Thursday, November 4, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Story 37

 The War of the Angels.


Authors Note: This is a short tale on the title above.


Contests rules:




"Lucifer, your presence here saddens me. You are one of us and yet you allied yourself to the fallen." Micheal looked at the fallen angel. "Why? Explain yourself before I discard you to Hades."


"Because of you. Who remembers me, Lucifer? Everyone on the mortal world knows the four of us as Archangel but only you stand out as the Champion. Do they know of Gabriel and Raphael, let alone me, Lucifer? Maybe they would if I am different from you in some ranks. Then they would remember me. " Lucifer lashed out in anger at the one who is praised by others of his equal.


"Lucifer, we are all equal in the eyes of God. I do not think of the placing of any ranks, except to do his works. Why do you succumb to these emotions which are unlike that of us? You are thinking like a man and that would be your downfall." Micheal tried to reason with the angel who has been misled by the demons.


"No, Micheal. I was not misled. I just learned to be a Man. I let those emotions get into me so I can better myself as a Man. But I may have failed to understand it in the short time I was with them. I could have let it overcome me and I made my actions on those weaknesses...... I stand corrected, it's not weakness. It's the unrefined quality of the emotions I felt. Maybe given me ample time, I would have refined that quality and be a better Man. I am sorry, Micheal. I have acted too much in haste like as before." Lucifer's head hung down in despair on the events that befall him now.


"Lucifer, you can be back with us. There is always a second chance....." Micheal pleaded with him.


"And a third and then a fourth. Are we always so forgiving?" Lucifer looked at him with a smile. Micheal knew then that this angel is beyond saving.


"No, Lucifer. There is a limit to all that we do. Once you cross that threshold, we could not receive you back anymore. I am sorry for you."


Micheal was thrown back by the treachery blow of the one named Lucifer who had lashed out with his claws at my right ribs. It would have been fatal with the blow if not for the container which took most of the blow. The holy water in the container spilled out on impact and splashed itself onto both combatants. But the one who was allied to the evil side, finds it burning on his flesh while the other finds the water soothing to his bruise.


"Even the Holy Water repels me. Am I already discarded by Heaven as we combat now?" Lucifer held onto his hand with most of the flesh now burnt or damaged.


"No!" Lucifer looked up to see Micheal now fully recovered standing before him. The archangel holds in his right hand the Sword of Damocles which is used to banish errant angels from heaven.


"Fear is plentiful for tyrants, as it is the tyrant's place to fear this sword," Micheal spoke out as he approached Lucifer with the sword.


"I beg of mercy, Micheal. Please do not use that on me." Lucifer fell to his knees and asked for forgiveness. It was then he saw Micheal looked to the skies for the answer. It's the opportunity that Lucifer would not hesitate to do his attack. He raised himself and did a flying kick on the Angel.


But Micheal saw his move and slashed out with the sword to remove both his legs below the knee. Lucifer fell clutching his cut limbs and cried out in pain.


"My legs...You cut them off." Micheal saw his previous friend on the ground writhing away. He felt remorse for having to do that but it was a reflex of his with the sword. Or was it the sword who guided his hands?


"I banish you to Hades now, Lucifer as commanded by God. Be gone or I would be forced to remove your soul." Micheal turned his back on the fallen angel.


"But what of my legs? Surely you do not expect me to walk on stumps." Lucifer cries out in pain. Micheal is not looking at him but he is thinking to himself. Then he turned around and faced the fallen angel.


"You associate with Man yet you are not of Man. As Man associate with animals but they are not of animals. So be it that you would be the bond of the two, walked like a man and leaves the imprint of the animal." The lower limbs of Lucifer grow back but instead of feet, he got was a pair of hoofs. "That is the punishment of God to you. But he still forgives you which is why he gives you back your legs."


"Micheal, there would be no peace between Heaven and Hades as long as I ruled." Those were Lucifer's last words before he was banished to Hades.




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