Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Vlad the Impaller Chapter 7

 The Hostages


“There is nothing to a man unless he is a learned person. There are no other learnings than that of the books written by the masters with their wisdom and observations.” The two young princes were told when they joined the Mirliva Sajak in his tent at the camp. The rank of Mirliva was the equivalent of the Major General. He commanded three ‘tumen’ with each a column of ten thousand soldiers.

“A man worthy of his learnings is a true man. He stands above the others; the peasants and the traders, and rank with the royal members.” Mirliva Sajak looked at the two boys. “I am who I am today was not for my bravery but readings. I read science, philosophy, and the arts. And politics. You will do too.”

Mirliva Sajak motioned to the huge chests at the side of the tent.

“I traveled with them and for my free time, I will read them. As I had done, you will do so. When you are done, more chests will be brought to you.”

“I don’t want to read them. I am a warrior.” Vlad was resisting the challenge.

“I will read.” Radu offered his chance to do it. “I like to read.”

“Young ones, you will both read and learn.” Mirliva Sajak looked at Vlad. “For every lesson you take, I will add in the lessons of skills with the weapons, and the strategies of warfare. You will learn to ride the horse like a true horseman.”

It was what Vlad wanted to hear. He needed those lessons to know your foe, you need to be your foe. He nodded to the Mirliva then.

It was the beginning of his new life.

They were treated reasonably well by the current standards of the time but not for Vlad. He took his lessons with his mind but the hatred was in his heart. His horseriding lessons were to begin at the stable.

“The stable boy is here.” Vlad heard the calls by the other warriors handling their horses.

“I am not a stable boy. I am a ----” Vlad was to receive a punch in the face by the other boy that was there.

“We are all stable boys here until you learned to ride like them.” The boy motioned to Vlad to look outside the stable. He saw the riders there seated upright on the saddles and with the pressure of their knees and feet, the mount responded to the commands.

“It takes time to teach a horse but before that, you need to serve the horse.” Vlad was told. One of the tasks of the horsemen was to tend their mounts.

“There are no friends in the battle but yourself and your weapon with your mount to ride on.” Vlad was taught. “Care and love will make your bond with your mount and when you ride to battle, the horse will be your friend.”

Vlad then tended to his mount before and after the rides. Vlad was given a pony to ride and from there he learned the basics of riding. He was to ride in the yard and then to the open fields. He rode hard; to be ride with the leather saddle for hours and how to move around it while riding without being unsaddled. He learned how to lean back and shoot the arrow with accuracy in the ride. His later mount was a black; huge then but it was his friend during the rides. He bathed and rubbed the manes of the mount and soon after he feeds the hays and fruits to the mare.

Every night, Vlad will relate to Radu of his training. Radu does learn with Vlad, but his real interest was more towards the other side. He learned to appreciate astronomy and the war records. He saw his brother was not like him. He knew Vlad held hatred in the heart.

“Vlad, why do you resent the Mirliva?”

“I am not a Turk. I am a Wallachian. I won’t learn the Turks' lessons.” Vlad had chosen to read the Greeks and the Romans. He found valuable lessons from the early Romans.

“The Romans did well then. They conquered most of the continent.” Vlad told Radu during one of their conversations. Radu nodded and added his comments.  

“We can learn from the Turks too. Their achievements in art, science, and medicine were lauded by many. They build many structures of beauty which some are considered artistic hubs, especially during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. It included calligraphy, painting, poetry, textiles and carpet weaving, ceramics and music.” Radu smiled. His admiration was for the new tutors. “Ottoman architecture also helped define the culture of the time. Elaborate mosques and public buildings were constructed during this period. And so was science which was an important field of study. The Ottomans learned and practiced advanced mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, physics, geography, and chemistry. Additionally, some of the greatest advances in medicine were made by the Ottomans. They invented several surgical instruments that are still used today, such as forceps, catheters, scalpels, pincers, and lancets.”

“For the long-term, it's a game-changer because it will open up the entire country. The wiser words of Osman the Sultan.” Radu displayed his maturity in understanding the issues. “We stand to learn and then from learning ---"

“Blah--- blah. I don’t care. I just want to kill them.” Vlad resented the smile on Radu.

“Those who weren’t of their faith were categorized by the millet system, a community structure that gave minority groups a limited amount of power to control their affairs while still under Ottoman rule. Some millets paid taxes, while others were exempt. We were ---”

“Paying tributes.” Vlad reminded his brother. “We are the ---- millets., Radu. You have changed, my little brother. You are more of a Turk now.”

“I am ----evolving, Vlad. I am growing. I believed physical conflict does not determine the winner. Only the sound mind and knowledge will one day rule the world.”

“Bah! I am going to sleep.” Vlad was able to argue with the other brother. That was how most nights ended for the two brothers. The camp the boys were in moved a lot. The Mirliva and the tumen under him had to move on the command of the Sultan. The tumen had no complaints and so were the boys.

It was soon to change then.

“The whelps of the Wallachian Lord.” Sultan Murad II looked to the boys standing next to the Mirliva when he visited the Sultan. “How long were you with them?”

“Close to the next turn of the fourth season.” Mirliva Sajak told the Sultan. He was not nervous but felt uneasy with the huge hall of the Sultan’s castle. He was not a court’s person like the statesman who deals with the daily politicking and bargaining. He was a dedicated soldier with his tumen trained to be on his command.

“Mirliva Sajak, you are --- commendable to have the whelps as your care.” That statement was an insult to the Mirliva Sajak that he was demoted to be a caretaker instead of guarding the borders.

“I do as commanded, my Sultan.” Mirliva Sajak stood his ground. He did hear the mutterings at the back of him among the nobles.  He had found the boys to his liking for they have behaved well especially Radu. Vlad was a handful but he was favored by the Mirliva for his skills.

“What is your name?” The voice came from the side of the Sultan. It was the young Prince, Mehmed II who was to be the successor when his father stepped down. Mehmed II was older than Radu by a year.

“I am Radu of Wallachia.” Radu introduced himself. He bowed to the young prince.

“I heard that you liked science and astronomy.” Mehmed looked at the young peer of his age.

“I do. I read the works of Plato, and ---” Radu tried to explain his interest.

“Father, can I have him to be with me? My study mates are dull, and I needed a more fresh view of the subjects.” Mehmed did not hesitate to ask the Sultan.

“He is Wallachian and may not be as ---cultured like you.” The Sultan looked to his son.

“He is learned and I will like to know more of Wallachia. He can be my ---- servant.” Mehmed made his case towards the father. “He can sleep in my chamber by the doorway, and serve me when I am awake.”

“My brother is no slave. We are Wallachian.” Vlad cut in. “How dare ---”

Vlad was pulled back by the Mirliva Sajak to the side.

“I apologies for his rudeness.” Mirliva Sajak looked to the Sultan. “He will be dealt with by myself.”

“Don’t be harsh, Mirliva Sajak. I have seen his kind. They are ---arrogant but brave. I expect no less from their whelps. Spare him for now.” The Sultan looked at the Mirliva. He then turned to his son. “Mehmed, the boy may not be ---”

“Pardon me, Father. I think he will be just fine. You told me to judge others for I will need to do so when I am Sultan. I am doing this now, and if I failed, then you may still tell me now than later.” Mehmed looked to his father. The Sultan did stress that their son of his was to learn young so when he becomes Sultan, he will rule better.

“It’s agreed then, my son. The --- boy will be for you but not his brother.” The Sultan looked to Mirliva Sajak. “You will ride to the borders and charge of the new Janissaries' tumen there. They are newly recruited and need your guidance. Leave the whelp with me. I have others to train him along as you would of your Janissary.”

Vlad was to train to be a Janissary then.


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