Sunday, November 14, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Story 40

 Time Traveler saves the Day or Why Peter Pan fight with Captain Hook.


Authors Note: This is a shorter tale on the title above .


Contests rules: Use 6 or more of this prompt in the story.


1: An undercover pirate
2: a mysterious note
3: a long lost daughter
4: a poisonous snake
5: flight(a person that can fly)
6: A pair of broken spectacles
7: an evil plan
8: Time traveler's daughter
9: a runaway kid
10: a yellow change purse
11: a blindfold
12: a broken raft
13: a tug-o war
14: a big secret
16: a cloaked figure
17: A bow and arrows
18: a broken wrist-watch
19: A character from a dream
20: an 13 year old college student




This is crazy, as I was walking from college although I am just 13 years of age, I could ride a bike or get a lift, but I still prefer to walk. Okay, I cannot afford a bus ticket. Anyway for College, it does pay to be smart, and sometimes with some crazy abilities, I won't disclose for now.


That is what put me in College at age 13.


I was bumped into by a kid on rollerblades and chewing gums. He passed me a yellow change purse and told me 'some old hag asked me to give you this. I darned as the only old hag I know is the one at my house now cleaning my leftovers and picking up my discarded clothes. Who has time for such chores when I am a bright kid going to college? The only other setbacks I have are no one wants to date with me ( whoever thinks I am qualified to be a date but must be wearing thick-rimmed glasses ) and I can't drive ( though I do well at the arcade. ).


I opened the purse and I was cheered up by its contents. It contains a mysterious note and I know who sent it. I read the words on it and I was taken away in a mist of dense fog into a world unknown to many mortals. I am in a fantasy land now and I am going to have fun soon. I find myself on the deck of a ship; not any ship but an old galleon like what you may see on Treasure Island or Captain Cook.


"Dad, there you are. Why are you dressed like a pirate?" My Dad is a cool guy; he is a Time Traveler. It's his job to move between time and dimensions to solve riddles and problems.


"Hush, Mary of my Daughter. I am on an undercover task here on Captain Hook's ship." Now, my Dad does look like a cool pirate; striped shirt and pantaloons for pants, and a nasty-looking swashbuckler on his waist. He even had on an eye patch over his left eye and stubble for his chin.


"Why bring me here? I am supposed to studying for my exams." I protested but I quit when I noticed I am dressed like a pirate mate too; striped blouse and pants with matching boots. The only thing missing is a parrot and red bandanna for my hair.


"Oui, who does Batman calls when he needs help? 911 or Robin Line? Of course, I need your help. But I think I may have to take your measurement again as you are fitting into the clothes a bit too taddy tight." I think I know what he meant.


The last time we met on an adventure was two years ago and I was still a tinny weeny girl then. But now I am growing to be a lady. "Well, we just have to improvise. Take this bandanna and make a scarf then." He produced a bandanna from his pocket. I did as he said, and he said he needed me to go to the island. I looked over the side and see the place; it's like an island on a fairy tale book; a small one in the middle of a large ocean and holds a high hill or in some cases a volcano.


"That's Peter Pan's island. The problem here is that Captain Hook does not want to invade Peter Pan and vice versa,...."


"So you want me to start a war? Okay, will do." I jumped off the ship and flew there. Yes, I can fly in here as most of the characters do in these tales. Do you think only guys who wear their undies outside of their pants can fly?


Well, I landed on the island and I searched for Peter Pan while hatching up an evil plan. It's not easy as he is a nice guy, and is he handsome. The latter was because I happened to stumbled on him taking his bath at the waterfall. Sorry, readers, we would take a break here.


Now, where was I?


Oh, yeah; I am to create a war. But I could think of nothing to make Peter upset to kill the evil Captain. Then I thought

of it, and I came out running to the waterfall.


"Oh, help me....please." I feigned unconsciousness as I stepped to the poolside. The surprised Peter Pan dunked himself into the deep end of the water on seeing me interrupt his bath. I laid there on my side; naturally with a view of him so I know what to do next.


"Help me....the evil Captain..he..." I moaned out in low murmurs and the ever-charming hero of the fairy tales jumped out of the pool and flew up to the poolside. He retrieved his clothes and dressed up before attending to me.


"Are you okay, pirate?" Who would have if she had seen what I just saw? East your heart out, Tom Cruise. I am going for Peter.


"I think so... Please help me. Evil Captain Hook...he hurt me bad. He had a poisonous snake which bit me, but I managed to extract out the poison but the wound still hurts." I pulled up my blouse to showed him my belly button.


"But there are no bite wounds there." Peter protested.


"It was a magic snake. It does not leave any bite marks, but I extract out the poison at where it has bitten me." I point to my belly button. "Please help me remove the last of the poison."


He did and I tell you this; ever get your belly button suckled, don't try when the walls are too thin.


"It must have hurt. You were screaming." He had to ask and I nodded. Peter carried me in his arms to his nest; I mean his treehouse. He laid me on the bedding and reached for his sword swinging at the wall. "I shall defend your honor even though you are a pirate. Captain Hook shall pay for his heinous action."


I would tell you that when Peter stretched himself on raising his sword, I swore if I had dropped my gaze any lower, I would gladly take his sword thrust into me.


"But before I go on my war, I must bid my quests goodbye. Please do come in my good friends." Peter placed his sword back into the scabbard and turned to face the doorway...


I saw a cloaked man coming in and followed by a more elderly version of Peter; all dressed in green. The man in green also carries a bow and some arrows on him.


"Obi-Wan, I am so sorry that you have to leave early but your mission calls for your early departure." Peter hugged the cloaked man and then he produced the broken spectacles from the table. "I shall have this repaired when I see the Glass Man."


"Thank you, Peter. May the Force be with you. Just as you have the Captain, I have the Vader to handle personally. Please do fix my glasses so I would not be picking the wrong apprentice again." The cloaked man made his way out of the treehouse.


"Peter, my son. I have to go too. The forest of Sherwood needs me. And I can see you are needed without me coming in unannounced." The older man in a green suit winked at me. Gee, he does look like Clark Gable. I am beginning to love this task. The older man also took his leave but he stopped at the door.


"My Gautier watch....get it done, please. I don't want to be late for your mum's dinner again." Peter nodded to his father's request.


"Gautier?" I had to ask. All I could afford was a Swatch.


"Yup, the Croc took it along with the Alarm Clock. Now that they are gone, I would do my battle for your honor." My hero flew off leaving me heaving in huff and puffs of a missed afternoon session of "hey, what do you have here?".


I followed suit and watched from the deck with my dad as the two battle it out. I tell you something nice, they both have nice butts.


"Okay, girl. Time for us to go now." My father packed up his sundeck chair and then looked at me. "Hey, we got another task to complete before you can go back for supper. Heidi has gone off with Tom Sawyer as a runaway girl. I got to get her back. I shared with you a big secret. Heidi is one of my long-lost daughters with another lady. Your mum does not know." He whispered into my ears.


"Father, how could you do this to Mother?" I asked of him.


"Well, we were alone on a raft and I was blindfolded as my eyes hurt then... And you know being drifting for days and nights..." He tried to explain but I told him to sock it. I had enough of adventure for today. I bid him 'adios' and left for my world as the bright 13-year-old girl trying to survive in college. Its not tug o-war on my obligations as the Time Traveler's daughter and my studies, as I enjoyed both.


To many of you, I am envied like a character from a dream. But dream on as mine is the real thing.





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