Jon the 13th.
Authors Note: This is a
short tale on the title on Friday the 13th and Jonathan Blake.
Contests rules:
"Jonathan Blake, time to move
out." God, I hate it when I am wakened from my dream with the Baywatch
team. We were doing fine with the rescue and now I need rescue. My alarm
probably did not work and I must have overslept. I crawl out of my bed and dragged
myself to the bathroom. I don't why but I felt that I had to sit down to pee
and then I noticed I did not drag my bottoms down.
Then I noticed I am missing something.
I looked up from the seat and into the
It can't be. That is not me. I mean it's my
face but that is not my hairstyle. It's too long and it's braided with beads.
No, don't do this to me. I must be dreaming. I got up and then I noticed
something else. I have boobs and it's large like melons. Oh no! It can't be. I
am already missing something there and now I have new attachments to my chest.
"Aargh!" I screamed in a loud
shriek sound. I ran out of the bathroom and was to exit by the door when I
bumped into my mother.
"Mum, I....." But she closed the
door behind her.
"You should be ashamed of yourself. How
can you walk around like that when your dad and brother are around. Girl, cover
yourself and get dressed."
How can it be? I am not a girl. I am a guy
and I have other parts on my body.
"Jenny Blake, get changed and be proper.
Today is Friday the 13th and I won't have you ruining my day with your
superstition. Now, git or I would wrap the sack around you to go to
Friday the 13th. I am cursed.
Well, if you think the home was bad; you see
me in school.
"Here comes the Ogre. She walks like a
Man and I wondered if she is packed like one." That was the girl who is
giving me the welcome greeting upon my arrival. I am dressed like all other
girls; short flared skirt and tight lycra blouse beneath my pink jacket. But
instead of sandals, I took my jungle boots to wear today. The reason I am
wearing this is that I cannot stand sandals, and the trainers I saw did not fit
my size 8 feet.
The class was okay on that day but I had to
fight Ryan's roaming hands during lessons. In the end, I did the best I could
think of; I swatted his finger with my jungle boots in my hand. That took out
his pesky touches as he ran to the Infirmary and I was made to wait outside the
Principal Office.
"And how would you explain your action,
my dear lady?" I looked at the bespectacled man who is eyeing me at my
thighs which is exposed by the short skirt. I moved my bag over my legs and
answered him.
"He was nasty to say I have spiders on my
legs and he would remove them. So I told him to removed spiders, he swatted
them hard. How was I know his hand was there?" I looked at him with my
innocent look.
"But you could had used softer books.
Why did you use the Year Book which is two inches thick and weighs four
pounds?" He glared at me. \
"Better it dead than to come crawling
half dead up my legs again." I guess he bought my argument and let me go
back to my class. Then I got the jeers from the girls and the boys keep on
ranting; "spank me please."
Well, I did and then I was back in the
Principal's Office.
"Karate chops and low kicks are not allowed
in this school. So how would you answer me now?" I glared at the man who
is still trying to stare at my legs.
"Karate is what I learned on weekends
and if I don't get to use it then why would I be learning it for?" He was
taken aback by my remark and sat back on his chair.
"Lady, one more time in this office and
I am calling your mother." He is threatening me and I would show him how
'threaten I am'. I stood up and turned to walk to the door. Then I looked back
at the Principal who is still glaring at me. I flipped up the back of my skirt
and said to him; " Call my mother to tell her I am wearing Calvin Klein.
Then see who gest reported for sexual harassment later today."
I slammed the door shut to avoid listening
to his braying of the conduct of a good girl. I went back to my class and this
time nobody jeer or cheered me anymore. They all kept their silence and soon it
was time to walked home. Or so I thought.
"Jenny Blake, you hold it there. We
have unfinished business." I turned to see Spiderman aka Ryan standing
there pointing at me with his finger wrapped in bandages. I took to my heels
and ran towards him to released my flying kick on him on the chest causing him
to fall. I then crouched down with one knee on his right shoulder and my hands
holding his head up.
"Like what you can see, Ryan. And next
time you see me, call me Nikita the Killer. Do you understand?"
He nodded and I got up to walk home. When I
reached home. I was greeted by my Mother with the instruction to take my bath.
I went up and did as I was told. When I stepped out of the shower, I tripped
and fell on my knees.
"Damned flooring", I shook and
close my eyes to the pain.
I opened it and find something different. I
am back to my usual self; I do not need to sit down to pee.
"Yahoo!" I left the bathroom and
bumped into my Mother.
"You should be ashamed of yourself. How
can you walk around like that when your mother and sister are around. Boy,
cover yourself and get dressed."
I am a guy again. I asked my mother what day
"Jonathan Blake, get changed and be
proper. Today is Friday the 13th and I won't have you ruining my day with your
superstition. Now, git or I would wrap the sack around you to go to
school." So it was a dream and maybe it would come true today as I walked
through this fateful day with confidence.
Hours later, I was greeted by my Mother.
"What did happened to you today?"
"Nothing you can dream about. I was
beaten by Ryan for calling him Spiderman and reprimanded by the Principal for
displaying my Calvin Klein underwear to Sheila and above all, I have bandages
around my fingers because some idiot closed the door on me. So don't wake me on
the next Friday the 13th."
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