Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 55


Their stay at the Mad Baker was rather short when they took the back entrance in a rush to exit at the alley behind. The lady then led them on the run along the alley with her looking back for anyone who may be following. It turned out that was true.

“We are being followed.” Lilith 49 reached for the closed doorway and got it opened with ease to push her way in. She was followed by Lance and Tonto. She did not check on them and moved on across the back yard to another doorway. She got that open and let herself in. Again the duo followed in and then noticed that they were in a big chamber. It was bigger than the scant looking house that they saw from outside.

“Darn!” Lance voiced out his frustration at the strange going on. The chamber he was in was another testimony to his frustration. The place was huge and it resembled more like a Roman chamber with the three huge tables laden with food and the rows of side tables with the drinks and the multi pillars that lined the side of the chamber. There were nectars, honey, and also the assorted wines. It was picturesque of the Roman statues that gave the clue away.

In the middle of the hall was a figure lain on the long bench with the robe covering the vanity of his body.  It was a male figure and a greater part of the male was hidden by the layers of fats. It does make the bosom more like titties. That was something viler and a turn off was the swarm of flies. The flies were everywhere; in the food and drinks and some seems to be a part of the decorated like dried cranberries or grapes.

“Beelzebub I presume.” Lance voiced out. The other nodded and smiled with surprise.

“Was it the flies that betrayed my name?” The demon asked. And then looked towards Lilith 49. “I supposed a thank you will suffice for my contribution.”

Lilith 49 bowed her head and then withdrew. Beelzebub laughed out aloud and then looked at the duo.

“Your journey here had been dizzy tilly till now? I have been leaping ahead of the others to meet you. I guessed it pays to have Lilith’s best also working for me.” Beelzebub smiled. “All of us knew you were coming to Hades but our influence ran only as far as the River Styx. We knew that Asmodeus had sent Quasimodo to intercept you but he underestimated your allies and tenacity to survive.”

“Maamon had you covered at the docks. He was the one with the greed means to share the greed with the others. They reported your arrival and he planned the massacre. He was good there and played up to your humanity which we seem to be short of. I was not surprised that Leviathan will pass the opportunity to snatch you away from Maamon. He had envy Maamon who had overstepped him in capturing you. I knew Lilith had someone there and I sought that as the reason you are here. Well, as you may have seen I found that someone useful and used her to bring you here.”

“You do recall the wild ride on the plains, Lone Ranger. Like your horse trampling on the plains to hunt the elusive outlaw. Well, I pictured you as the outlaw and me as your alter ego.” Beelzebub laughed. “I am playing your role and darned good I was at it.”

“So before I hand you over to the Devil, tell me why the Devil feared you?” Beelzebub asked. “And spare me not a detail.”

“And to whom I was to fear?” The voice came from the far end of the chamber.

It was a tall and graceful figure if one had no other words to describe perfection in the frame. The figure was clad in a tailor-made three-piece suit with the darker shades contrasts with the white shirt and darker tie that was slim in the design. The homburg hid the upper part of the face but the thin line of mustache added weight to the word perfection in the looks.
“My Master, I did not know you are here.” Beelzebub had taken to his feet but his lack of attention on the cloth cover unhanded his modesty then. He realized his exposure and reached for it to cover himself.

“No, Beelzebub. You undermined yourself here for you being smarter than you think. It’s your swing in confidence that will drown your wits.” The one addressed as the Master stepped up to Lance. “I am the Devil as stated by that demon.”
There was contempt in the vocal sound when he addressed Beelzebub. He raised the homburg and revealed his full face. It was the deep sunken eyes with the thick brow that captured the attention then. The cheeks hollowed inside to the narrow chin.

“Master, they are yours to dispose of…” Beelzebub tried to impress the Master then. Lance reached for his guns but he was distracted by the sound of commotion at the doors. The doors came down and in rush a horde of demons with crude weapons. They were led by Quasimodo with fifteen of the demons. They rushed for Beelzebub and the Master with their blind charge. Quasimodo saw the later and halted in his steps but his horde of demons went on.

It was then Lance saw the power of the one named the Devil.

“Fools!” The Devil shouted and then spread out his hands in front of him. He moved his right hand to the rear and displayed the short rifle with the rounded contraption after the trigger. He leveled it with both his hands and fired at the charging horde. The burst of blue flame appeared on it and spread to cover the length. He swung it out in arc with his left hand and the streak of blue flames flashed out at the attacking horde. The first line of seven demons in the forefront fell immediately when in contact with the blue flame. They screamed before falling to their knees and then collapsing on their face. The second line of demons had stopped and then tossed their weapons at the figure which had struck down their friends.

“Insufferable imbeciles!” The Devil swung the rifle once more and this time to the right he swung it towards Quasimodo who had seen the identity of the Devil. The former had retreated and was missed by the Devil. He had then Tonto to the doorway. Lance followed close behind to leave the chamber.

“We must depart. The Master will not pardon me for that mistake. I need yours to save my soul.” Quasimodo quivered in his limbs when he pleaded for a pardon from Lance and Tonto. “We need to find Lucifer for only he could save all of us.”
There was little to argue on then and the duo made their escape with Quasimodo leading the way. They took to the alley but at the end of it were two carriages that resembled those which were used to cart away fugitives with the barred doors at the rear. It was powered by the two horses set at the front. Tonto had stared at the mode of escape and Quasimodo explained.

“Not much of a choice. I rescued those demons from the Holding Pens and with some addictive herbs they are blinded to oblige me.” Quasimodo smiled. “But alas we may have fallen to our imminent death with the foe we have just met. Asmodeus, I bid you farewell.”

“Unhand me from your assistance. You are no ally of mine, demon.” Lance refused to move them but he was soon to change his stand. He saw then the arriving dirigible which Quasimodo shouted a warning.

“They are of not of mine. I recognized the marking. It’s from Lilith  49. She is onto us once more

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