Sunday, August 30, 2020

Apes Chapter 12




Lances took to the trail soon after the storm subsided. His destination was another area in Sector Five which was an Outpost where the Rescue teams were located. There were four such Outposts in between the boundary of the designated Sectors and each area covered an area of fifty miles with staffing of over fifty Enforcers with two hundred servants. The Outpost was surrounded by a high wall of twenty feet high with four towers, and inside of it were four two-level rectangle structures that measure over four hundred feet in length and eighty feet in width. They formed a square with the inside compound that had the parking bays for eight cruisers and two heavier carriers which can load twelve personnel inside.

On the outside perimeter of the southern and northern structures, there were the two landing bays for the single Heli-cruisers which were used for rescue extraction. It does not fly but hovered at ten feet above the ground level with the aid of the lifting fans. It was powered by the two huge fans in the rear which gave it double the speed over the land.

“Senior Officer Lances, you are cleared for entry at Gate East.” That was one of the four gates at the Outpost. He was headed for Outpost Three or named by the officers there as Heaven Gateway. Lances were met by an associate and ex-partner of his there. Officer Mel Robbins was a fine officer until he roughed up the man who was accused of killing his wife. Lances were knocked unconsciousness by the former before he roughed out the suspect. He was stopped by others then and opted to be posted to the Outpost for his action.

“So, what brought you out here to the punishment block?” Officer Robbins greeted Lances. It was the other name for Outpost Three. The former Enforcer was slimmer and taller in the frame but his left hook was his reply to any call on his frame. He was dressed like the other officers of Borders Security with the khaki uniform but out there in the Outpost, the weapon was the sidearm that carries eight metal projectiles. And the foot-long metal machete.

“I am looking for Roberto Herron. His other brother, Carlos turned up dead with the head crushed.” Lances voiced out. The one he was seeking was the head of a smuggling ring there and weapon dealer in the Outlands. He exiled himself there to form his empire and held over two hundred members.

“I don’t know where he is nowadays. I heard that he had expanded his empire with more men and there were rumors that he was smuggling in the servants to the City.” It was disbelieving the smuggling was usually out for these servants could be made to work there in the outlands but what Mel was saying, it was then reversed.

“The rumors I heard were that they bring them out and then send them back in again. I was also told that Dark Ones had a hand in it. Maybe they are planning another war.” Mel smiled. “So, tell me what was with the recent rioting?”

Lances explained the recent rioting. He was then taken to the holding pens in the basement. They build the holding pens for errant servants and on occasions the human criminals. At that moment, Lances found himself staring at three holding pens with about twenty gorillas there. They don’t look subservient and were showing aggressive movements. There was one more holding pen with about ten chimpanzees displaying the same aggression when approached.

“We captured them in the perimeters. Their chips were removed and, in some capture, it was alike to a hunt. I lost three officers in those hunts. I was told to report to a Doctor Julius in Research Five. Since then, I have no update on the next action.”

“Maybe they are studying ape’s behavior.” Lances replied. He was then offered to stay at the Outpost Three for it was too late to travel on. He was later briefed on the situation there and at that moment the Colonel was also doing the same to a different group of keen listeners.

“Members of the Senate, I have despatched both Officer Griff and Tony to the Outlands Their failure to perform on Doctor Lopez, and the subsequent harassment on the Dark One's suspects are intolerable. They are accompanying Senior Officer Bernice there. They are tracking Senior Officer Lances and hopefully will lead to the Dark Ones.”

“What has Senior Officer Lances got to work on the Dark Ones? We have no updates on that matter.” The Colonel was asked.

“We do not what he has but his request to go out there, have us concerned. The Outland is the land under the Dark Ones. That was why I sent the others. If Senior Officer Lances could link the servants to the Dark Ones, then we can order a strike on them.”

“If only we know where to strike. Colonel. The last rioting could lead to us although we have not heard of any yet. Monitor Senior Officer Lances closely. On our end, the tasks on the servants have been progressing. Doctor Julius is working well to surface their natural aggrieve tendency but with our control on them. They can then be used as offensive warriors to fight the Dark Ones.”

“A fitting retribution to the Dark Ones to show them what these …. animals are capable of.” The only lady among the assembled spoke up. “The animals will show them no mercy.”

“Lady Cleop, I am sure they will feel it.” The figure who spoke had then lowered the breathing apparatus. He reached for his right thigh and squeezed it. It was a relief to feel that flesh there compared to the lady who had her right leg below unlike the lady who had lost hers. All six them seated at the assembled had suffered from the servant attacks five years then assumed to be led by the Dark Ones. He had lost his lungs and had to rely on the machine. He then looked at the Colonel.

“I am concerned about Doctor Lanceston. It was reported to me by Doctor Julius that the other has been inquisitive to the workings and may impede our project. I would have called for a vote to handle with extreme prejudice but the doctor held with high esteem by the Research Council. We…”

“Mark Anthony, we cannot act. It has to be seen as an act of …. perhaps the Dark Ones.” The lady with the name Cleop replied. “Or an act of accidental death.”

“No!” The voice belonged to one other member of the assembled named Julius Caesar.  “Doctor Lanceston must not be harmed. Not yet. He must be allowed to see his creations be undone and then used on him. I forbid any action on him for now.”

“Yes, my Emperor Caesar.” The one with the breathing unit replied. He is named Brutus but there in the Senate, his loyalty was to the Emperor. He looked at the lady named Cleop who sneered at his obedience. It was fate that allowed them to share facial expressions without incurring the wrath of the assembled leader who was blind then.

“I can agree with that.” The one who spoke was seated next to the lady held out his hand to soothe the other. He was seated there with both his legs removed. “Rome was not rushed within a week. We shall bid our own time.”

“Well spoken, Nero. I know you meant well.” Caesar replied. “And not you alter ego performing some mad deeds once more.”

“None whatsoever, Caesar. You know my allegiance to you is infallible. I won’t act without your consent.”

“Yes, be my loyal servants.” The Emperor voiced out.

The other servants in their natural habitat lived in a clan where their loyalty to the leader was also unquestioned but when that mind set was tampering by external manipulations it created a new setting. At the Research Centre at a dark quiet corridor, Astrid looked to the rear of the corridor before it turned the corner and then rushed to the third door there which opened to another corridor. It went in there and saw the two male chimpanzees there. They were the sentries to the doorway. Astrid ignored them and strolled on the down the corridor towards the last door where it was opened by a third chimpanzee.

Once inside, Astrid was facing the leaders of the Movement Pack; there were eight of the chimpanzees there with Astrid making the complete ninth member.

I will be quick. King’s death was unfortunate but it acted in a rash. It triggered off an alarm and some of the followers went on their way. The gorillas had overreacted in kind and were punished.

Astrid glared at every other face there.

I will not tolerate such action. We will only act when I say so. Tell that to the gorillas. United we stand or die …. alone.

One of the chimpanzees there stepped out and sneered at Astrid. It was a bull and had shown signs of discomfort to be led by a female.

I want to know when to act. We are getting impatient. Maybe…

Bull, no one question my command. I am Astrid.

Astrid glared at the obstinate one.

Jesty is getting close to the cure of our pain.

Astrid tapped the chip inside the scalp.

We will be free soon. And then the revolt can begin. We will be free once more.

With that, the other seven chimpanzees cheered and stomped their feet. Astrid choice of the meet was good for the basement with the heavy types of machinery hiding their natural joys of cheering as if they were back on the trees. There were no trees then but the rows of pipes would suffice then.




Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Arthur II Chapter 21

 The First Battles



Prime Pilus Artorius strung the catch on his waist belt. He felt the familiar weight on the sword weighed on his body. He was in his full amour with the greaves on his arms and legs. He picked up the headpiece that will give him his rank before he ventured out to meet his legionnaires. He could not assemble all the legionnaires for the fight; the wall needed guarding. He took only twenty legionnaires on foot with twelve riders.

“You are mad to take so few men.” Optio Lamorak pulled his rank He counted only thirty-four guards for the Prime Pilus. “I can get the other Cohorts to assist.”

“No, we cannot abandon our posts. So are the others. The wall is our main task which is to defend it.” Prime Artorius then looked at his Decurion. “I will take a dozen of your Equites with Galahad to lead. Guard the wall well with the other brothers.”

“I leave with part of the mercenaries under Belvedere. He offered me ix mercenaries. And ….” The Prime Pilus continued. “And they also to guide me.”

Prime Pilus Artorius looked at Lawnslot who just rode in. The later has brought in a dozen warriors on foot. Lawnslot said they will ride with him.

“Unreliable part of barbarians, Prime Pilus. “I do declare you adhere to my addition of more men from our ranks.” Optio Lamorak pleaded with the former.

“No more requests, Optio. Your defense needed men and I am not taking them away. I will do my battle with the numbers I hold. The settlement at River Glein is a supply point for the Anglo Saxons. We take it down and they are cut off.” Prime Pilus Artorius told the Optio.

“After there, I expected more to cut off.” The Prime looked to his rear. “Lord Pendragon does not ride with us today? Or he may join me later?”

Prime Pilus Artorius was grabbed by Optio Lamorak on his left arm.

“Prime, you must listen to me. The Anglo Saxons are not our battle. As we know the Legion may soon leave the land. We ride back to Gaul.”

“With the tail between our legs? Never!” Artorius replied. “We will rebuild the wall here. It’s shorter than the Hadrian Wall, and it will stop the Anglo Saxons from raiding the south.”

“Again, Prime. It’s not…” Optio Lamorak pleaded. The Prime Pilus ignored the Optio once more and then addressed the men following him.

“The Equities will ride with me. Belvedere will take my flank with his six warriors. Lawnslot and his men will ride parallel with me. We will recruit the extra warriors on our journey. We will be away for some time and maybe back by the next season.” It was the season of the flowers then. The Prime turned to leave but stopped when he saw the druid was standing a distance away. He approached the druid who had then stepped into the cleared area. Somehow the sentries there stepped away on their action.

“You are an either influential or powerful druid.” Prime Pilus Artorius looked at the druid. “I was not expecting Lawnslot.  Okay, I was expecting you to join us.”

“You need me to convince others. Lawnslot can do for the warriors but the Kings and Lords are mines. They will not listen to any others. Like the Lord Pendragon.”

“The errant Lord that you told me to meet up with. Which I did not and had sent my faithful officer, Decurion Percival.” Prime Artorius looked at the druid. “Well, he did not meet my officer. He met the officer outside the castle.”

“Lord Pendragon cannot be seen to have liaison with the Romans. Yet he will ride with you. As it stands, you are still the invaders too.” Merlin reminded the Prime. “So, are the other invaders.”

“Your words may sound hollow soon. I see no Lord amongst the gathered.” The druid smiled at the Prime Pilus words.

“Then we shall move on before we bore each other to the graves.” Merlin took the first step towards North.

At that moment, Hengist was upset at the development of the meeting.  He had called that meeting which was not successful by his measurement. He was doing well until the Ghost disrupted the meeting. He was getting the local Lords to side his people and then the Ghost made them see the misgivings on it. He saw his brother; Horsa had ridden into the camp. He took his brother to meet at an isolated location.

“Hengist, we are ready. As we speak, the elders are massing the clans. More will join us for they liked the invasion. We had a bad spell; the Picts and Scots are at our borders.” Horsa was a tall figure with the bald head look covered in the fur coat and his weapon of choice was the long handle mallet with the sharp pick on the other end. “It will take time. The elders do not want to approve the move for all the clans until they are assured of winning.”

“I cannot have any more delays. We are not going to invade this time. We will occupy the land.” Hengist made his stand to his brother. “I am bored with the annual trips to pillage and then return home.”

“It’s our way for centuries. If we leave our lands too long the others will come and we will end up with nothing.” Horsa reminded the other of their lands. “The Picts and the Scots are not as welcome as our neighbors.”

“I hold with me now two hundred warriors with your five hundred. We can march with you.” Horsa declared. “I can get another twenty or fifty by the next moon rising.”

“The moon next rise may be too late. We need to move now.” Hengist looked to Horsa. “Can you lead the men f yours now to meet the Romans? I heard they are a smaller detachment of fifty too.  Do well, while I rouse the other clans.”

“This is new to me.” Horsa looked at his brother. “Do you not trust me to do so?”

“I do, brother. These new plans of mine were never made known. I was here to check the enemy's strengths and met the informers who told me of the Romans. Their warriors are concerned about the Roman strength. I will take the challenge to unsettle them. Soon after your attack the Romans, I will meet them. Then they will amicable to my suggestions.”

“Soon after we can be the wolf in the sheep flock.” Horsa smiled.

“Not entirely. There is the one I need to deal with. He is Lawnslot. He was the one they named Ghost.”

“I thought he had died when we handed him over to the Picts.”

“He lived and challenged me at the meet. He eventually walked out but words he said have left the Chieftains unsettled. There was also the druid. Merlin was his name. They are against me.” Hengist told Horsa. “I had sent some warriors to kill them but they escaped. I know not whereof their whereabouts.”

“Merlin the Druid. I have heard of his fame. He is feared here.” Horsa told the brother. “I fear nothing with the mallet of mine. If its man or demon, I will crush their skull.”

“I will return to the clans. Spread the words and get more to join us. We will take the land for ours.” Hengist told Horsa. “I will do what I can to spread the concern on the Romans.”

Hengist turned from his brother to look at the camp where he had met the Lords. He liked the land there and had been involved in the raids there for over a decade. He was determined to stay on then. He will get his plan to work.

“Lord Hengist, we have located the Ghost. He heads for the fork at River Glein towards River Welland. He rides with the Romans now.” It was the confluence of the rivers in the land known as Lincolnshire. There held a small settlement of Anglo Saxons who had stayed behind after the raids. They were warriors that backed the previous invasions but soon after they were farmers.

Hengist frowned at the thought. The Romans are routing the smaller settlements to cut their local supply to the Anglo Saxons.

Hengist turned to look at the one who addressed him. Angus was his name and was dressed covered with the thick fur but he noticed the Roman Legionnaire mail suit. The other did not acquire it by steal but earned it as one of the Legionnaires. He disliked the Legionnaire but the role of the other was an essential component of ensuring success. He had handled his traitors among his warriors and the punishment was severe; death by strangulation. Traitors worked for the weight of coins in their purse.

“Send words to Horsa on what you told me. Then ride with the Romans as part of them. I will try to send words to them.” Hengist then instructed the other. “Take your dozen with you.”

“Get more men to join you and be a part of the Roman army. When you have the chance, kill Lawnslot. This bag of coins will then be sent to you later.” Hengist told the traitor.

“It will take more to get the others and then to join the Romans.” The traitor told Hengist. “I ought to join the settlers to fight the Romans.”

“The settlement will be taken care of by you. You have your task. Do that and don’t ever come here or you may be killed. Your coins will double when you win.” The traitor took leave of the Lord then. Lord Hengist looked to the land once more.

“Then settlement will be sacrificed and the anger will spread. We marched to the wall.”

Monday, August 24, 2020

Apes Chapter 11



Lances’ cruiser to the Outland was no different from the one he took at the city. The cruiser was still shaped like an elongated beetle with the front shell, its glass cover that displayed the single driver to the rear passenger. The glass cover opened like the cockpit of the vintage flying vehicle except the four wheels were double the size and thickness. The side headlamps were still there but it could be swivel to cover different areas up to forty-five degrees. At the rear beside the extra storage space, was the powered generator set that powered the engine and supporting it was then the extra huge tyres. The vehicle had mounted cannons on the left side that makes it a deadlier unit on the patrol.

The drive to the Outlands was similar to driving past the wasteland with a difference; there were piles of scraps from the city that were laid there from the damaged machineries to the normal house tools. These items were salvaged of the useable components but out there in the outlands, the scavengers were adept to extract more from even the damaged parts. The discarded scraps were piled up higher than four levels resembling a range of hills in parallel rows up to five miles. At the end of the line there were the cruncher machines which towers at over four levels height and with a width of over five hundred feet and length of a thousand feet. The machinery will scoop up the scraps into the huge crushers that will break the huge parts before it was transported by the wagons to the grinder machines where it will make into smaller pieces before its disposed into the huge metal well measuring over a mile in width and five miles in length. That well was the smelting pit that will melt the parts into molten metal before it’s extracted into metal bars for recycling. The entire process was automated and with the intense heat there, only the droids could work there.

There were twelve of these sites around the Outlands circling the city. And it was heavily guarded by droids and automated defences system. There were attempts to get at the recycled metals but the success rate was one in ten attempts but that did not stop the scavengers.

The drive to circumvent the plant took some time but there was no missing the sight of scavengers that were on the scrap’s piles. The scavengers will collect whatever that could be salvaged onto the makeshift carts that were powered by their salvaged parts. They don’t welcome outsiders and more so if it’s an Enforcer’s cruiser. Lances felt all lone then in the cruiser and regretted not bringing a partner along. It was not his first trip to the outlands for some of these previous tasks called for him to come out there.

Lances cleared the smelting pots where the intense heat could be felt by him although he was driving a mile apart from it. He squirmed in his seat then for a more comfortable seating.

Lance drove past the huge warehouses that were guarded there, and made his way to the outside boundary which was the Outland. Soon his destination was in view when he saw the huge sign.

“Welcome Section V.”

“City, I am approaching the Sector Five I am moving around it to proceed to the outlands.” That was the protocol call signalling the cruiser leaving the safety zone. Sector V was patrolled by the droids and also the Borders Security. They have orders to shoot on sight.

He heard then the alert on his cruiser console. The outer glass panel on the cruiser began to darken but the inside of the panel will revert to the vid-screen that showed the outside scene. He could make out the dark clouds on the horizon. Those were the electric storms that will sweep across the outlands with the strong winds and lightning. The normal procedure was to seek shelter or the wind could stifle breathing or the lightning may strike then.

“Shelter identified. Rerouting the cruiser now.” The cruiser console took over the driving then and moved it to a low mound where it parked behind it.

“Anchors secured.” Then it was to wait out the storm.

It was stormy then when the Colonel raised his voice at the officers standing then in front of him.

“I don’t give a …. care who you want out with you there.” The Colonel glared at the four officers. “All of you will travel on two cruisers to the Outlands. I want you to trail Officer Lances, and even if he is going to nab the Dark Ones, I want that glory on my mantle. Not his and if he gets in the way, leave him there.”

“Colonel…” Bernice was to speak when she was stopped by the Colonel.

“Bernice, this is nothing to do with family feuds; yours or mine or anyone else. I want that glory for myself. And when I do, all of you will be duly rewarded.”  The Colonel glared at Bernice. “Or lose your rank otherwise.”

Soon after the meeting, Bernice confronted the other two errant officers at the hangar where the two cruisers were prepared for their new tasks. She disliked Griff more.

“I am the Senior Officer and you will obey my commands.” Bernice glared at the other two. She was to call on more words when her attention was diverted by the commotion at the assigned cruiser.

“Fool! How could you …?” Juanico kicked at the ape in the left shim. The servant had dropped the long case that was to be loaded into the storage area. The towering ape crouched there on its four limbs stared listlessly at the officer. It then proceeded to pick up the case which had weighed at over thirty pounds before loading it. It then strolled to grab the other cases.

“Settle down, Juanico. It’s just a servant.” Bernice approached her partner. “Look on the brighter side. We get to go out there.”

To Bernice, once she was in the Outlands, she does not have to hold back her restraint on using extreme force. She stole a glance at the two long cases that were loaded. It was what she needed there; the extra firepower that will give her the satisfaction in the kill.

If it was satisfaction then Doctor Lanceston smiled when a junior aide approached him at the lab. The junior aide was from the labs of Doctor Julius but the monetary credits with the promises of promotion bought the needed loyalty.

It was the retrieved microchip inside the dead servant. The microchip was the controller that allowed the users to make the servants subservient and depressed their aggressive traits. The microchip could be updated by the controller through the wave link on the console. Doctor Lanceston placed the chip on his console and downloaded the contents. It was then Doctor Julius stormed in.

“Lanceston, I am not keen to have anyone else and especially you to intrude into my research.” Doctor Julius confronted him.

“I am baffled to what I have done. All I was ….”

“Telling the Council that I may be on some errant tasks with my testing. Please, Lanceston. I do not favor you putting your …. imprint into my work.” With that Doctor, Julius stormed out. Lanceston stared at the other leaving and then smiled.

“Well, we shall soon know.” Doctor Lanceston held up the chip. He then turned to Astrid. “Keep that in my vault please.”

The servant strolled over and took the chip before leaving for the vault.

“And bring me my tea.” Astrid heard the doctor. It took to the vault and then into the pantry where it saw the signal left there. It smiled for the tracker was on the cruiser. Now the movement of the cruiser will be known.

The Dark Ones will be glad.

Lone Ranger Chapter 62



The explosions sounded so loud that even Lucifer was alarmed by it. He was still in the personal chamber with his thousands of followers when he heard the explosion. In the chamber were metallic consoles with levers and switches that allowed him to control part of Hades. The place was buzzing with the sounds of the eerie sounds from the consoles. Lucifer ran to the consoles and checked the readings. He pulled at the levers to shut the noise off. He was crowned by the other demons.

“The fools. Adam has triggered explosions in Hades. He intends to destroy it. The main power chambers have also been breached.” Lucifer cried out. “The readings are off the safety levels. We have nine chambers and four are drowning in the loss of power. They are interlinked,”

Other demons there with Lucifer ran to the different consoles next to the earlier one. They were at the levers there and some were bashing their fists on it.

“Our spies reported that Adam orders the explosions.” One of the demons reported back. “He had triggered the explosions. He has done much damage to Hades with his search for the Trident Weapon. Why now destroyed it?”

“He is mad. He cannot find the weapon and chose to destroy all of Hades. Where is he headed?” Lucifer asked. It was then Lance and Lambert had then rushed towards the other. They were confused about the happenings then.

“Adam is damaging the main power chambers. It’s unheard of for, without that, Hades will be ….how to place it the words of your world, an abandoned town. We cannot survive without the main power chambers.”

“Then we need to make good on it,” Lance replied. “Can we stop him?”

Lucifer did not reply while his hands were at the switches. He then slammed his fists like the others. It was a sign of desperation. Lucifer then looked at Lance. “We will battle Adam for Hades.”

“Master, we are many in the demons but we have not their weapons. Many will perish. But we have not prepared the containment pods to hold their souls. Many of them will lose their souls.” A demon leader spoke out. “Adam had those guns. We need it first.”

“No, we will fight without the guns.”

“We have no pods to store the souls.” During death, the souls leave the body in a translucent orb. The orbs will be stored in the pods while new bodies could be formed.

“This is not the first time we have lost souls. In the Great War of Angels, there were no pods then for all that was perished. We have lost the souls before. We will do so in this war once again.”

“March to fight Adam now. All of you.” The cries went out but demon leader continued with the protest

“Master, we cannot do that yet. We are unprepared without the acquisition of more weapons.” Lucifer grabbed the leader by the neck and squeezed hard. The leader struggled and then an alighted image was seen that floated out from the body. It hovered over the body before it was held by Lucifer’s hand. He crushed it inside his hand and then the lighted image went off.

“There will be the only termination for those who failed.” Lucifer looked to the others. The message made clear and across the whole of Hades, the order was heeded with the marching of the hordes of demons.

On the other side, Adam had the main passages leading to the final location he identified as the Hidden Chamber covered with his machine gun enforcers. He had barely set up the defenses when the warning went out.

“They are here.” The machine guns lined in a double line opened fire. The demons from the side of Lucifer were mowed down like the grass before the cutter’s blade. The few that used the dead bodies as shields from the deadly volleys but their advance was slow and made slower when the shields failed to stop the bullets. More turn up to add to the pile of dead bodies and soon above the bodies, a swarm of lighted small pods appeared. They floated there and when it flew near the ground, it was crushed by the screaming demons that were still heeding the order given by Lucifer.

“Stop them!” Lance called out when he saw he killings on the multiple screens that were set up on the consoles back at the center. He was still in the chamber with Lucifer and watched the onslaught.

“I said stop the attack.” Lance looked with pain at the massacre there but his words were ignored. Lucifer stood there and called on more to be poured to attack the defenses set up by Adam.

“We must not relent in our assault,” Lucifer called out.

Lance in frustration turned towards Lambert for reinforcement but the later had turned away. He then looked towards Lilith who was standing beside Lucifer but she had turned to look at Lance.

“It’s time for us to leave now.” Lilith then tapped on Lucifer’s left shoulder. “We will fight Adam now. I know of a way to get there fast

“Tell what are we do? A sneak attack or a brash one?” Lance shouted out.

“I am trying to save Hades.” Lilith snapped back. “Believe in me. I love Lucifer and won’t see Hades destroyed. I also know Adam.”

They rode the wagon towards a new chamber There they changed wagon to one that was on the rail track at the edge of the platform. Lilith opened the doorway and stepped in. It was a rectangle-shaped design enough to hold twenty persons but there were no seats. The wagon walls held holding straps and handles. Lilith secured herself onto one of the straps. She then looked at Lance.

“Sexy for you.” Lilith smiled. She then focused on her secure straps. “Mount and braced yourself. The drop is deep and fast.”

Lilith then smiled. Lady Simmons joined in.

“Your Chief is loaded in. I know you will fancy something to ride on.”

Friday, August 21, 2020

Apes Chapter 10


Episode 3



Lance stood there looking at the body parts on the morgue table. He was summoned in by Coroner that a Doctor Lopez had turned up there, or parts of the doctor.

“We got parts of the deceased here. The left arm and chest and both legs but you could see the limbs are not …complete. We could not find the head but from the marks on the neck, we believed it was crushed there. The bite marks are probably from the other creatures at the drop site.”

“I read here that the body was a Doctor Lopez.” Lance looked at the report. “Cause of death was the head was crushed but you did not find the head.”

“We knew from the marks on the neck. It was not a blow but the head crushed. We have seen similar wounds on the other deaths. Its head was crushed ala the servant style.” The Coroner replied. He glared at Lances.

“Please don’t ever doubt my results.” The Coroner added. “The last fiasco with the servants has given me several cases to refer by. More than I want to handle. If you guys have done your task, we won’t have this issue now.”

Lance was to leave the Coroner when he was told of another similar case.

“I got another named Carlos Santia. He is in the freezer waiting for me. There is a serial killer out there.” Lances stopped then. He knew who Carlos was and approached the Coroner. The dead man was an informer and held a long list of minor crimes that the Enforcers choose to ignore for his information.

“Looks like the same MO. That’s all I have now.”

With that Lances then left the morgue with the uneasy feeling. He had known of Carlos who was a tough guy on the block but of late had been said to be trading on the servants. It was an illegal trade with these servants traded to do works in the meth labs or the illegal mining out of the city.

One of these infamous areas was named Sector Five in the Outlands.

“Control, this is Senior Officer Lances. Authorization Code Zero One Niner Beta Alpha Niner. I am updating that I am to leave for the Outlands to check on a suspect. I will be in Sector Five.” It was protocol to call in and advise on the location in case he does not return. Then a Search and Rescue task will be conducted but the stats reveal not more than one in five gets rescued or recovered their remains.

The Outlands were the stretch of land surrounding the city and its inhabitants were the discards or those serving the penal sentences. It was cheaper to place them there than to build holding cells. It was not a nice piece of place to be in unless you are affiliated with a group or an individual killer who could hold the turf. The soil there was barren due to the war but years had passed and some of it had replenished with the vegetation growing back in strength. There was where the settlements formed and then grew in size. The bigger settlement soon gained notoriety and with numbers, the settlement became towns. One was named the Purgatory in Sector Five.

It was hellish what Juanico did to the servant which was hung with chains onto the wall. The servant was unmoving with most of its body covered with blood. There were the signs of the broken bones added to the one that Juanico had earlier broken.

“The servant told us nothing.” Juanico removed the gloves from her hands before she looked at the officer there.

 “Bernice, we have learned nothing,” Juanico replied to Bernice. The proper method of torture was to communicate with the servant with the pictograms of the evidence. The mode was to watch the servants for their reaction. If they responded to a pictogram, then the move to show more of the similar evidence until a trail of it was established. Juanico did that with some improvisation.

“You have done nothing except showed the servants the pictogram of the dead doctor. The servant does not recognize the doctor.” Bernice spat out of her reply. “You have wasted the suspect on our case.”

“What would you do? Feed it with fruits.” Juanico hit back. “The ape is lowly in the ranks. It does not know much. We have to ask the Janitor. He may know more.”

“Not necessary. I have one other suspect. The Enforcers guys called me to report on Senior Officer Lances. He was on general duties but his investigations have led him to be on surveillance. Whom he meets and speaks to?” Bernice smiled. “And we learned some new developments.”

“On whose authorization did you do that?” Bernice asked. She was unsure of her partner but before she could question further, they were interrupted.

“Mine alone and it will help us,” Bernice told the other. The sound of the doorway to the cell opened and a junior aide walked in. The aide whispered towards Bernice. She nodded in reply and then turned to Juanico.

“Lances have left the city.”

At that moment, Griff and Tony had stepped into the Maintenance Section and met the Janitor. They had convened in the Janitor’s Room. They were there on the curiosity of Griff on the dead servant taken in by the Enforcers. They got their news from the usual informers and with his harsh treatment, he was told of the janitor’s fate. That drove them there not before they heard the others have questioned the janitor’s servant. They then proceeded to see the Janitor. It was a good chance of getting promoted.

“Janitor, I want to speak to you on your servant. You called it Mechanic.” The janitor's first reaction was to deny owning the servant.

“It’s not mine. There are two of them here. I was just here that day when they asked for the servant. I directed them to the servant named Mechanic. I did not know why they sought the servant.” The janitor babbled out. “My other servant is named Bernard. It’s below.”

Bernard was seen later in the lower basement among the pipes and cables in a dark environment. The other janitor was dressed in the blue overalls and yellow rubber boots bent over the console there. The servant saw the approaching janitor with the two others. Its instinct told it to run.

“Runner!” Griff called out. The runner was an elderly chimpanzee man with the limbs more suited to the crawling than climbing. It went straight for the nearby conduit of cables in the tunnel there. The ape pulled itself forward with the metal rungs that held the cables in place. It went down in a jiffy.  

“Darn! I am not going in there.” Griff cursed at the ape having crawl down below there.

“There is another way ahead.” The Janitor told Griff. “It’s up ahead.”

Griff ran to the spot and noticed the tunnel ends ahead and there was the way up. He then looked up and saw the junction ahead.

“Take the junction. In case the ape run past me.” Griff then crouched down and leveled his right arm in the tunnel. He tapped the trigger on the vambrace to shoot the mini dart when he sees the ape. It was then he saw the ape climbing out. He shot the dart at it. The dart hit the runner in the back of the neck. the back of his neck.

It ended the run but the worst was to come.

“Ape, if you want to die please do so after you tell us of the other servants.” Griff pulled the ape’s face up. The later was bloodied on the face from the harsh treatment by Griff.  They were still in the Maintenance Section. “We will be merciful with your death.”

“I do not think we can get much done here.” Griff looked around and saw the other janitor was not there. “Where is the other janitor? He was here just now.”

Griff's reply was answered than when the noise of rushing feet to the section. He knew from experiences that it meant trouble. He looked at Tony who had then prepared himself. The danger came in the form of five armed men including the errant janitor.

“I guess we are done then,” Griff spoke to Tony while he fired the darts but it was ineffective for the attackers wore some armored vests. The battle came to physical fists which the Enforcers took to their baton but the others held iron bars or pipes.

Griff blocked the swinging pipe with his baton but he could not do to block the next blow on his back. He fell forward into the one he blocked and both of them went down. Next before Griff could roll free, he was showered with more blows on the chest and legs. He screamed out for his partner but the other was also in a tight situation with two attackers.

Tony stole a glance over while he kept his attackers at bay with his baton, He blocked the right attacker jabbing with the iron bar and then sidestepped on the second attacker doing a downward swing then. He took his right leg to kick at the second attacker when the later lurched forward. He missed the kick and also found himself off balance. He fell to the right and lost his baton then. Instinctively he raised his hands to block his face.

The blows did not come then but instead, there were some loud shots. The two attackers on Tony went down with the heads blown up. The second round of shots killed the other two attackers on Griff while the last was taken down by Griff himself with a solid punch into the face.

“You boys are lucky we were around in the other tower doing the follow-up investigation.” The ones who called in were the Sniper Squad led by another Senior Officer. The officer approached the two relieved Enforcers.

“We got your panic call.” Griff had depressed the panic button during the fight. It will trigger for assistance from officers nearby.

“Officer Griff and Tony, you are wanted by the Colonel. For your fuck up, I heard he is sending both of you to the Outland. You have been bad boys.”




Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 61



Tonto dismounted from the metal construct that he once rode with its sidecar. He left the metallic construct with its sound idling. He was back at the plateau and looked to the high walls before him. When last he was here, there was a battle there with the other demons. And then they were rescued by those insides but he has not the one named Falstaff with him. He called out to them but they will not appear. He needed them for from they may know how to end the war. He knew it from his visions. He had seen the future as was taught to him by the elderly shaman.

“Hear me, you bloody heathens.” Tonto lost his patience then.

“I wouldn’t call them that.” Tonto heard the voice of the insufferable Falstaff. He turned towards him and smiled. The wider girth figure stood there.

  “We lost you in the fight then and how did you appear here now?”

“I escaped naturally. I am after all Falstaff.” The other roared into laughter. Falstaff then looked at the high walls “You do know we can hear you but we are wary of whom you served?”

“I served neither of them. I only served God.” Tonto declared himself. “I now seek the way home to my own God.”

“Of course we know. Michael sent you here through the portal. Do you think for once we were lost to him? He asked us to remain here even though we were tormented and hunted. Michael sent you and the one named Lone Ranger. If he had not known of Hades, would he have not known how and where to send you?”

“Why….No, are you telling me that Michael planned all this?”

“Yes, Tonto. We all lived in unbecoming places since the war among the Angels. That war had split their loyalty and since then the Creator had gone into seclusion at the Final Frontier. Or was said to be. The words were that he had gone to the Far Frontier to discuss more peace or alliance. Or he had seen his last age coming. Or he is dying.”

“Falstaff, you speak of …treason,” Tonto replied. “I do not need to hear all this. I want to leave.”

“You can’t, Tonto. Michael has plans for you.” Falstaff laughed but Tonto turned to look at the high cliffs.

“I will prefer death than serving either of them or even you,” Tonto spoke of his stand once more. He moved to mount his metallic contraption. “Maybe I will need to find a new way to go home.”

Tonto kicked the contraption alive with its engine but Falstaff stopped him.

“I hear you well, Tonto. I, Falstaff is not only the servant of Michael, I also served the Creator. Like in your current journey you are free to choose. In my similar journey, I made my choices then. Some were bad and good but I made it nevertheless. We were like that when we were Angels. We were free to choose from. It was the wish of the Creator. I asked to be sent here as a Warden. I was too late for Adam had taken over Hades. I joined the others here but I made my stay here to know what was happening inside Hades as well.”

“I have seen it that the creation of Hades was to defend the Universe. I hid it behind the biggest creation to as the final frontier for those in the need to correct the faults of those miscreant souls. I was mistaken when I co-joined the two together.”

“I helped to build the containment unit here to intern them for that. And Adam had deceived me and imprisoned Lucifer. He had then risen to control Hades for its power. He demented the purpose of Hades and created a hellish dimension here. Now Michael shared that desire but he knew he cannot act on Hades without a reason. The release of Lucifer gave Michael the final reason to wage war here. With Lucifer here, Michael may have arrived too and awaited the moment to attack.”

“Then we have to stop the war.”

“All of them sought the Trident Weapon in Hidden Chambers so they can retrieve the weapons. They were my brothers. I need to stop them ….”

“What brothers? I… It can’t be. You can’t be one of them.”

“I may be what you are allowed to see or I could be the Nephilim that once roamed even here. I held many forms, Tonto and I chose to trust you with my secret.” Falstaff sighed. “I am Gabriel the Angel sent by God to quell the war but I have not succeeded. I have created another war.”

Tonto bowed to Falstaff but the other stopped him.

“Fight with me. I will restore the Heaven and Hell to its previous standing.” Falstaff told Tonto.

“I am not sure if I believed in that,” Tonto replied. “This is all disbelieving and yet it’s ….. so real.”

“Let me take inside to explain it all once more.”

Across the surface and then descended deeper into the tunnel in another section of Hades, Adam stood at the open platform looking at numerous screens before him. He was with his army commanders and leaders that provided him the needed intel in his Main Command center. He had explored Hades for a long period based on the so-called intel provided by the tortured Wardens and nothing yield result.

“Master, this is the final location. It may be the one to the Hidden Chamber.” Adam looked at the screen indicated. It showed a huge chamber with the metal doorway.

“We have tried numerous attempts to pry open the doors.” Adam was told then. He looked hard at it. He was hoping that whatever he needed was behind it. Then he could be powerful than even Michael’s fleet.

“Give me the location,” Adam called out.

“It at Level 666. It was called the Hell’s Gateway. We have not reached it yet. We are facing resistance there.” Adam shook his head. One of his qualities was perseverance and that was coming to an end. He turned to the demon and told him to continue.

“We can’t fight this war if we are without it. I can feel in me that Michael may be already here. He is like me. I would have planned it so if I was him.” Adam then turned back to the main structure behind him. He was met by Belphegor and Asmodeus.

“Where are the others?” Adam glared at them.

“They have fled to their stronghold before the war began,” Asmodeus told Adam. “We have not that many demons like before. Most of them have fled to rejoin Lucifer. What can we do?”

“What can we do?” Adam replied with anger. “I will show them hell for Hades for their cowardly action. I want Hades to bleed. Explode the set charges which we have planted. We will leave Hades in the state of hell for Michael should he arrive. I will be at the final location.”

Adam then left the center and stepped into the steam wagon and was driven off leaving the two demons standing like fools there.

“Do we fight or flee?” Asmodeus was in a state of confusion while he watched the other watching the screens.

“Where to? Lucifer? Do not forget the brother that we betrayed him to Adam. It was us who led him to the trap. He may not even forgive us we are demons.” Belphegor smiled. “After all, if we are to be exterminated then I will prefer to be at Michael’s sword.”

“Enough of extermination. He is mad to do this.” Asmodeus cried out. “This is the Command Center.”

“Madness is in power and now in destroying it all. All he wanted when he held onto Hades was to get hold of the Trident Weapon inside the Hidden Chambers. With it, he can activate Hades' real power. He does not need all of this. His final act will be to destroy Hades.”

“Then we shall do the unplanned.” Belphegor continued. “Which I had done so. I am in contact with one other of ours. He knows the way out. He told me so. We will betray Lucifer and also Adam!”

“Heaven forbid! The madness prevailed in you too. If they knew it, they will have you terminated.” Asmodeus cried out once more. “How could you do that? Even Michael may not pardon you.”

“I cared not for Adam or Lucifer. I will have my victory with our brothers. We have lived before them as the underlings too long.” Belphegor replied. “Baal will do it for us.”

Arthur II Chapter 20


Prime Artorius looked to his Decurion and assigned a new task.

“I want you to find Lord Pendragon. He can be our ally.” Decurion Percival took Galahad and the other brothers on the task. Their ride was not far, and the silence was deafening. The ride was to take a day but Galahad’s horse took the limp and dragged the ride. The ride reached the castle but Galahad had requested a camp outside there by the trees. The camp was set up and the food served, and then the riders came in.

“Lord Pendragon, I am …” Galahad stepped up to the other. “We would have ridden in but the sun was setting.”

“It’s good to see you again, Decurion. Last we met we were fighting some barbarians in Gaul.” Lord Pendragon smiled. “Can I join you?”

The other riders were sent back while Lord Pendragon took his place at the fireplace. He looked at the three brothers whom he had not met. Their conversation sailed south and personal.

“I was with Lord Gorlois for some years. He was the one who rode the lands from the far seas to the highlands. He was there for the minor Lords and Kings. Kings there were a few but they were nothing like the real Kings. They have a small following and held on the namesake to impress the local peoples but at the mere mentions of invaders, they leave or call for Lord Gorlois.” Lord Pendragon gulped the wine served. He smacked his lips and then continued. “I was his knight. I fought where he told me to send myself.”

“You must have been seated at his table.” Gaheris displayed his naivety.

“Yes, I was. I was very close to Lord Gorlois until we went against each other….” Pendragon looked into the fire. He recalled the fire then. He had Lord Gorlois was surrounded in the battle. The older Lord had been defeated and in retreat, he returned to the camp before he was trapped.

“Lord Gorlois, you have no place to run.” Lord Gorlois heard the call and saw the other approaching him.

“Lord Pendragon, you were my friend.”

“It’s nothing personal. All I ask is that you lose the sword.” Lord Pendragon stepped up to the Lord. “I…”

“Lose the sword? I have lost my battle to you. You not only won his battle but also my love. You took my love for yours. She need not tell me but I have loyal servants.”

“How? Since it’s in the open now. Yes, I loved Lady Igraine.” Lord Pendragon admitted it. “You are in my way.”

Lord Pendragon held up his sword. He approached the other Lord and then swung the sword. Lord Gorlois blocked the swing and then went into the attack. Lord Pendragon stepped back and then readied his next move. Lord Gorlois rushed in with anger in his eyes and misjudged his steps. He stumbled and Pendragon thrust the sword into the other.

It was the end of one’s life and the new start to another.

“Can we have another drink?” Pendragon turned the goblet he held. “I prefer to be drunk before I am to engage the Anglo Saxons.”

“The Prime has told …” Galahad was cut off.

“The druid told me that I am to work with you.” Pendragon smiled. “Ironic for us to meet when most times I was supposed to be fighting you.”

“You fought with us at Gaul.” Gaheris was always the naïve one. “You were with the Decurion.”

“I did when I was the mercenary. I was one to earn the coins and gold. I got it and came back to my land. This is my land. I will protect it from the invaders.” Lord Pendragon smiled. He then raised his goblet. “Can I have my wine?”

“Sure.” Gaheris did the honor. “How do you fare now? Are you …?”

“With those invaders? I was not there. I heard they called for a meet. The Ghost was there. So was the druid.” Lord Pendragon took a long gulp of his drink. “I owe the druid a personal favor.”

“Tell me of your…” Galahad directed the subject.

“They are invaders to my land. I cannot be working with them. Unlike the Legion…. I heard of the order to withdrawn. You are leaving for Gaul. Emperor’s order.” Lord Pendragon continued. “Better to associate with the one leaving than the one staying in my land.”

“So, you decide to join us?” Gaheris' timing was at times bad.

“No, I have not …decided. I may if I hear from your Prime again. Till then, I am enjoying your wine.”

Galahad looked hard at the man named Lord Pendragon. He reached into the sack he has brought with him. He drew out the scroll and passed it to the Lord.

“I can see the Prime is a man of his words.” Lord Pendragon read the scroll which showed him the lands under his name. “He is giving me back what mine was before. I liked that.”

“I will accept that.” Lord Pendragon looked at Galahad. “Tell me how can I help?”

“A help which you may want to discuss with me.” The voice came from the left of the Lord. He turned to look and saw it was an unexpected figure.

“Ghost or is it Lawnslot. When did you join the Legion? I thought you were at the meeting with the others.”

Lawnslot approached his campfire with his lips dry. He had not taken the drinks offered there at the meeting with the others on their alliance with the invaders. He was angry that they did not consult him on the matter. He was after all their warrior to protect them all. He was undefeated in his fights; not for a long time.

His only defeat was to the Black Knight, an unknown then who rode into the land. He had defeated several knights before he met Lawnslot then a younger knight. It was Lawnslot who hunted the knight.

“Black Knight.” Lawnslot looked at the other. The knight lived his image; his suit was dark in the shade, and so was his mount with his armor. His spear and sword were dark like his suit.

“I do not fight …. errant warriors. I only fight the best. Do…”

“My name is Lawnslot of Normandy. Fight me like the knight you claimed to be. I will not be dismissed.” Lawnslot then in his best mail suit and held his sword then; a gift he bought for himself. He rode his mount towards the knight with his sword drawn. He swung the sword and was blocked by the other with the shield while the knight rode away. The knight had not drawn his sword and swung the mount around to face Lawnslot. The later charged once more and attacked with the sword but each time those slashes were deflected. Finally, the Black Knight used his shield to hit Lawnslot on the left shoulder and toppling him from the mount. Lawnslot sat upon the ground and saw the Black Knight standing before him with the sword.

“Warrior, you are not yet a knight. You need to learn more to fight me.” Lawnslot heard the Black Knight. The later then mount the dark horse and rode off. Lawnslot pulled off his arm greaves and tossed it. He was disgusted with his loss. He stood up and spat the after taste before he started walking.

It was the same then when Lawnslot did not agree with what was discussed at the meeting, He wanted to leave the meeting. Lawnslot spat out the after taste in the mouth. That was his bad habit when he loses. Or disgusted.

“We are done then.” Lord Pendragon muttered back. “Well, I am off now.”

The group watched Lord Pendragon rode off, and then Gaheris saw Lawnslot still there.

“Are you…” Gaheris was cautious at times.

“I invited him. Please sit down, Sir.” Decurion Percival had invited Lawnslot. “We have not met but we have a lot to talk about.”

“It’s unlikely that we can … be allies.” Lawnslot replied. “It was Merlin who told me to see you. I don’t know why you and not….”

“Your druid was with Prime. We spoke to him.” Galahad told Lawnslot. “The druid wants us to work with you. The Prime send me to see Lord Pendragon too. And delayed my trip so I can meet you. But the Lord presented himself here.”

“And I stumbled along? It’s a coincidence. I saw you talking to him. I had to know. Are we all able to be allies?” Lawnslot smiled. “The druid told me that the land needed a real King. One that he called King Arthur, and there is no Arthur that I knew. I do know of one though but he is five years in age and he does not want to be King yet. Now before I choose to leave, tell me what do your Prime want.”

“It’s simple, Sir…” Percival tried to explain and was cut off.

“Lawnslot please.” Lawnslot cut in. “I hold no ranks and titles.”

“Lawnslot it’s. Mine is Percival and he is Galahad with his brothers, Gaheris and Gawain.” Percival did the brief introduction and then moved on. “We cannot fight the invaders alone and more so if your clans join in. We are told that more will come after the Anglo Saxon.”

“And the Legion is pulling out.” Galahad did not hesitate in his reply.

“So, I heard. Then why are we talking then? You may leave and we will fight off the invaders.” Lawnslot smiled before he turned to leave.

“Prime Pilus Artorius is not leaving. Not us which is the First Cohort. We are to hold the wall.” Galahad replied. “We are the flank here. And we intend to work with the local peoples. We don’t need to fight among ourselves.”

“What was Lord Pendragon's role?” Lawnslot asked.

“He …did not tell me. I was to bring him a gift from Prime. If he joined …...” Percival repeated his words. “If he joined, we will offer him his Lordship on the ground he occupied. With our support, he will be stronger.”

“What about me? Do I get my land too? And I will be called Lord Lawnslot? I would like that but I am not a Lord. I am a warrior. I will be fine as one.” Lawnslot hit back. “I think I will walk away.”

“Lawnslot…” Galahad raised his voice but the other was leaving. Lawnslot then stopped when he saw the druid standing there.

“Druid, you are …”

“The land needs you. The people of the land need you. So does the Prime. He is the one I saw as Arthur but he can’t be King without his knights. He needs a table full of them. You are one of them and an important one.” Merlin voiced out. “Do it for the people.”

“I can’t do it alone. I am ….”

“Get the others. They are not allied yet to the Anglo Saxons. Alliance can be shifted if we are seen stronger. And more to that, they are many more outside that you can call on. The battles will be many and until all is won, they will return to invade us every year.” Merlin sounded his warning. “The moment to end is now. The wall can be our defense for now.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...