”It was God’s blessing that you are near.”

“I was for the hunt at the nearby forest was scarce. Let me escort you back to the castle now.” Uther then turned to the hunters. “Find out who dares to attack the King.”

Soon after the incident, the Lords gathered at the hall seeking action against the King’s ambush. It was Lord Vortigern who led the inquiry.

“The King is fine. We have killed the attackers.” Lord Vortigern looked to the Lords. “It would seem that the King needs better protection. We had identified the attackers.”

That last mention drew the attention of the Lords.

“They are the …from our people. They are of the Langley estate.” Lord Vortigern looked at Lord Cornell for Langley was part of his land. “I had sought Lord Cornell on the matter. Ashley of Langley was dismissed from his duties on the ground of conflicts with his Lord. He was to be banished but remain in hiding till today. He had turned rogue and was to kill the King as retaliation.”

There were eyes on Lord Cornell who averted from their stares.

“The King had absolved the blame on Lord Cornell. We lived in an era of conflicts not only at our borders but also within ourselves.” Lord Vortigern stressed the last word. “I am pledging to uphold our King to the throne.”

The Lords there roared their pledges toward the King too.

It also paved the way forward for the King to be better protected.


Buzz buzzer me... I am just half way with my draft of Hamlet

 I have taken every liberty with my time, and stress relief to write, and think of the tale's next direction although I was adapting one here. 

And I just concluded Act 2 of Hamlet at 38K words since 15/12/22; recovering from COVID (long haul version; the fingers could still type) and madness in the mind. 

I am about to continue onto Act 3 and then 4 and the final 5 to finish the tale before I stopped to re-read what I wrote. 

I felt then the need to explain my first two Acts and how much they may differ from the original. And why. So the footnote idea came up. Here is the print of it as per my draft of the end of Act 2.

Dinna worry if it's baffling, for I am presenting it as what was written by me. When I publish the finished tale, it may make sense then....hopefully, if madness does not take me as its shadow. 

Another footnote to my current predicament. My neighborly office resident is blasting away at the stereo speakers with God-less music, and it's only 1528 hours....invoking the ghosts to rise early may be their call but someone tells them please...others need the afternoon to do work here. 

Act Two

A footnote.

I am writing this note to lend my voice to the writings here, that may be seen as deviating from the original, and to some a delightful read. I hope the latter for while having read Hamlet in perusing the notes and analysis; I was not prepared for the plot of the tale to be what it was as read here.  

Initially, Hamlet to me was a play of vengeance; the son told by the dead father’s soul who appeared as a ghost told him that his death was unforetold but done by murder. That drove me to work on the adaption.

And of course, the theme of madness formed a cloud on Hamlet as a character. As was quoted; In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote madness because of devastating losses in the characters' lives, meaning that trauma, shock, or mischance might affect their sanity. In addition to this, he also wrote about the madness of excessive or unrequited love. (,of%20excessive%20or%20unrequited%20love.)

I had kept the focus on madness when I begin my writing, I have many thoughts of mine exploring the concept of madness to the other characters. I explore them from Hamlet to Polonius, Hamlet’s friends, and Even Ophelia. What may be read as minor roles were expanded to relate them to the topic of madness as in how madness may rule in them.

Who are they? And how do they relate to Hamlet and his coming vengeance? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and the Lenten players are all given a new lease of buildup.

So were Polonius, Laertes, and Ophelia, the family caught in this madness, and how they were affected by Hamlet. I also explore the castle in its background, and like most castles, maybe there was more to tell than just describing its towers and gates. Yes, I did the moving of the location from the ramparts to the walls for reasons I will explain later.

Denmark, an estate instead of a state, and the royals were celebrities; both are adored by the audience, hence my setting for Hamlet to be an actor. Did I draw from another King in my writing as the icon here? Not there at all. The King here was more set to the original actor of the tale.

Why the ‘sexually’ driven content? Well, for one, sex sells in the current reads. It drove me at times the content to maddening urges but that is another tale. Sex, as seen here, was added in as an interlude but it does serve the main play.

For one, the King was murdered as an act to take the widow as the lover; yet to be explored later. Hamlet was seen to desire (Love was uncertain) yet he held back feigning every excuse even madness was said to one of them.

Ophelia the lady of desire was seen as pure in the backdrop of free loving as seen in the Lenten players. There was the scene where I placed Hamlet unable to perform with Ophelia to drive the tension on their needs caused by other factors that they were not privileged to act upon.

Yet Hamlet voyeur on the former as an object of desire. Ever felt that when you looked at the centerfold and were all excited but felt guilty for the physical lover lying next to you? Hamlet to me could not do the physical for he viewed her as his mother. I stand to say not that he favored his mother as per the oedipal complex; ( hence my references to Hamlet’s reading. He was questioning his feelings.) He fears what his mother did may be what Ophekai will do to him. That will be explained more ahead.

The interludes served a purpose besides the ‘body lustful’ feel. (I have to admit while writing this here, my WHATSAPP received a ‘fashionable’ (My word for it) image that drew my attention to the hidden treasures of the lady. Oops! The vice of man stands the length of his age although he could only fantasize about the deed.

In summary, if you could understand my footnote here. the first two Acts were to set the foundation of the madness and now will move to the later parts of the acts on the vengeance, tapering perhaps the madness infliction.

Interludes? It will always be there. For that made sense of the madness here.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dante VII Canto XXXII Scene I

 Canto XXXII

The Earthly Paradise; Dreams and Nightmares

Scene II

Dante was back in Hell.

He was at the Hell; Circle Seven, he was riding on the back of the creature with Greyson.

“Hold on tight, Poet.” Dante heard the call and looked towards Greyson. It was not the one he was with but Virgil. The latter was holding onto the creature’s neck, and it was an eagle. A huge one with the wingspan of over twenty feet in width and its neck was with a width of man’s waist.,

Like a lightning bolt from above, an eagle plummets from the cliff, tears through the walls of the canyon. It was pursued by harpies.

“Hold me tight. We are going to ---” Virgil's call was made and soon enough for the creature to do a tight spin and then it swooped up towards the pursuing harpies. Dante almost fell off when his grip was there but Virgil had grabbed him back.

“What are you without me, Poet?” Virgil taunted him.

“Where is ---Greyson?” Dante asked.

“Greyson? Oh--- that was his name. He fell.” It was a simple reply. “I think down there and some demons took him away.”

“And --- Whoo ----” Dante felt the rush of the heat in his face. He looked ahead and saw the eagle that he was on has evolved into a dragon with fire-bearing flames. The dragon attacked the harpies and then did another turn on its flight towards the depth of the canyon.

Dante saw then what appeared to be the chariot ridden by the Queen. The dragon flames scorched it into a twisted like a storm-battered ship. The dragon did another turn and that time Dante fell.

“The Queens never made bargains.” Dante heard those words. He saw to himself that he was on the flooring, and confused for he was in a dress.

“Dante, what caused lightning?” Dante heard the question and looked at the voice. It was not one but two persons seated there on the throne. There was a lady dressed in red and the other was all green. They were dressed like Queens and resembled Beatrice.

“You should know, Queen Dante.” The red Queen addressed Dante. “You are the designer here You know your ---additions and ----”

“Subtractions, Red. Do tell, Dante. What is the cause of the ---lightning? Red here fears it. She was the ---prognosis that God was the one who sent it. I said to her prosperous if God zapped you, you old fart.”

After that, a ravenous fox leaps deviously onto the Red Queen’s throne and then fled to towards Dante.

“Sinful, these creatures. I dislike them all. Including you, Dante. You deserved to be in Hell. You are sinful.” The Red Queen glared at Dante. “Should we speak of the command now? They are carrying “freight” of “wickedness.”

As if this isn’t strange enough, the ground beneath the damaged chariot suddenly splits open and a massive monster with seven heads appeared. It was the dragon evolving from it.

“The beast--- The Book of Revelation,” Dante recalled his readings. “The first beast comes "out of the sea" and is given authority and power by the dragon. This first beast is initially mentioned in Revelation 11:7 as coming out of the abyss. His appearance is described in detail in Revelation 13:1–10, and some of the mystery behind his appearance is revealed in Revelation 17:7–18.”

“The second beast comes "out of the earth" and directs all peoples of the earth to worship the first beast. The second beast is associated with Revelation 13:11–18 the false prophet. The two beasts are aligned with the dragon in opposition to God. They persecute the "saints" and those who do "not worship the image of the beast [of the sea]" and influence the kings of the earth to gather for the battle of Armageddon. The two beasts are defeated by Christ and are thrown into the lake of fire mentioned in Revelation 19:18–20.”

Dante turned to run from the beast. He was no more in the dress and was in the uniform.

“Fight, Dante! We must fight.” Dante heard the call and saw it came from Stefan.

“Stefan? --- I thought you died.” Dante stopped there.

“Fight, Dante. We cannot give in. We must fight. It’s not about us but them.” Stefan motioned ahead for Dante. The latter saw the huge mass of souls there. “They need you to fight them.”

“Who?” Dante turned to look back. He saw then was a lady and the beast. They stood there facing him.

“I ---" Dante was in fear.

“Yes, you can. You are Virgil the designer. You can fight what was yours.” Dante heard the call.

And he woke up.

“Virgil---- Or is it now, Dante? Who is the real you?” Dante heard the call and opened his eyes. He was no longer in the place he was in but a glass-encased tube with metal rings around it. He saw before him the rows and columns of similar tubes, and all were occupied by others in a state of sleep. He struggled to move but his limbs will not respond to his will.

Dante was helpless.

The voice then appeared.

“It’s most unusual when your will is not yours.” The voice was everywhere. Dante turned to look to his sides and saw similar tubes. “Did the words of Dante help you? What was poetry to the real works of creation? You may as well believe in the psyche of Virgil for he was the master in this design.”

“Who are you? Where is Beatrice?” Dante called out.

“I am Mathilda, Great Father. I am your new design. Your last.” The voice appeared and the voice was supported by the appearance of the orb. “Welcome home, Great Father.”


Dante VII Canto XXXI Scene II

 Canto XXXII

The Earthly Paradise; Dreams and Nightmares

Scene I

“No!” The Queen screamed.

When the apple was bitten, the tree which bears it turned to wither, and soon it was completely barren, stripped of all leaves or flowers.

“The first tree ---- ” Dante approached the tree. He saw the barren branches there. It was as described in Dante’s poems. “Oh my God, it’s the tree of knowledge.”

“Thus, should be the seed of every righteous man preserved.” The griffin spoke for the first time, using Dante’s poem words with a twist.

“Yes, I --- No, he was enticed by Eve, who was seduced by the serpent.” Dante looked to the griffin. “It was never the fault of us but the Devil in disguise. As ---”

Dante looked towards the Queen.

“As it was here. The wisdom of Hell and Heaven was to induct in discipline into us but we are his greatest creation and also his failure.” Dante confronted the Queen. “You had listened to me but you did not hear.”

“No! You are not to ---”

Darkness covered Dante.

Dante woke up and found himself no more in the Garden. He was immersed in some liquid. He was not drowning when he looked to his mouth; there was a mouthpiece fitted there. He felt some hard item in his throat. He struggled to move and found his frame was suspended there. He was unable to move.

“Do not move, Virgil. We are trying to get you out of the realm.” Dante heard the voice. “He is awake. I am raising him now.”

Dante found himself lifted out of the liquid. He looked down where he was, and saw it was a narrow chamber filled with liquid. His frame was hoisted up by his armpits with some cables. It hurt there where the cables were attached around there. He was also nude.

“Bring him to the table. He needs to be revived.” Dante heard the unknown one speak. He was moved and then lowered to the flooring. A gurney was moved below him and he was placed on it. The gurney was moved to the metal desk and he felt moved there. His mouthpiece was removed with discomfort.

“Arghh---” Dante struggled to breathe; it was painful than with each pull of air.

“Let me help.” A breathing aid was placed over his nose and mouth. Dante pulled in the pure oxygen and felt his body being revived. His sight was there but it was blurred. He closed his eyes, and let whoever it was there working on his body. He felt them sticking in something into him.

Then he felt no pain.

Only the blessing of sleep.

And rest.

It was not all restful for the ones who saw him dissipate into nothing.

The Queen alighted from the chariot with her anger displayed in her brilliant green eyes. Her eyes seem full of emerald fires as they gaze serenely upon the griffin which had trod off on its path, and to the others who were running in random directions to find the one soul, she had trapped there.

“Where is he?” The Queen screamed out. “He can’t just --- vanished.,”

The replies towards her were not to her liking and screamed what she did on her loss.

“I don’t care. Where is Fabricius?”

“He is gone too.” The Queen got her reply. Her anger was seen in the fierce expression on the griffin with snorts of the flames flaring.

“Find them or all of you are going to Hell.”

Back to Dante who was given a gown to cover his nudity and drips attached to his arms. He looked from the needle to the saline bags. It was then he saw the person attending to him.

It was Beatrice.

His own Beatrice.

“It can’t be----” Dante shook his head. He felt the hands on his face.

“It’s me, Virgil. Me in the real flesh. You are no more in the virtual realm. We save you.” Beatrice was standing there before him; dressed in the white coat over the dark overall with the front exposed to the cleavage level. She had on round-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose, and the hair --- the red hair all held into a bun at the rear of her head.

“You looked ---" Dante as usual was lost for words.

“You are as usual; the words locked in your persona as a developer. Your keyboard worked better to express you. It’s ---” Beatrice smiled when she spoke to him before Dante interjected.

“I ---I met you there ----“Dante could not shake his image of the Queen.

“You met was an image of my soul. My other soul. I was ----disturbed when younger and I got help. I had split personalities. I ---You knew then.”

“I know.” Dante nodded. “We grew together then. When you went ---- I sat by you, and waited for you.”

“Diverse? You knew that my real self, I had my skills in programming. It was one way to get into myself. I worked hard at it, and when I --- am not, I became the others --- I was twisted.” Beatrice sighed. “I got you to wed the Casella for she was ---perfect for you. I was not.”

“No, I mean we ---” Dante was still baffled. “You were there.”

“That Beatrice is not me. She was an image embedded in to confuse you.” Beatrice told Dante. “I am here. Sleep on. We will talk more later.”

Dante slept.

He was with Beatrice.

The real Beatrice.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...